I reacted with "unsure" because yes, I get where you're coming from, and you have some good points.
However, you also have to remember that not everyone is on pc. Yes, there is input based matchmaking, but lately I've been running into mobile and controller players (I think this is due to the declining number of players, when input based matchmaking was first implemented cc had like x3 more players, but now it has to sacrifice that rule so that games fill up).
Not to mention that not every mouse can double click.
Yes, double clicking isn't necessarily that big of an advantage, but it's still an advantage.
*Please read the entire post before voting, as I will be going over supporting arguments*
We will be talking about the rule:
The use of autoclickers, macros, mapping your click button to your mouse wheel,dragclicking, using multiple mice, or using a mouse that registers double clicks is not allowed. Also modifying your mouse's click function in any way via software or hardware is considered cheating and will result in a cheating ban.
1.3 - Clicking Methods
What is debounce / double-clicking?
Double-clicking is a method of clicking a mouse that registers multiple inputs per one physical input on a mouse. For example, when you click once, two clicks register in-game rather than one. This is WITHOUT the use of ANY software or macros. How exactly does a double click work? A computer mouse registers a click usually by physical contact. It sends an electrical signal to your computer to register the click. When you click your mouse a certain way though, you can cause a "bouncing effect" where the mouse switches will register more than one electrical signal for a split second after you click your mouse. Some companies have gotten around this phenomenon by implementing a system called the "debounce delay" which will filter out the extra electrical signals. You can change how strict the filter is by modifying the debounce time. The higher it is set to, the more strict the filter.
Players are able to achieve higher CPS through double clicks when they lower the debounce time - reducing the filter's strictness.
The issue
Cubecraft has banned both double-clicking, and debounce modifying. This rule wasn't always around, until ~2 years ago when a player who goes by the name of STASI was suddenly banned for a month because they used "illegal modifications" by changing their debounce time.
Originally, this rule made sense, as Cubecraft had to consider other devices playing on the network (this was before input-based matchmaking), and they didn't want to allow PC players the advantage of using a special mouse feature - which mobile and console players cannot use. Now though, Cubecraft has input-based matchmaking. Players with a computer mouse go against other players with computer mice.
Most argue that "Changing your debounce is essentially using software to achieve higher CPS". This is true that you must use software to change debounce time, but you aren't using "cheating software" that is deliberately designed to exploit. The debounce slider is a feature in ALL SOFTWARE for gaming mice, made BY the company of the gaming mouse - not some third-party hacking client.
I would also like to take a moment to stop and really think about what debounce modifying really is. It is a FILTER to PREVENT clicks from occurring - not a slider to give you MORE clicks. Having your debounce slider at a high-strict setting is more of a handicap rather than a "normal occurrence". The filter itself is stopping legitimate electrical signals from being processed. It is NOT giving you MORE or LESS clicks. (This is not to be confused with a macro, which is software that multiplies a click after the signal is sent).
This argument is slightly weaker than the others, but I would still like to mention it. Nobody in the PvP/scrim community follows the debounce rule. Even new players that join Cubecraft for the first time will most likely have their debounce filter on a low setting. This happened recently with a YouTuber by the name of MontclairBear (147k subs) who uploaded a Cubecraft video for the first time a few days ago. The entire video is about him tellybridging/godbridging on Java 1.18 (godbridging requires a clicking method called dragclicking, which is only possible via a low-passive debounce filter). Unfortunately, I heard he is now banned from Java Cubecraft. Why did he use a low-passive debounce filter in his video in the first place? Because apart from Cubecraft, almost no other big PvP server restricts you from lowering your debounce. Hypixel for example allows debounce modification. Cubecraft is one of the only big PvP servers that prohibit low/passive debounce filtering.
Along with the last paragraph, reporting for double-clicking is practically impossible. Unless you have video evidence of the player's debounce slider at a low setting, there is not going to be enough proof to get someone punished. Players can simply argue that they were jitterclicking, or using another clicking method to achieve their CPS. For this reason too, almost everyone in the PvP community doubles.
Another argument I want to bring is that of "using hardware to give yourself an unfair advantage". If this really means what I think, then this can be generalized to "players are not allowed to use gaming mice on Cubecraft". The double-click phenomenon happens with every gaming mouse switch, this is not something that is only built into highly rare and expensive mice.
