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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2021
My Guinea pigs' cage EU#12
If there is any quests I have forgot just tell me what is called and it objectives and rewards if it has and I will add it. ty
Hi. You might of heard of skyblock before but have you ever wondered how many quests are there? Well there 136
Purple = description
Black = Non description
This took a very long time btw
the links I used https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/skyblock-all-quests.227026/, https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/documentation-skyblock-quests.226409/
Introduction part 1
Welcome to Skyblock! This is your first Quest. Completing a quest or a series of Quests yields useful rewards. Start by gathering 10 Oak Logs.
Gather 10 logs 0/10

Introduction part 2
Great work! Now, craft a Crafting Table.
Craft a crafting table 0/1

Tools of the trade
Craft essential Wooden Tools.
Craft a Wooden Axe: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Pickaxe: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Spade: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Hoe 0/1
-3x Cobblestone generator

Food for thought
Harvest some Beetroot and make some Beetroot Soup.
Harvest 30 beetroot 0/30
Craft 5 beetroot 0/5
-Water bucket

Introduction part 1
Welcome to Skyblock! This is your first Quest. Completing a quest or a series of Quests yields useful rewards. Start by gathering 10 Oak Logs.
Gather 10 logs 0/10

Introduction part 2
Great work! Now, craft a Crafting Table.
Craft a crafting table 0/1

Tools of the trade
Craft essential Wooden Tools.
Craft a Wooden Axe: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Pickaxe: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Spade: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Hoe 0/1
-3x Cobblestone generator

Food for thought
Harvest some Beetroot and make some Beetroot Soup.
Harvest 30 beetroot 0/30
Craft 5 beetroot 0/5
-Water bucket

Gather a large amount of Oak Logs.
Gather 32 Oak Logs 0/32

Generating cobblestone
Generate 20 Cobblestone from Cobblestone Generators. Cobblestone mined for the world does not count towards Quest progress.
Generate 20 cobblestone 0/20

Let There Be Light Part 1
Craft a Furnace.
Craft a Furnace 0/1

Let There Be Light Part 2
Smelt Logs into charcoal
Smelt 5 logs into charcoal 0/5

Let There Be Light Part 3
Craft torches
Craft 20 torches 0/20

Craft some needed stone tools
Craft a stone axe 0/1
Craft a stone pickaxe 0/1
Craft a stone hoe 0/1
Craft a stone spade/shovel 0/1
New island: Plains

Travel to the plains island
1,000 coins

Bears, Beets... Battlestar Galactica
- Harvest 500 Beetroot
- 2x Experience Bottle

Lord Of Soup
- Craft 100 Beetroot Soup
- 20x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Logs For Days
- Gather 200 Oak Logs
- 2x Experience Bottle
- 10x Beetroot Seeds

Theory Of Gravity
- Gather 50 Apples
- Golden Apple

- Generate 200 Cobblestone
- Golden Carrot
- 20x Experience Bottle

The Ultimate Oven
- Craft 30 Furnaces
- 2 Experience Bottles
- 64x Charcoal

John's law
- Craft 18 Crafting Tables
- 18x Cole
- 5x Experience Bottle

Great Heights
- Craft 500 Ladders
- 10x Experience Bottle

Roll Out The Red Carpet
- Craft 500 Red Carpet
- 64x Red Terracotta
- 20x Experience Bottle

Armour Standing
- Craft 10 Armour Stands
- 10x Experience Bottle

Pumpkin Carver
Harvest some Pumpkins and scoop out their seeds.
Halloween or not, I just want pumpkins!
Harvest 3 pumpkins 0/3
Craft 4 pumpkin seeds 0/4

Harvest potatoes and make mash
Harvest 30 potatoes 0/30
Bake 15 potatoes 0/15

Potatoe Farmer
Harvest a lot of potatoes
Harvest 128 potatoes 0/128

Travelling Salesman
Bring your stock to the skyblock hub
Visit the skyblock hub 0/1

Pumpkin slayer
Kill a lot of pumpkins to help Herobrine
Harvest 50 pumpkins 0/50

Got beef
Kill cows then cooked the meat
Kill Cows: 0/30
Cook Steak: 0/15

Craft some well earned leather Armour
Craft leather helmet 0/1
Craft leather chestplate 0/1
Craft leather leggins 0/1
Craft leather boots 0/1

Generating coal
Generate a lot of coal so you craft torches
Generate 64 coal 0/64

Light it up
Craft a lot of torches to light up the place
Craft 100 torches 0/100

- Eat 10 Raw Beef
- 1x Experience Bottle

Leather Armoury
- Put a Leather Helmet on an Armour Stand
- Put a Leather Chestplate on an Armour Stand
- Put Leather Leggings on an Armour Stand
- Put Leather Boots on an Armour Stand
- 20x Experience Bottle

Level 18 Leather Generator
- Upgrade a Cow Spwaner to Level 18
- 5x Experience Bottle
- 64x Leather

- Harvest 200 Pumpkins
- Wear a Pumpkin on your head
- 2x Experience Bottle

Potato Peels
- Harvest 1,000 Potatoes
- Harvest 50 Poisonous Potatoes
- 1x Experience Bottle

- Eat 10 Poisonous Potatoes without being posioned.
- 15x Experience Bottle
- 2x Golden Carrot

Portable Goods
- Dismantle a Skyblock Shop
- Place a Skyblock Shop
- 10x Experience Bottle
- 32x Stone
- 500 Coins

(Btw this is the point where I stopped putting descriptions)

