Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Novice Member
Jul 10, 2020
North Korea
The Manifesto of the EggWars Suffrage Movement

TL;DR: The voting system is trash, we don’t get to play the maps we want, staff are tyrants.

By the way, I'd also like to thank Helper Zigbot9000 for inspiring this thread:

We could try revoking the right to vote for the lower ranks that have it - This is extremely hard to do as the lower ranks like Gold that are used to having the option to vote now no longer have it, which is unfair and could cause a lot of backlash. We definitely don’t need a “Suffrage” movement going on here.



Nowhere in Minecraft can you find a situation so absurd, so disheartening, and so disgraceful as the present system of voting in EggWars. I challenge our kind community to find a single other instance among the Minecraft community of paid ranks receiving such a patrician-esque ascendency over the unheeded masses. Our ranked players have the unilateral right to dictate the play of all players on the server simply by virtue of having access to a parental wallet.
Have you played EggWars for years? Has it become an essential part of your Minecraft experience? Are you hard put to find a better, more dynamic and challenging game anywhere on any Minecraft server? Well you can have fun with that, since a child with mommy's credit card has more say than you do regarding how this game is run.
I am not for a moment saying that all ranked players are children - doubtless many are wizened, experienced players who have been on this server for many years - and who paid for their ranks with their own hard-earned money. However, the fact that even a single child with a rank can vote for a gamemode while an unranked veteran cannot is absurdity of the highest order.


Doubtless many of our stone ranks begrudgingly accept this situation simply because they are content with playing OP normal health. However: how many times have you had to lose out on playing your favorite map because some rank voted for a garbage gamemode you didn't like? But that is the case with this present system - let us reject it.

Other Gamemodes

And even if you are mostly content with OP normal health, I urge you to think of your oppressed brethren who like gamemodes that are not commonly voted for, and have to suffer in silence. I urge you, out of your sense of fairness, to reject this inadmissible tyranny.

Staff Conduct

We'd also like to denounce the present staff for their authoritarianism and general tyranny. Doubtless they think of their community as an assortment of children and whiners, and consequently they ignore us completely. This attitude among the staff must be corrected, and channels for communication between staff and community must be quickly and decisively widened.

One of the problems with the staff is that they frequently defend the voting system by arguing that it ‘pays the bills’ and encourages paying for ranks. Gentlemen! We should be glad these staff show their true colors by saying such things; that they show they only care about money should come as no surprise... So much of their thought goes to the care and comfort of our ranked players, yet little thought is given to how the rest of the community feels, or new players.
Perhaps this disregard towards unranked players is the reason for our server’s steep decline?

We do not seek to debate these judgements. We hold them to be self-evident.

Likewise, in summary of our key interests, we have created a list of pertinent demands that must be met forthwith for the liberation of EggWars:

1. Voting for gamemodes in EggWars must be opened to all, or discarded altogether.
2. Voting for health in EggWars must be opened to all, or discarded altogether.
3. All players must have the right to chose which maps they want to play, without restriction.
4. The community must have the right to petition for and vote on new changes to the game, and in general should have much more say in how EggWars is managed.
5. The staff team must be subject to community election and must be generally open to scrutiny and criticism.

Finally, and most importantly, despite the essential nature of these demands, no opposition faction has yet arisen towards the present state of tyranny. Let us form a faction for the equal votes of all. Let us form a faction for the equal rights of all. Let us form a faction for liberation!
Let this manifesto be a rallying cry: unranked players of EggWars, unite!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2016
I saw you commenting on my thread the other day, I guess that inspired you in some way to write this lol. Well I wholeheartedly agree with you. I have not seen another server with this rank-vote system. I've seen things like in Mineplex where a rank unlocks kits for each game which was essentially a pay-win system in someways. But they remedied that situation so well. I don't find it to be a terribly difficult fix for the server if they truly wanted to keep the player base's interest in mind rather than strictly revenue.
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Novice Member
Jul 10, 2020
North Korea
I saw you commenting on my thread the other day, I guess that inspired you in some way to write this lol. Well I wholeheartedly agree with you. I have not seen another server with this rank-vote system. I've seen things like in Mineplex where a rank unlocks kits for each game which was essentially a pay-win system in someways. But they remedied that situation so well. I don't find it to be a terribly difficult fix for the server if they truly wanted to keep the player base's interest in mind rather than strictly revenue.

