so not long ago someone suggested removing the leave option during the 10 second count down for the game to start in team games as with someone not being in your team, even if its one less... is a huge disadvantage
people can do /hub so it would be useless
so i dont think there is a real way to stop people from leaving BUT i think its possible to make people think twice before doing so
by adding some sort of punishment for constantly leaving team games
im not sure what the punishment could be, but something as simple as a 10 minute ban, and the more this happens the longer it gets would be nice
or even just keep it at 10 minutes cause that would still be annoying
im not sure if this is possible to make, but it would be nice if it is since as said at the top, it can sometimes be an automatic loss when this happens!
if you agree react with
and of course
if you dont, but please reply if so
edit: the people that have replied have kinda missed the point, if you do HAVE to leave you can do so, the point is, is that if you excessively leave you get the timeout
not if you need to go eat and leave once you get instantly banned
people can do /hub so it would be useless
so i dont think there is a real way to stop people from leaving BUT i think its possible to make people think twice before doing so
by adding some sort of punishment for constantly leaving team games
im not sure what the punishment could be, but something as simple as a 10 minute ban, and the more this happens the longer it gets would be nice
or even just keep it at 10 minutes cause that would still be annoying
im not sure if this is possible to make, but it would be nice if it is since as said at the top, it can sometimes be an automatic loss when this happens!
if you agree react with

and of course

edit: the people that have replied have kinda missed the point, if you do HAVE to leave you can do so, the point is, is that if you excessively leave you get the timeout
not if you need to go eat and leave once you get instantly banned
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