Every time I go to the latest profile posts the page is filled with nonsense of 'omg pfp changed' or other things that nobody cares about. This is very annoying, it spams the page and overall this is just like farming. Nobody cares that someone's profile picture got changed and the important posts are barely noticeable anymore. I suggest that this is gonna fall under like-farming so this won't happen in the future anymore. Saying things like this just once a day or something isn't a problem of course but saying it like every hour is something else.
I believe this should already fall under rules
3.12 - Like and Message Farming
as well as
3.3 - Spamming
3.13 - Pointless Threads/Posts, Trolling, and Controversial Discussions
They are spamming a forums users feed as well as gaining them a pointless message point on the forums
Following your logic, saying 'Happy birthday' or 'Congrats' when someone reaches any important achievement should also be punishable?
I really think this doesn't bother anyone and it doesn't do any harm, at best if someone does this to increase their forums stats would they gain 1 or 2 reactions maybe? And how often does someone change their pfp?
Should also be punishable saying the mythical 'Welcome to the forums'?
I don't think this is a problem, I disagree
Following your logic, saying 'Happy birthday' or 'Congrats' when someone reaches any important achievement should also be punishable?
I really think this doesn't bother anyone and it doesn't do any harm, at best if someone does this to increase their forums stats would they gain 1 or 2 reactions maybe? And how often does someone change their pfp?
Should also be punishable saying the mythical 'Welcome to the forums'?
I don't think this is a problem, I disagree
These are one time things that only happen once or Yearly. That is entirely different than something that can happen daily or even Bi-Weekly.
The arguments being made here of saying "It's the same as saying Happy Birthday" or "Welcome to the forums" is lightyears apart.
A birthday happens once a year, while a new user to the forums only happens once to that user in the entire lifespan of that account.
It shows you care and appreciate it. People make their profile pictures as art. You don't walk into a museum and shout "That display changed!", but you can point it out, and the artist might appreciate that you noticed and took a moment to look. The same is for CubeCraft profile pictures.
Most people do not make their own PfP like I did!
For example, you just took a screenshot with Win+PrintScreen, which took a lot less work and hours compared to mine. I think my work looks absolutely amazing and I shared it in the Cubecraft Discord in the Creations channel. I never once posted it in my profile page on the forums.
There is other important things people are saying on their profiles rather than just a useless spammed message of "PfP changed"
Yes, but the owner of the profile or the message can feel free to delete it after a certain amount of time after it becomes irrelevant.
What happens if the owner of the profile posted "pfp changed" and they just got a mass amount of reactions/replies from it boosting their forums stats?
I agree, people enjoy it and it brings a bit of light to their day, and so on. It shows someone notices them and cares. And that's what CubeCraft is about: Having a nice time, and showing a bit of love.
People find harassing others is fun. But that is against the rules. Don't you think that spamming a profile with "pfp change" could be hurtful to others and may overwhelm them from something so small and may even push them off the forums?
May I add you can change in your settings who can write a message on your profile? You can set it so only people you follow, or nobody, and you could only follow people you know who won't spam you with "Pfp change".
What if I want others to reply to my posts, but not want to be spammed and then put through the hassle of deleting those messages?
If you go up to someone and say “hey you hanged your hair” following your flawed logic, then that’s surely “stupid” too? It’s not stupid it’s simply a nice thing to do. Simply saying the phrase pfp change is not stupid, it’s as I’ve said before a nice thing to do at the very least
????????? Again I have only ONCE in my entire life have been told "nice haircut" and that was years ago.
And typically if someone does it's not a random stranger on the street, it's your friends or someone you know well.
Not random strangers
Firstly those figures are extremely inaccurate. I don’t do it for the likes, nor did I do the light or dark mode for it. Again going by that logic anything slightly repetitive could be “like farming” say posting cat pictures. Ignoring the fact that the user might just want to share pics of their cat, someone out there could say it’s just for the likes. Secondly you are exaggerating the amount I comment with pfp change, and I mean, yeah I’d be quite worried if I was actually getting 100 reactions over two days just by saying the almighty words of “pfp change”.
P sure their is a big difference in sharing a picture you took over a picture that you took off google or did no work on.
Also if you make a funny memes argument there is a memes forums somewhere here where they can post it.
Who cares if people get an extra reaction for saying profile picture change or whatever, it doesn't really matter, at all.
-> see the humour in things
-> If you don't see the humour in things ignore it, or ignore these people
-> or make the rules even more strict than they are, because that's a good thing!
Also, does anyone wanna say anything about 'welcome to the forums' or is that OK because it's staff who say it? Also is getting 5 to 10 likes for saying forwarded ok too?
It's not funny when it's just spammed. It's just dry and bland unamusing and stupid.
Again like I said above in this post
"These are one time things that only happen once or Yearly. That is entirely different than something that can happen daily or even Bi-Weekly.
The arguments being made here of saying "It's the same as saying Happy Birthday" or "Welcome to the forums" is lightyears apart.
A birthday happens once a year, while a new user to the forums only happens once to that user in the entire lifespan of that account."
Suggesting changes that will improve players' overall experience and will make CubeCraft a better server:

Punishing for being nice to other people:
If we keep on adding the strictest rules we can come up with, the forums will become an extremely boring place. If you don't like someone's post, you're not forced to like it. Plus there is no way for us (the moderation team) to tell whether someone is trying to get likes or just being nice.
It's not even being strict, they already are breaking rules 3.2, 3.12 and 3.13
Plus it's just grown into a copy pasta and as a "JoKe" as said by other people in this post. It's spamming and annoys people and is just not funny.
The way the rule currently works is that you are allowed to post suggestion threads on your profile, with the exception that you may not farm likes/agrees while doing so. (E.g. "Plz plz agree!!!")
*spams every persons profile that changed their pfp in the last 24hours to get message/like points on my profile*