no, religion is perfect, but it is the sinners that sometimes take it too far, example being the Salem witch trials. And the big bang is just a theory, it has no evidence whatsoever. the only evidence they have for it is assumed on a large scale. We are the evidence of Adam and Eve. We have to come from somebody, and its not from monkeys. Evolution's evidence is not clear. They take fossils from a long time ago, and then they take fossils from now and they say they look like each other, but not one place in the world has the whole geological column mapped out, not one place actually has real fossils from different time periods that look similar. There are no missing links. And the ones that they have found are not real, and i will tell you why- so you see a red candy bar. then you see a yellow candy bar... their color has nothing large in common until you find an orange candy bar... then you assume that the red candy bar is very old, and that the yellow one is new, and that the yellow candy bar used to be a red candy bar because you found a candy bar with a color in between them. This is also so with evolution, they find a monkey, they find a man, then they find something in between and they assume that the monkey slowly over millions of years turned into a man. Uniformitarianism is full of assumptions. And why, do you think, most ancient cultures have a myth about a great flood? somebody gave all of them the idea at the same time? There was a flood! simple! i would like some evidence from someone why most ancient cultures have a flood story is not a good reason that there was a flood. xD this is intense...