Yes Teddy, your post talking about the abundance of overpowered mode was an important start to the conversation, but now it is time to attack the primary trouble once and for all: the pay-to-vote tyranny. I am glad I have your support, and I look forward to working with you towards the liberation of EggWars.
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Novice Member
Jul 10, 2020
North Korea
Just buy the rank then? Like it isn't hard

Alternatively just leave a lobby when a vote has been added

Tha's what i do at least

It may be difficult to understand, but some people work hard for their money and aren't necessarily well-disposed towards giving it to servers who demonstrably fail to take the community into account.

Also, you make a remark about leaving the lobby. Do you seriously not understand that there can regularly be three, four, five ranked players per lobby? How do you suggest we escape these?

I feel you have not properly taken this manifesto into account. Perhaps a re-read would be beneficial to your understanding.
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Novice Member
Oct 24, 2019
the void
what platform is this focused on?

If focused towards bedrock, I have 2 ranks and I grinded Microsoft points for both my ranks(EW and SW) it took a week or so but I have them. Anyone on the bedrock platform can access this(don't know about java) a lot of people say they don't have the money but you don't need money just time and effort. This is just a point that I think is necessary to add to the conversation depending on which platform this is focused on.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2019
It may be difficult to understand, but some people work hard for their money and aren't necessarily well-disposed towards giving it to servers who demonstrably fail to take the community into account.

Also, you make a remark about leaving the lobby. Do you seriously not understand that there can regularly be three, four, five ranked players per lobby? How do you suggest we escape these?

I feel you have not properly taken this manifesto into account. Perhaps a re-read would be beneficial to your understanding.

Right so you make a comment about people working hard for money which is fair enough. I can relate to not having much disposable income but refer to my comment about leaving lobbies

Leaving lobbies and searching again isn't that hard, sure there may be more than one game with players with ranks and voting privileges. So here is another suggestion, Just get good on the other maps and game modes. Learn some simple strategies to perform better but in most cases, the game is the same regardless of game mode.

There is no need to try and belittle me so subtly and treat me as if I'm stupid. It's a simple case of either get better on other game modes and maps or stop playing Eggwars. I've got around 150 hours on Eggwars and I have no rank but i have never felt the need to complain about it as the simple strat to winning on other modes is by devising a simple strategy or just leaving and going into a new lobby.

The fact you're getting this political in Minecraft and making an actual manifesto is embarrassing to say the least, Ranks are there as an option for players to purchase. Running a server isn't free you know? Something has to be done for CCG to actually get some form of income to help boost the servers health


Novice Member
Jul 10, 2020
North Korea
Leaving lobbies and searching again isn't that hard, sure there may be more than one game with players with ranks and voting privileges. So here is another suggestion, Just get good on the other maps and game modes. Learn some simple strategies to perform better but in most cases, the game is the same regardless of game mode.

There is no need to try and belittle me so subtly and treat me as if I'm stupid. It's a simple case of either get better on other game modes and maps or stop playing Eggwars. I've got around 150 hours on Eggwars and I have no rank but i have never felt the need to complain about it as the simple strat to winning on other modes is by devising a simple strategy or just leaving and going into a new lobby.

The fact you're getting this political in Minecraft and making an actual manifesto is embarrassing to say the least, Ranks are there as an option for players to purchase. Running a server isn't free you know? Something has to be done for CCG to actually get some form of income to help boost the servers health

For some reason you think I was 'secretly belittling you' (Possible projection?) in my last reply, so in this post I will make my criticisms more clear.

Once again, you prove your remarkable intelligence by completely misreading the entire post. You think I am belittling you? Anyone who reads your comment and compares it with the manifesto can see the discrepancies in your arguments. Since this reply is more substantive and better written then your previous comment, I can guess you were set off by my answer to you. Let me dismantle this comment, as I dismantled your previous one:

1. For starters, you say that we ought to just 'get good on different maps and gamemodes'. Refer to my entire paragraph referring to the fact that it is an injustice that experienced players have to play on maps and gamemodes they dislike whereas any child with a rank can dictate the play of the lobby.

