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Bagel Maker
Jan 30, 2014
Why do translators need perms in the Minecraft server?
Designers also do not need perms in the Minecraft server at all, but they have them regardless, it's sort of a distinguished title to show their work ethic towards the server.

Also a lot of mods/helpers already speak multiple languages.
Mods/Helpers main job is moderation and not translation, so they cant put all of their time into it, the Translators who receive this rank will likely be highly dedicated players who have contributed a lot.

Why would a translator need /nick?
/nick comes naturally with every staff rank automatically due to the attention it brings from players, staff can receive relentless amounts of abuse from specific players so having this for translators to sort of protect themselves should come as no surprise.

Translation isn't even that hard if you speak 2 languages fluently.
It's not the speaking languages part that is hard, it's the writing part, spending hours and hours making sure a large sample of text is correct requires a lot more skill than just simply speaking the language, it's also a large time sink which is dedication in itself.

As well 30 new translaters!!? U only need like 2 per language lol..
It was clearly written in the thread that not all translators will be receiving the rank, only the most dedicated of translators.


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
A community that supports multiple languages will get many peoples from all counties around the word, this is a very good step and shows that the CCG Management team is working very hard on growing up this community and make it the best Minecraft community in the world!

we don’t forget that some players are unable to understand how does this server work and with multiple languages support for topics, in-game stuff, etc... will definitely return with a lot of benefits towards the community in general.
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Aug 29, 2018
Wow ... so we can ask Translators for unbans??
Uhm... I don't understand why translators need a especify rank and access to /nick...

They already have more permissions than a helper... With this, now many of applicants are gonna applying for the rank and perks, not for helping out, besides that, now the tab will full of red colour which was admin colour and it will cause confusion... Are you telling me seriously that a stone who joined some days ago if apply for translator rank he'll get all this perks...

Uhm, I think is a really bad idea... And I don't say it cuz I'm not anymore in the team, Even If would still in the team, I would say thousand times no. What's next? Access to /sc, /vanish...? From now on most of people will abuse of /nick rank and nobody will recognise anyone.

I thought with the stars system (translators can understand me) we had all.

Imo, this is a big issue, sorry Elena, but this is the worst new you could give me.
Wow ... so we can ask Translators for unbans??

you get rushed by player thats why we use /nick

Deleted member 469419

you get rushed by player thats why we use /nick

Still thinking this is a really bad idea, supposedly you shouldn't use it, because you have to being answering players about translator doubt, uhm hello? Helper exists!


Forum Professional
Mar 24, 2016
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
Okay, cool, but why is this necessary?
All of these extra "responsibilities" don't seem to have anything to do with the actual role itself. Yes, you translate and have some experience about it in case there are questions, but this is something a moderator should be able to do too. You don't see only designers answering the map based questions, simply because any other staff member can do that too. I think these question-based responsibilities should be left to the moderation team, since it's what they're meant to do from the moment they joined the team. A specialized translator rank just seems like a gimmick.

This is not to say that translators shouldn't get any compensation, but /nick? infinite friend slots? a shiny yet redundant title on the java and bedrock servers? Just keep it at an obsidian rank and a full plus subscription, and maybe an occasional multiplier or something.

Overall, it seems that this wasn't even discussed with the moderation team judging by some of the replies on this thread. And I'm not surprised by their reactions if this is the first time they're hearing about this, judging by the fact that these new "responsibilities" are already on the moderation team as it stands.

I just want to hear a solid argument for why this is necessary for the server. I personally can't think of any.

Deleted member 469419

Okay, cool, but why is this necessary?
All of these extra "responsibilities" don't seem to have anything to do with the actual role itself. Yes, you translate and have some experience about it in case there are questions, but this is something a moderator should be able to do too. You don't see only designers answering the map based questions, simply because any other staff member can do that too.

Exactly, there's also helpers which are trained on that, help people, and you also have forums to deal with any doubt about.

And regarding the privileges; /nick, Infinite friend slots, free plus, free obsidian, custom rank, probably staff miniature xD...

Overall, it seems that this wasn't even discussed with the moderation team judging by some of the replies on this thread. And I'm not surprised by their reactions if this is the first time they're hearing about this, judging by the fact that these new "responsibilities" are already on the moderation team as it stands.

I also noticed it, this should have discussed with the moderation team.


Novice Member
Jan 19, 2020
Uhm... I don't understand why translators need a especify rank and access to /nick...

They already have more permissions than a helper... With this, now many of applicants are gonna applying for the rank and perks, not for helping out, besides that, now the tab will full of red colour which was admin colour and it will cause confusion... Are you telling me seriously that a stone who joined few days ago if apply for translator rank he'll get all this perks...?

