Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2013
Behind You.
So as an introduction, my name is Ma_man321 ,and in the minecraft universe i have been playing mc for about 2 years now but specifically cubecraft i played for around 1 year. When one my friends suggested to play cubecraftgames.net i tired it out as my first ever minecraft multiplier server and i loved it. Today cubecrfat games has evolved into something unimaginably spectacular and very dam impressive , from going from a small 1k person server , cubecraft has now over 12 THOUSAND people online at times , with intricate plugins made by the ever so eager staff. But in my perspective the skyblock server has been shed some attention , to fix some bugs here and there and adding a couple of new features every so often. In skyblock my island level just reached 250, i have a beacon, 5 spawners (1 pig, 2 chicken, 1 cow and 1 villager).Then i realized that something was lacking , something the the common minecrafter who maybe is trying out a new server could not get his hands on, something people could only get from mods or other unfair places. And that made me think what else is lacking from this server and that made me write this prompt on how we as a community (staff included) could improve the server.

My 4 main points of how to improve skyblock are these : 1) Improving and expanding the skyblock shop. 2) Decreasing server lag when a large amount of people are on. 3) Rare items and how to obtain them.
4) Other miscellaneous ideas.

So my first point of how to improve the skyblock server is the improvement of the shop. By this i mean why am i only allowed to buy 1 thing out at a time, then for no apparent reason the shop automatically closes , i mean i can sell as much as a i want, so why cant i buy as much as i want without the tedium of always buying 1 item and then retyping /shop to the process all over again. I'm only speculating here but i guess the main reason is to reduce lag from people constantly spamming clicking in the shop, and i figured out a solution, have a sign system at the skyblock spawn were the sign will take away a certain amount of a single item and in return give u points . (I.E sell 32 pumpkin for 50 points) . I've seen this plugin in different minecraft servers and i thought why not introduce it to cubecraft? And having the amount of the single iteam high such as 32 in my example u removing the lag from spam clicking. This addition can help add enjoyment and streamlining to the skyblock server.

My second point on how to improve the skyblcok server is how to decrease lag when there is a vast amount of players online. Ok so im going to be honest the only time when cubecraft is playable I.E not lagging is when there are about 4-5 k people online , not when there are 12000 people online. When there are a very large amount of people online such as any number over 9500 people online the server begins to lag. By this i mean there is large amount of block lag , commands lag and just general lag. Now to the credit of the staff of cubecraft games they have attempted to reduce lag by implementing a system were the is a limit to how many mobs there could be in a Minecraft chunk. The definition of a minecraft chunk is a square that is 16 by 16. So lets imagine the for one second the this area was not lit up by torches, and at night mobs will spawn. When the mobs agro on you the lock on and dont despawn until you are out the "agro range" I.E the range at which the mob will sense the player and begin to give chase in the attempt to kill the player.Now i you if you somehow can fly and not be in creative the mobs in the chunk you are in and the chunks surrounding until they have completed their goal of killing and then they will despawn. What the skyblock staff have done is limit the number of mobs that can spawn and when they exceed that number the server automatically despawns them. Another solution the the staff has implemented was that the skyblock server restarts every so often.(i think its like once an hour please correct me if im wrong) However these functions can no longer reduce lag to a low and make the game playable its time for new lag removing ideas. This is what i came up with: a clear lag system where the server automatically every 5 or ten mins removes all entities from the server. I saw this system in other servers that have more players than on cubecraft games and it did a good job reducing all of the lag. Now let me explain what the clear lag system is. The clear system is a system the removes all entities that are formed by the player or players. A entity is a any sort of minecraft blocks or item that is lying on the ground. For example lets say you're mining cobble at your cobble gen and you did not pick up a cobblestone that you've just mined, that cobble stone that is slowly spinning around waiting to be picked up is called a entity. If there a large amount of entities on a server then the server will begin to have a hard time registering all of them at the same time and begin to have problems. these server problems is what the we the players call lag. So if the the staff introduces the clear lag system it could severely reduce the amount of lag on the server when a large amount of people are online.

