Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
Mar 6, 2025
I love the Survival Games, but I think it would be better if CC adds these things. (Maybe)

- More players (Like 20?)
- Ores, more custom structures and bigger maps
- Able to break and place blocks, but not at middle. (Like you are able to mine ores, get wood from trees.)
- World border close MUCH slower
- If you go outside the world border, you will take 2 hp per sec
- More loot at middle (Because 20 maybe players)
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Feb 4, 2025
I love the Survival Games, but I think it would be better if CC adds these things. (Maybe) ((Hopefully))

- More players (Like 20?)
- Ores, more custom structures and bigger maps
- Able to break and place blocks (Like you are able to mine ores, get wood from trees.)
- World border close MUCH slower
- More loot at middle (Because 20 maybe players)

I agree with most of these.
Being able to break blocks could be annoying tho, bc people would dig down and camp.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2024
More players (Like 20?
That's a decent suggestion
Ores, more custom structures and bigger maps
- Able to break and place blocks (Like you are able to mine ores, get wood from trees.)
- World border close MUCH slower
No. Break or place blocks takes away the point of sg, and it's alrdy hard to get chests on edge of map.
- More loot at middle (Because 20 maybe players
Maybe that could work.
Congrats on 1st thread welcome to cube


Novice Member
Apr 28, 2020
I love the Survival Games, but I think it would be better if CC adds these things. (Maybe) ((Hopefully))

- More players (Like 20?)
- Ores, more custom structures and bigger maps
- Able to break and place blocks (Like you are able to mine ores, get wood from trees.)
- World border close MUCH slower
- More loot at middle (Because 20 maybe players)

Its an interesting idea but I feel like breaking blocks would make the normally fast paced games slower.


Forum Expert
Jul 23, 2023
United States
Currently (even though I technically haven’t played it in a long time) Survival Games feels like it’s 90% sword fighting, and I think that might somewhat contribute to its low popularity (the gameplay isn’t the most dynamic I guess)

Accessible Crafting
The game allows for crafting, but you have to find a crafting table to use the crafting items; I think it would be cool if chests had a small chance of coming with a placeable crafting table in them. After all, I feel like crafting isn’t used enough in the game. Crafting tables being more accessible would further emphasize the survival aspect of the game

After all, it is Survival Games, which is based on The Hunger Games; and a notable aspect of The Hunger Games seems to be strategy and ingenuity

The Game-Changing Update

A major update on the game could honestly be a game-changer (quite literally xD) and a good enough update could bring me back to the game

I think a great update could be accomplished by encouraging the strategy and ingenuity mentioned above as well as variety in gameplay. Of course, the game will still have combat at its core, but it would be great if there were some additional strategies that could be used. It’s honestly quite fun to think about the possibilities

I’m including the ideas that you mentioned above and am also elaborating more on the overall concept with some additional ideas

Placeable Blocks
With placeable blocks, I imagine some players making a pillar or spamming blocks everywhere, which might affect the overall look and environment of the arena, which I personally don’t think would match the theme of the game, plus it would look messy and cause there to be obstacles

However, I think that a way to prevent messy blocks is to make blocks rarer in chests and in less quantities
Also, placeable blocks could maybe be obtained from parts of the map, maybe even exclusive to the map which might be the best approach

An additional option is to add a height limit (but it shouldn’t limit players too much)

Breakable Blocks
Allowing blocks to be broken might cause players to hide underground and camp as mentioned by lentjuhhh_

A lower height limit could work in this case, maybe extending down three blocks maximum. (I’m not sure how this could work with varying terrain levels though, but maybe it’s possible)

Edit: When writing this post I didn’t realize that the moving world border could help deal with campers, so it’s probably not as much of an issue as I thought. A lower height limit could still work well though so that players don’t spend too much time underground when the game should be taking place on the surface

Also, maybe only certain blocks could be breakable, mostly including the most useful ones like ladders as well as blocks placed down by a player.
An approach to block-breaking is mentioned in the next section:

“Can break: “
An interesting approach to breakable blocks would be to have pickaxes only able to break a certain block. For example, if you craft an iron pickaxe it could be only able to break andesite. This would encourage strategy as the player would have to look for parts of the map with that block.

To add to this concept, maybe the block that the pickaxe is able to break could be randomized.
This could also be applied to axes and shovels as well.

