Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Novice Member
Aug 21, 2021
What happens when you have a mouse that doesn’t double and doesn’t have a setting?

What happens when most people don’t double click?

You ARE NOT clicking 20+cps you are clicking 8 cps but get 20+ due to a broken mouse.
That is the same as cheating.

Debounce sliders are not for the point of allowing double clicking. The point of a debounce slider is there so you could butterfly click without any unregistered clicks.
If you butterfly click with 2 fingers nearly at the same time it would register.

Just lighter mice with poorer made quality like the Model O and A70, since they have lighter switches it just inherently causes doubles. Cause believe it or not mice aren’t meant to be used like that.

It’s not a feature. What mouse advertises itself as double clicking on the website? Or even on packaging. I have disproved you lying about the A70 advertising a “0.2 debounce” when in fact it was a response time from the click to desktop.

And infact you DO have to meat slap your mouse to cause a double click. Because if you avtually normal click your mouse YOU WON’T DOUBLE.

And if you think it’s the same 2 arguments I am making, you are still wrong. And you are probably not reading my entire posts
You replied to those 2 yes, and I responded back saying that is how you abuse the mouse and cause doubles.
But itMs not the only 2 arguments.

If you go back to the first post I show the websites for wach mouse to prove there is no featured double/drag features advertised. And much more in my other posts
Whether or not its the "proper" way of clicking or improper usage of the debounce slider, it doesn't change the fact that double clicking is very popular in the Minecraft community (Mostly Java, and 1.8 servers). You are very much so a bedrock player judging by your signature, double clicking isn't as popular on bedrock so it makes sense that you believe that it is a "cheat". This isn't the case in the Java community, double clicking, drag clicking etc. these clicking methods are accepted in the Java community as clicking methods, not cheats. You keep going on about how you have to "meat slap" a mouse in order to double click which is true, BUT you aren't against butterfly clicking which is DOING THE EXACT SAME THING BUT WITH 2 FINGERS, also butterflying is wayyyyyyyyyy harder on ones mouse than double clicking.
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Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
BUT you aren't against butterfly clicking which is DOING THE EXACT SAME THING BUT WITH 2 FINGERS, also butterflying is wayyyyyyyyyy harder on ones mouse than double clicking.
Double clicking can only happen on SPECIFIC mice, regardless if it’s easier to do or harder to do.

You can butterfly on any mouse you have.
Double clicking you can’t, Drag clicking you can’t.
I mean you can autoclick with any mouse because it’s a PC program.

Double clicking is much different from DPI or mouse acceleration/deceleration in a mouse.
Even though every mouse can’t use those features doesn’t make it unfair, it modifies how your mouse tracks on your table, not on screen.
While double clicking doesn’t change what your mouse does, it does give you a significant advantage over others who can’t do it.

The fact that I can get better aim with mouse deceleration is an advantage YES.
But even without mouse deceleration ai can adjust how I click and move my hand around with a different mouse without deceleration if needed.

The fact not every mouse can drag, or that every mouse can’t double click is why it’s mouse abuse and cheating.

Even if you believe it’s not cheating it’s still mouse abuse, and by the definition of that, it IS cheating, regardless of what you think. Regardless of what other servers say. They may not ban for it, but it doesn’t change the fact that it is the definition of cheating


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
Not really against butterfly clicking itself, but the fact people get doubles from it. If you can butterfly and not get double clicks it’s all cool. Cause you are getting the cps you are getting in game.
Not cheating.

I personally jitter and play Bedrock AND JAVA!
In fact I was working on Java gamemodes and working on Java plugins to fix KB. Even working on an Anticheat that bans for double clicking over a specified threshold.

But butterflying itself is not the problem. It’s people who butterfly for the point of double clicking.

I edited the above post and tried to add this reply to the above post by me but when quoting it added to new message. And mobile website is buggy


Novice Member
Aug 21, 2021
You can butterfly on any mouse you have.
No you can't, some mice are designed in such a way that there really isn't room and or a comfortable way to butterfly.
Double clicking you can’t, Drag clicking you can’t.
Actually a lot of mice you can it just may be harder than some, unless its say a wireless office mouse but the only decent clicking method you can do on those is jitter anyways.
Double clicking is much different from DPI or mouse acceleration/deceleration in a mouse.
Even though every mouse can’t use those features doesn’t make it unfair, it modifies how your mouse tracks on your table, not on screen.
While double clicking doesn’t change what your mouse does, it does give you a significant advantage over others who can’t do it.
I understand you are saying, I do. Yes it does give a significant advantage when it comes to pvp but let me try to explain my point a bit more. Cubecraft Java is kinda barely hanging on (reach down to 300 players some days) and currently clutches, bridging etc. is all the hype for Java players, allowing double clicking could attract different youtubers and players who are into that, just like we recently experienced (as mentioned in @RelatedNoobs original post). Someone with that big of a following could really help Cubecraft Java grow.

