Some coffees I like, in general not really :/*cough* wut. yhu dun like sterbux? ;-;
They look like something I'd like so yum. Cola cubes.
Yum. Sherbet.I think I know what those are...
Yum, Oreos
I wanted to see how long the world would go without noticing, if anybody did at all xDWhy Kuzey hate starbucks ! ;-; Whyyyy?! That's a heaven for many prople D: Also dominos is a pizza right? she didn't mean the thing that we play with :D
Same :PI wanted to see how long the world would go without noticing, if anybody did at all xD
Y U NO LIKE PRINGLES?!? crept for the pepper an salt ones -_- yum. Squid gut ice cream (real in Japan) ((also horse flesh ice cream available and cactus))Yuck
Salt and Vinegar Chips
i hate Salt and Vinegar flavored lays .-.Yuck
Salt and Vinegar Chips