Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Should this idea be implemented?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2013
I dunno, why you ask?
Aaannd I finally realise what you were trying to say. I compared this too much with CommunisCactus's suggestion.
I should probably have said this before, but I was completely oblivious of Battle Zone when I went here to write this suggestion. Same goes for CommunisCactus's suggestion because it has nothing to do with that suggestion!


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2013
I dunno, why you ask?
2018-05-27_18.59.52.png 2018-05-27_19.00.00.png 2018-05-27_19.00.19.png 2018-05-27_19.00.23.png
Ok, so I bothered and made this prototype resting area, with the descriptions I mentioned.

Room for Upgrade: I tried to make the "Up Next:" sign and a "Remaining:" sign as well as a scoreboard on a sidebar, but I couldn't because of hardware limitations.

Deleted member 352903

Aye this game concept sounds very coooool
I want it :0


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2017
Ok, first of all, this is a very detailed and dedicated suggestion, so if you can give it a read, I'll be thankful! Now, let's get to my idea.

Usually, Minecraft servers focus on players fighting each other, or PvP. If it's not that, then it's focused on special minigames that, on its core, still is Player vs Player. I think I have never seen a game where players do not fight each other, but rather team up against a big enemy. That's where my idea, Mob Rush, comes in!

Mob Rush is a cooperative Player vs AI (PvA) action mode where you go through a series of battles against many waves of dangerous mobs! Face the danger solo or in a team with up to 3 more cubecrafters on a series of 7 difficulties and a secret final difficulty! This game mode is inspired principally by Kirby's Boss Rush modes, mainly its most recent addition "The Ultimate Choice", (EDIT 27/5/18) not Splatoon 2's Salmon Run.

The Goal: The goal is simple: To fight and survive multiple waves of mobs.
The Gameplay:
Before getting to fight mobs, you have to choose as to whether you want to fight solo or in a team. Next, the difficulty is selected. Once you have the difficulty set, the Mob Rush will begin immediately!
In Team Mode, you will be paired with other players that chose the same difficulty as you. The team can be filled up with a party as well, so you can play with your friends.

The difficulty you select will have a different amount of rounds.
  1. Stone Night
  2. Iron Travel
  3. Lapis Odyssey
  4. Gold Ordeal
  5. Diamond Quest
  6. Emerald Apocalypse
  7. Obsidian Armageddon
  8. Cubecraft Finale
This intensity gauge has this functionality:
The higher the difficulty, the equipment will be better (Better Weapons, Better Armor, Shield) and more points will be awarded at the end, but more mobs will be fought and there will be less food and potions, so they have to be used wisely. The first difficulty will have certain mobs and higher difficulties will add more mobs. The toughest difficulties can even include bosses.

The Actual Gameplay:
When the difficulty is set, you will be given your equipment and taken to a room. This is the resting area. When you spawn, a big gate will be seen in front of you. At its side, there will be a sign telling you which mob is next, as well as tell you how many rounds are left. You will also get this data via chat. At your left, you will see a gallery of all the mobs you've killed. At your right, you'll have a nice view (Provided by our amazing Builders) to enjoy and plan. Behind you, there will be a shop (Run by villagers) where you can buy power-ups and equipment. When you are ready and set, you just cross the gate and you'll be transported to an arena.

Once you're in the arena, you fight like you mean it! The arena will be mostly open, with a couple of pillars for coverage, but a thing to notice is that higher difficulties will have a smaller arena and fewer pillars to take cover on. A smaller arena means less space to work with and retreat. If you are killed, you lose, and you have to re-do the entire rush from the start! In Team Mode, if you die, you'll get a chance to be revived like in Battle Zone. If you aren't saved, you will be eliminated from the round and can only spectate your teammates. You can only come back after the round is over, but you will get a penalty for dying. If everyone goes down, you all lose! Otherwise, after all the mobs are killed, 10 seconds will be given to collect their drops. (You'll see why in a bit)

After the 10 seconds have passed, you will be sent back to the resting area. The sign will have changed accordingly, and the gallery will have a new entry. (The mob you just fought) A chest will also appear, giving you some gold to spend at the shop, which restocks every round. It's recommended that in Team Mode gold is shared and used properly. A traveling villager will also appear outside of the shop. He will buy the mob drops you got last round, so if you fought zombies, he will buy the rotten flesh you got. He sells better items and weapons than the shop, and your equipment is individual, so you better get those drops, even from your teammates!

