Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
Terraria has a lot of cool features that Minecraft lacks, especially variety in end-game armor and weapons.
I couldn't agree more. Really, once you have full enchanted diamond armour, which literally takes about 3 hours to get or an hour if you have the right setup, there is almost nothing else to do. Can't kill the enderdragon because you're on a multiplayer server. Can't kill the wither because it takes 6 hours to get a single skull in a dangerous environment. You can mine more, but that's boring and pointless. This "SUPERxSURVIVAL" thing adds so much more to the game.
Can we kinda try to keep this thread alive? It's one of the only suggestions that have been made lately that have a lot of long-term potential.


Forum Professional
Jan 13, 2014
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ

Tundra Armor: Light Blue Leather Armor
Passive Armor Trait: Grants full immunity to biome-related damage and debuffs
Defensive Armor Trait: Entities that damage a player in Tundra Armor are afflicted with weakness I and slowness I for 3 seconds
Offensive Armor Trait: Punching a target with packed ice will encase them in snow, ice, and packed ice. Costs 1 packed ice.
Other Attributes: +10 max health, -10% speed in hot biomes
Linked Item: Frigid Gale

Plague Armor: Pale Brown Leather Armor
Passive Armor Trait: Grants full immunity to poison and wither damage
Defensive Armor Trait: Entities that damage a player in Plague Armor are afflicted with poison I for 3 seconds
Offensive Armor Trait: Melee damage has a 5% chance to poison, wither or blind the target for 3 seconds
Other Attributes: -2 max health
Linked Item: Pestilence Blade

Magma Armor: Orange Leather Armor
Passive Armor Trait: Grants fire resistance and partial immunity to biome-related damage and debuffs
Defensive Armor Trait: 10% chance to spawn a block of fire within 2 blocks of the player when taking damage
Offensive Armor Trait: All arrows fired while wearing this armor are fire arrows
Other Attributes: +20% movement speed
Linked Item: Eruption

Lava Titan Armor: Red Leather Armor
Passive Armor Trait: Standing in/on fire, lava, or netherrack grants regeneration I and strength I
Defensive Armor Trait: Entities that damage a player in Lava Titan Armor are lit on fire
Offensive Armor Trait: Punching a target with a fire charge causes an explosion. Costs 1 fire charge.
Other Attributes: +10 max health, -33% movementspeed, 50% chance to resist knockback
Linked Item: Direfire

White Mage Armor: White Leather Armor
Passive Armor Trait: Grants regeneration I during daytime
Defensive Armor Trait: 5% chance to convert incoming damage to being healed
Offensive Armor Trait: 5% chance to spawn a tamed wolf familiar when taking damage
Other Attributes: +4 max health
Linked Item: Gleaming Wand

Pyromancer Armor: Dark Red Leather Armor
Passive Armor Trait: Grants fire resistance
Defensive Armor Trait: Standing in/on fire, lava, or netherrack grants resistance II
Offensive Armor Trait: Melee and projectile damage has a 5% chance to ignite the target
Other Attributes: +2 max health, +5% movement speed
Linked Item: Infernal Staff

Necromancer Armor: Dark Blue Leather Armor
Passive Armor Trait: Grants regeneration I during nighttime
Defensive Armor Trait: Undead mobs will not attack you unless provoked
Offensive Armor Trait: Punching a target with a fermented spider eye spawns a zombie with 5 hearts on the target. Costs 1 fermented spider eye.
Other Attributes: +4 max health
Linked Item: Lich Staff

Pacifist Armor: Pink Leather Armor
Passive Armor Trait: Cannot use a bow
Defensive Armor Trait: None
Offensive Armor Trait: None
Other Attributes: +100 max health, -1000% attack damage
Linked Item: None

Familiars in next post.


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink

Tundra Armor: Light Blue Leather Armor
Passive Armor Trait: Grants full immunity to biome-related damage and debuffs
Defensive Armor Trait: Entities that damage a player in Tundra Armor are afflicted with weakness I and slowness I for 3 seconds
Offensive Armor Trait: Punching a target with packed ice will encase them in snow, ice, and packed ice. Costs 1 packed ice.
Other Attributes: +10 max health, -10% speed in hot biomes
Linked Item: Frigid Gale

Plague Armor: Pale Brown Leather Armor
Passive Armor Trait: Grants full immunity to poison and wither damage
Defensive Armor Trait: Entities that damage a player in Plague Armor are afflicted with poison I for 3 seconds
Offensive Armor Trait: Melee damage has a 5% chance to poison, wither or blind the target for 3 seconds
Other Attributes: -2 max health
Linked Item: Pestilence Blade