For my final argument, I want to go over "double-clicking is abusing your mouse's hardware to give yourself an advantage". Ok. So how is this any different from jitterclicking? If we are talking about a normal computer mouse, anything but normal clicking is technically abusing a mouse. There really is no difference whether you are jittering 18 cps or double-clicking 20 cps. It is all abusing your mouse to achieve more clicks per second in a block video game.
The solution
If Cubecraft is really concerned about high CPS, they should take the initiative themselves to add a CPS cap, not force each player to change a setting on their mouse's official software to filter out more CPS just to play on one server.
Thank you for reading if you've made it this far. Please try to keep an open mind about what I've said, and react to this post. This is also a slightly-heated topic, so, please do not start anything unnecessary.
Can Cubecraft make an anti-cheat-like mod or software more like valorants' vanguard so that they can disable this double-clicking thing, create a proper anti-cheat, and make it so that you need the software running on your PC to join and play games on cubecraft? I know that it this hard or even impossible to make a thing like this but I think this is good for the future of cubecraft because hacks are getting advanced fast IDK about technical stuff but I 'd like to see this in cubecraft
I reacted with x because you are wrong, this was not an invitation to write a message on my profile. No such bug exists within cubecraft or Minecraft that increases a players cps. This is only done with mice and mice software. Not sure why you thought this was a cubecraft bug.
I reacted with x because you are wrong, this was not an invitation to write a message on my profile. No such bug exists within cubecraft or Minecraft that increases a players cps. This is only done with mice and mice software. Not sure why you thought this was a cubecraft bug.
Increase CPS? No, likely not what that bug does. Didn't say that either, so you trying to change what I said to suit your wrong assumptions? Interesting tactic..
Double-clicking is a method of clicking a mouse that registers multiple inputs per one physical input on a mouse. For example, when you click once, two clicks register in-game rather than one.
But if you read what I said, a bug like that most definitely exists. Maybe people can do it on purpose with certain mices and whatnot, but the quoted comment above applies to the Cubecraft/Minecraft bug - which is why I reacted to this thread in the first place. It 100% is a bug on Cubecraft. I have since tested it and it still exists on the server. There is no denying a fact, but I have this feeling you'll continue to do so.
I even got the proof in form of a server report with a message from the mods that the team is aware of it. Not knowing is fine, but acting as if it's a simple fact that no bug exists without actually knowing for sure is just laughably stupid. You can even search for it on this forum or the Discord and you'll find plenty talk about it.
Either way, if you want to see that report and the mods reactions, you can shoot me a message love and I will provide. Next time don't make yourself look too idiotic.
Increase CPS? No, likely not what that bug does. Didn't say that either, so you trying to change what I said to suit your wrong assumptions? Interesting tactic..
But if you read what I said, a bug like that most definitely exists. Maybe people can do it on purpose with certain mices and whatnot, but the quoted comment above applies to the Cubecraft/Minecraft bug - which is why I reacted to this thread in the first place. It 100% is a bug on Cubecraft. I have since tested it and it still exists on the server. There is no denying a fact, but I have this feeling you'll continue to do so.
I even got the proof in form of a server report with a message from the mods that the team is aware of it. Not knowing is fine, but acting as if it's a simple fact that no bug exists without actually knowing for sure is just laughably stupid. You can even search for it on this forum or the Discord and you'll find plenty talk about it.
Either way, if you want to see that report and the mods reactions, you can shoot me a message love and I will provide. Next time don't make yourself look too idiotic.
Increase CPS? No, likely not what that bug does. Didn't say that either, so you trying to change what I said to suit your wrong assumptions? Interesting tactic..
But if you read what I said, a bug like that most definitely exists. Maybe people can do it on purpose with certain mices and whatnot, but the quoted comment above applies to the Cubecraft/Minecraft bug - which is why I reacted to this thread in the first place. It 100% is a bug on Cubecraft. I have since tested it and it still exists on the server. There is no denying a fact, but I have this feeling you'll continue to do so.
I even got the proof in form of a server report with a message from the mods that the team is aware of it. Not knowing is fine, but acting as if it's a simple fact that no bug exists without actually knowing for sure is just laughably stupid. You can even search for it on this forum or the Discord and you'll find plenty talk about it.
