Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Forum Professional
Jan 13, 2014
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
I was really hoping you'd say "I like that you like that I like the idea" :p

On Topic: Myar, screenies from a test server.
Players are pitted against SLIMEZILLA, a massive slime attacking the bustling city of Blokyo. (or Blockhattan if it's the sequel) Slimezilla would slowly advance on a nuclear power plant/military facility/whatever and it's up to the players to stop it before it can destroy the city. Players would get 3 or so lives and can select kits with which to fight Slimezilla, like a soldier with rapidly firing arrows, a demolitionist that can blow stuff up, a medic who can heal the other players, or a sniper with a powerful bow. As more and more damage is dealt to Slimezilla, smaller slimes are spawned on and around players, as if the damage being dealt to Slimezilla is chunking off bits and pieces that rise and attack you. I think this would be a sort of neat idea for a game because none of the other games (except for UHC and Paintball, the two newest games) encourage teamwork and group effort. I'd love to see a game where players cooperate towards a common goal rather than mindlessly bludgeon each other with swords.
Note: Yes, I know this game idea is ridiculous and sounds half-baked. I literally got the idea from looking at my Venice hide and seek map and thinking "Godzilla would love it here."
Authentication servers are down and I'm bored, so I came up with some quick ideas for classes:
Head Gear: Dark Green Leather Cap
Chest Gear: Dark Green Leather Tunic
Leg Gear: Dark Green Leather Pants
Foot Gear: Black Leather Boots
Primary Weapon: Power I Infinity I Punch I Bow
Secondary Weapon:
Special Ability: Rapid fire, similar to skeleton’s ability in Super Craft Bros.
Head Gear: None
Chest Gear: Dark Red Leather Tunic
Leg Gear: Dark Red Leather Pants
Foot Gear: Black Leather Boots
Primary Weapon: Explosive Snowballs, similar to Serious Snowballs in the Lobby.
Secondary Weapon: Placeable TNT, similar to the Bomber kit in SG, or landmine pressure plates.
Special Ability: Massive explosion upon death, does not hurt teammates.
Head Gear: Light Red/Pink Leather Hat
Chest Gear: White Leather Tunic
Leg Gear: White Leather Pants
Foot Gear: White Leather Boots
Primary Weapon: None
Secondary Weapon: None
Special Ability: Can heal teammates by right-clicking them. (Maybe with paper?)
Head Gear: Black Leather Helmet
Chest Gear: Dark Blue Leather Chestplate
Leg Gear: Dark Blue Leather Pants
Foot Gear: Black Leather Boots
Primary Weapon: Power V Infinity I Bow
Secondary Weapon: Punch IV Infinity I Bow
Special Ability: Moves slightly faster than other classes. Speed II?

Just the important bits for owners/devs.


Forum Professional
Jan 13, 2014
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
Maybe we should have different maps to represent the cities Slimezilla starts destroying. Like Blockhattan or Pixyo. :D
That's kinda like what I said in the original post. It'd be really cool to see different cities under attack, like Manhattan, Tokyo, Moscow, London, Paris, etc. The build team is definitely talented enough to make this kind of stuff.


Forum Professional
Jan 13, 2014
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
Lurn How 2 Spel
Ooooo, so close. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eiffel_Tower

On Topic: It'd be really neat to see all sorts of famous landmarks and locations, like the Seven Wonders of the World. I'd love to see Cloverfield's famous Statue of Liberty scene recreated in this game, or at least something similar.


Forum Professional
Jan 13, 2014
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
Got bored, made an ammo spawner. It spawns arrows and snowballs that the player can pick up. Snowballs=grenades, arrows=ammunition.

/summon FallingSand ~ ~1 ~ {id:"FallingSand",Data:0b,Time:1b,TileID:52,TileEntityData:{MinSpawnDelay:200s,MaxSpawnDelay:800s,SpawnCount:4s,id:"MobSpawner",RequiredPlayerRange:16s,Delay:189s,MaxNearbyEntities:6s,SpawnRange:4s,SpawnData:{id:"Item",Item:{id:332s,Damage:0s,Count:4b}},z:-99997,EntityId:"Item",SpawnPotentials:[{Weight:1,Type:"Item",Properties:{id:"Item",Item:{id:262s,Damage:0s,Count:64b,tag:{display:{Name:"Ammunition",Lore:["Totally not an arrow"]}}}}},{Weight:1,Type:"Item",Properties:{id:"Item",Item:{id:332s,Damage:0s,Count:4b}}}],y:64,x:-100073}}
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hey Guys 12 March 2025 is my birthday
but if you dont mind i want a blockwars rank or beta games subscription
its not that hard but i am borke can you guys buy that for me hope so
id- crystal59gaming
if doesnt work than Crystal59gaming
Hope everyone has a great Thursday! :D
Hony wrote on Beth's profile.
Happy birthday!
Fjackp14_ wrote on Beth's profile.
Happy bday!
Buy n build sentinal is just not ok, someone made a x of world war 2 AND GOT AWAY WITH IT. I just really cant respect this cube, change it
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