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This discussion focuses on EggWars, try to stay on topic!

Deleted member 601525

What I mean with that title requires a little explanation. So I am playing eggwars, just as usual, and I get into a fight, near the end of it, before I get killed, I am on 2.5 hearts. For context, both me and the guy were wearing iron armor and using iron swords. The problem isn't with the fact that I died, but rather how it happened. So, somehow, he managed to 1-hit kill me when I was on 2.5 hearts, with an iron sword, on iron armor.

The problem? On iron armor, an iron sword can only deal 1-1.5 hearts of damage per hit, at least on a normal hit, according to how damage is calculated: 1 point of armor provides 4% protection on bedrock, iron armor provides a total of 15 such points, so 60% reduction, with 6 damage on an iron sword, so 3 hearts on an unarmoured hit, that leaves us with 2,4 damage, so around 1.2 hearts, so 1 or 1.5 hearts depending on how the game chooses to round it up.

Even on a crit the damage hardly makes sense, 9 damage (coz crit means 50% damage increase) that leaves us with 3.6 points of damage, so almost 2 hearts of damage, so depending on how the game rounds it up in its calculations: 1.5 - 2 hearts.

The point I am trynna make is:
There was no way for me to get 1-hit killed with 2.5 hearts left, but I did. So the game just gave me extra damage for seemingly no reason. Something just isn't working right.

Its not the first time and not the only time that something about the damage numbers feels off for me, just the most recent and noticeable case of that happening that I can recall.

another incident of "weird damage", though here it is less math and more observation, was when I was fighting a guy, using the exact same weapon as him, had the same prot enchantment, and the exact same health (we both ate a normal golden apple before our fight).

The problem here? He barely ever hit me, especially early in the fight, I hit him more often than he hit me, neither of us was getting critical hits either, yet I am somehow the one who died despite having hit him more often than he hit me. How? We both started the fight with the same health, neither of us healed up during the fight, yet somehow I took damage so much higher despite both of us using the same weapon, that I died in fewer hits than he did.

This type of situation occurs much more often and is much easier to notice than the first one, at least to me, though it could probably just be a technicality with health regeneration/the hunger bar or something, idk, with the second one it could just be me nitpicking random things like an idiot.

But the first one I described above? Something definitely ain't right there.

Deleted member 601525

Yeah thats not normal. Ive never seen that before.

Never? I have been seeing it quite a lot since the update, but only recently started paying attention and doing the math because something really felt off.

And to add the to the list of things where the damage is clearly off:

In blockwars mega, you spawn with only a leather cap (helmet) and chestplate, that's a total of 4 points of armor, so 16% damage reduction.

A diamond sword deals 7 damage, and 10.5 (lets just say 10, it will make sense later) on a critical hit because of the 50% damage increase.

So, on a critical hit, I should be receiving 8.4 points of damage, so around 4 hearts. How much do I actually receive on a crit, tho? 5 entire hearts, equivalent to 10 full points. What happened to the 16% reduction? Even if we took the 10.5 instead of 10, that's still just 8.82 points of damage, so at best its 4.5 hearts instead of just 4.

I should not be receiving 5 hearts of damage on a critical hit from a diamond sword, not with armor.

In this instance it seems like my armor is completely ignored, like I might have as well not have been wearing any at all.
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Novice Member
Oct 5, 2022
It's not 6 damage. It's "+6 damage".
So the damage was (1+6)*1.5=10.5
After reduced, the damage was 10.5/(100%-15*4%)=4.2 real damage=2.1 hearts
So the damage would be 2-2.5 hearts
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Deleted member 601525

It's not 6 damage. It's "+6 damage".
So the damage was (1+6)*1.5=10.5
After reduced, the damage was 10.5/(100%-15*4%)=4.2 real damage=2.1 hearts
So the damage would be 2-2.5 hearts
I clearly remember that in the older minecraft versions, and by older I mean just about anything before 1.20, not 1+6, and always was a 4 hit kill on an unarmoured player or mob with 20 hp. I just tested it and indeed, it deals 7 damage, not 6. What I am saying is: it must be a new thing, so sorry for my lack of knowledge.

However, in that same test I tested the damage of an iron sword on a critical hit on opponents with iron armor, as now it should be 10 damage instead of 9, with a 60% reduction it should be exactly 4 damage, though, so 2 hearts. But the test, not done on cubecraft, but on vanilla minecraft, reveals that its actually 3 entire hearts, so 6 damage.

So either the damage is broken, regardless if its 1+6 or 6, but not just on cubecraft but in the entire game. Or they forgot to announce a major armor nerf.

I also tested the damage of a diamond sword critical hit on a leather helmet and leather chestplate, with that +1 the damage now should be 1+7 * 1.5 = 12, with a 16% reduction that's 10.08 damage, so exactly 5 hearts (unless the game seriously rounds up 10.08 as 11). Turns out that you don't deal 5 hearts of damage on a critical hit though, you deal 5.5. Now okay, here its hardly a difference, its a 2 hit kill anyway.

I also discovered a weird thing where, if you can get several (normal) hits in a row, then the damage per hit increases after the first hit. On iron armor, in my test, the first hit dealt 1.5 hearts of damage, the next 2 hits however dealt 2 hearts of damage instead of 1.5, so 4 points of damage instead of the 2.8 its supposed to be (40% of 7 is 2.8). The health left wasn't the 5.5 hearts it was supposed to be, but 4.5. Where did the extra damage point come from?

Because of that a player in iron armor isn't a 7 hit kill, as it would be if the damage was consistent, its a 6 hit kill. Now as someone who plays a lot of pvp, I do have to say that this extra hit is a pretty significant difference, pvp is very fast paced, that one hit can be the difference between the life and death of both you and the player you are fighting.

Here is the weirdest thing I have noticed about this whole damage thing:
What I noticed is that opponents with worse armor may be dealing higher damage despite using the same weapons. What do I mean by that:

First of all, I was wearing prot 1 diamond, my opponent was wearing prot 1 iron.

Now with prot, the thing is: the prot doesn't actually boost the damage protection on normal armor, with diamond armor that'd mean that higher protection levels give you a 100%+ damage reduction, which would be ridiculous.

What prot does instead is that it reduces the damage that is left AFTER the armors damage reduction has been deducted. Meaning, that from the 20% of damage left (7*20% = 1,4 damage, 1-1.5 hearts) we have to apply another 16% reduction, because each prot level gives 4% damage reduction per armor piece, and with 4 pieces of armor that adds up to 16. 1.4 * 84% = around 1.1 (exactly it would be like 1.176-something)

So, still between 1-1.5 hearts. How much damage did the guy deal actually? On some hits, up to two entire hearts. The best part? when he came back, coz I managed to kill him, but with better armor, suddenly the damage was correct, each hit was actually dealing 1-1.5 hearts of damage. And on both instances the man was using an iron sword, not hitting any critical hits.

Tl;dr: You are completely correct in what you are saying, but a bunch of tests and another weird observation reveal damage is broken regardless if its 1+6 or just 6 damage. And also: damage is broken in the entire game, not just cubecraft.

Deleted member 601525

just a cubecraft thing?
Actually, not just a cubecraft thing, but I only found out after I wrote this whole thread. It turns out that damage calculation per hit is broken in all of minecraft (in the newest version at least, tho I didn't test any older ones). If u want to see the math behind it, I suggest reading my last reply in the thread, as the previous ones may be a little off in their numbers.

If not, then you will just have to trust me that random hits just deal more damage than they should for no specific reason
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