I have moved the thread as I find it more fitting to start a discussion here (if only we could have a discussion thread)
@effot , I understand you may find this thread pointless and whatnot but please respect the other person.
@Shabba97 , I see that you're not very familiar with the forums but that's fine, everyone makes mistakes. I hope this doesn't stop you from creating more threads, status and replies.
A status would be fine but a thread is better for discussions though.
Reminder: Do not be rude to your fellow cubecrafters, if you do not like what they have said, you need not comment on it, just click away.
If they are doing something against the rules, report it to a staff member.
Back on OP's topic:
I do find it a little annoying when I'm enjoying a game and someone immature comes but it's even more frustrating when they do not understand what team play is.
They get easily provoked and tend to swear and then complain about getting punished (haha).