Either way, if you want to see that report and the mods reactions, you can shoot me a message love and I will provide. Next time don't make yourself look too idiotic.
Double clicking is a bug that exists on the mouses itself, not Minecraft or cubecraft. Double clicking is when you physically click the mouse once, but the button vibrates and registers 2 inputs. This is something that happens with all mechanical mice. Manufacture's put debounce time on mouses to prevent this from happening, but this isn't regulated and a lot of gaming mice can still double click. Double clicking does increase CPS as you're essentially clicking double the amount you were. This bug affects cubecraft/minecraft but doesn't create this bug. This bug does exist, yes but the only way of preventing it is using the same thing zeqa does, and warn you when you have to high of an cps. The only way to completely prevent this is from downloading a third party software like zeqa DC prevent on your own device.
Stop assuming what your talking about is right and calling people idiots when they try to correct you.
He was only trying to tell you what was right :)
The way double clicking works is by hitting your mouse so your mouse switches vibrate/bounce and cause more than 1 click to occur from 1 physical input on the mouse. This can be done with any mouse without some form of debounce time or software restricting these clicks and has nothing to do with minecraft/cubecraft. Double clicking can be performed on any mouse, any game by anyone
This rule is basically saying your cheating by using different clicking methods or using a software that come SPECIFICALLY with the mouse. I don't know if it's possible to accidentally double-click but if so, then you would get banned by clicking the wrong way on accident, and it doesn't really make sense for getting banned by something you either never did or did by accident. My friend TeachnoDuck got banned today and he might have ACCIDENTALLY double clicked or something. Sorry if this doesn't make sense
This rule is basically saying your cheating by using different clicking methods or using a software that come SPECIFICALLY with the mouse. I don't know if it's possible to accidentally double-click but if so, then you would get banned by clicking the wrong way on accident, and it doesn't really make sense for getting banned by something you either never did or did by accident. My friend TeachnoDuck got banned today and he might have ACCIDENTALLY double clicked or something. Sorry if this doesn't make sense
The rule is covering debounce modification and intentional double clicks to get a higher cps. The whole idea behind it being against the rules is that you would have to buy a specific mouse that would allow you to double click (as not all mice let you change debounce or double click) and it is unfair for players on different input devices that don't have this advantage. It is possible to accidently double click, but if it truly is an accident it wouldn't increase your overall cps and you shouldn't get banned for it. If your mouse double clicks by default, programs exist to prevent these double clicks. As for your friend, because his appeal was denied, it's likely he was unknowingly breaking the rules.
Increase CPS? No, likely not what that bug does. Didn't say that either, so you trying to change what I said to suit your wrong assumptions? Interesting tactic..
But if you read what I said, a bug like that most definitely exists. Maybe people can do it on purpose with certain mices and whatnot, but the quoted comment above applies to the Cubecraft/Minecraft bug - which is why I reacted to this thread in the first place. It 100% is a bug on Cubecraft. I have since tested it and it still exists on the server. There is no denying a fact, but I have this feeling you'll continue to do so.
I even got the proof in form of a server report with a message from the mods that the team is aware of it. Not knowing is fine, but acting as if it's a simple fact that no bug exists without actually knowing for sure is just laughably stupid. You can even search for it on this forum or the Discord and you'll find plenty talk about it.
Either way, if you want to see that report and the mods reactions, you can shoot me a message love and I will provide. Next time don't make yourself look too idiotic.
you are 100% incorrect with your reasoning and your opinion is wrong, there is no such thing as a double clicking bug or glitch, it's simply the mouse and/or intentionally installed software causing double clicks.
I recognize this is a massive wall of text (over 1200 words lol), but if you choose to skim over this or not read parts of this post, you have zero right to respond to it. I do not want to see responses that display clear ignorance of what my post states. Feel free to ignore my post altogether, but do not respond to it without fully knowing what it says.
It sucks to see how far Cubecraft has fallen. These rules were either not around or punishments weren't being given for them back when I played on the server (2016-2018ish?), as I played every single day on the server, double-clicking probably hundreds of thousands of times in total, and I never got punished.
Pretty much everyone I've seen talking about this issue on this thread (Only read about 3 pages worth though) who disagrees with OP is either blatantly ignorant of the mechanics of double clicking and how it works or is making arguments that, imo, are kinda stupid.
