Complaining to staff won't make them fix the bug faster.
Just give me some screenshot of something they did bad, an update that wasn't funny or just something that totally killed the server.
Stressing them and calling them bad staff members won't make the server improve, they will just be stressed and not do good updates.
On the contrary, its more of a motivator for them. If the majority start hating on your server, would you fix the issue or just leave it and ignore it?
However I do agree that calling them bad staff without a proper argument is dumb.
Hating on staff is what the cool kids do nowadays :cool:
Nice, a game is dying, the best thing cubecraft could do would be copying a dead game!!
The game is dying because theres TOO MANY hackers, imagine you're playing an egg wars game, and every other player is bhopping with kill aura, is that fun? Would you stay and play? No.
The game mode does not get updated by the server
The game isn't entirely dead though, you can join at any time of the day, and there would always be at least one game with 60-120 players in it. So you always find a game, unlike here on cube where sometimes you have to wait.
And that would help European players because they cannot join North American servers...?
Anyone not from europe or america would have 200+ ping minimum, which is 100% not enjoyable on 1.8
Europe is one of the perfect servers for users to connect on.
Regardless of the area you live in, you can get ping ranging from 5 - 140 (except very very few places)
For example, I live in the middle east, so for NA servers the lowest ping we can get is 200, and Arabic players make at least 20% of cubecrafts overall active playerbase
To simply put it
NA servers = Good for anyone in NA & EU
EU servers = Good for anyone
Yes because people love having super over powered kits that make the other kits completely useless
One of the reasons is because there's like 50 kits, which is nice to have diversity, but there's too many which causes unbalance within the game