i'm talking about lag in FFA, not a superflat Minecraft world
Well, how are CubeCraft supposed to fix these lags? They're not insane enough to actually do something about it. Remember, it took them YEARS and 1k+ reports just to fix one bug and created more brand new and way more broken bugs.
I don't think they'll be able to fix these lags and I don't know if they actually care about those. I bet they're just going to be like "just get a new device lol".
Also, players render distance? Did you know how important these small stuff you guys don't care about to me? It's more than just very important. It's a life saver for me.
I don't think they'll be able to fix lags in lucky islands/lucky block skywars. I mean ALL lucky blocks are entities and they had their own opening animation. I don't see the reason why CubeCraft team would EVER throw these stuff. It's probably never going to be remove. Sure you COULD just suggest "just limit the render distance, duhh". It won't fix anything and it's just gonna make it harder for players who don't play lucky island much to spot a lucky block because.
Sure, limiting the item entity render distance may fix the lags for eggwars but it's not guaranteed and most likely not going to fix the lag. I believe there's just no way CubeCraft can fix these lag issues. They may implement some stuff that will boost low end devices performance but the chances that this will happen is low and I don't see it will be implemented soon.
Who knows, only time will tell...