I will not be going through an in-depth explanation about what a shadow mute is, but I will talk about how we NEED to get Mojang off their butts and deal with issues. A shadow mute is a bug in the system where you get randomly muted from featured servers, only you can see your messages but no one else can when you hit enter message. I've heard of countless people that are shadow muted (including me) and feel this bug NEEDS to be stopped. So here, at the beginning of December 2019, my journey began in search of ways to fix shadow mute. I first asked Cubecraft support about the issue and they said to contact Microsoft about the issue. So I sent an email to Microsoft. No response. About two weeks later I decided to send a second email. Both of which haven't been responded to from this day. About a week later I called Microsoft to confront them orally about the issue. I talked and explained the issue, they put me on hold then replied with, "Sorry, there's nothing we can do, we suggest you contact Nintendo about the issue". They suggested this because I play on Nintendo Switch, but the issue doesn't rely on the game system or the game, its the MICROSOFT ACCOUNT. I know this because the shadow mute issue can easily be resolved by making a new Microsoft account, but you lose all your stats and have to start from 0, as you cant transfer them. I contacted Nintendo and sure enough, they said: "Why are you contacting us, contact Mojang/Microsoft again". I have not been able to reach them to this day as both emails haven't been replied to and I won't be making a third one. I also haven't gotten the time to call them again.
A bit later I was watching YouTube and decided to search up "shadow mute" to see what would come up. I found this video from the channel SoundToTheThirdPower. There, a user named GHspaghetti explained his similar situation and hunt to fix the bug. Though he was able to receive an email back from Microsoft/Mojang. I encourage you to watch the video as I won't word it the exact way and GHspaghetti explains it better. But Microsoft basically said, "Sorry, we cannot do anything about this" (not true) and told GHspaghetti that he was probably shadow muted for a reason and should stop swearing or spamming and "maybe things will look up" (makes no sense). Please consider watching the video:
So, in conclusion, my journey to fix the shadow mute is coming to a sad end. I feel Microsoft is not doing anything about this any time soon or ever. They won't listen to us. Though as a desperate last attempt I plead with all my heart that somebody does something about this. So I am giving one last request and question regarding shadow mute to you Cubecraft staff. Would @rubik_cube_man please consider writing a professional email to Microsoft/Mojang asking about the shadow mute and encourage them to fix it. They won't listen to us as players, but maybe they will listen to the owners of official servers as they are in a higher position. Please take this into consideration, and thank you for your support.
I will not be going through an in-depth explanation about what a shadow mute is, but I will talk about how we NEED to get Mojang off their butts and deal with issues. A shadow mute is a bug in the system where you get randomly muted from featured servers, only you can see your messages but no one else can when you hit enter message. I've heard of countless people that are shadow muted (including me) and feel this bug NEEDS to be stopped. So here, at the beginning of December 2019, my journey began in search of ways to fix shadow mute. I first asked Cubecraft support about the issue and they said to contact Microsoft about the issue. So I sent an email to Microsoft. No response. About two weeks later I decided to send a second email. Both of which haven't been responded to from this day. About a week later I called Microsoft to confront them orally about the issue. I talked and explained the issue, they put me on hold then replied with, "Sorry, there's nothing we can do, we suggest you contact Nintendo about the issue". They suggested this because I play on Nintendo Switch, but the issue doesn't rely on the game system or the game, its the MICROSOFT ACCOUNT. I know this because the shadow mute issue can easily be resolved by making a new Microsoft account, but you lose all your stats and have to start from 0, as you cant transfer them. I contacted Nintendo and sure enough, they said: "Why are you contacting us, contact Mojang/Microsoft again". I have not been able to reach them to this day as both emails haven't been replied to and I won't be making a third one. I also haven't gotten the time to call them again.
A bit later I was watching YouTube and decided to search up "shadow mute" to see what would come up. I found this video from the channel SoundToTheThirdPower. There, a user named GHspaghetti explained his similar situation and hunt to fix the bug. Though he was able to receive an email back from Microsoft/Mojang. I encourage you to watch the video as I won't word it the exact way and GHspaghetti explains it better. But Microsoft basically said, "Sorry, we cannot do anything about this" (not true) and told GHspaghetti that he was probably shadow muted for a reason and should stop swearing or spamming and "maybe things will look up" (makes no sense). Please consider watching the video:
So, in conclusion, my journey to fix the shadow mute is coming to a sad end. I feel Microsoft is not doing anything about this any time soon or ever. They won't listen to us. Though as a desperate last attempt I plead with all my heart that somebody does something about this. So I am giving one last request and question regarding shadow mute to you Cubecraft staff. Would @rubik_cube_man please consider writing a professional email to Microsoft/Mojang asking about the shadow mute and encourage them to fix it. They won't listen to us as players, but maybe they will listen to the owners of official servers as they are in a higher position. Please take this into consideration, and thank you for your support.