Sell 30 leather 0/30
Cold tagia island

Travel to the Cold Tagia island
5,000 coins
Wheat farmer
Harvest Wheat: 0/50

Burger Buns
Craft 100 bread 0/100

Cubecraft fried chicken
Kill 20 chickens 0/20
Cook 20 chicken 0/20

Spawner Upgrade
Upgrade a chicken spawner 0/1

Island spurce-up
Collect 128 spruce logs 0/128

Novice guide to enchanting
Harvest 50 lapis 0/50

Enchanting Apprentice
Enchant any item to level 1 0/1

Sorcer in training
Enchant leather helmet to level 2 0/1
Enchant leather chestplate to level 2 0/1
Enchant leather leggins to level 2 0/1
Enchant leather boots to level 2 0/1

Paint yourself blue
Dye all the leather Enchant Aroumer blue 0/4 pieces

Eggeclent recipe
Collect 16 eggs 0/16

Cold to the touch
Summon and kill a snow golem boss 0/1

Tomb raider
Travel to the jungle island 0/1
10,000 coins

Pillow Fort
- Gather 500 Feathers

Cold Feet
- Craft 20 Leather Boots
- 10x Experience Bottle

All Cooped Up
- Kill 200 Chickens
- Cook 200 Chickens
- 4x Experience Bottle
- 20x Egg

Cuckoo Ranger
- Throw 1,000 Eggs At Chickens
- Golden Apple
- 25,000 Coins

Welcome To The Jungle
- Kill 20 Spiders

Tree Feller
- Gather 500 Jungle Logs

All Eyes On You
- Kill 50 Spiders
- Gather 25 Spider Eyes

Sleep Tight
- Craft 20 Wool
- Craft a Bed
- Set Spawn Location

Cocoa Farmer
- Gather 100 Cocao Beans

A Blight Of Spiders
- Enchant any weapon with Bane of Arthropods

Tackle The Jungle
- Craft a Fishing Rod

- Upgrade a Spider Spawner 4x

Arachnid Exile
- Kill 10 Though Level 10+ Spiders

- Craft 200 Stone Bricks
- Craft 200 Chiseled Stone Bricks
- Craft 200 Cracked Stone Bricks
- 200x Mossy Stone Bricks

Angler Artisan
- Enchant a Fishing Rod with Lure Level 5
- 20x Experience Bottle

Angler Master
- Catch 64 Fish
- Catch 32 Salmon
- Catch 16 Pufferfish
- Catch 3 Clownfish
- 20x Experience Bottle

Crazy Cat Person
- Tame 20 Ocelots
- 30x Experience Bottle
- 20,000 Coins

- Eat 32 Cooked Fish
- Eat 32 Cooked Salmon
- 5x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Omega 3
- Eat 32 Raw Fish
- Eat 32 Raw Salmon
- Eat 5 Clownfish
- Hopper
- 15x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Harmful Appetite
- Eat 10 Pufferfish
- Hopper
- 15x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Eye See What You Did There
- Eat 64 Spider Eyes
- 20x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Silk Weaver
- Craft 200 Wool
20x Experience Bottle
- 5,000 Coins

Chocolate Floor
- Craft 400 Brown Carpet
- 20x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Chain Of Survival
- Craft 10 Leather Helmets
- Craft 10 Leather Chestplates
- Craft 10 Leather Leggings
- Craft 10 Leather Boots

Cookie Monster's Baker
- Craft 100,000 Cookies
- Cookie Monster's Cookie
- 2,000,000 Coins

Cacti Farmer
- Harvest 250 Cacti

- Enchant a Bow to Level 2

Blot Out The Sun
- Craft a Bow
- Craft 500 Arrows

Target Practice
- Shoot 20 Zombies 20 or more blocks away

Creeper Blanket
- Smelt 50 Cacti into Dye
- Craft 50 Green Wool

- Travel to the Birch Forest Island
- 30,000 Coins

- Retaliate against 100 Zombies
(Kill 100 Zombies after you received damage from them)
- 100x Experience Bottle

- Smelt 500 Glass
- 64x Packed Ice

Bottles Of Fun
- Craft 1,000 Glass Bottles
- 32x Lime Stained Glass
- 32x Yellow Stained Glass
- 32x Magenta Stained Glass
- 20x Experience Bottle

Disciple Of Imhotep
- Craft 300 Sandstone
- Craft 300 Smooth Sandstone
- 64x Smooth Red Sandstone
- 64x Chiseled Red Sandstone
- 64x Red Sandstone

Fragile Artisanry
- Craft 100 Red Glass
- Craft 100 Blue Glass
- Craft 100 Purple Glass
- Craft 100 Brown Glass
- Craft 100 Green Glass
- Craft 100 Cyan Glass
- 32x Gray Stained Glass
- 32x Light Gray Stained Glass
- 32x Light Blue Stained Glass
- 20x Experience Bottle

Panestaking Glasswork
- Craft 500 Red Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Blue Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Purple Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Brown Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Green Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Cyan Glass Panes
- 64x Pink Stained Glass
- 64x White Stained Glass
- 64x Black Stained Glass
- 64x Orange Stained Glass
- 100x Experience Bottle
- Gather 1000 Birch Logs

Iron Out The Kinks
- Smelt 200 Iron Ingots

- Craft an Iron Axe
- Craft an Iron Pickaxe
- Craft an Iron Spade
- Craft an Iron Hoe

- Craft an Iron Helmet
- Craft an Iron Chestplate
- Craft Iron Leggings
- Craft Iron Boots

Melon Farmer
- Harvest 3000 Melons

A Smithy's Best Friend
- Craft an Anvil

Steel Yourself
- Enchant an Iron Sword to Level 2

Posion And Remedy
- Kill 15 Zombies while Posioned
- Kill 15 Cave Spiders while not Posioned

Heart Of Iron
- Summon and kill an Iron Golem

- Travel to the Savannah Island
- 40,000 Coins

Bark And Birch
- Gather 10,000 Birch Logs
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Smelt 1,000 Iron Ingots
- 350,000 Coins

