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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Kingdom (Team): All of my best maps are on this, I always have fun games on it and it's one of the nicest looking ones.
Teaparty (Team): The games on this can get to levels of epicness and ridiculousness worthy of a viking saga.
Safari (Solo): So fun to run around breaking all the eggs using the premade bridges.

Least Favourites:
Magic (Team): I've just never had a good game on it and I think it looks ugly.


Forum Expert
Oct 7, 2017
Western Finland
I loved the last easter maps. The map called Eggs was the best. It looked cool, it had simply islands and middleisland. It was a good map to rush too. Xmas 2017 maps were good too. xmasparty was a little bit worse than eggs, but still very good. Mostly when i play eggwars, im playing on map called fairground. Its simply and pretty small map. Theres one thing good: the islands have many generators, and they are so close each other, so its easy and fast to get stuff. Map called Huts is pretty good too, the islands should be more near each other, but its okay, the intermediateisland near the spawnisland, which is a pretty good thing. The spawn islands should have gold gen open when the game starts, so it would be even a bit easier for starters. If you play on that map alot, you dont mostly care. On map teaparty, the islands are perfect sized, and they have enouch big distance each other. The middleisland looks cool too. For some people that play with not that good pc, the mid is pretty laggy to them. Or if you play with normal laptop, its 10-20fps or something. So if you laptop, i think its not recommended to go on teaparty. Map garden is the best map of teams of 3 players. I love there few things: The middleisland isn't too big or too small. And the normal islands are clear. The intermediateislans aren't too big or too small, they are perfect sized. In map Aztec, its too easy to get burned in lava at mid. The mid is pretty big, but its not too small too. Map under da sea is good. I think the distance between mid and spawnislands is too big. some islands has easier to go to mid, the teams are yellow and gray. They just have to build straight away. All the maps that I spoke about in this were normal team eggwars maps. I usually don't play solo or speed. I have more than 230 wins on team eggwars. And i'm level 29, nearly 30.
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AFreakingCookie (Hank)

Dedicated Member
Apr 3, 2016
Going to do these for most of the games over time. Now EggWars is our most popular game and we have a lot of maps for it. I want to know what your favourite and least favourites maps are.

This information will help the build team improve on 'certain' aspects for future maps or even little improvements to our current maps from your feedback.
You can pick as many maps as you want. Please use this format

This is an example

Space (Team)
- Just always tend to have really fun games on this map
Steampunk (Solo) - Layout is very unique and pretty fun to destroy so many eggs on

Least favourite:
Storm (Team) -
The island surface is horrible to place blocks on
Vegeatables (Team) - Too much detail with heads, and obstacles everywhere to get a good clean fight

Previous ones:
Area51 (Teams) I loved everything about it, the spacing between the islands, and how you need blocks to get out of mid!

Vegtables (Teams) I loved how close the islands were but not too close and I loved how the generators were placed!

(Please add those back those were may favorite!)

Least Favorite:
Pizza (Teams) players can rush you instantly and they can easily bow you off because of how small the island is.

Fairground (Teams) the islands are tol far about from middle and themselves. Games can take hours.
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Novice Member
Apr 19, 2017
Lake (team) Islands close enough for easy rush but a flat mid for good fights
Archaic (team) Everything placed well, spaced out so we can have good fights
Least Favourite:
Troy (team) Everything is too jumbled up and makes it hard to move around
Huts (team) feels too plain, most maps can have cool decor and still be good for pvp but this map is just flat and boring, and not great for combat most of the time


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2017
- TeaParty (team): The map is beatiful, and it's a lot of teams, it's difficult and fun
- TreeHouse (team): It's the same as TeaParty, great, fun and difficult.

Least Favorites:
- Toys (solo): The islands are very close.
My Favourites:
Vegetables (Team)
- Easiest fun map to rush other bases and take other eggs.
Pizza (Team) - Extremely fun to play on, and very fast paced too, trying to get to the diamond generator and then rushing the person opposite you. :)

Least favourite:
Fairground (Team) - Too easy for other's to steal your egg, because they can easily jump from the ferrace wheel and break your egg but its fun the other way around so idk.
Construction (Solo) -Too much space between island.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2014
Underdasea (Team) -
It's the first map I've ever played on, besides that it has plenty of ways to sneak up on enemy islands and it offered some of the most unique and fun to play games I've ever played
Dwarven (Team) - I like this map because it has many teams, and is fast-paced most of the time anyway. Besides that it has a very defendable mid, which is always nice in the late game
Beach (Team) - I just really like the concept of having different islands as a base and the diamond gen being the hardest to defend of all gens - You can easily get 64 diamonds of a enemy gen, without them getting any. Making it a great map for different strategies.
Garden (Team) - Offers great fast-paced games with just three teammates

Leas favourite:
Treehouse (Team) -
I used to love this map, since it was easy to protect&sneak up to eggs. Now that the egg-placement has been changed, this map just changed into a stadard map, without any unique features, other than having to climb for hours and hours just to get shot off.
Teaparty (Team) - For me personally; Too much everything. One big chaotic mess, I can see why some might like it, I don't
Western (Team) - Although I like the different island concept, I don't think your egg should be on the not-main island, it just gets harder to defend and is to easy to loose sight upon.


Dedicated Member
Aug 23, 2016
The Shattered Plains
Teaparty: Big islands with a big mid and a ton of teams. Yes. More of this please.
MLG: The map itself is quite ugly if you asked me, but I like the lay out and it's my favorite map for solo.
Underdasea: Used to love it. But it's a shame mid got changed in such a simple, lazy way. I guess people didn't like that mid was relatively small? So what's the solution... basically add a big flat surface underneath it.


Novice Member
Mar 18, 2018
I don't play eggwars much anymore so I don't really know the maps well, but my favorite is Teaparty, because it's the only map left that you can still create a good defense and have a long, interesting game on, and my least favorite is MLG, because it's boring, stupid concept, and a common target by rank voters abusers.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2017
toys is best personel opinion bc you can build fast to other players


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2018
Favourites: pizza (teams of 2)
Storm(teams of 2)
Food (teams of 4)

Dislike fairground (just a bad map)
Rome ( rlly annoying)

Pizza should be up to play more often
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BicolourSine41 wrote on Verbramdt's profile.
Totally not forgot,
BicolourSine41 wrote on Austin's profile.
Happy birthday!!! 🎂
Nex3us wrote on Austin's profile.
Happy birthday to the awesome dev!!
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes, you all are great!
I did that 'i will make a post about first reply' thing, should it be a monthly thing I always do?
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