Also, the blocks that the tool can break could vary depending on the map, as the blocks in a map will have different materials in different amounts

If a particular map has a lot of dirt blocks in it, then dirt blocks could be less common of (or even not) a breakable block when it comes to these tools.
To add to that, if a map has no dirt blocks whatsoever then “Can break: dirt” probably shouldn’t be included on a tool.
Lastly, if dirt and coarse dirt blocks are paired together or used interchangeably in the terrain, then the shovel could maybe break both

Traps and Redstone
Being able to place and break blocks could allow for traps to be made (which would help emphasize the concepts of strategy and ingenuity mentioned above)

Most traps would need at least some redstone to function though, so an interesting idea would be to include redstone components in the game

Also, an issue with traps is that many of them require digging into the ground to make, which might not always align well with the “Can break: “ idea since it means that many traps might only work on certain parts of the map (and some maps might be better for traps than others) However, even with this limitation, making a trap could still be doable
Also, with the “Can break: “ idea, a player could possibly end up getting multiple tools allowing them to break more than one kind of block

Larger Map & Slower World Border Movement
These ideas were mentioned in this thread, and I think they’re definitely interesting. They would make the game more immersive and allow for more time for players to gather resources and prepare

More Players and Loot at Center
These ideas (mentioned in this thread) could work if the map is big enough

These ideas (also mentioned in this thread) are pretty interesting

Ores could work, but I’m not sure how they would pair with limited block breaking; maybe they could be common and breakable with any pickaxe. I imagine them generating under a single layer of terrain, but maybe a few could be exposed on the surface

With ores in mind, maybe a furnace could be included in chests sometimes, kind of like how I suggested earlier with crafting tables

Custom Structures
In terms of custom structures, do you mean randomly generated ones? That’s a cool idea, especially if the structures would have chests with custom or special loot in them

If you meant structures like the ones already in maps sometimes then that could be good too

Custom Items
Custom items are an aspect that I think would be really cool. Ideally the custom items should somewhat fit with the theme of the game

One kind of custom item I have in mind would be custom weapons, but I don’t many ideas for that. Overall I don’t have many ideas for custom items in general, so I’m curious if anyone here has any ideas

I guess the item doesn’t have to be completely custom, as an item that exists in Minecraft but isn’t in Survival Games could still be a potentially good addition

Separate Mode?
However, some players might currently enjoy the pace and style of Survival Games as it currently is, so Survival Games with these changes could be a separate mode instead, with the original one being called “Classic Survival Games” or something like that.

An issue with this though could be the popularity of the game since the player count could get divided too much between the modes, causing queuing issues for one or both versions (especially considering Solo and Teams of 2)

Also, congrats on posting your first thread!
Last edited:
Mar 6, 2025
Its an interesting idea but I feel like breaking blocks would make the normally fast paced games slower
Well, if you want to end your life if the game is too long, just drown, or fall off a cliff. I have been watching some Hunger Game videos in YouTube because I really want to be in a game where you loot structures and kill players. SG structures have loot in it, but it's not good loot, it's like 3 string, 1 stick, and a feather. WHO USES A FEATHER IN SG?! I've never seen flint to make arrows in 3 years of playing SG. And I think the games go waay to fast because the world border closes 1 minuet after pvp is on.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2022
Yayayay a rare SG suggestion! Great choice of game for a first thread (in my totally unbiased opinion)✨

I can't say that I agree with everything said, but of course the following are just some of my thoughts...

I don't like maps with more players. I prefer the smaller ones. I can't actually give a good explanation of why this is the case, but after 1000s of games I can definitely notice this as a pattern.
If a map with more players were added, however, I agree that it would only be logical to scale the amount of loot accordingly.

I don't think the world border needs to close much slower. It is already rather slow imo. A change I would love to see, though, is for it to eventually close all the way after a sufficient amount of time for any fighting at mid to have occured (mainly to prevent issues due to bugs / camping, but also to force an end in extreme cases).

Finally, blocks/ores. I don't hate the idea of adding blocks/ores in some way. However, this would be a massive change and so feels like a totally different game. If this were ever added, I'd personally hope it were in the form of a completely separate game than as part of SG - I just don't think it belongs within SG.

To summarise:
It seems like your general idea is to change SG in a way that (1) makes it slower-paced, (2) adds a new feature involving blocks. I don't think that this is best done in the form of a new game (perhaps some variation of a UHC-type gamemode), rather than drastically changing a current gamemode to a point which is near unrecognisable.