This process of fighting mobs and resting is repeated until all rounds are over, after which points will be awarded to the player. In Team mode, points will be awarded based on performance, to encourage some competition between teammates.

The Feeling of Progression: As you move forward, the resting area will show changes, like its theme changing from its peaceful overwordly theme to a more serious cave theme. I'm open for more theme suggestions.

Now, let's get onto every difficulty in detail! I'll mention the suggested equipment given, the number of rounds, what mobs are being faced, and the number of mobs fought. It is worth noting that the suggested amount of mobs shown is for Solo Mode. This amount increases in Team Mode. (2P = x1.5, 3P = x2, 4P = x3)

Stone Night
Stone Night gives the player leather armor, a wooden sword, a bow, 2 stacks of arrows, 32 steaks, 6 god apples, and 2 regeneration potions. It has 5 rounds.
  1. Zombie (Amount: 5)
  2. Spider (Amount: 7)
  3. Creeper (Amount: 5)
  4. Witch (Amount: 5)
  5. Skeleton (Amount: 3)

Iron Travel

Iron Travel gives the player a leather cap and tunic, chain leggings and boots, a wooden sword, a bow, 2 stacks of arrows, 28 steaks, 5 god apples, and 2 regeneration potions. It has 7 rounds.
  1. Zombie (Amount: 7)
  2. Spider (Amount: 8)
  3. Creeper (Amount: 7)
  4. Witch (Amount: 6)
  5. Silverfish (Amount: 10)
  6. Slime (Amount: 2 Big)
  7. Skeleton (Amount: 4)
Lapis Odyssey
Lapis Odyssey gives the player full chain equipment, a stone sword, a bow, 2 stacks of arrows, 24 steaks, 4 god apples, and 2 regeneration potions. It has 8 rounds.

  1. Zombie (Amount: 10)
  2. Spider (Amount: 12)
  3. Creeper (Amount: 10)
  4. Witch (Amount: 7)
  5. Silverfish (Amount: 15)
  6. Slime (Amount: 3 Big, 5 Medium)
  7. Skeleton (Amount: 5)
  8. Husk (Amount: 25)

Gold Ordeal
Gold Ordeal gives the player a chain helmet and chestplate, iron leggings and boots, a stone sword, a bow, a shield, 2 stacks of arrows, 20 steaks, 3 god apples, and 1 regeneration potion. It has 9 rounds.

  1. Zombie (Amount: 12)
  2. Spider (Amount: 15)
  3. Creeper (Amount: 12)
  4. Witch (Amount: 8)
  5. Silverfish (Amount: 20)
  6. Slime (Amount: 4 Big, 7 Medium)
  7. Cave Spider (Amount: 10)
  8. Skeleton (Amount: 7)
  9. Stray (Amount: 10)

Diamond Quest
Diamond Quest gives the player full iron equipment, an iron sword, a bow, a shield, 2 stacks of arrows, 16 steaks, 2 god apples, 1 regeneration potion, and a totem of undying. It has 10 rounds.

  1. Zombie (Amount: 15)
  2. Spider (Amount: 18)
  3. Creeper (Amount: 15)
  4. Witch (Amount: 10)
  5. Silverfish (Amount: 25)
  6. Slime (Amount: 5 Big, 10 Medium)
  7. Cave Spider (Amount: 15)
  8. Skeleton (Amount: 10)
  9. Husk (Amount: 15) & Stray (Amount: 8)
  10. Guardian (Amount: 12) & Elder Guardian (Amount: 3)

Emerald Apocalypse
Emerald Apocalypse gives the player full diamond equipment, a diamond sword, a bow, a shield, 3 stacks of arrows, 12 steaks, 3 regular golden apples, 1 instant healing II potion, 1 fire resistance (8:00) potion, and a totem of undying. It has 17 rounds.