My third point on skyblock could be improved is how to deal with rare iteams that can be acquired by regular means. Now im not talking about how a beacon is rare and hard to get,but is still possible to acquire using legitimate ways (I.E) going to nether and killing loads of wither skeles and getting skulls and proceeding to kill wither and get the star to make a beacon). No im talking about the infamous animal spawners. Now i see people and a daily basis with legitimate spawners meaning they got from challenges such as pig,cow,chicken and wolf(there may be more that i don't know yet of im still only on the hard challenges).But then i meet people people who have have spawners such as villager,slime,horse etc.... now i know these spawners could not be possibly gotten by legit ways. So how did they get them ? the same way that i got them : MOD drop parties or people who have an insane island and may have a mod on their island. now my last claim may be false so im sorry in advance if its not the case but besides the point if youre allowing the spawners be in game then make it accessible to all the players not just some. Meaning that the staff should implement them into the shop or challenge or have the as a super rare block in the nether that can be mined and be able to receive the egg or any system. IF you think by doing this everyone can get them easily fine , if implanted into shop make it very expensive like 10k- 25k points for a egg of your choice? or my idea of having a spawner be randomly generated in the nether with a very low spawning rate (like .00000001%) or even implement more spawn eggs into the challenges but make the hard to do. Just do anything but make it a legitimate source of getting the spawn eggs or spawners. I mean having random Mod DP's is a bad system. (This to the Staff if you dont like my ideas please implement something just make it a legitimate source.)

Now finally my fourth point : misc ideas that have come around about my head. Right so has anyone ever noticed that the nether after a a month or two looks like Swiss cheese or that all the nether forts all are looted and next to impossible to find unlooted ones. Nether quartz and glowstone is nowhere to be seen etc... this can cause problems if a new person want a nether styled skyblock island. Or if he just want rare items that can be find in the chests of nether forts(I.E saddles or horse armor or any ingots ) so i thought maybe if there was a nether reset every 3-4 weeks this could give new people a chance to get something rare and make the nether not look like a large factions server that has not been rest in over 1 year.

Now that is the end to my mad rambling, if you have read my entire essay on how skyblock can be improve im thank you for your time and consideration. If any has ideas that overlooked please feel free to add on. lets hope the staff does read the fan base and listen to their ideas. (I understand that some spawners cannot be implemented such as wither,enderdragon,blaze or others, but please the consideration on the other spawners)


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2013
Behind You.
Woops i forgot to give a citation page: thank you to all my friends such as Exo,Pingu who helped formulate ideas directly or indirectly , thank you other servers for the ideas and thank you staff of qubecraft for being the creators of the server.
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Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
1. Completely necessary, the shop at the moment is tiny and it's such a pain buying things in bulk
2. If the server was to clear entities every 30 seconds, then mob spawners (as bad as they may be) won't work at all, and bones will be as valuable as diamonds.
3. Yes please :) I love collecting rare and valuable items
4. Unfortunately if the nether was reset every month or so then everybody would be rich, since it isn't hard to get past everybody in the nether and raid every fortress that you come across, and we all know how rich you can get from just an hour or looting nether fortress chests (very rich in case you don't know). If it was to be reset every 4 months or so then that would be a bit more reasonable, but if you go far enough out then you can still find some fresh quartz and glowstone to mine c:


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2013
Behind You.
How about every 10 min there would be an entity wipe that way mobs still spawn and at same time you would reduce lag.


Dedicated Member
Feb 7, 2015
Scotland, UK
Um yeah, @Saradabaschi can you make it so that you can spam click the shop?

I know that plugin, I think rubik would rather use his own plugin, rather than a public one.

I'm pretty sure we already have a clearlag system, it just doesn't notify you (it might be automatic, but a lot of the time admins come on in vanish and will clear the mobs, so this shouldn't be really be a error.

I like this, buying spawn eggs. They should really remove the system of crafting spawners, and just put eggs in the shop for around 20k points. And they'd only throw one spawner at every dropparty.

Good idea, although I think it should be every 5days, so many people have so much stuff that they can raid almost all the reachable nether.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2013
Behind You.
Static im not arguing that there if there is or not a clear lag system , if there is good make its do its job more often (every 15 min?) if there isnt please implement. And the fact that Mod DPs only drop 1 spawner only backs up my main point it is not reliably accessible to the WHOLE public. I was thinking may use it as a voting rewards system vote 30 days in a row and win 1 out 5 rare spawners(horse,slime,villager,(something else blah blah blah u get the point). Hmm i still think that nether should be reset more often tho.....