The main argument I've seen is that it gives players an unfair advantage. What these people are failing to grasp is that in any fair game, more skilled players have an advantage over less skilled players. That's just how games work. If you want a perfectly level playing field, you're gonna need to ban a whole lot more than double clicking. Speedbridging? An unfair advantage, allowing people to get around quicker, and something that many people are unable to do! Ban it! Strafing? Makes you harder to hit and is a PvP tactic, we should ban it since not everyone is the same skill level at it! In fact, while we're at it, why don't we completely ban any CPS method other than normal clicking and ban anyone who gets over 4 CPS, that way everything is fair!
Now, I know that everyone is going to throw back at me the same thing they've been throwing back at every other logically sound person in this thread: "Debounce modification is an unfair advantage. If we allow that then we may as well allow all hacks."
The problem with this argument is that the people making it are clueless as to the mechanics of double clicking and debounce modification.
First of all, not all mice require debounce modification to double click! That's right, many mice can double click right out of the box! In fact, the one I used to use (the one I constantly double clicked on) 4-6 years ago when I played on CubeCraft is that way! I never modified the denounce time on it (and yes I did buy it new), and yet as I already said, I double-clicked thousands of times. Many mice do not require the modification of the original software to allow double-clicking.
Second, changing debounce time is not an unfair advantage. People replying to this thread clearly do not understand how debounce time works. Debounce time is an artificial barrier put in many mice to stop double-clicking. Double-clicking does not generate high cps by way of a macro. My finger (or in my case, fingers, since I butterfly click) is doing all of the work, and every single click that is registered by my game is visually tied to the bounce of a mouse button. Debounce time is not a macro that generates extra CPS, but an artificial barrier. Suggesting that removing this artificial barrier gains you an unfair advantage is ridiculous.
Allow me to use a metaphor to illustrate this. Let's say that your mouse, when you bought it, had plastic wrap over it, and you never were able to figure out how to take it off, so you simply plugged it in and started using it with the plastic wrap on it. As a result of the plastic wrap being on the mouse, not all of your clicks are registered! You're tapping the plastic wrap 10 times a second, but on average only 5 or 6 of them make it through to the actual mouse button. Then, one day, you go over to your friends house, and see that his mouse doesn't have plastic wrap on it! You ask them about it, and they say that they figured out how to just take it off. Has your friend gained an unfair advantage over you because they happen to be smart enough to figure out how to remove those artificial and/or unintended limitations on your mouse? No! He certainly does have an advantage over you, but it's most definitely not an unfair one.
Now, many have suggested that the reason that some companies put this artificial barrier into their mice is because the manufacturers themselves deem it to be an unfair advantage. That's completely wrong! It's because in most normal circumstances, double-clicking is annoying. This is why I have a separate mouse profile set up for when I'm not gaming with a higher debounce time (my current mouse does have the debounce setting, and yes I have lowered it manually), because that way when I'm writing my essay for English I don't actually double click and screw something up. This is why the custom mouse software usually has a built-in feature to change debounce time. It was intended by the manufacturer for the buyer to have the option to change and remove this artificial barrier if they so choose.
At the end of the day, double-clicking is not macroing. My mouse has a "fire key" built into it, which allows for me to tap it once and for it to generate up to 3 outputs. If I were to bind this key to be left click and allow the 3 output option, then I would be macroing. Why? because I'm clicking a single time, and getting 3 outputs. That's unfair. Double-clicking is different and does not fall into this category. With double-clicking, I click in a way that causes the mouse button to bounce twice. Thus, because the mouse button went down, went back up, went down, and went back up again, I get given credit for 2 clicks. This is no different and no less fair than me "normal clicking" for 2 clicks. The mechanical process remains the exact same: the mouse bounces down and up two times, and thus registers two clicks, the only thing that changes is the way I tap my finger. I'm still using my finger to do all the clicking, and have not modified my body in any way to increase my clicking ability beyond simply practicing a lot. Why then should I be banned from the server for it?