Off The Rails
- Craft 3,000 Rails
10x Experience Bottle
8x Activator Rail
32x Powered Rail
- 32x Detector Rail

- Summon and Kill 100 Iron Golems
- 3x Golden Apple
- Enchanted Golden Apple

Iron Armoury
- Put an Iron Helmet on an Armour Stand
- Put an Iron Chestplante on an Armour Stand
- Put Iron Leggings on an Armour Stand
- Put Iron Boots on an Armour Stand
- 8 Powered Rail
- 40x Experience Bottle
- 8x Detector Rail

Barred and Blocked
- Craft a Shield
- Craft 200 Iron Bars

Shields Up
- Enchant a Shield to Level 3
- Creeper Banner

Venom and Vitality
- Kill 20 Though Cave Spiderrs while Poisoned
- 2x Cave Spiders while Poisoned
- Enchanted Golden Apple

- Harvest 50,000 Melons
- 5x Golden Apple
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Kill 10 Zombies
- Kill 10 Spiders
- Kill 10 Cave Spiders
- Kill 20 Skeletons

The Grand Ham
- Kill 25 Pigs
- Cook 25 Porkchop

- Gather 2,000 Acacia Logs

Golden Core
- Craft 20 Golden Apples

Gold Miner
- Smelt 300 Gold Ingots

- Sell 128 Gold Ingots

Spirit Of Apollo
- Kill 5 Infernal Skeletons flawlessly using arrows

Bone Marrow
- Sell 200 Bones

Dye Master
- Craft 64 Lime Dye
- Craft 64 Light Blue Dye

Colour Co-ordination
- Craft 200 Lime Carpet
- Craft 200 Light Blue Carpet

- Travel to the Extreme Hills Islands
- 50,000 Coins

Golden Age
- Smelt 2,000 Gold Ingots
Rewards: 32x Red Terracotta

Barbeque Bacon
- Kill 100 Burning Pigs
- Gather 500 Grilled Pork
- Fireproof Helmet
- Fireproof Chestplate

Infernal Retribution
- Kill 100 Burning Infernal Skeletons
Fireproof Leggings
- Fireproof Boots

Acacia Grove
- Gather 20,000 Acacia Logs
- 16x Blue Orchid

Deflection Tactics
- Deflect 10 Arrows back at Skeletons
- 256x Withering Arrows

Gold Armoury
- Put an Gold Helmet on an Armour Stand
- Put an Gold Chestplante on an Armour Stand
- Put Gold Leggings on an Armour Stand
- Put Gold Boots on an Armour Stand
- 60x Experience Bottle
- 12x Powered Rail
- 12x Detector Rail

Acacia Grove
- Gather 20,000 Acacia Logs
- 16x Blue Orchid

Ceramic Shop
- Buy 500 Clay
- 16x Allium

Porcelain Pottery
- Craft 500 Flower Pots
- 16x Pink Tulip
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Smelt 500 Clay into Bricks
- Craft 150 Brick Blocks
- Craft 300 Brick Slabs
- Craft 150 Brick Stairs
- 16x Azure Bluet
- 16x Red Tulip
- 16x Orange Tulip
- 16x White Tulip
- 1,000,000 Coins

Nether Gate
- Unlock the Nether.
- 16x Potion of Regeneration
Bestiary Of Horrors
- Kill 3 Creepers
- Kill 10 Skeletons
- Kill 10 Zombies

Unconventional Shepherd
- Kill 100 Sheep

Carrot Farmer
- Harvest 10,000 Carrots

Lucky Pick
- Harvest 60 Golden Carrots

Merchant of Oz
- Sell 180 Emeralds

Lamb Shanked
- Cook 500 Mutton

Blast Armour
- Enchant Iron Helmet with Blast Protection 2
- Enchant Iron Chestplate with Blast Protection 2
- Enchant Iron Leggings with Blast Protection 2
- Enchant Iron Boots with Blast Protection 2

Hazardous Materials
- Craft 50 TNT

Handcrafted Luck
- Craft 250 Golden Carrots

- Kill 3 Charged Creepers

- Travel to the Swampland Island
100,000 Coins

Explosive Temperament
- Kill 30 Tough Creepers
- Kill 10 Charged Creepers
- 3x Sheep Spawner
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Harvest 15,000 Carrots
- Harvest 150 Golden Carrots
- Craft 500 Golden Carrots
- 2x Enchanted Golden Apple
- 5,000,000 Coins

Trophy Hunter
- Obtain 2 Skeleton Skulls
- Obtain 2 Zombie Skulls
- Obtain 2 Creeper Skulls
- Sheep Spawner
- 500,000 Coins

Vivid Flock
- Dye 20 Sheep Orange
- Dye 20 Sheep Magenta
- Dye 20 Sheep Light Blue
- Dye 20 Sheep Yellow
- Dye 20 Sheep Lime
- Dye 20 Sheep Pink
- Dye 20 Sheep Cyan
- Dye 20 Sheep Purple
- Dye 20 Sheep Blue
- Dye 20 Sheep Brown
- Dye 20 Sheep Green
- Dye 20 Sheep Red
- 1,000,000 Coins

True Anarchy
- Kill 80 Slimes
- Kill 20 Witches
- Kill 20 Zombies
- Kill 20 Skeletons
- Kill 20 Spiders
- Kill 20 Cave Spiders

Sugar Rush
- Craft 500 Sugar
- Gather 10 Sugar from Witches

Prime Mining
- Craft a Diamond Axe
- Craft a Diamond Pickaxe
- Craft a Diamond Spade
- Craft a Diamond Hoe

Illustrious Finery
- Craft an Diamond Helmet
- Craft an Diamond Chestplate
- Craft Diamond Leggings
- Craft Diamond Boots

