and the proposal was never to delete them simply so that people can't craft them and can simply use them if they get it from a drop.
Where in the original post is it mentioned that they wanted them to be uncraftable?
The suggestion was to nerf their damage. I think removing the recipe is a perfect solution so that players can keep using trapped chests in their strategies while also making sure they aren’t abused.
now being a kamikaze is a strategy? wow
I mean that using certain items, like the trapped chest, to your advantage is a strategy. Not simply kamikaze-ing. I get that it may be annoying too, but it may be hard to tell if they actually do it on purpose. Like I said, I myself have died plenty of times trying to use trapped chest explosions properly. That doesn’t mean I kill myself along with the enemy on purpose. It’s a learning process, and even then misrakes can happen.
If it’s really such a bother and impacts your gaming experience that much, you might as well suggest making those actions reportable for trolling. It’s really not that deep, and you need to understand that in the end it is just a game. Getting all worked up over some random player accidentally or not accidentally killing themselves in an explosion that was intended to kill you, the enemy, is pointless. xd
And as such, trap chests do not exist in blessed mode, it is not one of the possible drops, I think it is logical that people cannot craft something (Especially if something can explode almost instantly without giving a chance to react and that was not intended to be in the game in the beginning.) that is not even in the possible drops.
The trapped chests exist to confuse players and troll them as they try to obtain loot. Picking it up and using the “bad” drop to your advantage is an intended side effect, the same way Crazy mode’s events summon deadly mobs but have benefits when you kill them (spawning lucky block drops for instance).
Blessed mode doesn’t feature this because it eliminates all “bad” drops from the game, which includes all the negative ones that have a positive side effect for the user (if used correctly). This includes the trapped chest.
That aside, and I repeat, I do think that to make sure trapped chests aren’t completely abused/overused in a single game, they could be made uncraftable. This would eliminate the issue you seem to have with trapped chests being available in Blessed mode and make sure that everyone’s experience becomes a bit fairer.