Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
This thread is the utmost example of fine literature. It respectfully yet passionately stirs the masses into unity, where they grow closer to seizing the means of production from the bourgeois filth littering the alleys of this server.

Behold, friends, some excerpts of this thread's intellectual brilliance:
Our ranked players have the unilateral right to dictate the play of all players on the server simply by virtue of having access to a parental wallet.
4. The community must have the right to petition for and vote on new changes to the game, and in general should have much more say in how EggWars is managed.

When we are united, these demands are certainly achieveable! We must strive for them at once - for what good is brought to this fine server by a higher income, when the playerbase is too disinterested to log in? We must sympathise with the Stone ranks, friends - would you enjoy this server, confined to the gulags of such maps as Biomes or the Pokemon remake? Of course not - why, then, do you expect the proletariat to endure such hardships?

Of course, this literature is not fullproof, and I do have my criticisms. Namely, this excerpt:

1. Voting for gamemodes in EggWars must be opened to all, or discarded altogether.
2. Voting for health in EggWars must be opened to all, or discarded altogether.

We must find a balance, friends, between this server's income and the playerbase's overall enjoyment. Indeed, the lowly serf who plays every day is more likely to buy a rank than the serf who quit for Hypixel ten months ago. However, the serf will buy no such rank if it provides no benefit to him over his fellow peasants. For this reason, I believe gamemode- and health-voting options should remain available only to the higher crust of society - for now.

Finally, I must also criticise the following excerpt:
5. The staff team must be subject to community election and must be generally open to scrutiny and criticism.
Have Nicholas II's State Dumas taught us nothing, friends? The average person is borderline brain-dead, and cannot be trusted to guide his fellow mouth-breathers through the tunnels of despair. Nay, this metaphorical round table must remain inaccessible to the masses, lest the race for the Moderator position become a petty popularity contest.

That is all from me, friends. I would rate this literature a solid 7.86/10. It offers much discussion, yet is perhaps far-fetched in some of its demands. Should we take anything from its teachings, let it be this: We are greater as one, than as a divided mass of cattle awaiting slaughter.

English translation:
I agree that stone-ranked players should be able to vote for map selection. To restrict map selection, I think, takes too much freedom away from the average player. I personally wouldn't play on a server that forced me to play maps I disliked. However, we do need to maintain some incentive for players to donate, and the different difficulty and health options are perfect for this.

Also, letting the playerbase elect staff members would be a disaster. Popularity would become the new criteria. This would obviously mean I'd become the server CEO, but I still don't think it's a great idea.


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
As anyone can see, Cubecraft has one of the highest percentage drops in player count - perhaps this is because new players and unranked players are 'turning off'?
It is definitely in part due to players "turning off"; however, it is also due to the context surrounding the 30K peak figure. See, this was never a consistent amount. It was reached I believe only twice(?), once in 2016 when the server merged with The Chunk (adding tons of new gamemodes, expanding the staff-team, and merging our playerbase with another server), and more recently during the pandemic lockdowns when everybody was forced inside. So whilst Cubecraft has definitely seen a sharp decrease in players, it isn't quite as large as your chart implies.


Forum Veteran
Dec 31, 2017
The Butterfly Gardens
The Manifesto of the EggWars Suffrage Movement

TL;DR: The voting system is trash, we don’t get to play the maps we want, staff are tyrants.

By the way, I'd also like to thank Helper Zigbot9000 for inspiring this thread:



Nowhere in Minecraft can you find a situation so absurd, so disheartening, and so disgraceful as the present system of voting in EggWars. I challenge our kind community to find a single other instance among the Minecraft community of paid ranks receiving such a patrician-esque ascendency over the unheeded masses. Our ranked players have the unilateral right to dictate the play of all players on the server simply by virtue of having access to a parental wallet.
Have you played EggWars for years? Has it become an essential part of your Minecraft experience? Are you hard put to find a better, more dynamic and challenging game anywhere on any Minecraft server? Well you can have fun with that, since a child with mommy's credit card has more say than you do regarding how this game is run.
I am not for a moment saying that all ranked players are children - doubtless many are wizened, experienced players who have been on this server for many years - and who paid for their ranks with their own hard-earned money. However, the fact that even a single child with a rank can vote for a gamemode while an unranked veteran cannot is absurdity of the highest order.


Doubtless many of our stone ranks begrudgingly accept this situation simply because they are content with playing OP normal health. However: how many times have you had to lose out on playing your favorite map because some rank voted for a garbage gamemode you didn't like? But that is the case with this present system - let us reject it.

Other Gamemodes

And even if you are mostly content with OP normal health, I urge you to think of your oppressed brethren who like gamemodes that are not commonly voted for, and have to suffer in silence. I urge you, out of your sense of fairness, to reject this inadmissible tyranny.

Staff Conduct

We'd also like to denounce the present staff for their authoritarianism and general tyranny. Doubtless they think of their community as an assortment of children and whiners, and consequently they ignore us completely. This attitude among the staff must be corrected, and channels for communication between staff and community must be quickly and decisively widened.

One of the problems with the staff is that they frequently defend the voting system by arguing that it ‘pays the bills’ and encourages paying for ranks. Gentlemen! We should be glad these staff show their true colors by saying such things; that they show they only care about money should come as no surprise... So much of their thought goes to the care and comfort of our ranked players, yet little thought is given to how the rest of the community feels, or new players.
Perhaps this disregard towards unranked players is the reason for our server’s steep decline?

We do not seek to debate these judgements. We hold them to be self-evident.