- Gather 200 Diamonds

- Kill 300 Level 0 Slimes

- Gather 4,000 Dark Oak Logs

Light In The Shadows
- Craft 50 Glowstone

Glucose Overdose
- Craft 15,000 Sugar

Violent Delights
- Craft 50 Cakes
- 20x Diamond
- 100x Experience Bottle

Violent Ends
- Kill 1,000 Cows
- Kill 1,000 Chickens
- Kill 1,000 Spiders
- Kill 1,000 Ocelots
- Kill 1,000 Zombies
- Kill 1,000 Cave Spiders
- Kill 1,000 Skeletons
- Kill 1,000 Pigs
- Kill 1,000 Creepers
- Kill 1,000 Sheep
- Kill 1,000 Slimes
- Kill 1,000 Witches
- 500x Experience Bottle
- 100x Diamond
- Shard Of The Sky

Parchment Arts
- Craft 1,000 Paper
- Compass
- Enchanted Golden Apple

Library of Secrets
- Craft 500 Books
- Craft 200 Bookshelves
- Secrets / Ch. 1

Occasion Of Celebration
- Craft 100 Fireworks
- 32x Firework

Incredible Pie
- Craft 100 Pumpkin Pie
- 100 Experience Bottles
- 1,000,000 Coins

Diamonds In The Sky
- Sell 500 Diamonds
- 100x Experience Bottle
- 1,000,000 Coins

Personal Portal
- Create a Portal
- 100x Experience Bottle
- 1,000,000 Coins

Diamond Armoury
- Put an Diamond Helmet on an Armour Stand
- Put an Diamond Chestplante on an Armour Stand
- Put Diamond Leggings on an Armour Stand
- Put Diamond Boots on an Armour Stand
- 8x Activator Rail
- 100x Experience Bottle
- 16x Powered Rail
- 16x Detector Rail

Oaken Heart
- Gather 10,000 Dark Oak Logs
- Rose Bush
- 64x Experience Bottle
- 1,000,000 Coins

Door To The Skies
- Craft 100 Oak Wood Door
- Craft 100 Spruce Wood Door
- Craft 100 Jungle Wood Door
- Craft 100 Acacia Wood Door
- Craft 100 Dark Oak Wood Door
- 64x Experience Bottle
- Sunflower
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Craft 500 Oak Wood Step
- Craft 500 Spruce Wood Step
- Craft 500 Jungle Wood Step
- Craft 500 Acacia Wood Step
- Craft 500 Dark Oak Wood Step
- Craft 300 Oak Wood Stairs
- Craft 300 Spruce Wood Stairs
- Craft 300 Jungle Wood Stairs
- Craft 300 Acacia Wood Stairs
- Craft 300 Dark Oak Wood Stairs
- Peony
- 64x Experience Bottle
- Lilac
- 1,000,000 Coins

Mythical Majesty
- Enchant 4 items to Level 6
Rewards | 2x Diamond - 200,000 Coins

- Craft 1 Optimiser
- Apply 20 Tree Boosts
- Apply 20 Ore Boosts
Reward | Quartz Generator

Nether Blacksmith
- Craft 10 Iron Swords
- Craft 10 Iron Axes
Reward | Quartz Generator
Slime Time
- Upgrade a Magma Cube Spawner to Level 32
Rewards | 2x Golden Apple - 64x Experience Bottle - 100,000 Coins

Magic Mythos
- Enchant 4 items to Level 7
Rewards | 1x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

Lightstone Hoarder
- Gather 10,000 Glowstone
Rewards | 1x Diamond - 750,000 Coins

Flawless Flamewalker
- Kill 100 Pigmen flawlessly
- Kill 100 Magma Cubes flawlessly
Rewards | Quartz Generator - 800,000 Coins
Chalcedony Quartz
- Gather 1,000 Nether Quartz
- Gather 5,000 Lapis Lazuli
Rewards | Quartz Generator - 2x Nether Wart - 2x Diamond

Flaming Brewery
- Craft 20 Brewing Stands
Rewards | 1x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

Lightstone Harvester
- Gather 25,000 Glowstone
Rewards | 4x Nether Wart - 2x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

Soul Harvester
- Harvest 50,000 Nether Warts
Rewards | 2x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

- Brew 20 Awkward Potions
- Brew 15 Potions of Healing
- Brew 15 Potions of Fire Resistance
Rewards | 1x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

Bottles of Hell
- Craft 1,000 Glass Bottles
- Fill 1,000 Bottles with Water, in the Nether
Rewards | 10x Nether Wart - 500,000 Coins

- Apply 20 Crop Boosts

Wither Or Not
- Kill 250 Wither Skeletons
- Gather 50 Wither Skeleton Skulls
Rewards | 2x Diamond Block - 10,000,000 Coins

A Glimmer Of Hope
- Gather 75,000 Glowstone
Rewards | 10x Nether Wart - 4x Diamonds

- Gather 2,500 Nether Quartz
- Gather 10,000 Lapis Lazuli
Rewards | 20x Nether Wart - 1,000,000 Coins

Soul Reaper
- Harvest 150,000 Nether Warts
Rewards | 2x Diamond - 2,500,000 Coins

Cyrstalline Architecture
- Craft 200 Blocks of Quartz
- Craft 200 Chiseled Quartz Blocks
- Craft 200 Pillar Quartz Blocks
- Craft 400 Quartz Slabs
- Craft 120 Quartz Stairs
Rewards | 1,000,000 Coins

Coming soon
Last edited:
Dec 12, 2020
Hi. You might of heard of skyblock before but have you ever wondered how many quests are there? Well there is about 110
Purple = description
Black = Non description
This took a very long time btw
the links I used https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/skyblock-all-quests.227026/, https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/documentation-skyblock-quests.226409/
Introduction part 1
Welcome to Skyblock! This is your first Quest. Completing a quest or a series of Quests yields useful rewards. Start by gathering 10 Oak Logs.
Gather 10 logs 0/10