Forum Expert
Jan 4, 2019
I love the Survival Games, but I think it would be better if CC adds these things. (Maybe) ((Hopefully))

- More players (Like 20?)
- Ores, more custom structures and bigger maps
- Able to break and place blocks (Like you are able to mine ores, get wood from trees.)
- World border close MUCH slower
- More loot at middle (Because 20 maybe players)

I'll respond to this, as an OG Bedrock CubeCrafter (2018):

- More player maps / big maps: I agree. CubeCraft has some maps they made that they didn't bring to Bedrock. Those maps have more players in them and are bigger (I think), which brings me to the next point.

- More loot at middle: Agreed. If a map has more players, add more chests to the middle.

- World borders being slower: Agreed. In the OG days of Survival Games, the border starts shrinking ONLY if there's 4 players alive in the match.

- Breaking and placing blocks: Disagreed, you're not supposed to mine in Survival Games and blocks don't exist, so people don't use them to tower up and hide all game.
Mar 6, 2025
I'll respond to this, as an OG Bedrock CubeCrafter (2018):

- More player maps / big maps: I agree. CubeCraft has some maps they made that they didn't bring to Bedrock. Those maps have more players in them and are bigger (I think), which brings me to the next point.

- More loot at middle: Agreed. If a map has more players, add more chests to the middle.

- World borders being slower: Agreed. In the OG days of Survival Games, the border starts shrinking ONLY if there's 4 players alive in the match.

- Breaking and placing blocks: Disagreed, you're not supposed to mine in Survival Games and blocks don't exist, so people don't use them to tower up and hide all game.
For the breaking and placing blocks part. You said that they will camp. I said sometime that you can't break or place at middle. So when border closes, people who camp in the air or the ground will have to go down or up, and they will not have lots of items. You would be able to kill them very fast. I'm gonna add a few changes to my post.
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Mar 6, 2025
I agree with most of these.
Being able to break blocks could be annoying tho, bc people would dig down and camp.

For the breaking and placing blocks part. You said that they will camp. I said sometime that you can't break or place at middle. So when border closes, people who camp will have to go down, and they will not have lots of items. I'm gonna add a few changes to my post.


Aug 18, 2024
I love the Survival Games, but I think it would be better if CC adds these things. (Maybe)

- More players (Like 20?)
- Ores, more custom structures and bigger maps
- Able to break and place blocks, but not at middle. (Like you are able to mine ores, get wood from trees.)
- World border close MUCH slower
- If you go outside the world border, you will take 2 hp per sec
- More loot at middle (Because 20 maybe players)
I like this! However I like survival games for the reason why you can't stack up! Imagine the way PVP will be much harder and stacking up is for POF or EW. More chests in SPACE map gosh that one I will never play on!
Mar 6, 2025
I like this! However I like survival games for the reason why you can't stack up! Imagine the way PVP will be much harder and stacking up is for POF or EW. More chests in SPACE map gosh that one I will never play on!
REMEMBER! YOU CAN'T BUILD OR BREAK BOCKS IN MIDDLE! Even if you go 64 blocks high beside middle, and try to bridge in middle, you won't be able to build there. And the world border will close, forcing them to go down and fight to the death.
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Reactions: darkdamage
Mar 6, 2025
You made like an entire
Currently (even though I technically haven’t played it in a long time) Survival Games feels like it’s 90% sword fighting, and I think that might somewhat contribute to its low popularity (the gameplay isn’t the most dynamic I guess)

Accessible Crafting
The game allows for crafting, but you have to find a crafting table to use the crafting items; I think it would be cool if chests had a small chance of coming with a placeable crafting table in them. After all, I feel like crafting isn’t used enough in the game. Crafting tables being more accessible would further emphasize the survival aspect of the game

After all, it is Survival Games, which is based on The Hunger Games; and a notable aspect of The Hunger Games seems to be strategy and ingenuity

The Game-Changing Update

A major update on the game could honestly be a game-changer (quite literally xD) and a good enough update could bring me back to the game

I think a great update could be accomplished by encouraging the strategy and ingenuity mentioned above as well as variety in gameplay. Of course, the game will still have combat at its core, but it would be great if there were some additional strategies that could be used. It’s honestly quite fun to think about the possibilities

I’m including the ideas that you mentioned above and am also elaborating more on the overall concept with some additional ideas