2. You say you have never felt the need to complain about this. Is this because you like playing on OP? Unfortunately, I have something to say that might shock you: some people do not like OP, and some people do not like certain maps, and some people do not like having to compromise about a video game. If they aren't having fun, they turn it off. This is how this works. Consider this chart:

As anyone can see, Cubecraft has one of the highest percentage drops in player count - perhaps this is because new players and unranked players are 'turning off'?

3. You once again repeat the oft-quoted 'Servers need money, ya know??' In this instance, I consider it just as foolhardy and, frankly, just as boot-licking as all the other times I have heard it. The community deserves to get shown the door because we can't pay? Also, the sheer quantity of ranked players on EggWars seems to indicate a fairly 'healthy' server to put it your way.

4. You also mention me getting 'political'... this makes me wonder, why exactly would anyone in any context seek to become political? To change something? No, certainly not... anyhow, I consider this point irrelevant and therefore will give no further response.

Considering irrelevancy, adding to your many misinterpretations you also failed to read our remark that,
"We do not seek to debate these judgments. We hold them to be self-evident." So - we don't seek further discussion with you.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2016
For some reason you think I was 'secretly belittling you' (Possible projection?) in my last reply, so in this post I will make my criticisms more clear.

Once again, you prove your remarkable intelligence by completely misreading the entire post. You think I am belittling you? Anyone who reads your comment and compares it with the manifesto can see the discrepancies in your arguments. Since this reply is more substantive and better written then your previous comment, I can guess you were set off by my answer to you. Let me dismantle this comment, as I dismantled your previous one:

1. For starters, you say that we ought to just 'get good on different maps and gamemodes'. Refer to my entire paragraph referring to the fact that it is an injustice that experienced players have to play on maps and gamemodes they dislike whereas any child with a rank can dictate the play of the lobby.

2. You say you have never felt the need to complain about this. Is this because you like playing on OP? Unfortunately, I have something to say that might shock you: some people do not like OP, and some people do not like certain maps, and some people do not like having to compromise about a video game. If they aren't having fun, they turn it off. This is how this works. Consider this chart:

As anyone can see, Cubecraft has one of the highest percentage drops in player count - perhaps this is because new players and unranked players are 'turning off'?

3. You once again repeat the oft-quoted 'Servers need money, ya know??' In this instance, I consider it just as foolhardy and, frankly, just as boot-licking as all the other times I have heard it. The community deserves to get shown the door because we can't pay? Also, the sheer quantity of ranked players on EggWars seems to indicate a fairly 'healthy' server to put it your way.

4. You also mention me getting 'political'... this makes me wonder, why exactly would anyone in any context seek to become political? To change something? No, certainly not... anyhow, I consider this point irrelevant and therefore will give no further response.

Considering irrelevancy, adding to your many misinterpretations you also failed to read our remark that,
"We do not seek to debate these judgments. We hold them to be self-evident." So - we don't seek further discussion with you.
Adding onto that, I want to present an anecdote. It is next to impossible to get into an Eggwars game. For the past two weeks, I have been joining Eggwars everyday and have managed to get into around 4 games total that weren't Overpowered mode. I don't care who likes what gamemode, this isn't the point of the what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that there is a massive influx of ranked players voting for one gamemode over all else. To put it simply: there is essentially ONE gamemode played in Eggwars and that is Overpowered mode. Anyone who doesn't pay the server money doesn't get to play the game they want to and instead are forced to conform or submit into paying the server. It's a flawed system that favours certain people over others simply because they have the finances to throw away.
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Forum Expert
Dec 10, 2019
I disagree with everything. I mean, Cubecraft needs their money from somewhere to pay the servers, developers, designers and so on. The ranks are the main income of Cube. If you give everyone every perks nobody would buy a rank anymore and Cubecraft will simply be bankrupt.


Dedicated Member
Jun 4, 2020
I fully understand your Point of View however,
Don't you think people should get some sort of reward for supporting Cubecraft? Surely there should be an incentive to support the server? And I believe voting on items (hardcore, normal, overpowered) is a great way to go about doing this. I fully understand where your coming from however I believe that if everyone was able to do everything there would be no reward for purchasing ranks.


