Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Is cubecraft dying?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 67.8%
  • No

    Votes: 19 32.2%

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im just saying that most cube staff thinks cube is basicaly perfect and that there is nothing wrong. There is things wrong and cube doesnt fix it (UHC so many bugs and they were to lazy to fix so they removed it)
Uh.. they don't think they're perfect... I cannot really counter argue this since I'm not part of the staff of Cubecraft, but I'm pretty sure they don't think they're perfect.

And by the way, no. They worked so hard to try to fix the bug with UHC, I even saw @Quetzi play games trying to find the bug with @Capitan but they didn't succeed. And they didn't remove it because ''They were too lazy'' they removed it because it was a dead game, and it was totally imposible to revive it.


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
- Battle zone and bingo should be removed, no one plays that anymore, it only had players when it was released because its a new game mode, it is glitchy and doesn't function smoothly
"BuT wE pUt So MuCh MoNeY iNtO iT aNd DiD nOtHiNg BuT uPdAtE iT fOr SiX wEeKs, WhAt A sTuPiD iDeA!"
how in the world don’t u realize cube is dying #1 ppl online was around 30,000 and now Cube struggles to reach 3,000 half of the day
How in the world don't you people realise the context behind the 30,000 figure?

The server had just merged, having doubled its staff team and hugely increased its game roster. It was also prior to the 1.9 update, when Minecraft in general was more popular. It was during the end of Winter, when it was still too cold to go outside, and was back when CCG was still the only big server to have Skywars and Eggwars. Oh yeah, and it only had 30,000 players for a very brief period in time; it was not consistently at 30,000+.


Jul 17, 2017
"The server had just merged, having doubled its staff team and hugely increased its game roster. It was also prior to the 1.9 update, when Minecraft in general was more popular. It was during the end of Winter, when it was still too cold to go outside, and was back when CCG was still the only big server to have Skywars and Eggwars. Oh yeah, and it only had 30,000 players for a very brief period in time; it was not consistently at 30,000+.
I never said I consistently gets 30,000 I said the most amount of players it got was 30,000.


Jul 17, 2017
You can also clearly see the other popular server, at the same time periods, with a significantly lower playercount. Just saying. ;)

As I can see right now, a lot of your arguments are based off of opinions. “Remove x because it’s trash” is an opinion - I personally love Bingo, and the premise of Experimental Eggwars is to get some community feedback on what game should be added next is amazing. Also, petty insults and jabs at the community such as:

is not making your point any more valid.

CubeCraft is at the forefront of 1.9 Minecraft servers - we offer 1.9 pvp based gamemodes, and update our servers with the Minecraft updates to keep up with Mojang’s decisions and additions to the game. This is something that other competitors may struggle with as they stay at one version.

What would be greatly appreciated is to suggest additions to our server - removal of a gamemode based off of an opinion does not count. This will hopefully allow for what you want to be added, and build on the successes which CubeCraft has already achieved. :]
Yeh write an essay about something that doesn’t have to do anything with this thread. Lol and I am suggesting something, the problem is that u guys spend too much time on useless things instead of the things that the community wants. U guys just assume that we want something and u guys add it. We’ve asked for many things such as, Ranked Eggwars, making the server more competitive by lettting us view others Kill/Death ratio and Win/lose ratio which takes like 30 minutes to code. Multiple people have asked to allow advertising a stream, but no because for some reason u guys don’t want people to make videos of ur server and streaming did attract many players. Whenever someone streamed there would b at least 30 people that would follow the streamer around.
“Bingo is a good game mode” yeh? 9 people what a GREAT achievement hope ur proud of urself


Forum Veteran
Oct 2, 2016
Texas, US
3,300 persons still enjoy it.
That’s the amount of people it reaches at peak performance. This doesn’t last for more than 2 hours a day most of the time. Then it declines to the 2k - 2.5k range, which it sits at for a long time.

Also I can bet that atleast about 800 of those 2k - 2.5k players are either hackers or people who are AFK in the lobbies. Oh also there are the spambots.