Edit: I realized after posting and reading through this that I missed out on addressing one other argument that I've seen a lot in this thread, so I'll address it quickly here:
Another argument I've seen is that double-clicking gives mouse users an advantage over mobile/console players. The problem with this argument is that there's a whole lot more that's unfair about pairing a mobile user on their tiny iPhone screen with a player with a $10,000 gaming setup than just the CPS. Ignoring for a moment that mice users have way more potential to get way more CPS over a mobile user using currently allowed ways, I as a computer and mouse user have an incredible advantage over a mobile user, and to say that we should ban double-clicking because mobile/console users can't double-click is ridiculous, and once again, there's a whole lot more to ban than double-clicking if you want to go with that argument.
I recognize this is a massive wall of text (over 1200 words lol), but if you choose to skim over this or not read parts of this post, you have zero right to respond to it. I do not want to see responses that display clear ignorance of what my post states. Feel free to ignore my post altogether, but do not respond to it without fully knowing what it says.
It sucks to see how far Cubecraft has fallen. These rules were either not around or punishments weren't being given for them back when I played on the server (2016-2018ish?), as I played every single day on the server, double-clicking probably hundreds of thousands of times in total, and I never got punished.
Pretty much everyone I've seen talking about this issue on this thread (Only read about 3 pages worth though) who disagrees with OP is either blatantly ignorant of the mechanics of double clicking and how it works or is making arguments that, imo, are kinda stupid.
The main argument I've seen is that it gives players an unfair advantage. What these people are failing to grasp is that in any fair game, more skilled players have an advantage over less skilled players. That's just how games work. If you want a perfectly level playing field, you're gonna need to ban a whole lot more than double clicking. Speedbridging? An unfair advantage, allowing people to get around quicker, and something that many people are unable to do! Ban it! Strafing? Makes you harder to hit and is a PvP tactic, we should ban it since not everyone is the same skill level at it! In fact, while we're at it, why don't we completely ban any CPS method other than normal clicking and ban anyone who gets over 4 CPS, that way everything is fair!
Now, I know that everyone is going to throw back at me the same thing they've been throwing back at every other logically sound person in this thread: "Debounce modification is an unfair advantage. If we allow that then we may as well allow all hacks."
The problem with this argument is that the people making it are clueless as to the mechanics of double clicking and debounce modification.
First of all, not all mice require debounce modification to double click! That's right, many mice can double click right out of the box! In fact, the one I used to use (the one I constantly double clicked on) 4-6 years ago when I played on CubeCraft is that way! I never modified the denounce time on it (and yes I did buy it new), and yet as I already said, I double-clicked thousands of times. Many mice do not require the modification of the original software to allow double-clicking.
Second, changing debounce time is not an unfair advantage. People replying to this thread clearly do not understand how debounce time works. Debounce time is an artificial barrier put in many mice to stop double-clicking. Double-clicking does not generate high cps by way of a macro. My finger (or in my case, fingers, since I butterfly click) is doing all of the work, and every single click that is registered by my game is visually tied to the bounce of a mouse button. Debounce time is not a macro that generates extra CPS, but an artificial barrier. Suggesting that removing this artificial barrier gains you an unfair advantage is ridiculous.
Allow me to use a metaphor to illustrate this. Let's say that your mouse, when you bought it, had plastic wrap over it, and you never were able to figure out how to take it off, so you simply plugged it in and started using it with the plastic wrap on it. As a result of the plastic wrap being on the mouse, not all of your clicks are registered! You're tapping the plastic wrap 10 times a second, but on average only 5 or 6 of them make it through to the actual mouse button. Then, one day, you go over to your friends house, and see that his mouse doesn't have plastic wrap on it! You ask them about it, and they say that they figured out how to just take it off. Has your friend gained an unfair advantage over you because they happen to be smart enough to figure out how to remove those artificial and/or unintended limitations on your mouse? No! He certainly does have an advantage over you, but it's most definitely not an unfair one.
Now, many have suggested that the reason that some companies put this artificial barrier into their mice is because the manufacturers themselves deem it to be an unfair advantage. That's completely wrong! It's because in most normal circumstances, double-clicking is annoying. This is why I have a separate mouse profile set up for when I'm not gaming with a higher debounce time (my current mouse does have the debounce setting, and yes I have lowered it manually), because that way when I'm writing my essay for English I don't actually double click and screw something up. This is why the custom mouse software usually has a built-in feature to change debounce time. It was intended by the manufacturer for the buyer to have the option to change and remove this artificial barrier if they so choose.
