Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2015
You are being an hypocrite right now. You have use your arguments at least 3-4 times, no wonder why you keep getting the same answer...
Because nobody is listening. I have to keep reminding them over and over again because they are using the same arguments. If I am a hypocrite, then SO ARE THEY.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2016
Or maybe somebody is spam rushing/ camping, both of which CAN happen in OP mode. Very easily, in fact. You can get 2 pieces of diamond armor + maybe a chain helmet and boots in the time it takes the other team to get 1 ender pearl. And that person is gonna camp the egg, so that person that EP's better have gear, or hes gonna die.
You gotta be lucky sometimes :P


Forum Veteran
Oct 2, 2016
Texas, US
Oh, im a lying hypocrite? I see...

And it your not?

Also, am i "attacking you" becuase i didnt agree with your posts? Bruh you need help...


Forum Expert
Jul 24, 2015
a place where everything you touch turns to gold.
Or maybe somebody is spam rushing/ camping, both of which CAN happen in OP mode. Very easily, in fact. You can get 2 pieces of diamond armor + maybe a chain helmet and boots in the time it takes the other team to get 1 ender pearl. And that person is gonna camp the egg, so that person that EP's better have gear, or hes gonna die.
When I play, the game usually ends before anyone gets iron armor...


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2015
Oh, im a lying hypocrite? I see...

And it your not?

Also, am i "attacking you" becuase i didnt agree with your posts? Bruh you need help...
Do you know how to spoken?
I never said that anybody not agreeing with me is a lying hypocrite, i said that you were saying that "what Gain was doing was completely ok, but what i did makes me the devil", which is hypocrisy.
Im probably just going to stop talking to either of you, since you aren't really helping anything except making yourselves look bad. Well, to people who aren't bandwagoning sheep.


Forum Veteran
Oct 2, 2016
Texas, US
Because nobody is listening. I have to keep reminding them over and over again because they are using the same arguments. If I am a hypocrite, then SO ARE THEY.

So EVERYONE is a hypocrite?
YOU are the one who is not listening...
And people are bringing up the same argument becuase its what you should do, its the right approach at it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2015
Are you seriously complaining about nobody listening to you? 'Cause you're the only one here that doesn't listen to others...
Im the only one here that doesnt have almost everybody else's opinions, and i would like to just stop talking on this thread since its all pointless, but everybody else just wont stop, so lets just end it here. I dont agree with almost everybody else, and im just gonna try to go before im doused with oil.


Forum Veteran
Oct 2, 2016
Texas, US
Do you know how to spoken?
I never said that anybody not agreeing with me is a lying hypocrite, i said that you were saying that "what Gain was doing was completely ok, but what i did makes me the devil", which is hypocrisy.
Im probably just going to stop talking to either of you, since you aren't really helping anything except making yourselves look bad. Well, to people who aren't bandwagoning sheep.
I never said you were the devil and Gainfull was a god...
You just took it WAY to far with complaining about it.

Im making myself look bad? How must i ask?

Technically YOU ARE making yourself look bad becuase of your saltiness and giving yourself a bad reputation in my opinion


Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2016
CC wont cater to one person's interests. Not because they cant, but because they dont care.
How do you propose Cubecraft handle the situation while still earning enough money to keep the server afloat? I'm really curious, considering the last page of comments have been inflammatory.
Seriously guys, comment on the topic rather than someone's opinion. Don't say "oh no but he's not doing it". Be mature and just stop making it personal, because you all look extremely moody.


Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
Ok, honestly...
Dude, you just need to be quiet and be respectful

@Gainfullterror is NOT a jerk, and is actually helpful, unlike you are.

In fact, you sir are a jerk, saying for him to stop arguing, on a thread that is basically meant to cause an argument.
And if "arguing" means replying to a post, you've got some serious issues.

1. He is NOT a sarcastic wang
2. Hes actually a good forum member who doesn't disrespect other people, unlike you.
3. Gainfullterror is actually a conversation starter on the forums, so yes, he is fun to hand aroung with :p, when you are probably not.
4. You are basically disrespecting someone for making their own opinion on response to a post.

So, could you just be quiet and keep your pathetic rude comments to yourself?
At least he has arguments...
You just have your opinion and a disrespectful behavior.
@DanielSch you might not like op, but a big part of the community does like op, so it won't be removed, that's the only argument needed.
Btw, if the game is long enough for somebody to make full diamond armor, you (and your teammates) are doing something wrong.

Incoming "memester"

You are lying.
Lying about his opinion and some facts to strengthen it? HOW?
and i cant use anything more than that because i KNOW a mod is breathing down my neck waiting for me to accidentally break the rules so he can break my back, bane-style.
Well considering you haven't been very respectful, they would've already struck.

And could you please look at his comments, and tell me that 2nd 'point' again? Both at the same time, please.
And no, posting the same argument TWICE is not helpful. Its dumb and pointless.
Ok from now on I'll just quote something and give no explanation.

And that 'you must be fun to hang around with' thing- a joke. I was kidding. It was sarcasm because of how unreasonable hes being. And the fact you cant see that honestly worries me.
Aren't you the type of person to tell someone to be serious about this? This is a suggestion that won't ever be taken into consideration, and you're still fighting for it.
I'm surprised that you're this persistent, good on you.

I dont care that he starts conversations. If he comes at me, i say something, no matter if hes being a white knight or not, WHICH HE IS.
Oh wait, it's not an argument, is it?

If you are going to attack me based on what i + gain were saying, and you go after me and not gain, you are a hypocrite.
He's just talking about his perspective.

Of course i wasn't attacking gain for having an opinion, i was attacking him for saying the same stuff twice in a row
You've said that 4 times at least. now THAT is hypocritical.
When are you actually going to counter it though? Can you tell me where you've done it instead of ignoring it?

it had as much as a point as a baseball bat.
If someone where to threaten another person with a bat, I'm pretty sure that the person that was threatened wouldn't have a choice but to listen...
Unless it's a Joestar of course. (You probably won't get this reference, just ignore it)
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