But the actual popular games [excluding big maps] does fill pretty fast.
What games do you consider “popular?”

Because they don't let players [that are not MVP (+)] choose map. Simple as that :].
Not the reason at all. (Even if it was, don’t you think it’s a good idea? Games will fill up faster because it will put players in lobbies with other users.)

If everyone could choose maps, people would go for the more popular maps and play on those. Some people would even still use random maps for nonstop playtime.
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That’s the amount of people it reaches at peak performance. This doesn’t last for more than 2 hours a day most of the time. Then it declines to the 2k - 2.5k range, which it sits at for a long time.

Even looked like that, 2k-2.5k it's still a lot. My point stays.
Also I can bet that atleast about 800 of those 2k - 2.5k players are either hackers or people who are AFK in the lobbies. Oh also there are the spambots.

Any back up to proof 800 are hackers/afker/spambots?
Yes there're some spam bots, some hackers, and some people can stay afk. But I doubt 800 is the number of those group.

What games do you consider “popular?”

Skywars, Eggwars, Lucky islands.
Not the reason at all. (Even if it was, don’t you think it’s a good idea? Games will fill up faster because it will put players in lobbies with other users.)

If everyone could choose maps, people would go for the more popular maps and play on those. Some people would even still use random maps for nonstop playtime.

What is your point?
Yes I know there're a lot of player on hypixel, and that's another reason why the games fill fast, I just said one reason.
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Forum Expert
Oct 7, 2017
Western Finland
hell yea. i agree. i really wanted to be part of the buildteam in march and february, but when i saw cubecraft dying instead of rising, i was like 'HELL NO, NOT FOR ME' by now i don't even think its cool to be in staffteam of dying server.
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Dedicated Member
Apr 22, 2017
im just saying that most cube staff thinks cube is basicaly perfect and that there is nothing wrong. There is things wrong and cube doesnt fix it (UHC so many bugs and they were to lazy to fix so they removed it)
Did he say he thinks Cube is perfect? No. He was simply saying that if you suggest a game be removed from the server bc you personally think its bad is an invalid reason, along with examples of things the person who made the thread said attacking those who disagree with him that make his arguments less valid as he's not accepting other ppl's opinions.
hell yea. i agree. i really wanted to be part of the buildteam in march and february, but when i saw cubecraft dying instead of rising, i was like 'HELL NO, NOT FOR ME' by now i don't even think its cool to be in staffteam of dying server.
Well maybe you could've been the one to turn their fortunes around. Also, read the OP.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2017
United States
Even looked like that, 2k-2.5k it's still a lot. My point stays.

Any back up to proof 800 are hackers/afker/spambots?
Yes there're some spam bots, some hackers, and some people can stay afk. But I doubt 800 is the number of those group.

Skywars, Eggwars, Lucky islands.

What is your point?
Yes I know there're a lot of player on hypixel, and that's another reason why the games fill fast, I just said one reason.
Aww these posts are cuteee (get my pun :>) i find it it funny that people still defend cube at this point
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Novice Member
Sep 8, 2017
ive even had a staff member say that "+ rank was simply a scam to earn money xD" But because i respect this person I wont "expose" them
بدون عنوان.png


Aww these posts are cuteee (get my pun :>) i find it it funny that people still defend cube at this point
I find funny your ''arguments'' if I can call them that. Your point basically doesn't exist, you're just throwing hate to cube. Seriously, if you hate so much Cube just don't log on never again, and problem solved, no one is making you log in.
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Novice Member
Aug 11, 2017
I find funny your ''arguments'' if I can call them that. Your point basically doesn't exist, you're just throwing hate to cube. Seriously, if you hate so much Cube just don't log on never again, and problem solved, no one is making you log in.
Trust me if there was another 1.9 server that had good game modes and a decent player base, most people would leave cube, but there isn't.
We are forced to play on here

Not hating cube, but they need to fix their crap.
One issue they need to fix is the 1v1 duels. Everytime I try to queue up, 30% of the time I get an error message in chat, which is really frustrating. (And no, its not just me)

Yes, the OP is very rude and ignorant, but that still doesn't change the fact that the server is slowly declining, part of it due to the fault of the management. Do not completely throw the blame on fortnite, since that is only a third of the truth.