Placeable Blocks
With placeable blocks, I imagine some players making a pillar or spamming blocks everywhere, which might affect the overall look and environment of the arena, which I personally don’t think would match the theme of the game, plus it would look messy and cause there to be obstacles

However, I think that a way to prevent messy blocks is to make blocks rarer in chests and in less quantities
Also, placeable blocks could maybe be obtained from parts of the map, maybe even exclusive to the map which might be the best approach

An additional option is to add a height limit (but it shouldn’t limit players too much)

Breakable Blocks
Allowing blocks to be broken might cause players to hide underground and camp as mentioned by lentjuhhh_

A lower height limit could work in this case, maybe extending down three blocks maximum. (I’m not sure how this could work with varying terrain levels though, but maybe it’s possible)

Edit: When writing this post I didn’t realize that the moving world border could help deal with campers, so it’s probably not as much of an issue as I thought. A lower height limit could still work well though so that players don’t spend too much time underground when the game should be taking place on the surface

Also, maybe only certain blocks could be breakable, mostly including the most useful ones like ladders as well as blocks placed down by a player.
An approach to block-breaking is mentioned in the next section:

“Can break: “
An interesting approach to breakable blocks would be to have pickaxes only able to break a certain block. For example, if you craft an iron pickaxe it could be only able to break andesite. This would encourage strategy as the player would have to look for parts of the map with that block.

To add to this concept, maybe the block that the pickaxe is able to break could be randomized.
This could also be applied to axes and shovels as well.

Also, the blocks that the tool can break could vary depending on the map, as the blocks in a map will have different materials in different amounts

If a particular map has a lot of dirt blocks in it, then dirt blocks could be less common of (or even not) a breakable block when it comes to these tools.
To add to that, if a map has no dirt blocks whatsoever then “Can break: dirt” probably shouldn’t be included on a tool.
Lastly, if dirt and coarse dirt blocks are paired together or used interchangeably in the terrain, then the shovel could maybe break both

Traps and Redstone
Being able to place and break blocks could allow for traps to be made (which would help emphasize the concepts of strategy and ingenuity mentioned above)

Most traps would need at least some redstone to function though, so an interesting idea would be to include redstone components in the game

Also, an issue with traps is that many of them require digging into the ground to make, which might not always align well with the “Can break: “ idea since it means that many traps might only work on certain parts of the map (and some maps might be better for traps than others) However, even with this limitation, making a trap could still be doable
Also, with the “Can break: “ idea, a player could possibly end up getting multiple tools allowing them to break more than one kind of block

Larger Map & Slower World Border Movement
These ideas were mentioned in this thread, and I think they’re definitely interesting. They would make the game more immersive and allow for more time for players to gather resources and prepare

More Players and Loot at Center
These ideas (mentioned in this thread) could work if the map is big enough

These ideas (also mentioned in this thread) are pretty interesting

Ores could work, but I’m not sure how they would pair with limited block breaking; maybe they could be common and breakable with any pickaxe. I imagine them generating under a single layer of terrain, but maybe a few could be exposed on the surface

With ores in mind, maybe a furnace could be included in chests sometimes, kind of like how I suggested earlier with crafting tables

Custom Structures
In terms of custom structures, do you mean randomly generated ones? That’s a cool idea, especially if the structures would have chests with custom or special loot in them

If you meant structures like the ones already in maps sometimes then that could be good too

Custom Items
Custom items are an aspect that I think would be really cool. Ideally the custom items should somewhat fit with the theme of the game

One kind of custom item I have in mind would be custom weapons, but I don’t many ideas for that. Overall I don’t have many ideas for custom items in general, so I’m curious if anyone here has any ideas

I guess the item doesn’t have to be completely custom, as an item that exists in Minecraft but isn’t in Survival Games could still be a potentially good addition

Separate Mode?
However, some players might currently enjoy the pace and style of Survival Games as it currently is, so Survival Games with these changes could be a separate mode instead, with the original one being called “Classic Survival Games” or something like that.

An issue with this though could be the popularity of the game since the player count could get divided too much between the modes, causing queuing issues for one or both versions (especially considering Solo and Teams of 2)

Also, congrats on posting your first thread!
You made like an entire thread in my thread. 😃
  • Haha
Reactions: CrystalLegend01


Feb 28, 2025
It seems absurd to me to breaking and placing blocks
True, this is survival games after all. I feel like this post is kind of seeming like Skywars with allll of it. The more players can place and break blocks, the better. World border: There is none. And there is way more loot.
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