Introduction part 2
Great work! Now, craft a Crafting Table.
Craft a crafting table 0/1

Tools of the trade
Craft essential Wooden Tools.
Craft a Wooden Axe: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Pickaxe: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Spade: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Hoe 0/1
-3x Cobblestone generator

Food for thought
Harvest some Beetroot and make some Beetroot Soup.
Harvest 30 beetroot 0/30
Craft 5 beetroot 0/5
-Water bucket

Introduction part 1
Welcome to Skyblock! This is your first Quest. Completing a quest or a series of Quests yields useful rewards. Start by gathering 10 Oak Logs.
Gather 10 logs 0/10

Introduction part 2
Great work! Now, craft a Crafting Table.
Craft a crafting table 0/1

Tools of the trade
Craft essential Wooden Tools.
Craft a Wooden Axe: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Pickaxe: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Spade: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Hoe 0/1
-3x Cobblestone generator

Food for thought
Harvest some Beetroot and make some Beetroot Soup.
Harvest 30 beetroot 0/30
Craft 5 beetroot 0/5
-Water bucket

Gather a large amount of Oak Logs.
Gather 32 Oak Logs 0/32

Generating cobblestone
Generate 20 Cobblestone from Cobblestone Generators. Cobblestone mined for the world does not count towards Quest progress.
Generate 20 cobblestone 0/20

Let There Be Light Part 1
Craft a Furnace.
Craft a Furnace 0/1

Let There Be Light Part 2
Smelt Logs into charcoal
Smelt 5 logs into charcoal 0/5

Let There Be Light Part 3
Craft torches
Craft 20 torches 0/20

Craft some needed stone tools
Craft a stone axe 0/1
Craft a stone pickaxe 0/1
Craft a stone hoe 0/1
Craft a stone spade/shovel 0/1
New island: Plains

Travel to the plains island
1,000 coins

Bears, Beets... Battlestar Galactica
- Harvest 500 Beetroot
- 2x Experience Bottle

Lord Of Soup
- Craft 100 Beetroot Soup
- 20x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Logs For Days
- Gather 200 Oak Logs
- 2x Experience Bottle
- 10x Beetroot Seeds

Theory Of Gravity
- Gather 50 Apples
- Golden Apple

- Generate 200 Cobblestone
- Golden Carrot
- 20x Experience Bottle

The Ultimate Oven
- Craft 30 Furnaces
- 2 Experience Bottles
- 64x Charcoal

John's law
- Craft 18 Crafting Tables
- 18x Cole
- 5x Experience Bottle

Great Heights
- Craft 500 Ladders
- 10x Experience Bottle

Roll Out The Red Carpet
- Craft 500 Red Carpet
- 64x Red Terracotta
- 20x Experience Bottle

Armour Standing
- Craft 10 Armour Stands
- 10x Experience Bottle

Pumpkin Carver
Harvest some Pumpkins and scoop out their seeds.
Halloween or not, I just want pumpkins!
Harvest 3 pumpkins 0/3
Craft 4 pumpkin seeds 0/4

Harvest potatoes and make mash
Harvest 30 potatoes 0/30
Bake 15 potatoes 0/15

Potatoe Farmer
Harvest a lot of potatoes
Harvest 128 potatoes 0/128

Travelling Salesman
Bring your stock to the skyblock hub
Visit the skyblock hub 0/1

Pumpkin slayer
Kill a lot of pumpkins to help Herobrine
Harvest 50 pumpkins 0/50

Got beef
Kill cows then cooked the meat
Kill Cows: 0/30
Cook Steak: 0/15

Craft some well earned leather Armour
Craft leather helmet 0/1
Craft leather chestplate 0/1
Craft leather leggins 0/1
Craft leather boots 0/1

Generating coal
Generate a lot of coal so you craft torches
Generate 64 coal 0/64

Light it up
Craft a lot of torches to light up the place
Craft 100 torches 0/100

- Eat 10 Raw Beef
- 1x Experience Bottle

Leather Armoury
- Put a Leather Helmet on an Armour Stand
- Put a Leather Chestplate on an Armour Stand
- Put Leather Leggings on an Armour Stand
- Put Leather Boots on an Armour Stand
- 20x Experience Bottle

Level 18 Leather Generator
- Upgrade a Cow Spwaner to Level 18
- 5x Experience Bottle
- 64x Leather

- Harvest 200 Pumpkins
- Wear a Pumpkin on your head
- 2x Experience Bottle

Potato Peels
- Harvest 1,000 Potatoes
- Harvest 50 Poisonous Potatoes
- 1x Experience Bottle

- Eat 10 Poisonous Potatoes without being posioned.
- 15x Experience Bottle
- 2x Golden Carrot

Portable Goods
- Dismantle a Skyblock Shop
- Place a Skyblock Shop
- 10x Experience Bottle
- 32x Stone
- 500 Coins

(Btw this is the point where I stopped putting descriptions)

Sell 30 leather 0/30
Cold tagia island

Travel to the Cold Tagia island
5,000 coins
Wheat farmer
Harvest Wheat: 0/50

Burger Buns
Craft 100 bread 0/100

Cubecraft fried chicken
Kill 20 chickens 0/20
Cook 20 chicken 0/20

Spawner Upgrade
Upgrade a chicken spawner 0/1

Island spurce-up
Collect 128 spruce logs 0/128

Novice guide to enchanting
Harvest 50 lapis 0/50

Enchanting Apprentice
Enchant any item to level 1 0/1

Sorcer in training
Enchant leather helmet to level 2 0/1
Enchant leather chestplate to level 2 0/1
Enchant leather leggins to level 2 0/1
Enchant leather boots to level 2 0/1