When it says 2-2.5k player-base, I'm pretty sure that includes people who play on 1.8 combat, and 1.9 combat (Not completely sure)

If you really think the management is doing a good job, just look at parkour. It's been "Under Maintenance" for like 8 months at least, until they finally got around to updating it.

Fix the small issues, such as streamers not being able to advertise, the dumb errors you get in chat while trying to join games, and finally add the game mode Annihilation. And just maybe, that might save your dying server


Not hating cube, but they need to fix their crap.
One issue they need to fix is the 1v1 duels. Everytime I try to queue up, 30% of the time I get an error message in chat, which is really frustrating. (And no, its not just me)
Yes bugs happen thanks for letting me know. You can report them at https://reports.cubecraft.net/bug_report and it'll be fixed.

Yes, the OP is very rude and ignorant, but that still doesn't change the fact that the server is slowly declining, part of it due to the fault of the management. Do not completely throw the blame on fortnite, since that is only a third of the truth.
I mean, what's up with all this hate to managament team. THe only thing they do bad I think it's locking threads that are still being discussed, besides from that all your arguments fall by themselves, even if you don't like the updates they're making just don't play them lol, I mean like, people's blaming because they implemented experimental eggwars, but you can still play normal eggwars, no one is forcing you to play experimental, neither bingo, neither battlezone. ''but they made cubceraft + to scam people that's why it died'' eh, no? That's not an scam?? People's not forcing you to buy plus rank, so what's the big deal young man.
When it says 2-2.5k player-base, I'm pretty sure that includes people who play E]on 1.8 combat, and 1.9 combat (Not completely sure)If you really think the management is doing a good job, just look at parkour. It's been "Under Maintenance" for like 8 months at least, until they finally got around to updating it.
what's your point lol they did update it so I don't see the big deal, people who was complaining about the maintence of parkour doesn't even play the game anymore.
Fix the small issues, such as streamers not being able to advertise, the dumb errors you get in chat while trying to join games, and finally add the game mode Annihilation. And just maybe, that might save your dying server

Report the errors at https://reports.cubecraft.net/bug_report

How are you sure Annihilation is gonna make the playerbase grow?

And as long as they don't spam I'm fine with Streamers sharing their links.


Forum Expert
Jun 10, 2016
A Pasture
I agree, they keep adding stuff that nobody asks for. Did anyone ask for Fortnite (Battle Zone)? No. Did anyone ask for double eggwars (which only split up the eggwars community even more, making games (like he said) take longer to fill up). Instead they should do stuff that people actually want, instead of what they think people want.
Battle zone:
Expiremental eggwars:
(Probably another but I couldn’t find it)

I am posting these not because I supported adding these things, but because people posting “facts” (their opinions) and treating them as truth is kind of irritating. I found these doing a simple search, and I’m sure you could have as well. Just some things to consider for next time ;)

