Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Is cubecraft dying?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 67.8%
  • No

    Votes: 19 32.2%

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Jul 17, 2017
@Younisco Naw I’ve coded it already when I was making my own plugin. I’ll send it to u if I become dev. Actually u don’t even need to code it u just gotta make the command avaliable for the other players. I’m pretty sure there is a /stats command or something like that in the plugin u guys use


Jul 17, 2017
OK Let me just make this clear I DO NOT want this server to close I made this thread bc I believe some of my ideas would help the server grow. So yeh if u want this server to b closed make a new thread on that I don’t want ppl coming here and talking abt some weird stuff


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Jul 6, 2015
There is this thing called a BBCode


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Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2016
@Koi_YTP @Zoonn Doesn't mean you should stoop to his level.
Cubecraft might be losing its playerbase but deleting gamemodes some people enjoy isn't a really viable solution. Dumping BlockBand didn't exactly revitalize the server.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2015
-OK, I made a thread on this before and imma make a thread on this again. So... If you guys haven't noticed yet CubeCraft is dying :eek:. So for all you staff wannabes out there, who always 100% support the new updates, lemme give you some proof aight?
-1st Cube half a year ago, had lets says about 4,000-10,000 people? Well now the player count doesn't even go over 4,500 smh.
-None of the games fill up now except for solo skywars and 12-16 player maps on egg wars.
-Lets c, so first can someone please explain to me why in the world you added Bingo :facepalm: and to make it worse bro... minecraft fortnite sighhhhhh, not only that but for some absurd reason, u guys decided to add double egg wars bro...
Now lets c why this is bad. First, why in the world would someone pay $27 dollars to play fortnite on a minecraft server with barely any people. especially for 1.9. The 1.9 community in cube gets literally about 500 people on MAX. Also if you guys haven't noticed NO ONE PLAYS BINGO!! so stop focusing on Bingo and Battle Zone(whatever its called) and focus on the main attractions. And seriously why did you guys need to ruin egg wars like that. Its divided into 3 sections now and if u count team/solo, thats 6 sections. Egg wars and Skywars are cubes main attractions and u guys ruined it.
- Get rid of Bingo, its trash
- Get rid of Battle Zone its trash
- Get rid of Double Eggwars its TRASHHH.
and for the 6 people who play wait in the lobby for 10 hours waiting for the game to fill up please don't. sighhh smh.

Note for Staff: By the way, if u guys didn't realize they are a lot of staff wannabes here so they'll disagree with my thread. And for those who disagree with my thread. Step 1: Go on Cube Step 2: Check how many people there r online.

Staff I really hope you guys change this server into something great, like how it used to be about a year ago.
Im agree,with that you said of adding new stuff, i have a friend friend who has a website, he explained me that when he started the page, he used to post different subjects that had nothing to do with each other so he had more views on one type of posts and the others hadn't no views, so he started to post a lot of things like the posts that had a lot of views and he build a good website, focusing on the things that users like to see.
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Novice Member
Jun 23, 2017
Have to say my opinion, sorry if I missed already existed replies, the thread appear to be have many posts.

Cubecraft's Fortnite - Oops, I meant Battle Zone.

Apparently, they seemed to notice that the game isn't getting so much players in they were expecting to, which made them to start the game with at least 50 players instead of 100. [https://imgur.com/a/9OqS76K]

Meant that; As players, Cube's community has given points; Fortnite is popular game and people prefer to play it instead of Cube's ripoff version of it. What I've seen, people just doesn't seem to play it a lot. The concept of it is pretty simple, pretty much too similar to Fortnite's idea which isn't making it any different game from Fortnite at all (Obviously, Fortnite is Fortnite and Minecraft is Minecraft)

So I'm either saying that making Fortnite as an unique concept that you can't find out in Fortnite, (remaking it entirely) or removing it instead. You just can play the game. - What's indeed the point of paying for Minecraft to only being able to play even worse version of Fortnite because the lack of resources Minecraft has to make it a decent online FFA game.

About Bingo

Disagreed it should be removed. Why is that? - The community I've seen playing it is way different that you can't find in PvP based games. - Less toxicity and competition.