Paint yourself blue
Dye all the leather Enchant Aroumer blue 0/4 pieces

Eggeclent recipe
Collect 16 eggs 0/16

Cold to the touch
Summon and kill a snow golem boss 0/1

Tomb raider
Travel to the jungle island 0/1
10,000 coins

Pillow Fort
- Gather 500 Feathers

Cold Feet
- Craft 20 Leather Boots
- 10x Experience Bottle

All Cooped Up
- Kill 200 Chickens
- Cook 200 Chickens
- 4x Experience Bottle
- 20x Egg

Cuckoo Ranger
- Throw 1,000 Eggs At Chickens
- Golden Apple
- 25,000 Coins

Welcome To The Jungle
- Kill 20 Spiders

Tree Feller
- Gather 500 Jungle Logs

All Eyes On You
- Kill 50 Spiders
- Gather 25 Spider Eyes

Sleep Tight
- Craft 20 Wool
- Craft a Bed
- Set Spawn Location

Cocoa Farmer
- Gather 100 Cocao Beans

A Blight Of Spiders
- Enchant any weapon with Bane of Arthropods

Tackle The Jungle
- Craft a Fishing Rod

- Upgrade a Spider Spawner 4x

Arachnid Exile
- Kill 10 Though Level 10+ Spiders

- Craft 200 Stone Bricks
- Craft 200 Chiseled Stone Bricks
- Craft 200 Cracked Stone Bricks
- 200x Mossy Stone Bricks

Angler Artisan
- Enchant a Fishing Rod with Lure Level 5
- 20x Experience Bottle

Angler Master
- Catch 64 Fish
- Catch 32 Salmon
- Catch 16 Pufferfish
- Catch 3 Clownfish
- 20x Experience Bottle

Crazy Cat Person
- Tame 20 Ocelots
- 30x Experience Bottle
- 20,000 Coins

- Eat 32 Cooked Fish
- Eat 32 Cooked Salmon
- 5x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Omega 3
- Eat 32 Raw Fish
- Eat 32 Raw Salmon
- Eat 5 Clownfish
- Hopper
- 15x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Harmful Appetite
- Eat 10 Pufferfish
- Hopper
- 15x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Eye See What You Did There
- Eat 64 Spider Eyes
- 20x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Silk Weaver
- Craft 200 Wool
20x Experience Bottle
- 5,000 Coins

Chocolate Floor
- Craft 400 Brown Carpet
- 20x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Chain Of Survival
- Craft 10 Leather Helmets
- Craft 10 Leather Chestplates
- Craft 10 Leather Leggings
- Craft 10 Leather Boots

Cookie Monster's Baker
- Craft 100,000 Cookies
- Cookie Monster's Cookie
- 2,000,000 Coins

Cacti Farmer
- Harvest 250 Cacti

- Enchant a Bow to Level 2

Blot Out The Sun
- Craft a Bow
- Craft 500 Arrows

Target Practice
- Shoot 20 Zombies 20 or more blocks away

Creeper Blanket
- Smelt 50 Cacti into Dye
- Craft 50 Green Wool

- Travel to the Birch Forest Island
- 30,000 Coins

- Retaliate against 100 Zombies
(Kill 100 Zombies after you received damage from them)
- 100x Experience Bottle

- Smelt 500 Glass
- 64x Packed Ice

Bottles Of Fun
- Craft 1,000 Glass Bottles
- 32x Lime Stained Glass
- 32x Yellow Stained Glass
- 32x Magenta Stained Glass
- 20x Experience Bottle

Disciple Of Imhotep
- Craft 300 Sandstone
- Craft 300 Smooth Sandstone
- 64x Smooth Red Sandstone
- 64x Chiseled Red Sandstone
- 64x Red Sandstone

Fragile Artisanry
- Craft 100 Red Glass
- Craft 100 Blue Glass
- Craft 100 Purple Glass
- Craft 100 Brown Glass
- Craft 100 Green Glass
- Craft 100 Cyan Glass
- 32x Gray Stained Glass
- 32x Light Gray Stained Glass
- 32x Light Blue Stained Glass
- 20x Experience Bottle

Panestaking Glasswork
- Craft 500 Red Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Blue Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Purple Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Brown Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Green Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Cyan Glass Panes
- 64x Pink Stained Glass
- 64x White Stained Glass
- 64x Black Stained Glass
- 64x Orange Stained Glass
- 100x Experience Bottle
- Gather 1000 Birch Logs

Iron Out The Kinks
- Smelt 200 Iron Ingots

- Craft an Iron Axe
- Craft an Iron Pickaxe
- Craft an Iron Spade
- Craft an Iron Hoe

- Craft an Iron Helmet
- Craft an Iron Chestplate
- Craft Iron Leggings
- Craft Iron Boots

Melon Farmer
- Harvest 3000 Melons

A Smithy's Best Friend
- Craft an Anvil

Steel Yourself
- Enchant an Iron Sword to Level 2

Posion And Remedy
- Kill 15 Zombies while Posioned
- Kill 15 Cave Spiders while not Posioned

Heart Of Iron
- Summon and kill an Iron Golem

- Travel to the Savannah Island
- 40,000 Coins

Bark And Birch
- Gather 10,000 Birch Logs
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Smelt 1,000 Iron Ingots
- 350,000 Coins

Off The Rails
- Craft 3,000 Rails
10x Experience Bottle
8x Activator Rail
32x Powered Rail
- 32x Detector Rail

- Summon and Kill 100 Iron Golems
- 3x Golden Apple
- Enchanted Golden Apple

Iron Armoury
- Put an Iron Helmet on an Armour Stand
- Put an Iron Chestplante on an Armour Stand
- Put Iron Leggings on an Armour Stand
- Put Iron Boots on an Armour Stand
- 8 Powered Rail
- 40x Experience Bottle
- 8x Detector Rail