At the end of the day, double-clicking is not macroing. My mouse has a "fire key" built into it, which allows for me to tap it once and for it to generate up to 3 outputs. If I were to bind this key to be left click and allow the 3 output option, then I would be macroing. Why? because I'm clicking a single time, and getting 3 outputs. That's unfair. Double-clicking is different and does not fall into this category. With double-clicking, I click in a way that causes the mouse button to bounce twice. Thus, because the mouse button went down, went back up, went down, and went back up again, I get given credit for 2 clicks. This is no different and no less fair than me "normal clicking" for 2 clicks. The mechanical process remains the exact same: the mouse bounces down and up two times, and thus registers two clicks, the only thing that changes is the way I tap my finger. I'm still using my finger to do all the clicking, and have not modified my body in any way to increase my clicking ability beyond simply practicing a lot. Why then should I be banned from the server for it?
Edit: I realized after posting and reading through this that I missed out on addressing one other argument that I've seen a lot in this thread, so I'll address it quickly here:
Another argument I've seen is that double-clicking gives mouse users an advantage over mobile/console players. The problem with this argument is that there's a whole lot more that's unfair about pairing a mobile user on their tiny iPhone screen with a player with a $10,000 gaming setup than just the CPS. Ignoring for a moment that mice users have way more potential to get way more CPS over a mobile user using currently allowed ways, I as a computer and mouse user have an incredible advantage over a mobile user, and to say that we should ban double-clicking because mobile/console users can't double-click is ridiculous, and once again, there's a whole lot more to ban than double-clicking if you want to go with that argument.
"more skilled players have an advantage over less skilled players."
What is your point? If you are more skilled, you have an advantage over other players (I know, so surprising)
Double clicking is different, it barely involves any skill. Also, the fact that pc players already have an advantage over mobile players doesn't mean that we should give them more advantage, it should be the other way around.
I get that double clicking =/= macroing, but many people can't double click because they are not on kbm, or even me with my $2 mouse. We shouldn't give 1% of the community an advantage.
I recognize this is a massive wall of text (over 1200 words lol), but if you choose to skim over this or not read parts of this post, you have zero right to respond to it. I do not want to see responses that display clear ignorance of what my post states. Feel free to ignore my post altogether, but do not respond to it without fully knowing what it says.
It sucks to see how far Cubecraft has fallen. These rules were either not around or punishments weren't being given for them back when I played on the server (2016-2018ish?), as I played every single day on the server, double-clicking probably hundreds of thousands of times in total, and I never got punished.
Pretty much everyone I've seen talking about this issue on this thread (Only read about 3 pages worth though) who disagrees with OP is either blatantly ignorant of the mechanics of double clicking and how it works or is making arguments that, imo, are kinda stupid.
The main argument I've seen is that it gives players an unfair advantage. What these people are failing to grasp is that in any fair game, more skilled players have an advantage over less skilled players. That's just how games work. If you want a perfectly level playing field, you're gonna need to ban a whole lot more than double clicking. Speedbridging? An unfair advantage, allowing people to get around quicker, and something that many people are unable to do! Ban it! Strafing? Makes you harder to hit and is a PvP tactic, we should ban it since not everyone is the same skill level at it! In fact, while we're at it, why don't we completely ban any CPS method other than normal clicking and ban anyone who gets over 4 CPS, that way everything is fair!
Now, I know that everyone is going to throw back at me the same thing they've been throwing back at every other logically sound person in this thread: "Debounce modification is an unfair advantage. If we allow that then we may as well allow all hacks."
The problem with this argument is that the people making it are clueless as to the mechanics of double clicking and debounce modification.
First of all, not all mice require debounce modification to double click! That's right, many mice can double click right out of the box! In fact, the one I used to use (the one I constantly double clicked on) 4-6 years ago when I played on CubeCraft is that way! I never modified the denounce time on it (and yes I did buy it new), and yet as I already said, I double-clicked thousands of times. Many mice do not require the modification of the original software to allow double-clicking.
Second, changing debounce time is not an unfair advantage. People replying to this thread clearly do not understand how debounce time works. Debounce time is an artificial barrier put in many mice to stop double-clicking. Double-clicking does not generate high cps by way of a macro. My finger (or in my case, fingers, since I butterfly click) is doing all of the work, and every single click that is registered by my game is visually tied to the bounce of a mouse button. Debounce time is not a macro that generates extra CPS, but an artificial barrier. Suggesting that removing this artificial barrier gains you an unfair advantage is ridiculous.