I think is a really bad idea... And I don't say it cuz I'm not anymore in the team, Even If would still in the team, I would say thousand times no. What's next? Access to /sc, /vanish...? From now on most of people could abuse of /nick and nobody will recognise anyone/if there's some toxic player who get the rank (Apparently a staff member) and begin being toxic toward others, what image would give to the staff team? And yes I've read the full thread as discord announcement, now, the question is: Do you really think some players will respect it? Power shows the true personality of people, there was a few cases of staffs corrupt which are more controlled than the translators, what will cause this?

Yes, I know I'm annoying with this, but it really concerns me about what will happen. And other thing that concerns me, will still people buying ranks?...

I thought with the stars system (translators can understand me) we had all.

{Edit} As I can see, some staff members didn't know this...? (This is just an observation)

Imo, this is a big issue, sorry Elena, but this is the worst new you could give me.
You'll have to work hard to actually get this rank. Please think a little harder before accusing one of the head managers of being stupid, it would be a "bad idea" if it the rank was given to every translation team member, It's not, the rank will be a reward for the hard work that's been done in the team. Becasue that's exactly what this comment says about.


Dedicated Member
Jun 24, 2019
Okay, cool, but why is this necessary?
All of these extra "responsibilities" don't seem to have anything to do with the actual role itself. Yes, you translate and have some experience about it in case there are questions, but this is something a moderator should be able to do too. You don't see only designers answering the map based questions, simply because any other staff member can do that too. I think these question-based responsibilities should be left to the moderation team, since it's what they're meant to do from the moment they joined the team. A specialized translator rank just seems like a gimmick.

This is not to say that translators shouldn't get any compensation, but /nick? infinite friend slots? a shiny yet redundant title on the java and bedrock servers? Just keep it at an obsidian rank and a full plus subscription, and maybe an occasional multiplier or something.

Overall, it seems that this wasn't even discussed with the moderation team judging by some of the replies on this thread. And I'm not surprised by their reactions if this is the first time they're hearing about this, judging by the fact that these new "responsibilities" are already on the moderation team as it stands.

I just want to hear a solid argument for why this is necessary for the server. I personally can't think of any.

I believe that you are not right, since that is what each role is for each person (any rank), each one must carry out their work since the Staff´s have life, and cannot be in moderation all day.

Deleted member 469419

You'll have to work hard to actually get this rank. Please think a little harder before accusing one of the head managers of being stupid. Becasue that's exactly what this comment says about.

Wowow dude, I'm not calling stupid anyone. Im just saying my opinion, and yes, I know you have to work hard blabla, but access to /nick, seriously?

What I said on my comment, that what you say "I'm calling stupid Elena", I'm just saying my opinion.

Tell me, is this necessary? As @Gainfullterror said, it would enough if they'll have Obsidian + free plus subscription.


Forum Veteran
Jul 14, 2018
The Netherlands
Good luck with the applying for the non-translators and good luck for the Translators! :)



Novice Member
Jan 19, 2020
Wowow dude, I'm not calling stupid anyone. Im just saying my opinion, and yes, I know you have to work hard blabla, but access to /nick, seriously?
It did kinda sound like blaming her.
I'm sorry for say that. But no, the idea is a good one, and more translators means the work will be more spread out across the team, which is good considering how much to translate there is.
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Deleted member 492126

Uhm... I don't understand why translators need a especify rank and access to /nick...
/nick comes naturally with every staff rank automatically due to the attention it brings from players, staff can receive relentless amounts of abuse from specific players so having this for translators to sort of protect themselves should come as no surprise.

They already have more permissions than a helper...
They don't, their in-game perks are /nick, obsidian rank and plus rank. Helpers can ban, mute, kick and have access to many other staff-commands.

With this, now many of applicants are gonna applying for the rank and perks,
This also happens with Helper applications. If someone applies only for the rank they will be instantly denied. This has always been a thing, even before the Translator rank existed. Quite a lot of players applied only because they thought they would get a shiny rank.

besides that, now the tab will full of red colour
Not *all* translators will get this rank. As far as I know only managers and people who worked really hard for the server will have it - I don't think there will be more than 20 people with the rank for now.

From now on most of people could abuse of /nick
If they abuse, they lose the rank. This applies to all ranks, from Helper to Admin.

nobody will recognise anyone
As I mentioned above, I don't think there will be more than 20 Translators - I don't think this will be a issue.

Are you telling me seriously that a stone who joined few days ago if apply for translator rank he'll get all this perks...?
Nope, only people who have worked really hard will earn the rank.
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