Interesting stuff. I will talk it with @StopWalking . Thanks for the feedback!!Good update to the map I don't dislike it anymore cause it removed the 3rd island from the sub middle making the game play much nicer also like when you killed the 1st team the diagnol map is short so you can keep rushing. This wouldn't be my favorite map but I wouldn't mind playing on it it isn't a map I would leave. It would be good to know the levels of the generators tho. I like 2 activated iron gens but it would really depend what the generators would be I would like 1 diamond gen at mid instead of 2 like they did on pizza since pizza wasn't much fun before that update. I think that having 2 Dia gens at mid is bad since when I rush on maps with 2 Dia gens like vacation I often get the problem that when I'm rushing 1 team is just getting really stacked on middle this was also before the update on pizza. Overall a decent map when talking about the game play and a very nice map qua design. I would like the gold Gen at the island to be broken so obsidian wouldn't be just obtained before rushing. Also would like the diamond gens at the starter islands to get removed since when you kill your neighbor you cna just stop going anywhere and use 3 diamond gens more than at mid even. Just something to rethink maybe the gens.