Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2021
so not long ago someone suggested removing the leave option during the 10 second count down for the game to start in team games as with someone not being in your team, even if its one less... is a huge disadvantage

people can do /hub so it would be useless
so i dont think there is a real way to stop people from leaving BUT i think its possible to make people think twice before doing so

by adding some sort of punishment for constantly leaving team games
im not sure what the punishment could be, but something as simple as a 10 minute ban, and the more this happens the longer it gets would be nice

or even just keep it at 10 minutes cause that would still be annoying
im not sure if this is possible to make, but it would be nice if it is since as said at the top, it can sometimes be an automatic loss when this happens!
if you agree react with ✅
and of course ❌ if you dont, but please reply if so
edit: the people that have replied have kinda missed the point, if you do HAVE to leave you can do so, the point is, is that if you excessively leave you get the timeout
not if you need to go eat and leave once you get instantly banned
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2021
i don't think you should be punished if you leave once in a while but if it happens over and over again you should get a 10 minute ban
cause ofc accidents can happen and you could leave accidently or even leave before the count down starts without realising or you could even just really need to leave

but if it happens too much in a certain period of time it should then lead to punishments

and i kinda hoped that ppl that disagree with this would say why, cause i honestly couldnt think of any reason for this not to happen... unless your one of those people
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2021
"mom sorry i cant come eat rn i would get banned"
cause ofc accidents can happen and you could leave accidently or even leave before the count down starts without realising or you could even just really need to leave

but if it happens too much in a certain period of time it should then lead to punishments
plus like i said, if its something like 10 mins, if you HAVE to leave, then by the time you come back you should be unbanned
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2021
Saudi Arabia
hell naw i disagree with this.
first of all, imagine if i have to leave in a row (could be anything) and then i come back to find myself banned? getting banned is too much for something like this.
well ofc they can make it so that you cant leave in the last 10 seconds, however if you decide to leave there should be no punishment at all.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2021
first of all, imagine if i have to leave in a row (could be anything) and then i come back to find myself banned?
again like i said, it has to be consistent and in a somewhat short period of time where you joining just to leave

so if that were to happen and you receive the 10 minute timeout/ban
you would have had to do that numerus times before, having that timeout/ban being deserved anyway

cause the amount of time ive gotten absolutely destroyed by duels cause my teammate left is just annoying at this point
and ruins the game


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Team CubeCraft
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Dec 24, 2016
Germany, Bavaria
instead of punishing people that leave early, you could give the left behind teammates compensation instead :D if players get repeatedly disconnected from matches (for example because of bad WIFI), they would still be punished although it is not really their fault.

I can understand your frustration though.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2021
instead of punishing people that leave early, you could give the left behind teammates compensation instead :D if players get repeatedly disconnected from matches (for example because of bad WIFI), they would still be punished although it is not really their fault.

I can understand your frustration though.
actually good idea!
so do you mean like
if you were a player short in bridges, you would receive a free point or 2?
or a little bit better armour since free points could be abusable

but yeea something like that


Quality Assurance
Team CubeCraft
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Dec 24, 2016
Germany, Bavaria
This would be a system where you would have to take some time to figure out whats works best for each gamemode. And it also schould only trigger if players leave early in the match and it should not directly affect the objective.

For example lets take eggwars, on first thought you could do it so that if a player leaves very early, all generators on your home island get upgraded one level. While this would put you in disadvantage playerwise, you could fully equip your team faster and potentially reach middle before the other teams.

In SG i would just give Resistance II when you spawn without a teammate or he leaves before the grace period ends. This will reduce incoming damage by 40%, giving you a greater chance of winning against teams of 2.