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
The thing is, despite how much you may want these rare spawners, they probably won't be distributed again for 2 reasons;
1. The duplication glitch has lead to a lot of these items being released, making them less rare. Basically everyone has a villager spawner now.
2. Players are ungrateful; if they don't get everything they complain
Slime spawners are probably the rarest item in skyblock (or at least the most valuable), and distributing them fairly would mean giving away about 130 of them, which would not only ruin my already dead slimeball business, but it'd annoy the people that spent thousands of diamonds for one.
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Forum Expert
Jul 1, 2014
sign system at the skyblock spawn were the sign will take away a certain amount of a single item and in return give u points . (I.E sell 32 pumpkin for 50 points)
Good idea. But it wouldn´t players spam the sign just like they´d spam the shop?
Would you want the shop to be removed then?

i think its like once an hour please correct me if im wrong
It should be every 3 hours.
clear lag system
I like that one.
But I think that it is mainly lagging because of the high amount of animals, mobs and just the high amount of players in general. They mine, write in chat, log in and out... all that stuff.

allowing the spawners be in game
I tolerate them to be in game since I can´t go to 70000 islands to look if there is any spawner which was actually not supposed to be on Skyblock.
Therefore they won´t be added to the shop nor as blocks to the nether.
Also since spawners increase the lag dramatically. It wouldn´t be good if everyone could get every spawner. Players tend to have multiple spawners at once. Let´s say like 5 chicken spawners which spawn a lot of chickens then. --> Lag guys.
random Mod DP's is a bad system
I have to admit that when I do a dropparty it is random most of the time. But I can´t think of any date I would want to host one on (or another staff member).
I wouldn´t say that it is a bad system. It is just about not giving too much away.

reset every 3-4 weeks
I do reset the Nether manually and I have to admit that I often forget. If it is looted just send me a quick private message on forums (maybe in game if I don´t get spammed with messages) and ask me to reset it.
I´ll do it as fast as possible then.

I´ve read your whole post and it is really nice how much time and effort you spend on writing this :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2014
The thing is, despite how much you may want these rare spawners, they probably won't be distributed again for 2 reasons;
1. The duplication glitch has lead to a lot of these items being released, making them less rare. Basically everyone has a villager spawner now.
2. Players are ungrateful; if they don't get everything they complain
Slime spawners are probably the rarest item in skyblock (or at least the most valuable), and distributing them fairly would mean giving away about 130 of them, which would not only ruin my already dead slimeball business, but it'd annoy the people that spent thousands of diamonds for one.
I got a slime spawner for 50 dias from CandyCatFish, she chose the price


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2013
Behind You.
Sara let me give an example how theoretically the sign system could reduce lag. Ok so let's pretend that 100 people have 2 stacks of pumpkins they want to sell, in old shop if simultaneously they began to sell the server would register 12800 clicks which would cause lag. However with sign system we can say that with each new click u sell 32 pumpkins that way each person clicks 4 times or in our example of 100 people 400 clicks now I think 400 clicks is a lot smaller than 12800 clicks. Yes people still may spam but it's gonna be a lot less spam.


Forum Expert
Jul 1, 2014
Sara let me give an example how theoretically the sign system could reduce lag. Ok so let's pretend that 100 people have 2 stacks of pumpkins they want to sell, in old shop if simultaneously they began to sell the server would register 12800 clicks which would cause lag. However with sign system we can say that with each new click u sell 32 pumpkins that way each person clicks 4 times or in our example of 100 people 400 clicks now I think 400 clicks is a lot smaller than 12800 clicks. Yes people still may spam but it's gonna be a lot less spam.
True. I guess my brain didn´t work the right way there xD
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2013
Behind You.
Right so thank you everyone who read/replied on this thread, i am creating a part 2 of "how to improve skyblock , and right now im formulating ideas. So im asking everyone make a sensible list of what and how they want skyblock to improve. I will try to incorporate them in my new thread (which will posted here on the suggestion and on the skyblock threads) , this way the admins can hear everyone's voice, i will make a citation pages of whos ideas i used so that the people and not just me will get some credit as well.
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