I wonder, why you said it out that Bingo should be removed; But didn't take any look on Infection which is even less played than Bingo is. Archer Assault is currently the most active minigame when thinking of BETA games, and I personally must say that I like Bingo some sort in positive way. - Bingo's idea is nice, I think it looked good in the paper as well. - An unique game that you can't find elsewhere imo, unlike Battle Zone that's a straight copy of Fortnite.

I'd say that Bingo would get even more players if that's advertised on somewhere. - Minecraft is mostly based on PvP community which means the ones that tries to find a decent chill server barely even knowns Cube has a game called Bingo out of here; Finding a server that has activities that isn't about PvP is considered as a rare thing. - Unlike in PvP, it's a greater chance that people actually talks to you out of nowhere. And that's why Cube should keep and add games that are as well community- friendly example like Survival, Skyblock, and Bingo. - I would perhaps use many hundred hours on Survival if that gets developed on Cube.

Double EggWars

I don't like it, personally. I mean, the idea of it sounded perhaps cool, but it's still the same idea like Normal EggWars is; In my perspective you first get the first egg - Then you right after run to the same island you get the egg from, break the egg and eliminate the team. - You got what I mean? There's no Experimental EggWars game that could be like it was supposed to be. People are just rushing for extra eggs, that's the case; And let's face it the gamemode is barely played. Same goes for Speed EggWars nowdays.

What I suggest, is that you keep aiming for Solo and Team EggWars instead. - Stop adding anything new because the current games like Survival Games really needs an update.

For example, if you add Annhiliation or the bridge, theres many tweaks you can do, you can add your unique approach to it. Plus the combat would be completely different, so its not completely copying. (I personally would stream/record Annihilation)
Please, please fix this mess. The community will not be mad at you for incorporated new game modes that could potentially be amazing and possibly save a slow dying server
(Yes I really like annihilation)

Explain hypixel

YES PLEASE +infinity
Explain hypixel

YES PLEASE +infinity
Explain hypixel

YES PLEASE +infinity

Annihilation based game for Cubecraft; I'd personally love that, and I can totally say that It'll bring some people. - Not even many people knows what Annihilation is, and nowdays you visit ShotBow it barely has any players out there anymore. + I think the server still runs in 1.8. 1.9 community definitely needs same concept as this minigame is.

Explain hypixel.

The question wasn't towards me, I know it. But what I think it is about, is that, that Hypixel is based on 1.8 overall, and I can tell you that 1.9 community is notably smaller. Cubecraft although has its own 1.8 server, but the thing is - Why to switch off from Hypixel to Cubecraft to only being able to play on the server where the games doesn't fill up, because technically most of the 1.8 community is located on Hypixel - and they has stats and "profiles" out there they don't want to abandon just because they would like to start use their time on Cube.

Meant that, there are players that has used their time ages on Hypixel. They trusts the server, and basically is impossible to get Cube's popularity above Hypixel's. I see the case is that. Even if Cube is getting some players back - The fact is - What I see it is, is that the people wants to stay on the server they've gotten used to. So apparently, people would choose Hypixel over Cubecraft if talking about 1.8 playerbase.

1.9 playerbase isn't huge, but Cube should aim to be the biggest 1.9 server out of here - Maybe it already is but is quite losing people, as noticed.

It's as well sad that MoneyWalls got removed. It's definitely better than any of the BETA games IMO. Archer Assault is as well a ripoff from popular game; OverWatch; I mean, who didn't know that seriously... But it seems to do its work better than BattleZone- Fortnite does. - Since when Cube did copy another popular online games instead of making working minigames? I wonder


May 31, 2018
once again cube staff coming to the rescue! clearly by votes more people think cube is dead. Staff is just blind to the fact that they are working for a dead server x.x

Du bist ein unhöflich Kind... even staff rude at time you are annoy guy

staff need listen to player opinion I agree


Novice Member
Aug 11, 2017
After playing Bingo, I take back my statement of removing it, It's not bad. But battle royale still needs to go
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Hey, I was messing around in the username changer when I accidentally clicked 'change'. This was a complete accident and I don't want to wait until the 15th April to change it back. Is it possible to cancel this? I do not want my username to be 'James_'.
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