These are of course only quick ideas that are not really thought trough and might not be good enough. Its also important that you never get a siginficant advantage over other teams by having less players in a team, the goal is to reduce the disadvantage.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
Belgium Oost-Vlaanderen
First of all 10 minutes is way too long. Second of all better matchmaking is the best thing that could get added. For example players who play solo letting them join a game that has already started to help out a team where a player left for sole reason. If you win you will still get points and xp for helping them out. And if players quit not having stuff like we cant start this gamemode bcs there were not enough players. And ye maybe they could do a punishment but i think like 1 minute or so is enough and not a ban but just unable to join that specific mode.
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Aug 11, 2022
On some games (not MC Servers) they have a system like this. When I played Rocket League they did have a system like this and it was really annoying because if all your team is afk you have to still finish the game and you can't leave the game if you have to get off for something. I have had a mega game last 50 minutes (from an entire team of campers) an some people don't want to go through that long of a game. Maybe instead of a punishment, there is a bigger reward for finishing a game.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2020
The JOJOLands
so not long ago someone suggested removing the leave option during the 10 second count down for the game to start in team games as with someone not being in your team, even if its one less... is a huge disadvantage

people can do /hub so it would be useless
so i dont think there is a real way to stop people from leaving BUT i think its possible to make people think twice before doing so

by adding some sort of punishment for constantly leaving team games
im not sure what the punishment could be, but something as simple as a 10 minute ban, and the more this happens the longer it gets would be nice

or even just keep it at 10 minutes cause that would still be annoying
im not sure if this is possible to make, but it would be nice if it is since as said at the top, it can sometimes be an automatic loss when this happens!
if you agree react with ✅
and of course ❌ if you dont, but please reply if so
edit: the people that have replied have kinda missed the point, if you do HAVE to leave you can do so, the point is, is that if you excessively leave you get the timeout
not if you need to go eat and leave once you get instantly banned
Yeah, it's annoying but it already happened to me a lot of time. For example my internet crashes frequently/comm error so I get disconnected (or something else), it's annoying to get punished for that. (and that's why I'm playing 95% of the time in solo gamemode haha)
Must be very complicated to implement, but sure if someone leaves 10 duos games in 30m why not. (Idk)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2021
Saudi Arabia
This would be a system where you would have to take some time to figure out whats works best for each gamemode. And it also schould only trigger if players leave early in the match and it should not directly affect the objective.

For example lets take eggwars, on first thought you could do it so that if a player leaves very early, all generators on your home island get upgraded one level. While this would put you in disadvantage playerwise, you could fully equip your team faster and potentially reach middle before the other teams.

In SG i would just give Resistance II when you spawn without a teammate or he leaves before the grace period ends. This will reduce incoming damage by 40%, giving you a greater chance of winning against teams of 2.

These are of course only quick ideas that are not really thought trough and might not be good enough. Its also important that you never get a siginficant advantage over other teams by having less players in a team, the goal is to reduce the disadvantage.
i agree with this
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2021
The Netherlands
This is giving me valorant vibes. You cant leave there, you can just close valorant but u get a warn first and then a ban for so many hours, depends on how many times you have been banned. I dont see this working in Cubecraft at all. Its just a fast game and you are not stuck with them for 30 minutes for example. You also can only communicate with them in the chat, and tbh who does that? I just dont see this working


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2020
so not long ago someone suggested removing the leave option during the 10 second count down for the game to start in team games as with someone not being in your team, even if its one less... is a huge disadvantage

people can do /hub so it would be useless
so i dont think there is a real way to stop people from leaving BUT i think its possible to make people think twice before doing so

by adding some sort of punishment for constantly leaving team games
im not sure what the punishment could be, but something as simple as a 10 minute ban, and the more this happens the longer it gets would be nice

or even just keep it at 10 minutes cause that would still be annoying
im not sure if this is possible to make, but it would be nice if it is since as said at the top, it can sometimes be an automatic loss when this happens!
if you agree react with ✅
and of course ❌ if you dont, but please reply if so
edit: the people that have replied have kinda missed the point, if you do HAVE to leave you can do so, the point is, is that if you excessively leave you get the timeout
not if you need to go eat and leave once you get instantly banned
I think implementing this would be quite unfair. If you crash you'd get a warning or ban which is unfair because the player can't do anything about it.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2021
alr ty for opinions everyone, i didnt really think about things like crashing or internet issues
but ye its still kinda annoying but tbf at least cc doesnt have a ranked system so losing isnt really affecting much anyway, can just play another game
so ig this would also be useless for that very reason

human being

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2022
the chances of your game crashing over and over again are very small and if it does happen it's only a 10 minute ban
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