Something being difficult or annoying isn't straight away an offence or something impossible. Being frustrated is one thing, but now your basically saying that everyone who runs should be punished. That's how the game works. You're not telling me that if you're low and you don't have the chance to eat you're gonna stop running after 3 minutes saying "oh well I'm now doing illegal you can kill me". Everyone wants to protect themselfs and win the game, and running when necessary is part of that.
I'm going to lock this simply because this is never gonna happen so input from other members isn't necessary anymore. On the other hand, I'm fairly sure we don't need other options against this problem, simply because it's not a game breaking thing and this would be the same if you would punish 3 minutes of constant building or 3 minutes of staying at your spawn island.
I don't know if this is a really good fix for the runner/camping problem but maybe some sort of border that forces players to move closer to the middle of the map if the match takes way too long?
About this, I'm not too sure. I really think it will take away all of Skywars it's charms and to be honest I think this guy was just very unlucky, because the times I had this issue were like 1 in 50 games or even more, but if you want to make an official suggestion out of this, then you can make a thread.
If there are more questions about this topic/thread, hit me up, I don't bite.