Barred and Blocked
- Craft a Shield
- Craft 200 Iron Bars

Shields Up
- Enchant a Shield to Level 3
- Creeper Banner

Venom and Vitality
- Kill 20 Though Cave Spiderrs while Poisoned
- 2x Cave Spiders while Poisoned
- Enchanted Golden Apple

- Harvest 50,000 Melons
- 5x Golden Apple
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Kill 10 Zombies
- Kill 10 Spiders
- Kill 10 Cave Spiders
- Kill 20 Skeletons

The Grand Ham
- Kill 25 Pigs
- Cook 25 Porkchop

- Gather 2,000 Acacia Logs

Golden Core
- Craft 20 Golden Apples

Gold Miner
- Smelt 300 Gold Ingots

- Sell 128 Gold Ingots

Spirit Of Apollo
- Kill 5 Infernal Skeletons flawlessly using arrows

Bone Marrow
- Sell 200 Bones

Dye Master
- Craft 64 Lime Dye
- Craft 64 Light Blue Dye

Colour Co-ordination
- Craft 200 Lime Carpet
- Craft 200 Light Blue Carpet

- Travel to the Extreme Hills Islands
- 50,000 Coins

Golden Age
- Smelt 2,000 Gold Ingots
Rewards: 32x Red Terracotta

Barbeque Bacon
- Kill 100 Burning Pigs
- Gather 500 Grilled Pork
- Fireproof Helmet
- Fireproof Chestplate

Infernal Retribution
- Kill 100 Burning Infernal Skeletons
Fireproof Leggings
- Fireproof Boots

Acacia Grove
- Gather 20,000 Acacia Logs
- 16x Blue Orchid

Deflection Tactics
- Deflect 10 Arrows back at Skeletons
- 256x Withering Arrows

Gold Armoury
- Put an Gold Helmet on an Armour Stand
- Put an Gold Chestplante on an Armour Stand
- Put Gold Leggings on an Armour Stand
- Put Gold Boots on an Armour Stand
- 60x Experience Bottle
- 12x Powered Rail
- 12x Detector Rail

Acacia Grove
- Gather 20,000 Acacia Logs
- 16x Blue Orchid

Ceramic Shop
- Buy 500 Clay
- 16x Allium

Porcelain Pottery
- Craft 500 Flower Pots
- 16x Pink Tulip
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Smelt 500 Clay into Bricks
- Craft 150 Brick Blocks
- Craft 300 Brick Slabs
- Craft 150 Brick Stairs
- 16x Azure Bluet
- 16x Red Tulip
- 16x Orange Tulip
- 16x White Tulip
- 1,000,000 Coins

Nether Gate
- Unlock the Nether.
- 16x Potion of Regeneration
Bestiary Of Horrors
- Kill 3 Creepers
- Kill 10 Skeletons
- Kill 10 Zombies

Unconventional Shepherd
- Kill 100 Sheep

Carrot Farmer
- Harvest 10,000 Carrots

Lucky Pick
- Harvest 60 Golden Carrots

Merchant of Oz
- Sell 180 Emeralds

Lamb Shanked
- Cook 500 Mutton

Blast Armour
- Enchant Iron Helmet with Blast Protection 2
- Enchant Iron Chestplate with Blast Protection 2
- Enchant Iron Leggings with Blast Protection 2
- Enchant Iron Boots with Blast Protection 2

Hazardous Materials
- Craft 50 TNT

Handcrafted Luck
- Craft 250 Golden Carrots

- Kill 3 Charged Creepers

- Travel to the Swampland Island
100,000 Coins

Explosive Temperament
- Kill 30 Tough Creepers
- Kill 10 Charged Creepers
- 3x Sheep Spawner
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Harvest 15,000 Carrots
- Harvest 150 Golden Carrots
- Craft 500 Golden Carrots
- 2x Enchanted Golden Apple
- 5,000,000 Coins

Trophy Hunter
- Obtain 2 Skeleton Skulls
- Obtain 2 Zombie Skulls
- Obtain 2 Creeper Skulls
- Sheep Spawner
- 500,000 Coins

Vivid Flock
- Dye 20 Sheep Orange
- Dye 20 Sheep Magenta
- Dye 20 Sheep Light Blue
- Dye 20 Sheep Yellow
- Dye 20 Sheep Lime
- Dye 20 Sheep Pink
- Dye 20 Sheep Cyan
- Dye 20 Sheep Purple
- Dye 20 Sheep Blue
- Dye 20 Sheep Brown
- Dye 20 Sheep Green
- Dye 20 Sheep Red
- 1,000,000 Coins

True Anarchy
- Kill 80 Slimes
- Kill 20 Witches
- Kill 20 Zombies
- Kill 20 Skeletons
- Kill 20 Spiders
- Kill 20 Cave Spiders

Sugar Rush
- Craft 500 Sugar
- Gather 10 Sugar from Witches

Prime Mining
- Craft a Diamond Axe
- Craft a Diamond Pickaxe
- Craft a Diamond Spade
- Craft a Diamond Hoe

Illustrious Finery
- Craft an Diamond Helmet
- Craft an Diamond Chestplate
- Craft Diamond Leggings
- Craft Diamond Boots

