By that logic, every server that is not Hypixel is a bad server, dead, and should be closed.Good server verse bad server. you can tell in the amount of players
Player count does not define if a server is bad or not.
By that logic, every server that is not Hypixel is a bad server, dead, and should be closed.Good server verse bad server. you can tell in the amount of players
To add on, good or bad is opinionBy that logic, every server that is not Hypixel is a bad server, dead, and should be closed.
Player count does not define if a server is bad or not.
But basing it off of popularity is stupid and shows a lack of brain cells in an individual.To add on, good or bad is opinion
True, any1 remember the times when the server was good? Before @Camezonda :thinking:I still don't know why I am still on the forums after I quit Cube. As @CommunistCactus said, the management is messed up and that's why I quit Cube. Oh, and I don't think these solutions will work.
By that logic, every server that is not Hypixel is a bad server, dead, and should be closed.
Player count does not define if a server is bad or not. add on, good or bad is opinion
Just wondering, what are you hoping to accomplish?
the b butt hurt and i like ma memesJust wondering, what are you hoping to accomplish?
There is this thing called a BBCode
You think stating facts = being butthurt? No wonder your IGN is TheSadDurpy_.
Im agree,with that you said of adding new stuff, i have a friend friend who has a website, he explained me that when he started the page, he used to post different subjects that had nothing to do with each other so he had more views on one type of posts and the others hadn't no views, so he started to post a lot of things like the posts that had a lot of views and he build a good website, focusing on the things that users like to see.Explanation:
-OK, I made a thread on this before and imma make a thread on this again. So... If you guys haven't noticed yet CubeCraft is dying :eek:. So for all you staff wannabes out there, who always 100% support the new updates, lemme give you some proof aight?
-1st Cube half a year ago, had lets says about 4,000-10,000 people? Well now the player count doesn't even go over 4,500 smh.
-None of the games fill up now except for solo skywars and 12-16 player maps on egg wars.
-Lets c, so first can someone please explain to me why in the world you added Bingoand to make it worse bro... minecraft fortnite sighhhhhh, not only that but for some absurd reason, u guys decided to add double egg wars bro...
Now lets c why this is bad. First, why in the world would someone pay $27 dollars to play fortnite on a minecraft server with barely any people. especially for 1.9. The 1.9 community in cube gets literally about 500 people on MAX. Also if you guys haven't noticed NO ONE PLAYS BINGO!! so stop focusing on Bingo and Battle Zone(whatever its called) and focus on the main attractions. And seriously why did you guys need to ruin egg wars like that. Its divided into 3 sections now and if u count team/solo, thats 6 sections. Egg wars and Skywars are cubes main attractions and u guys ruined it.
- Get rid of Bingo, its trash
- Get rid of Battle Zone its trash
- Get rid of Double Eggwars its TRASHHH.
and for the 6 people who play wait in the lobby for 10 hours waiting for the game to fill up please don't. sighhh smh.
Note for Staff: By the way, if u guys didn't realize they are a lot of staff wannabes here so they'll disagree with my thread. And for those who disagree with my thread. Step 1: Go on Cube Step 2: Check how many people there r online.
Staff I really hope you guys change this server into something great, like how it used to be about a year ago.
Yh, criticising ppl for thinking stating facts is being butthurt and telling ppl that giving **** to ppl who disagree with them are certainly low blows.
For example, if you add Annhiliation or the bridge, theres many tweaks you can do, you can add your unique approach to it. Plus the combat would be completely different, so its not completely copying. (I personally would stream/record Annihilation)
Please, please fix this mess. The community will not be mad at you for incorporated new game modes that could potentially be amazing and possibly save a slow dying server
(Yes I really like annihilation)
Explain hypixel
YES PLEASE +infinity
Explain hypixel
YES PLEASE +infinity
Explain hypixel
YES PLEASE +infinity
Explain hypixel.
once again cube staff coming to the rescue! clearly by votes more people think cube is dead. Staff is just blind to the fact that they are working for a dead server x.x
so now wanna be's cant get banned?There is this thing called a BBCode
- Banned from forums in April 2018
- Banned from report site in February 2018
- Muted twice in January 2018
Gets called wannabe