Well I think that's enough of this project. According to all my numbers, and everything I could research, the numbers WITH SENTINEL came out to:
Slightly under 5% for Java (4.95%) and
Slightly over 4% for Bedrock (4.15%).
WITHOUT Sentinel, I wound up with a drastically different and possibly more accurate number set
0.06% For Java
0.22% For Bedrock
If you have an idea for a project that would be a bit easier than this, feel free to suggest it and I'll try to do it better than whatever happened here. I feel like, from experience, the real number is somewhere between what I wound up getting. Since from a human standpoint rather than a numbers standpoint I think it's innacurate, I would consider this to be a failure, but I learned how to use google sheets so that's a win lol.
Slightly under 5% for Java (4.95%) and
Slightly over 4% for Bedrock (4.15%).
WITHOUT Sentinel, I wound up with a drastically different and possibly more accurate number set
0.06% For Java
0.22% For Bedrock
If you have an idea for a project that would be a bit easier than this, feel free to suggest it and I'll try to do it better than whatever happened here. I feel like, from experience, the real number is somewhere between what I wound up getting. Since from a human standpoint rather than a numbers standpoint I think it's innacurate, I would consider this to be a failure, but I learned how to use google sheets so that's a win lol.