Novice Member
Oct 24, 2019
the void
For some reason you think I was 'secretly belittling you' (Possible projection?) in my last reply, so in this post I will make my criticisms more clear.

Once again, you prove your remarkable intelligence by completely misreading the entire post. You think I am belittling you? Anyone who reads your comment and compares it with the manifesto can see the discrepancies in your arguments. Since this reply is more substantive and better written then your previous comment, I can guess you were set off by my answer to you. Let me dismantle this comment, as I dismantled your previous one:

1. For starters, you say that we ought to just 'get good on different maps and gamemodes'. Refer to my entire paragraph referring to the fact that it is an injustice that experienced players have to play on maps and gamemodes they dislike whereas any child with a rank can dictate the play of the lobby.

2. You say you have never felt the need to complain about this. Is this because you like playing on OP? Unfortunately, I have something to say that might shock you: some people do not like OP, and some people do not like certain maps, and some people do not like having to compromise about a video game. If they aren't having fun, they turn it off. This is how this works. Consider this chart:

As anyone can see, Cubecraft has one of the highest percentage drops in player count - perhaps this is because new players and unranked players are 'turning off'?

3. You once again repeat the oft-quoted 'Servers need money, ya know??' In this instance, I consider it just as foolhardy and, frankly, just as boot-licking as all the other times I have heard it. The community deserves to get shown the door because we can't pay? Also, the sheer quantity of ranked players on EggWars seems to indicate a fairly 'healthy' server to put it your way.

4. You also mention me getting 'political'... this makes me wonder, why exactly would anyone in any context seek to become political? To change something? No, certainly not... anyhow, I consider this point irrelevant and therefore will give no further response.

Considering irrelevancy, adding to your many misinterpretations you also failed to read our remark that,
"We do not seek to debate these judgments. We hold them to be self-evident." So - we don't seek further discussion with you.

do you mind answering my previous question before I get too invested in this forum post?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2018
the vote system on cube is for people that choose to spend money on supporting the server. It's a reward for them if your a stone rank like I was up until 6 months ago when I could actually afford to pay for a rank after working for it. but I do see your point here with not being able to play maps you want


Novice Member
Jan 16, 2020
The Manifesto of the EggWars Suffrage Movement

TL;DR: The voting system is trash, we don’t get to play the maps we want, staff are tyrants.



Nowhere in Minecraft can you find a situation so absurd, so disheartening, and so disgraceful as the present system of voting in EggWars. I challenge our kind community to find a single other instance among the Minecraft community of paid ranks receiving such a patrician-esque ascendency over the unheeded masses. Our ranked players have the unilateral right to dictate the play of all players on the server simply by virtue of having access to a parental wallet.
Have you played EggWars for years? Has it become an essential part of your Minecraft experience? Are you hard put to find a better, more dynamic and challenging game anywhere on any Minecraft server? Well you can have fun with that, since a child with mommy's credit card has more say than you do regarding how this game is run.
I am not for a moment saying that all ranked players are children - doubtless many are wizened, experienced players who have been on this server for many years - and who paid for their ranks with their own hard-earned money. However, the fact that even a single child with a rank can vote for a gamemode while an unranked veteran cannot is absurdity of the highest order.


Doubtless many of our stone ranks begrudgingly accept this situation simply because they are content with playing OP normal health. However: how many times have you had to lose out on playing your favorite map because some rank voted for a garbage gamemode you didn't like? But that is the case with this present system - let us reject it.

Other Gamemodes

And even if you are mostly content with OP normal health, I urge you to think of your oppressed brethren who like gamemodes that are not commonly voted for, and have to suffer in silence. I urge you, out of your sense of fairness, to reject this inadmissible tyranny.

Staff Conduct

We'd also like to denounce the present staff for their authoritarianism and general tyranny. Doubtless they think of their community as an assortment of children and whiners, and consequently they ignore us completely. This attitude among the staff must be corrected, and channels for communication between staff and community must be quickly and decisively widened.

One of the problems with the staff is that they frequently defend the voting system by arguing that it ‘pays the bills’ and encourages paying for ranks. Gentlemen! We should be glad these staff show their true colors by saying such things; that they show they only care about money should come as no surprise... So much of their thought goes to the care and comfort of our ranked players, yet little thought is given to how the rest of the community feels, or new players.
Perhaps this disregard towards unranked players is the reason for our server’s steep decline?