Magma Armor: Orange Leather Armor
Passive Armor Trait: Grants fire resistance and partial immunity to biome-related damage and debuffs
Defensive Armor Trait: 10% chance to spawn a block of fire within 2 blocks of the player when taking damage
Offensive Armor Trait: All arrows fired while wearing this armor are fire arrows
Other Attributes: +20% movement speed
Linked Item: Eruption

Lava Titan Armor: Red Leather Armor
Passive Armor Trait: Standing in/on fire, lava, or netherrack grants regeneration I and strength I
Defensive Armor Trait: Entities that damage a player in Lava Titan Armor are lit on fire
Offensive Armor Trait: Punching a target with a fire charge causes an explosion. Costs 1 fire charge.
Other Attributes: +10 max health, -33% movementspeed, 50% chance to resist knockback
Linked Item: Direfire

White Mage Armor: White Leather Armor
Passive Armor Trait: Grants regeneration I during daytime
Defensive Armor Trait: 5% chance to convert incoming damage to being healed
Offensive Armor Trait: 5% chance to spawn a tamed wolf familiar when taking damage
Other Attributes: +4 max health
Linked Item: Gleaming Wand

Pyromancer Armor: Dark Red Leather Armor
Passive Armor Trait: Grants fire resistance
Defensive Armor Trait: Standing in/on fire, lava, or netherrack grants resistance II
Offensive Armor Trait: Melee and projectile damage has a 5% chance to ignite the target
Other Attributes: +2 max health, +5% movement speed
Linked Item: Infernal Staff

Necromancer Armor: Dark Blue Leather Armor
Passive Armor Trait: Grants regeneration I during nighttime
Defensive Armor Trait: Undead mobs will not attack you unless provoked
Offensive Armor Trait: Punching a target with a fermented spider eye spawns a zombie with 5 hearts on the target. Costs 1 fermented spider eye.
Other Attributes: +4 max health
Linked Item: Lich Staff

Pacifist Armor: Pink Leather Armor
Passive Armor Trait: Cannot use a bow
Defensive Armor Trait: None
Offensive Armor Trait: None
Other Attributes: +100 max health, -1000% attack damage
Linked Item: None

Familiars in next post.
What do you mean by biome debuffs?


Forum Professional
Jan 13, 2014
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
What do you mean by biome debuffs?
Don't Starve Elements:
Along with normal hazards like zombies, creepers, drowning and fire, players face perils like extreme temperatures, exposure, poisonous plants, and unknown horrors that dwell in the dark of the night and underground. Players that don't wear ample clothing in cold biomes risk frostbite and hypothermia, and players who don't keep hydrated and wear headgear in hot climates risk dehydration, hallucinations, or worse.


Forum Professional
Jan 13, 2014
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ

Familiars are minions that spawn to temporarily aid the caster. They drop nothing and despawn after 30 seconds, regardless of their health.

White Mage:
White Wolf- Spawns in order to defend an attacked White Mage.
Damage Type: Melee

Blaze- Summoned with the Infernal Staff. Shoots fireballs.
Damage Type: Projectile

Magma Cube-Summoned with the Infernal Staff. Jumps about and attacks enemies.
Damage Type: Melee

Wisp- Summoned with the Infernal Staff. A flying block of lava that ignites enemies.
Damage: ???
Damage Type: Fire

Zombie-Summoned with the Lich Staff. Can spawn with weapons and/or armor.
Damage: ♥
Damage Type: Melee

Skeleton-Summoned with the Lich Staff. Fires arrows.
Damage Type: Projectile

Vampire Bat- Summoned with the Lich Staff. 50% chance to heal Necromancer every time it attacks.
Damage: ♥
Damage Type: Melee


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink

Familiars are minions that spawn to temporarily aid the caster. They drop nothing and despawn after 30 seconds, regardless of their health.

White Mage:
White Wolf- Spawns in order to defend an attacked White Mage.
Damage Type: Melee

Blaze- Summoned with the Infernal Staff. Shoots fireballs.
Damage Type: Projectile

Magma Cube-Summoned with the Infernal Staff. Jumps about and attacks enemies.
Damage Type: Melee

Wisp- Summoned with the Infernal Staff. A flying block of lava that ignites enemies.
Damage: ???
Damage Type: Fire

Zombie-Summoned with the Lich Staff. Can spawn with weapons and/or armor.
Damage: ♥
Damage Type: Melee

Skeleton-Summoned with the Lich Staff. Fires arrows.
Damage Type: Projectile

Vampire Bat- Summoned with the Lich Staff. 50% chance to heal Necromancer every time it attacks.
Damage: ♥
Damage Type: Melee
This thread is getting better and better.
Could there be like an end-game familiar, like beating a tough boss to get a familiar that is significantly better than all others? :p


Forum Professional
Jan 13, 2014
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
This thread is getting better and better.
Could there be like an end-game familiar, like beating a tough boss to get a familiar that is significantly better than all others? :p

One that I had planned was a baby zombie that wore your head that would throw random positive splash potions at you, like regen and resistance.