Likewise, in summary of our key interests, we have created a list of pertinent demands that must be met forthwith for the liberation of EggWars:

1. Voting for gamemodes in EggWars must be opened to all, or discarded altogether.
2. Voting for health in EggWars must be opened to all, or discarded altogether.
3. All players must have the right to chose which maps they want to play, without restriction.
4. The community must have the right to petition for and vote on new changes to the game, and in general should have much more say in how EggWars is managed.
5. The staff team must be subject to community election and must be generally open to scrutiny and criticism.

Finally, and most importantly, despite the essential nature of these demands, no opposition faction has yet arisen towards the present state of tyranny. Let us form a faction for the equal votes of all. Let us form a faction for the equal rights of all. Let us form a faction for liberation!
Let this manifesto be a rallying cry: unranked players of EggWars, unite!

I understand your point but then what perks do Rankers get now?


Novice Member
Jul 10, 2020
North Korea
This thread is the utmost example of fine literature. It respectfully yet passionately stirs the masses into unity, where they grow closer to seizing the means of production from the bourgeois filth littering the alleys of this server.

Thank you tovarisch, let us together bring unity and direction to the great unwashed.
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Forum Expert
Apr 21, 2020
I work hard for my money, and with the rank sale, I could spare less than an hour of work to have certain features. This is a server, they need to make money to survive. If everyone had all the perks, no one would buy ranks, meaning many paid employees of Cubecraft would lose their jobs and Cubecraft would shut down. Do you really think that being able to pick a map is worth people losing their jobs? Didn’t think so, just support the server, everything is there for a reason.
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Dedicated Member
Nov 4, 2019
over there
In my opinion, I think this thread was beautifully constructed and thought down to the very last detail, but I simply don't agree with the contents. A suffrage campaign is just ignorant. But honestly, this thread is the epitome of a well-made thread.

If I'm correct, are you trying to establish ranks to become a purely cosmetic system? So that all ranks are equal other than a few gadgets or different cages that provide no in-game advantage? I myself do not think this as a particularly bright idea, do you think the removal of any secluded voting system would really please any players who have purchased ranks? The answer from the majority of the player base will be a definite no, I guarantee you that. Although I'm not saying all of them, a considerably large amount of players do buy ranks primarily for the ability to vote in-game, and lesser for the cosmetic features, like I myself, and many other players I know in-game, these cosmetic items were just simply a bonus or add-on that we thought were quite nice but never really thought much of it. With the equalization of the voting system being open to all players, why would a player buy a rank? How would Cubecraft bring in revenue?

When you think about changes like this, you must also think, how will this affect the rest of the player base? By appealing to this part of the player base what happens to the rest of them? Are seeking a socialistic system? I'll let the USSR explain how well that went.

If you are trying to make the selection of staff members through voting from the community, wouldn't the staff team consist of the people that are the most popular with the community, and not depending on their legitimate ability and if they are actually competent to become a staff member? No, no, and no again.

"Life is not fair; get used to it"
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Deleted member 469419

1. Voting for gamemodes in EggWars must be opened to all, or discarded altogether.

Absolutely not. This is one of the best uniques features that us, ranked players have. If you change this, then, you can say goodbye to many ranked players, specially gold ranks.

Better not talk about what would happen to the cubecraft economy.

2. Voting for health in EggWars must be opened to all, or discarded altogether.

Absolutely not. This is another important feature of ranked players.

3. All players must have the right to chose which maps they want to play, without restriction.

Well, I'm agree totally agree with this one. I think you're right when you say that every single player have the right to choose a map. Sometimes maps are empty because the ranked players doesn't play or they're just in other games...

4. The community must have the right to petition for and vote on new changes to the game, and in general should have much more say in how

Well, I think this one is almost true, I'm totally agree with the community can decide certain things, but I think other should be decided by the management team.

5. The staff team must be subject to community election and must be generally open to scrutiny and criticism.

Well, this one to be honest is a personal election from every single staff member. Almost every staff member has a rank and know how the system actually works, so as it's normal many of them won't support this suggestion, like me.

They're free to comment on here and give us their feedback.

Conclusion: Unfortunately I'm only agree with the idea of make the choose-map option as a unranked feature.


Jan 23, 2020
The hot place called Australia
ranks and general purchases are the way the server stays up, servers this big aren't cheap, i do agree that stone ranks should be able to choose what game they join but you are asking for a bit much for the voting, people with ranks are people who support the server and normally enjoy playing, (hints why they bought the rank) not all people enjoy the same gamemode and health, its up to personal opinion and buying a rank may give you a better chance at what you enjoy, not hating on the post or anything just saying my opinion
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Forum Expert
Apr 21, 2020
Stone ranks should also have /report
Just sayin
The staff team is too small to handle the sheer amount of people that would be reporting... (No offense but I’ve seen some stone rankers call hacks on everyone, including me) I upgraded to Iron rank yesterday and as long as there is one Iron rank in the game the hacker gets banned. @AlexpYT192 answered my report in seconds and banned the hacker. He even said gg ;)
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Dedicated Member
Mar 18, 2020
the procrasti-nation
There should some sort of test to determine if u can actrlually tell if some1 is hacking, and if u r mature enough to not report out of rage


Dedicated Member
Mar 18, 2020
the procrasti-nation
/report use to be available to everyone but soon after it was abused so they had to restrict it to only ranked players and there is a limit on how many /reports you can use unless you are a plus rank
You shouldnt have to pay money to report rulebreakers. Not giving /report to nonranked players simply furthurs equity problems on this server


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2016
The reason I bought a rank is so I can vote for gamemodes. If suddenly, all players had the ability to vote on games, those who bought the rank for this reason would of wasted their money. I do believe the ranks are bit too expensive though.


Jun 26, 2020
I think the voting is fine personally i think its a reason to buy a rank because the server with more support can get more updates more staff and more eveything and if some non says “the ranks get more privileges” its deserved go cry some more about this it’s pathetic as the server needs money
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