Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Professional
Mar 13, 2015
Beyond time and space
Give players a cooldown for using /leave in the middle of a fight because players use it to escape death.

Add a ranked mode to each different kit to make it more interesting and fun for everyone on all skill levels.

When out of combat in FFA for 7 seconds, heal the health of a player to max again to reduce the time players have to hide and wait for their health to regenerate all the way back again. This will make it more fast-paced and will encourage players more to seek out a battle.


You still get the kill for /leave. Agree with the rest.

Deleted member 346231

Ranked would be amazing, are you thinking like an ELO system or stats based? Agree with the other things as well


Forum Expert
Mar 16, 2016
You still get the kill for /leave. Agree with the rest.
In FFA, but not in duels, afaik.
When out of combat in FFA for 7 seconds, heal the health of a player to max again to reduce the time players have to hide and wait for their health to regenerate all the way back again. This will make it more fast-paced and will encourage players more to seek out a battle
I usually end up using /kill after most fights because I don't care about my deaths but don't want to wait minutes before being able to play again. With the last update you can't even do that immediately. But I don't want it to happen after 7 seconds, that would make it easy to run away to heal. Maybe heal instantly if the last player that hit you dies.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2017
You still get the kill for /leave. Agree with the rest.
True, but they don’t get the death. Therefore I still think that this should be added.
When out of combat in FFA for 7 seconds, heal the health of a player to max again to reduce the time players have to hide and wait for their health to regenerate all the way back again. This will make it more fast-paced and will encourage players more to seek out a battle.
I like the idea, but it might turn out as unfair for some! Maybe it should be a different mode, to say the least!?
Maybe heal instantly if the last player that hit you dies.
Or, in fact probably rather this!

Ranked system would be great!


Forum Expert
Mar 16, 2016
Remove shop anyway!

I think /leaving in duels should kill you with void damage, so you get 1 death and if your opponent hit you before they get the kill. Then there doesn't necessarily need to be a cooldown.
Fun fact: I made a suggestion for that a while ago, so I assumed they decided to keep it that way. But today, just before this thread was made, I asked about this on #staff-help and it seems it might not even be intentional. I made a bug report for it now.
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