Not sure what you’re talking about, but if you ever feel like this happens, please create a staff feedback about it or contact the staff member privately so they can explain.
I reported Nicholas 3 Times and never changed the evidence once, i was told many staff members looked at the report (The video that got him banned was in the report everytime only thing I added between the first and 3rd report were time stamps in a 3minute video)
Another one was Xiika not looking at the second video of a person hacking, said there was no evidence because in the first clip she couldn't read his name, but could clearly read it in the second one and see him using always sprint and anti-kb
Bugs always occur. It’s a never ending cycle. If you add something, you also break something. We’ve had moments where Redned and Suprememortal were constantly working on bug fixes and we also had moments where they had to prioritize new games or backend stuff. We also don’t get that many bug reports a week. It’s usually 1-3 that we can actually accept and work with, all the others we deny. And last but not least, not every bug is a quick fix and done. We’ve had a few bugs that are assigned to developers, but are just so hard and time consuming to fix. There really goes on a lot more behind the scenes than you would think with bug reports.
When SG Duos released there was so many bugs all the new gamemode did was increase the bugs to a whole new level, like increased lag, making the server UNPLAYABLE making the server lose thousands of players (if you go by the normal amount that they usually had). I'd much rather see 7 days added to a gamemodes release before a new gamemode, the lag was bad before the release all it did was made it worse with new lobbies opening for SG.
I love the gamemodes on cubecraft yes. They are the best from any. Hive just sucks. Skywars is bad, the SG is bad. But i'd rather have unfair chest than lag that happens every 5 seconds because the server can't handle it.
Cubecrafts healing is ust amazing thats another reason i play it its fast paced and i don't have to run for 2minutes straight to heal 4 hearts compared to eating a piece of steak and running back into a fight.
All i want is cubecraft to be better and just not become like InPvP, InPvP was good before now it's just, Outdated.
^ sorry for going of the main part of the thread