Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
Well the quote “I can say that I'm not going to just move aside in these instances, and I really don't think anyone else should have to either” suggests that you were not fond of them doing their tournament in a public game where they only have a chance to do it.
I had a duos tournament today and the game mods random teammate ACTUALLY STAYED FOR THE ENTIRE MATCH. He wasn't mad at us he was actually surprised about it. He was into it he sided with team Yellow (Team I was going against). They sadly did not win, but my teammate and I did

Void Krun

Novice Member
Jul 2, 2020
In the void
I had a duos tournament today and the game mods random teammate ACTUALLY STAYED FOR THE ENTIRE MATCH. He wasn't mad at us he was actually surprised about it. He was into it he sided with team Yellow (Team I was going against). They sadly did not win, but my teammate and I did
Damn, that must have been really good luck. I get no luck being invited to tournaments. Then again I’m on no leaderboards (unless they add bridge).


Dedicated Member
May 6, 2019
London, UK
I was responding to your response btw...
And It's as much as your games as it is theirs :)
Telling someone what team they are on means nothing, me and my friend play solos and if we spawn on the same 3 island area we will fight.
We spawn in different areas we go around kill everyone and have out 1v1's I don't see how in 4 teams you can see any teaming or something like that if theirs only 2 directions you go and they both end up going the other direction. They aren't teaming they are making their chances higher of being the last 2 teams
Please go back and read my original post.. I wasn't questioning whether or not they were cheating, I was asking if they were part of an official or semi-official tournament or something as they had indicated in chat.

If I'd had evidence of them cheating the video would already be with cube tbh. I wasn't, so let's not turn this into something it isn't.

And I'm confused on how "Please don't spoil our game.... cubecraft tournament" is toxic?
Having watched umpteen of your streams my friend.. you're always *confused* :P

It felt toxic as it was trying to bully me into throwing the game by making out *I'm* doing something wrong by fighting back. bear in mind I was still paying at that point.


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
Please go back and read my original post.. I wasn't questioning whether or not they were cheating, I was asking if they were part of an official or semi-official tournament or something as they had indicated in chat.

If I'd had evidence of them cheating the video would already be with cube tbh. I wasn't, so let's not turn this into something it isn't.

Having watched umpteen of your streams my friend.. you're always *confused* :P

It felt toxic as it was trying to bully me into throwing the game by making out *I'm* doing something wrong by fighting back. bear in mind I was still paying at that point.
I am confused
Confused to why cubecraft wants to make it harder for them on making the server, The only thing great from 1.9 PvP is the healing, they don't need the entire combat system. It just brings bugs and stuff with it

I'm confused on to why the KB is opposite and not facing

I'm confused to why a stone pickaxe does 2 hearts of damage to me when i have just a default leather cap and my d pic 5 taps him meaning I'm doing 2 hearts of damage besides the 2 damage difference

I am confused to why cubecraft takes so long with there reports

I am confused why staff don't look at all the evidence in there reports

I am confused to why cubecraft wants to push new gamemodes over bug fixes. I'm not saying all devs should focus on it but wait for bug fixes before gamemodes


Sr. Moderator
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Feb 14, 2020
The Internet
I am sorry for your experience with us. What we do can be involved as teaming but we do it for out tournament. This is the only way to do this because we can't host private games on CubeCraft. We have to use two party's and spent several minutes going in and out of games until we land in a game together. That was the game that you are in. Please do not be mad if you get what we are trying to say. People have wanted ways to host there own games for ever. Evan with a YouTube ranked account this is the only way.


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
I am confused to why cubecraft takes so long with there reports
I wouldn’t say that 3 weeks is long concidered the amount of bugs we had in our list vs the amount of devs we had (assuming this is also about your resolved knockback report). When I handled your bug report we basically only had 2 new developers working on Bedrock afaik.

I am confused why staff don't look at all the evidence in there reports
Not sure what you’re talking about, but if you ever feel like this happens, please create a staff feedback about it or contact the staff member privately so they can explain.

