I didn't know I was THAT annoying... I better quit... Bye!!! Jk :P
Here's my Top 5:
7: People who spams to duel them because they are 'pro pvp' and then they can't even hit.
6: This is only because it has happened to me... People who say 'eZ' when they kill me, but in reality, the chat shows that they had 0.5 hearts left...
5: Targetters (Refering to FFA). This can be annoying, but also funny at the same time. These are people who just respawns again and again to try to kill me, but in reality, it is always me who kills them.
4: Hackers. I know this should maybe be put higher up in the list, but I don't find it that hard to kill hackers nowadays.
3: Runners &/or campers. These players just go on duels to make your life miserable and to waste time, and at the end, the game stays as tie.
2: Bow Spammers. When you join a game of archery and it is always you who lands a hit, but then your enemy starts getting mad, he just bowspams, but can't even land a hit by even doing so...
1: Beginners luck. Nothing more to say :P