A pigeon
Lets start off with Skywars-
OP only:
-Tipped poison arrow (3s)
-Slowness arrow
-Blindness arrow (5s)
-Slow fall arrow
-Harming arrow
OP and normal only:
Trident (found only at mid)
Enchanted books (protection, sharpness, feather falling 4, loyalty)
Add cursed armour:
Diamond prot 1 chestplate (curse of binding)
Thorns 3 chain chestplate (curse of binding)
Eggwars :
Soul sand, magma blocks, concrete instead of terracotta, slimeblocks, glass
Looting sword, drops 10% of enemy’s tokens in inventory when killed. If they have 100 diamond tokens they will drop 10 diamond tokens.
Biome change option.
Add templates for islands. (15x15x7 blocks of dirt) This will make it easier for us to make floating islands maps.
Spawn mobs (No AI/With AI)
Lucky islands:
Riptide trident
NyanDolphin (actually probably getting added, Quetzi said so)
More mob spawn eggs
Llama pinãta (Llama retexture to look like pinata, drops rare loot when killed, has 500HP, normal players have 20HP)
Tropical fish win effect, spawns 50 different fish to swim around you.
OP only:
-Tipped poison arrow (3s)
-Slowness arrow
-Blindness arrow (5s)
-Slow fall arrow
-Harming arrow
OP and normal only:
Trident (found only at mid)
Enchanted books (protection, sharpness, feather falling 4, loyalty)
Add cursed armour:
Diamond prot 1 chestplate (curse of binding)
Thorns 3 chain chestplate (curse of binding)
Eggwars :
Soul sand, magma blocks, concrete instead of terracotta, slimeblocks, glass
Looting sword, drops 10% of enemy’s tokens in inventory when killed. If they have 100 diamond tokens they will drop 10 diamond tokens.
Biome change option.
Add templates for islands. (15x15x7 blocks of dirt) This will make it easier for us to make floating islands maps.
Spawn mobs (No AI/With AI)
Lucky islands:
Riptide trident
NyanDolphin (actually probably getting added, Quetzi said so)
More mob spawn eggs
Llama pinãta (Llama retexture to look like pinata, drops rare loot when killed, has 500HP, normal players have 20HP)
Tropical fish win effect, spawns 50 different fish to swim around you.