I am confused to why cubecraft wants to push new gamemodes over bug fixes. I'm not saying all devs should focus on it but wait for bug fixes before gamemodes
Bugs always occur. It’s a never ending cycle. If you add something, you also break something. We’ve had moments where Redned and Suprememortal were constantly working on bug fixes and we also had moments where they had to prioritize new games or backend stuff. We also don’t get that many bug reports a week. It’s usually 1-3 that we can actually accept and work with, all the others we deny. And last but not least, not every bug is a quick fix and done. We’ve had a few bugs that are assigned to developers, but are just so hard and time consuming to fix. There really goes on a lot more behind the scenes than you would think with bug reports.

I’ve defending my beloved bug reports sections, but now i’ll get back to the topic. Yes I can feel the frustration, No it seems like this was not punishable, but feel free to give the recorded evidence to me, so I can take a look at it. Tournaments are allowed as long as it doesn’t involve any teaming + heavy toxicity.
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May 2, 2020
ur mom's place
I don't mean to say this but Cubecraft's staff community is so bad. They allowed us to host tourneys and now out of nowhere they changed their minds and now the only possible solution for them is to ban everyone who took part in the tourney. Honesty I agree with RaggedOdin, if there were private lobbies we wouldn't have to face this type of nonsense. Just add private lobbies, how hard could it be for a server that used to be really awesome, I mean Hive did it too but with extra modifications. Lastly don't ban the players that took part, I mean you could ban the hosters for violating the server's rule but it really isn't their fault, because they had permission from the staff team. So just focus on adding private lobbies and forget this ever happened.


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
They allowed us to host tourneys and now out of nowhere they changed their minds and now the only possible solution for them is to ban everyone who took part in the tourney.
I’ve seen this message from everyone in the tourney, but i’m not sure where it comes from. Afaik nobody has been banned?


Novice Member
Mar 30, 2020
Not going to name any names but would just like to clarify something...

I spawned into a squads game and there were 7 OP votes so I thought "oh good, this will be a nice challenge, bring it"...

Sure enough, my team of randoms were rushed, but I fought back only to get "please don't spoil our game" on chat which I thought was odd.

I then went to rush the team that was rushing my now dead team but got killed. Fair enough.

I stuck around to find out what they meant by "please don't spoil our game". Turns out there were two teams that each wanted to take out the other two teams so that they could fight each other in their "Cubecraft Tournament".

What gives with this... are there "semi-official tournaments" on public eggwars servers?

I can say that I'm not going to just move aside in these instances, and I really don't think anyone else should have to either... as I said in chat, "I spawned in, it's as much my game as it is yours".

It's the second time it's happened to me (with different people) and the first ones a few weeks back were really apologetic. This lot weren't.
no, we were on Western and we both took out 1 team each without getting close to eachother, where we teamed at the end when both teams were eliminated.
feline our team get the eggs we wiped pink and the team we were going against wiped the team that I got their egg bc I died


Novice Member
Jul 14, 2020
Not going to name any names but would just like to clarify something...

I spawned into a squads game and there were 7 OP votes so I thought "oh good, this will be a nice challenge, bring it"...

Sure enough, my team of randoms were rushed, but I fought back only to get "please don't spoil our game" on chat which I thought was odd.

I then went to rush the team that was rushing my now dead team but got killed. Fair enough.

I stuck around to find out what they meant by "please don't spoil our game". Turns out there were two teams that each wanted to take out the other two teams so that they could fight each other in their "Cubecraft Tournament".

What gives with this... are there "semi-official tournaments" on public eggwars servers?

I can say that I'm not going to just move aside in these instances, and I really don't think anyone else should have to either... as I said in chat, "I spawned in, it's as much my game as it is yours".

It's the second time it's happened to me (with different people) and the first ones a few weeks back were really apologetic. This lot weren't.
Hey there, so I get where you’re coming from and why you think this way, but I would personally just let them have the game. It only takes a few seconds to join another, and most servers spend a lot of time making these.


Dedicated Member
May 6, 2019
London, UK
Hey there, so I get where you’re coming from and why you think this way, but I would personally just let them have the game. It only takes a few seconds to join another, and most servers spend a lot of time making these.