  1. Zombie (Amount: 18)
  2. Spider (Amount: 20)
  3. Creeper (Amount: 18)
  4. Witch (Amount: 12)
  5. Silverfish (Amount: 30)
  6. Slime (Amount: 6 Big, 14 Medium)
  7. Cave Spider (Amount: 18)
  8. Skeleton (Amount: 12)
  9. Husk (Amount: 18) & Stray (Amount: 10)
  10. Guardian (Amount: 14) & Elder Guardian (Amount: 4)
  11. Vindicator (Amount: 15) & Evoker (Amount: 8)
  12. Magma Cube (Amount: 5 Big, 12 Medium, 18 Small)
  13. Ghast (Amount: 10)
  14. Zombie Pigman (Amount: 18)
  15. Wither Skeleton (Amount: 18)
  16. Blaze (Amount: 12)
  17. Endermite (Amount: 20), Shulker (Amount: 12) & Enderman (Amount: 10)

Obsidian Armageddon
Emerald Apocalypse gives the player full diamond equipment, a diamond sword, a bow with infinity enchantment, a shield, an arrow, 8 steaks, 2 regular golden apples, 1 instant healing I potion, 1 fire resistance (3:00) potion, and a totem of undying. It has 18 rounds.

  1. Zombie (Amount: 20)
  2. Spider (Amount: 22)
  3. Creeper (Amount: 20)
  4. Witch (Amount: 15)
  5. Silverfish (Amount: 35)
  6. Slime (Amount: 7 Big, 18 Medium)
  7. Cave Spider (Amount: 20)
  8. Skeleton (Amount: 15)
  9. Husk (Amount: 20) & Stray (Amount: 12)
  10. Guardian (Amount: 17) & Elder Guardian (Amount: 5)
  11. Vindicator (Amount: 18) & Evoker (Amount: 10)
  12. Magma Cube (Amount: 6 Big, 15 Medium, 22 Small)
  13. Ghast (Amount: 15)
  14. Zombie Pigman (Amount: 22)
  15. Wither Skeleton (Amount: 22)
  16. Blaze (Amount: 12)
  17. Endermite (Amount: 25), Shulker (Amount: 15) & Enderman (Amount: 12)
  18. Wither

Cubecraft Finale
Emerald Apocalypse gives the player full diamond equipment with Protection II enchantment, a diamond sword with Sharpness III enchantment, a bow with Infinity and Power II enchantments, a shield, an arrow, 48 cookies, 2 regular golden apples, 1 instant healing I potion, 1 fire resistance (3:00) potion, and a totem of undying. It has 19 rounds.

  1. Zombie (Amount: 30)
  2. Spider (Amount: 35)
  3. Creeper (Amount: 30)
  4. Witch (Amount: 20)
  5. Silverfish (Amount: 50)
  6. Slime (Amount: 10 Big, 25 Medium)
  7. Cave Spider (Amount: 30)
  8. Skeleton (Amount: 20)
  9. Husk (Amount: 30) & Stray (Amount: 18)
  10. Guardian (Amount: 25) & Elder Guardian (Amount: 7)
  11. Vindicator (Amount: 22) & Evoker (Amount: 15)
  12. Magma Cube (Amount: 10 Big, 22 Medium, 30 Small)
  13. Ghast (Amount: 20)
  14. Zombie Pigman (Amount: 35)
  15. Wither Skeleton (Amount: 35)
  16. Blaze (Amount: 15)
  17. Endermite (Amount: 40), Shulker (Amount: 22) & Enderman (Amount: 18)
  18. Wither
  19. Ender Dragon (Final Boss)

When you first arrive at Mob Rush, only Stone Night will be unlocked. Beat that difficulty, and the next difficulty will be unlocked. Having a rank will unlock you higher difficulties earlier, and as you can see here, the difficulties are inspired by the ranks, so being Iron unlocks 2 by default; Lapis, 3; Gold, 4; and Diamond and above will have difficulty 5 unlocked by default.

What if my teammate disconnects during the Mob rush?
The Mob amount multiplier depends on players, and if a player disconnects, the number of mobs will decrease. Because of this, players can't disconnect mid-battle.

Traitors! What if someone in Team Mode kills me?
For the sake of Team Mode being mainly cooperative, PvP is disabled during the entirety of Mob Rush.

Idea Dump: (Ideas that COULD work)
Custom Mobs and Bosses (Invisible Zombie/Ghost, Horse Rider)
Endless mode (You go as far as you can! When you lose, points are awarded depending on the number of rounds you beat)
Kits in Team Mode (Team Mode exclusive, gives you a special role)
Team and Solo Leaderboards
An item reward to show other players your victory (Best only if it's REALLY hard)

Oof, well, that took long. Well, that's it for my suggestion. I'm open to feedback, ideas, suggestions, and questions!

Cheetos192 Signing out.
good idea
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