Dedicated Member
May 23, 2014
Potato Heaven
No offense but this is getting too complicated for me.. I feel like if we tried to put this in text, all the players would look at the 900 signs/20 minute long tutorial and just rage quit...I would :3

Could you either try to simplify it or put it into a very clear and concise summary that gives the main ideas..? (At the end of the thread)

Many players have short term attention spans, and this heavy RP "game" would bore people very quickly IMO. Unless of course you are one of the few that have the long spans ;)


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2014
Seems like a cool idea, Also you can see you have put a lot of effort into this, Nice.


Dedicated Member
Jul 28, 2014
Oslo, Norway.
Seems like a cool idea, Also you can see you have put a lot of effort into this, Nice.
Yes i can tell that this idea was thought out really well and i really love this idea. I know the coding will be tricky but cubecraft has some of the best staff in the world (in my opinion) so yeah if this game is succesful it will add MANY people to ccg. You never know 12-12-14...


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
No offense but this is getting too complicated for me.. I feel like if we tried to put this in text, all the players would look at the 900 signs/20 minute long tutorial and just rage quit...I would :3

Could you either try to simplify it or put it into a very clear and concise summary that gives the main ideas..? (At the end of the thread)

Many players have short term attention spans, and this heavy RP "game" would bore people very quickly IMO. Unless of course you are one of the few that have the long spans ;)
I suppose if the game were to be added, an in-depth tutorial could be posted by taco himself on the forums, and a link could be provided.


Forum Professional
Jan 13, 2014
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
No offense but this is getting too complicated for me.. I feel like if we tried to put this in text, all the players would look at the 900 signs/20 minute long tutorial and just rage quit...I would :3

Could you either try to simplify it or put it into a very clear and concise summary that gives the main ideas..? (At the end of the thread)

Many players have short term attention spans, and this heavy RP "game" would bore people very quickly IMO. Unless of course you are one of the few that have the long spans ;)
As SuperxSnap said, I wouldn't mind making a sort of wiki in the forums or writing an instruction book that you spawn with. I understand that many players are mouth-breathing simpletons who will look at a book and yell ME NO LIKE READ. ME LIKE PUNCH TREE., but I don't think that should limit the fun and the potential for players who actually give a damn about special items or storyline.


Dedicated Member
May 23, 2014
Potato Heaven
As SuperxSnap said, I wouldn't mind making a sort of wiki in the forums or writing an instruction book that you spawn with. I understand that many players are mouth-breathing simpletons who will look at a book and yell ME NO LIKE READ. ME LIKE PUNCH TREE., but I don't think that should limit the fun and the potential for players who actually give a damn about special items or storyline.
Yeah, I agree with you. I would just like a simple explanation in the actions/general attacks/points of the game, without going into the fancy names of armor, moves, etc. We players can learn the moves ourselves, and only look at the book if we are absolutely stumped and sit here spamming our mouse. Trust me though, dedicated players will like this, just I'm giving suggestions for the majority, the simple players.


Forum Professional
Jan 13, 2014
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
Yeah, I agree with you. I would just like a simple explanation in the actions/general attacks/points of the game, without going into the fancy names of armor, moves, etc. We players can learn the moves ourselves, and only look at the book if we are absolutely stumped and sit here spamming our mouse. Trust me though, dedicated players will like this, just I'm giving suggestions for the majority, the simple players.

I figure if we tell people what the item does in the lore, it'll make it fairly easy to understand what all these items do.


Dedicated Member
May 23, 2014
Potato Heaven
View attachment 27779
I figure if we tell people what the item does in the lore, it'll make it fairly easy to understand what all these items do.
Yep, that would be perfect. Just like instead of explaining what EVERY item does in the tutorial; just generalize it, and players can have fun discovering what the item does, if they get it and see the description, so they don't have to deal with 17 pages of info on armor pieces and weapons that they will never use/encounter.
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Happy birthday!
hey Guys 12 March 2025 is my birthday
but if you dont mind i want a blockwars rank or beta games subscription
its not that hard but i am borke can you guys buy that for me hope so
id- crystal59gaming
if doesnt work than Crystal59gaming
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