... OK... so.... game about to start.... The only thing that looks slightly different to normal is that there are a lot of ranks / votes for OP, but that doesn't tell you it's a tournament. So in chat they start saying what team they're on and who they're going for.. that doesn't tell you it's a tournament. So *how do you know* it's a tournament? Let's assume they say in chat.. "Its a tournament" or something else that indicates it is.. well now anyone and everyone can say that to get rid of anyone that knows about it using your theory and start abusing it to only get games with randoms that haven't a clue. Logic seems flawed to me.

So.. how u going to know in the few seconds you have that you should leave the game as you suggested? After the game has started I personally don't see why anyone should have to drop out because someone wants to use the public server for their own means.... that's just unfair.

Isn't the better answer that they should actually fight anyone there if they want to run their private game on the server and then if they lose their egg or lose then that's tough luck rather than expect everyone else to bend over backwards for their choices they alone are making?


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
Not sure what you’re talking about, but if you ever feel like this happens, please create a staff feedback about it or contact the staff member privately so they can explain.
I reported Nicholas 3 Times and never changed the evidence once, i was told many staff members looked at the report (The video that got him banned was in the report everytime only thing I added between the first and 3rd report were time stamps in a 3minute video)

Another one was Xiika not looking at the second video of a person hacking, said there was no evidence because in the first clip she couldn't read his name, but could clearly read it in the second one and see him using always sprint and anti-kb

Bugs always occur. It’s a never ending cycle. If you add something, you also break something. We’ve had moments where Redned and Suprememortal were constantly working on bug fixes and we also had moments where they had to prioritize new games or backend stuff. We also don’t get that many bug reports a week. It’s usually 1-3 that we can actually accept and work with, all the others we deny. And last but not least, not every bug is a quick fix and done. We’ve had a few bugs that are assigned to developers, but are just so hard and time consuming to fix. There really goes on a lot more behind the scenes than you would think with bug reports.

When SG Duos released there was so many bugs all the new gamemode did was increase the bugs to a whole new level, like increased lag, making the server UNPLAYABLE making the server lose thousands of players (if you go by the normal amount that they usually had). I'd much rather see 7 days added to a gamemodes release before a new gamemode, the lag was bad before the release all it did was made it worse with new lobbies opening for SG.

I love the gamemodes on cubecraft yes. They are the best from any. Hive just sucks. Skywars is bad, the SG is bad. But i'd rather have unfair chest than lag that happens every 5 seconds because the server can't handle it.

Cubecrafts healing is ust amazing thats another reason i play it its fast paced and i don't have to run for 2minutes straight to heal 4 hearts compared to eating a piece of steak and running back into a fight.

All i want is cubecraft to be better and just not become like InPvP, InPvP was good before now it's just, Outdated.

^ sorry for going of the main part of the thread
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Dedicated Member
May 6, 2019
London, UK
I am sorry for your experience with us. What we do can be involved as teaming but we do it for out tournament. This is the only way to do this because we can't host private games on CubeCraft. We have to use two party's and spent several minutes going in and out of games until we land in a game together. That was the game that you are in. Please do not be mad if you get what we are trying to say. People have wanted ways to host there own games for ever. Evan with a YouTube ranked account this is the only way.
Honestly.. it's all good.. I'm not and never was mad. I mostly just wanted clarification (re: official or semi official tournaments) as per the original post and I've got that. I was mildly peeved at the language used to tell me I shouldn't be in the game but honestly, it's no big deal... If there is one thing that comes out of the thread is that ya'll are maybe kinder to those that fight back and also consider that they're playing a game too and may know absolutely nothing about tournaments just as I didn't then I think that's a win for everyone :-) Thanks for responding :-)


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
Isn't the better answer that they should actually fight anyone there if they want to run their private game on the server and then if they lose their egg or lose then that's tough luck rather than expect everyone else to bend over backwards for their choices they alone are making?

To my understanding they pushed different bases and told you not to break there egg. It's not like they said you couldn't or you will get banned. They teamed AFTER every egg and other teams were gone. They have to snipe each other in the game and get lucky with it Squad EggWars is the hardest for that with the amount of players are on that over solos and duos and the little amount of teams they have. They said what team color they were because they prob in separate voice chats.

If they did not push the same team and then teamed on them I don't see how this ruins anyone's experience. Just by rushing off spawn ruins it for people....