I agree with you, they should let people advertise their streaming, well, without spam
It was not allowed due to so many of them spamming it in chat or lobby hopping. I’ve personally almost muted someone’s entire stream audience (it was a smaller streamer, no partner rank, but this person would be included in those streaming) for spam advertising at the streamer’s request (I assume at least since so much of his audience was advertising it). Just YouTube ranks are allowed to advertise, and I think it should remain that way.
im just saying that most cube staff thinks cube is basicaly perfect and that there is nothing wrong. There is things wrong and cube doesnt fix it (UHC so many bugs and they were to lazy to fix so they removed it)
What evidence do you have of that? I think there are quite a few issues and I support changing those issues. But going around giving false information and yelling about it won’t get those changes to happen. And the moderation/admin teams have nothing to do with development or bug fixes. If I had the ability to fix all the bugs immediately, I would. But I can’t, so I have to leave it to the developers who can fix bugs and develop games. Just back your arguments with some semblance of evidence please.
Yeh write an essay about something that doesn’t have to do anything with this thread. Lol and I am suggesting something, the problem is that u guys spend too much time on useless things instead of the things that the community wants. U guys just assume that we want something and u guys add it. We’ve asked for many things such as, Ranked Eggwars, making the server more competitive by lettting us view others Kill/Death ratio and Win/lose ratio which takes like 30 minutes to code. Multiple people have asked to allow advertising a stream, but no because for some reason u guys don’t want people to make videos of ur server and streaming did attract many players. Whenever someone streamed there would b at least 30 people that would follow the streamer around.
“Bingo is a good game mode” yeh? 9 people what a GREAT achievement hope ur proud of urself
(see replies above) (going through thread chronologically which is why this one wasn’t included in the initial reply)

Now for my thoughts.
I agree there are issues and updates I didn’t exactly think should have happened. For battlezone, I believe I almost predicted what would happen. It would be popular at first, then lose popularity and go inactive because I don’t believe our general community is competitive enough to keep games like BattleZone, factions, ect alive. Yes, people enjoy those games (BattleZone, bingo, double egg) but in my opinion it was too much effort for too little of a return.
I’m hoping that the next goal is 1.13 network wide and just remove support for 1.9-1.12.
I’m not too sure on my thoughts on the whole “cube dying” thing. Yes, there may be less players on than other times, but that doesn’t mean cube is about to go out of existence. There are servers I have played on recently that have only 20 players max and they are nowhere near closing. I don’t think a player count really determines if a server is dying and about to close.
For updates, I’ve mentioned a few times that it would be nice to get the community involved in updates a bit more. I know they have their reasons and legal things to keep up, but if it’s able to happen at all, it would be nice.
And I would really like to push for more fun ways for community interaction. Like freebuild competitions with rewards for best builds or ‘cheaty’ games (able to give everyone potion effects or such while in game to give a neat twist to a few games.

I would also like to comment on criticism. There is a way to give constructive criticism and a way to just hate on everything while giving no real way to fix it. Going around yelling “this is trash! Fix/remove it!” is not a good way to go about getting a change. It is best to give evidence, suggest fixes, be civil without insulting everyone, and be open to other suggestions/opinions. And please note that your opinion is not fact or truth, and people who disagree with you are not idiots, naive, or ‘staff wannabes’. It is annoying to read through suggestions just to watch the person who posted it go around insulting others for no reason other than they did not agree with them. It makes you lose all credibility.
Thanks :)


Forum Professional
May 13, 2014
ofc all the cube staff come to cubes defence :)
So does the thread creator have a point of removing the gamemodes which he does not like?
I like to give criticism, as that’s the only way the server will develop. Seeing things through rose-tinted lenses will only lead to the downfall.
We’ve asked for many things such as, Ranked Eggwars, making the server more competitive by lettting us view others Kill/Death ratio and Win/lose ratio which takes like 30 minutes to code
Ah yes, the “it takes x amount of time to code”. It’s a lot more difficult than you think - although I do not know much about coding, I’m sure the process is a lot longer than you described.
“Bingo is a good game mode” yeh? 9 people what a GREAT achievement hope ur proud of urself
It’s a simple opinion; as is the majority of the contents of this thread.

I like to listen to the community - and so does the management team. Surprisingly, Experimental Eggwars, something you’ve described as completely irrelevant to the community’s needs, is a step in the right direction. With the addition of the gamemode, we can listen to the community’s feedback, as well as potentially implement your ideas for Eggwars that may be too transformative to the game.

I also agree with the points that @TheBrownster made above - 3000 players may be lower than we were a couple of years ago, but it’s still a pretty high playercount which some servers can only hope for. I’m sure that management will not let that go to waste. ;)
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