Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Aug 7, 2021
I’ve always been a curious person and I’ve seen so many cool usernames here. So I’m wondering how did you found your username? Does it have a special meaning? 🦋

My story is pretty boring. As you can guess, I love sunsets. Every sunset has something magical. And the username “sunset” was already taken so I added an extra s and t. 🌅

Please, share your stories with me! 💜
EchoD2, my two favorite characters from my two favorite movies. The first movie "Earth to Echo", making up "Echo" and the second movie is pretty much from all the Star Wars movies. R2D2, using the last part of R2D2s name giving me "EchoD2"
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Aug 23, 2021
As you can already guess, I love Toasts, I was constantly looking for a username when this popped in my mind, to add a little 'sweat' feeling to my name, it became ItzToast, as it was already taken, it became ItzRoyalToast. I don't actually remember how I got the Royal to fit inside, it was probably just a coincidence to be honest 🤣 . Nevertheless, I am proud of my username and I like it very much.
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Jun 27, 2021
I’ve always been a curious person and I’ve seen so many cool usernames here. So I’m wondering how did you found your username? Does it have a special meaning? 🦋

My story is pretty boring. As you can guess, I love sunsets. Every sunset has something magical. And the username “sunset” was already taken so I added an extra s and t. 🌅

Please, share your stories with me! 💜
TTV I stream on twitch and G2 cause why not and its kinda a inside joke with me and my friend then my name Rhys so
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Katsia Stray

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2020
A few years ago, I was on ig and had an alt account which i made by accident, so I wanted to name it something but I wasnt sure what. I had an oc named "Kat" but i deleted her bc i didnt like her character or use her. I wanted to bring her idea back but differently, so I named her Katsia. The name "Katsia" was taken on instagram, so I tried Katsia1 and that didnt work, then I tried Katsia12 and that worked so I held on to that number. I came up with the second name "Stray" since she was part cat so I thought it made sense. In about 3 weeks or so, I was thinking of changing the acc name to "Katsina" but since I was already attached to the name Katsia since i was used to it, I decided to keep it as it was. I didnt tell people that Katsia was my alt at first, but eventually I ended up telling others. I started using her as my online icon whenever i didnt want to use my real name. Now, everyone who knows me irl also knows that I'm Katsia. It's kinda weird using her as my online character, since her story/background is completely different from mine. For example, my (irl) favourite flavours are chocolate, nutella and strawberry, but Katsia's is toffee. Another would be our birthday difference, since im using my real birthday in replacement of Katsia's.
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Novice Member
Mar 3, 2021
I’ve always been a curious person and I’ve seen so many cool usernames here. So I’m wondering how did you found your username? Does it have a special meaning? 🦋

My story is pretty boring. As you can guess, I love sunsets. Every sunset has something magical. And the username “sunset” was already taken so I added an extra s and t. 🌅

Please, share your stories with me! 💜
Sorry for necroposting mods, I just wanted to share my story of my name.

Hello, my name is LittleMoose1609, here to tell you about my name. So it started about 5-6 years ago, when I bought my first ever Xbox, with my own money. yeah what a flex, but tbh it took 2 years of saving I loved that I saved my money. Anyways, I was having my dad set up my xbox username, and my xbox in general. The word "Little" in my name, came from how I was little, about 8-9. The word "Moose" in my name came from my dad, who liked moose (I'm pretty sure that's the case), gave me moose. The numbers "1609" in my name, well idrk but I love this number!


Forum Expert
Jan 28, 2021
CubeCraft, Blockwars Bridges
My name comes from when I started Minecraft, I loved Pokemon (I still like it), then I used my initials and added my favourite number (7) to get pokemondjs7. On here I added two fancy dashes to make it look nicer
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Novice Member
Jun 4, 2020
Mine is just an online nickname plus an anime character I liked a while back... It's pretty simple if you ask me. Yet, somehow, a close friend of mine STILL calls me "Tobioi."
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Oct 10, 2021
My very boring username consists of the shortened version of my first name + my minecraft skin i’ve been using since 2016. I was making an account for this the other day so i could report a hacker/cheater, turns out i had to create an username (duh..), and a cake was seemingly the only thing i could think of. so yeah, that’s everything behind my username.
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Novice Member
Aug 21, 2021
I'll go through all my usernames, my first one my dad picked so and I'm not sure where it came from.
My second user name was 567MX, 567 is my race number for dirt bikes and mx stands for motocross (which is a type of dirt bike racing), I had a couple usernames with the 567MX or just 567. When I joined xLxgnd clan I had 0 inspiration and at some point I thought of xLxgndAtLag (Legend at lag hehe), after that "Lag" kinda stuck (A lot of my friends still call me lag). My current user just came out of nowhere, I kinda just changed my skin to a bread with a lot of "drip" and me and my friend kinda joked around with the words "ice bread" and as a joke I changed my username to Breaad_ and ig it stuck because I like it.
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🤝 Partner 💜
Jan 3, 2021
United States
Well, I'm from America, so I watch a lot of (American) football. My favorite team is the New England Patriots. "Pats" is short for Patriots. That's where I got "Pats" from. I'm also a guy, so I put "man" after Pats. That's how I got the name "Patsman" I like it, and I haven't changed it in 10 years!


Oct 9, 2021
I was trying to figure out how to explain mine and I decided a timeline would be easiest!

So it started as ItsAussi3Gal - I was like 13 and the biggest thing people noticed when they met me online was being Australian and my accent so to that I added the 'edgyness' of the number 3 and Gal instead of Girl, cause what else would make a 13yr old feel cool.

AusZGal - As I got older, my original name made me cringe, and I picked up that most people would just call me Aus or Aussie but really pronounced the 'ssie' making it sound more like 'zee/z'. Hence the Aus-Z and.

AusZGrill - Because once I started getting into more online games especially older aged ones I was constantly referred to as a Grill = Girl in voice coms. And so I thought jokes on you I will use that. I still use it in many games eg. CSGO, Apex.

Zee - This is the most brief/general form of my name and is what most people call me. IGN is xo_Zee_ox cause FaNcY

Fun FACT: I have never gone by my IRL name and only very close online friends 1-5 of 100s actually know my real name. Partly because I don't necessarily like it, but also because I keep the two lives quite separate.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2021
Czech Republic
I’ve always been a curious person and I’ve seen so many cool usernames here. So I’m wondering how did you found your username? Does it have a special meaning? 🦋

My story is pretty boring. As you can guess, I love sunsets. Every sunset has something magical. And the username “sunset” was already taken so I added an extra s and t. 🌅

Please, share your stories with me! 💜
you will need to ask my dad xD
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