We do not seek to debate these judgements. We hold them to be self-evident.

Likewise, in summary of our key interests, we have created a list of pertinent demands that must be met forthwith for the liberation of EggWars:

1. Voting for gamemodes in EggWars must be opened to all, or discarded altogether.
2. Voting for health in EggWars must be opened to all, or discarded altogether.
3. All players must have the right to chose which maps they want to play, without restriction.
4. The community must have the right to petition for and vote on new changes to the game, and in general should have much more say in how EggWars is managed.
5. The staff team must be subject to community election and must be generally open to scrutiny and criticism.

Finally, and most importantly, despite the essential nature of these demands, no opposition faction has yet arisen towards the present state of tyranny. Let us form a faction for the equal votes of all. Let us form a faction for the equal rights of all. Let us form a faction for liberation!
Let this manifesto be a rallying cry: unranked players of EggWars, unite!
It has always been this way. The reason a lot of people buy ranks, is because they want to vote, its just how the server earns their money and stays open so you can play. It makes it also unique. The voting map I understand is annoying, but why would people buy iron rank then? But I understand why you would want that removed, i fully agree. And we have a hand in changes for the game, but you must make good suggestions in the suggestions page, otherwise how does the staff now that it should be changed.
And the staff is open to critcism. But if you just say 'omg you f'ing suck', why would they listen. If you say, like 'i think you do this wrong and i think you can improve it this way', I know 9/10 staff will listen and improve from it.

And honestly I don't even know if the last part is a joke or not.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2019
For some reason you think I was 'secretly belittling you' (Possible projection?) in my last reply, so in this post I will make my criticisms more clear.

Once again, you prove your remarkable intelligence by completely misreading the entire post. You think I am belittling you? Anyone who reads your comment and compares it with the manifesto can see the discrepancies in your arguments. Since this reply is more substantive and better written then your previous comment, I can guess you were set off by my answer to you. Let me dismantle this comment, as I dismantled your previous one:

1. For starters, you say that we ought to just 'get good on different maps and gamemodes'. Refer to my entire paragraph referring to the fact that it is an injustice that experienced players have to play on maps and gamemodes they dislike whereas any child with a rank can dictate the play of the lobby.

2. You say you have never felt the need to complain about this. Is this because you like playing on OP? Unfortunately, I have something to say that might shock you: some people do not like OP, and some people do not like certain maps, and some people do not like having to compromise about a video game. If they aren't having fun, they turn it off. This is how this works. Consider this chart:

As anyone can see, Cubecraft has one of the highest percentage drops in player count - perhaps this is because new players and unranked players are 'turning off'?

3. You once again repeat the oft-quoted 'Servers need money, ya know??' In this instance, I consider it just as foolhardy and, frankly, just as boot-licking as all the other times I have heard it. The community deserves to get shown the door because we can't pay? Also, the sheer quantity of ranked players on EggWars seems to indicate a fairly 'healthy' server to put it your way.

4. You also mention me getting 'political'... this makes me wonder, why exactly would anyone in any context seek to become political? To change something? No, certainly not... anyhow, I consider this point irrelevant and therefore will give no further response.

Considering irrelevancy, adding to your many misinterpretations you also failed to read our remark that,
"We do not seek to debate these judgments. We hold them to be self-evident." So - we don't seek further discussion with you.

1. It's not hard though. Just play the modes you don't like and get better, it's like this on every single video game in existence. You learn more losing games on modes and maps you hate than just avoiding it completely.

2. I hate OP. It makes games last longer which I'd rather it didn't but sometimes you have to deal with things in life that you don't like (you know like the whole ranks getting to vote system?). The most common reason for players leaving is the vast amount of hackers on this server. I've seen more forum posts of players leaving this server due to hacker frustrations than anything else.

3. The server health isn't the best and clearly you don't know what it means so I'll simplify it.
Server health isn't just measured in the number of players. It's also measured in the number of bugs, hackers and the amount of server lag you get.

