MLG, overal I think it's not the most beautiful looking map (I mean, its ridiculous if you actually look at it), but it is my favorite map in Eggwars solo. 3 teams very close to each other and mid is very close as well. Personally hate the bigger maps, because so many people choose to camp.
Stormy in terms of size is perfect as well, but it's the most annoying map there is. The generators make it annoying to get towards other islands, because you cannot place any blocks on the tree.... just where every single person happens to build their bridge. On the island themselves you are not able to place blocks on places in which you should be able to: And on some island you can reach the villager from the iron generator and on others not (you will have to jump around, which is annoying with different layers of snow), minor inconvenience but still.
Safari great map to get rid of a couple teams when the game starts. One unfair advantage is that on a certain team you are unable to reach mid without blocks while on the others you can. This means that someone in the game does not have a second change after dying and quickly trying to run to mid, while everyone else can do that. Should be changed.
Steampunk I like the 4 teams close to each other, but personally would place the 3 groups of islands closer to each other. Happens way to often on this map that I have to either get an enderpearl or create a safebridge. BUT good god I hate the layers and layers of nonsense this map has underneath the islands. Another bit of building and so many "clouds"... which often results in players sitting down there. Get rid of it.
Elven absolutely hate how all the gens on mid are in the towers.
Overall I quite like most solo games. Some are a bit too large and spread out, but its not a huge problem. In team Eggwars my favorite map was teaparty, but I wont be playing it anymore since you cannot choose your map. I did play Underdasea a lot, but that is a long time ago... before mid was ruined with the big circle around it.