Allow me to use a metaphor to illustrate this. Let's say that your mouse, when you bought it, had plastic wrap over it, and you never were able to figure out how to take it off, so you simply plugged it in and started using it with the plastic wrap on it. As a result of the plastic wrap being on the mouse, not all of your clicks are registered! You're tapping the plastic wrap 10 times a second, but on average only 5 or 6 of them make it through to the actual mouse button. Then, one day, you go over to your friends house, and see that his mouse doesn't have plastic wrap on it! You ask them about it, and they say that they figured out how to just take it off. Has your friend gained an unfair advantage over you because they happen to be smart enough to figure out how to remove those artificial and/or unintended limitations on your mouse? No! He certainly does have an advantage over you, but it's most definitely not an unfair one.
Now, many have suggested that the reason that some companies put this artificial barrier into their mice is because the manufacturers themselves deem it to be an unfair advantage. That's completely wrong! It's because in most normal circumstances, double-clicking is annoying. This is why I have a separate mouse profile set up for when I'm not gaming with a higher debounce time (my current mouse does have the debounce setting, and yes I have lowered it manually), because that way when I'm writing my essay for English I don't actually double click and screw something up. This is why the custom mouse software usually has a built-in feature to change debounce time. It was intended by the manufacturer for the buyer to have the option to change and remove this artificial barrier if they so choose.
At the end of the day, double-clicking is not macroing. My mouse has a "fire key" built into it, which allows for me to tap it once and for it to generate up to 3 outputs. If I were to bind this key to be left click and allow the 3 output option, then I would be macroing. Why? because I'm clicking a single time, and getting 3 outputs. That's unfair. Double-clicking is different and does not fall into this category. With double-clicking, I click in a way that causes the mouse button to bounce twice. Thus, because the mouse button went down, went back up, went down, and went back up again, I get given credit for 2 clicks. This is no different and no less fair than me "normal clicking" for 2 clicks. The mechanical process remains the exact same: the mouse bounces down and up two times, and thus registers two clicks, the only thing that changes is the way I tap my finger. I'm still using my finger to do all the clicking, and have not modified my body in any way to increase my clicking ability beyond simply practicing a lot. Why then should I be banned from the server for it?
Edit: I realized after posting and reading through this that I missed out on addressing one other argument that I've seen a lot in this thread, so I'll address it quickly here:
Another argument I've seen is that double-clicking gives mouse users an advantage over mobile/console players. The problem with this argument is that there's a whole lot more that's unfair about pairing a mobile user on their tiny iPhone screen with a player with a $10,000 gaming setup than just the CPS. Ignoring for a moment that mice users have way more potential to get way more CPS over a mobile user using currently allowed ways, I as a computer and mouse user have an incredible advantage over a mobile user, and to say that we should ban double-clicking because mobile/console users can't double-click is ridiculous, and once again, there's a whole lot more to ban than double-clicking if you want to go with that argument.
when you started talking about skill and comparing speed bridging to double clicking, you're telling me that a player who bought a double clicking mouse such as the model o like OP himself only for the purpose of cheating (double clicking) is indeed fair against someone playing on a phone. you also mentioned using a fire key and getting 3 clicks is not the same thing as clicking once and getting 3 clicks, however it's the mouse itself that is the macro.
a double click is a click that is doubled, its one legit click followed by a not legit one.
you also mentioned that you yourself lower your debounce to intentionally get more double clicks, aka cheating.
changing debounce time in software such as model o users is an unfair advantage against everyone including pc players because normal mice that arent designed for double clicking do not have a debouce setting.
I know that everyone who agrees with OP is a double clicker, and everyone who agrees with cubecraft does not double click. buying a model o is not skill, its an unfair advantage.
I want to do the EggWars 4v4 tournament but I live in a different time zone, so it might be going on in the middle of the night. Do you know when it starts?
- Spring Event 2025 to be added to Notion this upcoming week.
- Official CubeCraft hosted EggWars 4v4 tournament to begin within a few weeks from now (could happen sooner than expected, this is something I might not keep up with)
- Map voting for the next Java rotation begins on Tuesday.
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