It's undeniable that the sever suffers from a massive hacker epidemic which was slowed down when the Anti-Cheat finally got updated but that lasted a week. Playing this server is regularly frustrating when every 1 in 3 games is a hacker. Most play sessions on this server end up with me reporting about 10-20 hackers which I don't have any problem doing since it takes 5 seconds to do it but the fact that I have that many in one session kind of emphasises the poor server health in this sense.

Bugs aren't that bad or game changing. The worst one was the items not appearing in anyone's hand. That made fights a bit difficult since you couldn't see what you were up against.

Server lag is dependent on game mode in most cases with (from personal experience) the beta modes being the most laggy. Of course these are beta modes so what do you expect?

4. I mention the fact that you're getting political cause, you won't belive this, but It's a MINECRAFT SERVER. Not a government debate. You don't need a manifesto. All you need to do is say "I don't like the fact that players with ranks can vote. Any chance this can be removed?". Plus this is more of a suggestion post if anything else which obviously shouldn't be in this category and should be in the feedback and suggestions category


Novice Member
Jan 16, 2020
1. It's not hard though. Just play the modes you don't like and get better, it's like this on every single video game in existence. You learn more losing games on modes and maps you hate than just avoiding it completely.

2. I hate OP. It makes games last longer which I'd rather it didn't but sometimes you have to deal with things in life that you don't like (you know like the whole ranks getting to vote system?). The most common reason for players leaving is the vast amount of hackers on this server. I've seen more forum posts of players leaving this server due to hacker frustrations than anything else.

3. The server health isn't the best and clearly you don't know what it means so I'll simplify it.
Server health isn't just measured in the number of players. It's also measured in the number of bugs, hackers and the amount of server lag you get.

It's undeniable that the sever suffers from a massive hacker epidemic which was slowed down when the Anti-Cheat finally got updated but that lasted a week. Playing this server is regularly frustrating when every 1 in 3 games is a hacker. Most play sessions on this server end up with me reporting about 10-20 hackers which I don't have any problem doing since it takes 5 seconds to do it but the fact that I have that many in one session kind of emphasises the poor server health in this sense.

Bugs aren't that bad or game changing. The worst one was the items not appearing in anyone's hand. That made fights a bit difficult since you couldn't see what you were up against.

Server lag is dependent on game mode in most cases with (from personal experience) the beta modes being the most laggy. Of course these are beta modes so what do you expect?

4. I mention the fact that you're getting political cause, you won't belive this, but It's a MINECRAFT SERVER. Not a government debate. You don't need a manifesto. All you need to do is say "I don't like the fact that players with ranks can vote. Any chance this can be removed?". Plus this is more of a suggestion post if anything else which obviously shouldn't be in this category and should be in the feedback and suggestions category
I don't think voting has anything to do with players leaving the server. In it's prime the server was also using a voting system, and then there were a lot of players. Of course some left because of it. But its not like that is solely the thing.

Also u used an outdated file with player numbers. So thats not to accurate. And u can't say it is cubecraft who lost one of the most. It is minecraft. Minecraft in general has been on a large decline and of course a large spark last year, but you can see that on this server too (almost doubled on the java network). But most of the players went to hypixel, because it offers more gamemodes, and the most youtubers are on there.


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2019
I don't think voting has anything to do with players leaving the server. In it's prime the server was also using a voting system, and then there were a lot of players. Of course some left because of it. But its not like that is solely the thing.

Also u used an outdated file with player numbers. So thats not to accurate. And u can't say it is cubecraft who lost one of the most. It is minecraft. Minecraft in general has been on a large decline and of course a large spark last year, but you can see that on this server too (almost doubled on the java network). But most of the players went to hypixel, because it offers more gamemodes, and the most youtubers are on there.
I never put the file BTW. It was smax897

But you do be spitting some facts here
Jun 10, 2020
what platform is this focused on?

If focused towards bedrock, I have 2 ranks and I grinded Microsoft points for both my ranks(EW and SW) it took a week or so but I have them. Anyone on the bedrock platform can access this(don't know about java) a lot of people say they don't have the money but you don't need money just time and effort. This is just a point that I think is necessary to add to the conversation depending on which platform this is focused on.
Hi there, I play on Bedrock and have not found a way to become ranked without paying. Can you let me know how you did this?
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