Dedicated Member
May 6, 2019
London, UK
To my understanding they pushed different bases and told you not to break there egg. It's not like they said you couldn't or you will get banned.

Nobody asked me not to get their egg and why on earth would I comply with that request anyway given they just got mine and it's like... well... it's eggwars? Put yourself in the shoes of someone just minding their own business playing their own game with no knowledge of these tournaments.

They teamed AFTER every egg and other teams were gone. They have to snipe each other in the game and get lucky with it Squad EggWars is the hardest for that with the amount of players are on that over solos and duos and the little amount of teams they have. They said what team color they were because they prob in separate voice chats.

If they did not push the same team and then teamed on them I don't see how this ruins anyone's experience. Just by rushing off spawn ruins it for people....

Maybe... Imagine that you have no knowledge at all about tournaments and this is the chat just before the game..


Now tell me how as that someone that has no knowledge of tournaments that you'd know what any of that means... there is nothing there that tells you what's going on except perhaps that people on different teams know each other.

Lord Cringey

Novice Member
Dec 5, 2019
Honestly.. it's all good.. I'm not and never was mad. I mostly just wanted clarification (re: official or semi official tournaments) as per the original post and I've got that. I was mildly peeved at the language used to tell me I shouldn't be in the game but honestly, it's no big deal... If there is one thing that comes out of the thread is that ya'll are maybe kinder to those that fight back and also consider that they're playing a game too and may know absolutely nothing about tournaments just as I didn't then I think that's a win for everyone :-) Thanks for responding :-)
I would say it is semi-official because the staff know about this and they gave the hosts an account with YouTube rank. But it isn't official I would say.


Novice Member
Aug 8, 2020
Not going to name any names but would just like to clarify something...

I spawned into a squads game and there were 7 OP votes so I thought "oh good, this will be a nice challenge, bring it"...

Sure enough, my team of randoms were rushed, but I fought back only to get "please don't spoil our game" on chat which I thought was odd.

I then went to rush the team that was rushing my now dead team but got killed. Fair enough.

I stuck around to find out what they meant by "please don't spoil our game". Turns out there were two teams that each wanted to take out the other two teams so that they could fight each other in their "Cubecraft Tournament".

What gives with this... are there "semi-official tournaments" on public eggwars servers?

I can say that I'm not going to just move aside in these instances, and I really don't think anyone else should have to either... as I said in chat, "I spawned in, it's as much my game as it is yours".

It's the second time it's happened to me (with different people) and the first ones a few weeks back were really apologetic. This lot weren't.

just stop being a difficult snitch and move on to another game. This rarely happens
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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2020
Hello there!
I interpreted that Prof Parzival asked if there are "Semi-official" tournaments on Public servers, I can write that there seems to be, and, even though they´re a bit annoying, are completely legal, and Cubecraft may add an option for private servers to specific people, to solve the problem of "invade" other people´s games

Also, seems that some participants of the thread defend the players writing that they are just increasing the odds of getting a 4v4, but as ProfParzival posted they organized with the purpose to kill other teams first, in order to get the tournament for themselves.

Nobody asked me not to get their egg and why on earth would I comply with that request anyway given they just got mine and it's like... well... it's eggwars? Put yourself in the shoes of someone just minding their own business playing their own game with no knowledge of these tournaments.

Maybe... Imagine that you have no knowledge at all about tournaments and this is the chat just before the game..

View attachment 179436

Now tell me how as that someone that has no knowledge of tournaments that you'd know what any of that means... there is nothing there that tells you what's going on except perhaps that people on different teams know each other.

Also, they can call staff before doing those things, they can make them a private server, obby is a lot of attention, but they should give you that option :D.

Well, that´s everything I want to write for the moment. Have a nice day!.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2017
The Netherlands
just stop being a difficult snitch and move on to another game. This rarely happens
kinda rude of you to say it like that :c especially since he didnt even name anybody. i get what he means, it is annoying when you hope for a normal game. i could gather a group of people, make 2 teams and "claim" a game by saying the same thing as these people did. something like private servers or at least warn people before the game starts would help a lot for the ones who want a normal game, so they can leave if they dont want a tournament game. it would be fair to ask staff first before doing this tho
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