I dont like it. We can not even see who decides on the report, or say anything when the decision has been taken.
For example:
"this player will not be punished. No hacks were shown".
Really?. The player is totally stopped (afk), and I only approach and go back to record how his kill aura is activated automatically by proximity (until the player stops being afk). Only by the sound and the type of hits is clear thats he is using kill aura. But report denied.
And what can i/we do?.I/we can not even answer that person.
The system will be faster for staff, but I think there is no communication with users that we
dedicate our time to help: recording, editing and reporting. In situations like this one feels that our effort is not valued. Both (staff and "informers") we arent in the same position, but we are in the same side.
Sorry for my english.