There are many times when I get online and my friends are in a game of skywars. I want to play with them but I have to wait for them to finish their game. I think there should be a spectating feature where you can spectate your friends game. Also when I’m playing duos or squads or a team game I sometimes crash. When I relog I’m out of the game and I can’t watch or help them. If I could spectate I could still help them and give them coms even if I crashed.
I have a mixed opinion.
Indeed it would be nice of there is an option to spectate your friends who are ingame already, but this could also cause unfair advantages :
They can get to know others their location pretty fast, while others can't since no one spectates them. I think this is one of the worst unfair advantages. Imagine you are gathering stuff in the hope you'll defeat your enemies but eventually they know your location because the spectators told them where you are and they kill you, while you had no one to spectate them and to warn you they were coming.
~ They could ruin your good defense tactic/surprises
Imagine you've built a very good defense around your egg, full obsidian, traps etc and the spectators are telling everything to the other team they would exactly know how to attack you and defeat you, while you have a hard chance of winning the fight because of that. They could get to know everything while you don't and that seems very unfair imo.
I think this could work though, but maybe IF they add this they can add this in a way that only allows you to spectate them from their POV. This would take the unfair advantages away and you can still spectate your friends while you're waiting for them to finish their game.
Also if you have to wait for your friends you can just join a skywars/eggwars or other minigame untill they're finished.
Also, maybe add a poll so people can vote whether they want this getting added or not : )