This was added to stop most players from basically stealing all the starter chests. I've been in multiple games from where my teammates just break the chest I'm in and steal all the loot. This will not be getting removed. The lumberjack kit isn't useless because you can still use it in solo SkyWars for looting and break all the other chests after refills on solo and team. The true purpose of the lumberjack kit isn't for faster looting, its so you can break wooden blocks faster, not chests. Most chests at the start of the game are getting looted, if we made it so you couldn't break chests that are open and being looted, that would be worse than the current method. I'm sorry that you're upset about this change, but there are more players that are upset by the fact that they aren't getting any loot compared to the players that actually use the lumberjack kit for the purpose of looting faster.