- Gather 200 Diamonds

- Kill 300 Level 0 Slimes

- Gather 4,000 Dark Oak Logs

Light In The Shadows
- Craft 50 Glowstone

Glucose Overdose
- Craft 15,000 Sugar

Violent Delights
- Craft 50 Cakes
- 20x Diamond
- 100x Experience Bottle

Violent Ends
- Kill 1,000 Cows
- Kill 1,000 Chickens
- Kill 1,000 Spiders
- Kill 1,000 Ocelots
- Kill 1,000 Zombies
- Kill 1,000 Cave Spiders
- Kill 1,000 Skeletons
- Kill 1,000 Pigs
- Kill 1,000 Creepers
- Kill 1,000 Sheep
- Kill 1,000 Slimes
- Kill 1,000 Witches
- 500x Experience Bottle
- 100x Diamond
- Shard Of The Sky

Parchment Arts
- Craft 1,000 Paper
- Compass
- Enchanted Golden Apple

Library of Secrets
- Craft 500 Books
- Craft 200 Bookshelves
- Secrets / Ch. 1

Occasion Of Celebration
- Craft 100 Fireworks
- 32x Firework

Incredible Pie
- Craft 100 Pumpkin Pie
- 100 Experience Bottles
- 1,000,000 Coins

Diamonds In The Sky
- Sell 500 Diamonds
- 100x Experience Bottle
- 1,000,000 Coins

Personal Portal
- Create a Portal
- 100x Experience Bottle
- 1,000,000 Coins

Diamond Armoury
- Put an Diamond Helmet on an Armour Stand
- Put an Diamond Chestplante on an Armour Stand
- Put Diamond Leggings on an Armour Stand
- Put Diamond Boots on an Armour Stand
- 8x Activator Rail
- 100x Experience Bottle
- 16x Powered Rail
- 16x Detector Rail

Oaken Heart
- Gather 10,000 Dark Oak Logs
- Rose Bush
- 64x Experience Bottle
- 1,000,000 Coins

Door To The Skies
- Craft 100 Oak Wood Door
- Craft 100 Spruce Wood Door
- Craft 100 Jungle Wood Door
- Craft 100 Acacia Wood Door
- Craft 100 Dark Oak Wood Door
- 64x Experience Bottle
- Sunflower
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Craft 500 Oak Wood Step
- Craft 500 Spruce Wood Step
- Craft 500 Jungle Wood Step
- Craft 500 Acacia Wood Step
- Craft 500 Dark Oak Wood Step
- Craft 300 Oak Wood Stairs
- Craft 300 Spruce Wood Stairs
- Craft 300 Jungle Wood Stairs
- Craft 300 Acacia Wood Stairs
- Craft 300 Dark Oak Wood Stairs
- Peony
- 64x Experience Bottle
- Lilac
- 1,000,000 Coins

Mythical Majesty
- Enchant 4 items to Level 6
Rewards | 2x Diamond - 200,000 Coins

- Craft 1 Optimiser
- Apply 20 Tree Boosts
- Apply 20 Ore Boosts
Reward | Quartz Generator

Nether Blacksmith
- Craft 10 Iron Swords
- Craft 10 Iron Axes
Reward | Quartz Generator
Slime Time
- Upgrade a Magma Cube Spawner to Level 32
Rewards | 2x Golden Apple - 64x Experience Bottle - 100,000 Coins

Magic Mythos
- Enchant 4 items to Level 7
Rewards | 1x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

Lightstone Hoarder
- Gather 10,000 Glowstone
Rewards | 1x Diamond - 750,000 Coins

Flawless Flamewalker
- Kill 100 Pigmen flawlessly
- Kill 100 Magma Cubes flawlessly
Rewards | Quartz Generator - 800,000 Coins
Chalcedony Quartz
- Gather 1,000 Nether Quartz
- Gather 5,000 Lapis Lazuli
Rewards | Quartz Generator - 2x Nether Wart - 2x Diamond

Flaming Brewery
- Craft 20 Brewing Stands
Rewards | 1x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

Lightstone Harvester
- Gather 25,000 Glowstone
Rewards | 4x Nether Wart - 2x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

Soul Harvester
- Harvest 50,000 Nether Warts
Rewards | 2x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

- Brew 20 Awkward Potions
- Brew 15 Potions of Healing
- Brew 15 Potions of Fire Resistance
Rewards | 1x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

Bottles of Hell
- Craft 1,000 Glass Bottles
- Fill 1,000 Bottles with Water, in the Nether
Rewards | 10x Nether Wart - 500,000 Coins

- Apply 20 Crop Boosts

Wither Or Not
- Kill 250 Wither Skeletons
- Gather 50 Wither Skeleton Skulls
Rewards | 2x Diamond Block - 10,000,000 Coins

A Glimmer Of Hope
- Gather 75,000 Glowstone
Rewards | 10x Nether Wart - 4x Diamonds

- Gather 2,500 Nether Quartz
- Gather 10,000 Lapis Lazuli
Rewards | 20x Nether Wart - 1,000,000 Coins

Soul Reaper
- Harvest 150,000 Nether Warts
Rewards | 2x Diamond - 2,500,000 Coins

Cyrstalline Architecture
- Craft 200 Blocks of Quartz
- Craft 200 Chiseled Quartz Blocks
- Craft 200 Pillar Quartz Blocks
- Craft 400 Quartz Slabs
- Craft 120 Quartz Stairs
Rewards | 1,000,000 Coins

Coming soon
I would like to compare notes with you at some point as I fairly recently started a new save and made a Youtube video for every single quest before completing it. So far I am up to 60 or so videos and I haven't even made it to extreme hills or the nether yet. Also, I haven't done a fair few of the side quests. I think the number might be higher than 110.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2021
My Guinea pigs' cage EU#12
I would like to compare notes with you at some point as I fairly recently started a new save and made a Youtube video for every single quest before completing it. So far I am up to 60 or so videos and I haven't even made it to extreme hills or the nether yet. Also, I haven't done a fair few of the side quests. I think the number might be higher than 110.
I'm not sure either it was just a guess and I forgt to inculde side quests and hidden quests so that is only main quests so I will edit it
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