Obviously this isn't the case for Cubecraft Bedrock, and seeing as how bedrock pvp is similar to 1.8, I can see how this could be an issue. But with Java I think it could do a lot of good for the server.


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
No you can't, some mice are designed in such a way that there really isn't room and or a comfortable way to butterfly.
You can still butterfly on them. I have a mouse that has no room to butterfly. I can still butterfly 11
Cubecraft Java is kinda barely hanging on (reach down to 300 players some days) and currently clutches, bridging etc. is all the hype for Java players, allowing double clicking could attract different youtubers and players who are into that,
No cubecraft Java has been dying for a few years now. It’s not because double clicks. It’s because of new content at the time and the amount of bugs.
It’s still very buggy. Especially in 1.18 or new versions it has more bugs even though they say they support the most recent versions.

Cubecraft is dying not because of lack of content creators or lack of originality. It’s just lack of content and bug fixes.
Even Magic&Mayhem didn’t get many players despite a lot of players on bedrock.
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Dec 6, 2020
*Please read the entire post before voting, as I will be going over supporting arguments*

We will be talking about the rule:

The use of autoclickers, macros, mapping your click button to your mouse wheel, dragclicking, using multiple mice, or using a mouse that registers double clicks is not allowed. Also modifying your mouse's click function in any way via software or hardware is considered cheating and will result in a cheating ban.
1.3 - Clicking Methods​

What is debounce / double-clicking?

Double-clicking is a method of clicking a mouse that registers multiple inputs per one physical input on a mouse. For example, when you click once, two clicks register in-game rather than one. This is WITHOUT the use of ANY software or macros. How exactly does a double click work? A computer mouse registers a click usually by physical contact. It sends an electrical signal to your computer to register the click. When you click your mouse a certain way though, you can cause a "bouncing effect" where the mouse switches will register more than one electrical signal for a split second after you click your mouse. Some companies have gotten around this phenomenon by implementing a system called the "debounce delay" which will filter out the extra electrical signals. You can change how strict the filter is by modifying the debounce time. The higher it is set to, the more strict the filter.

Players are able to achieve higher CPS through double clicks when they lower the debounce time - reducing the filter's strictness.

The issue

Cubecraft has banned both double-clicking, and debounce modifying. This rule wasn't always around, until ~2 years ago when a player who goes by the name of STASI was suddenly banned for a month because they used "illegal modifications" by changing their debounce time.

Originally, this rule made sense, as Cubecraft had to consider other devices playing on the network (this was before input-based matchmaking), and they didn't want to allow PC players the advantage of using a special mouse feature - which mobile and console players cannot use. Now though, Cubecraft has input-based matchmaking. Players with a computer mouse go against other players with computer mice.

Most argue that "Changing your debounce is essentially using software to achieve higher CPS". This is true that you must use software to change debounce time, but you aren't using "cheating software" that is deliberately designed to exploit. The debounce slider is a feature in ALL SOFTWARE for gaming mice, made BY the company of the gaming mouse - not some third-party hacking client.

I would also like to take a moment to stop and really think about what debounce modifying really is. It is a FILTER to PREVENT clicks from occurring - not a slider to give you MORE clicks. Having your debounce slider at a high-strict setting is more of a handicap rather than a "normal occurrence". The filter itself is stopping legitimate electrical signals from being processed. It is NOT giving you MORE or LESS clicks. (This is not to be confused with a macro, which is software that multiplies a click after the signal is sent).

This argument is slightly weaker than the others, but I would still like to mention it. Nobody in the PvP/scrim community follows the debounce rule. Even new players that join Cubecraft for the first time will most likely have their debounce filter on a low setting. This happened recently with a YouTuber by the name of MontclairBear (147k subs) who uploaded a Cubecraft video for the first time a few days ago. The entire video is about him tellybridging/godbridging on Java 1.18 (godbridging requires a clicking method called dragclicking, which is only possible via a low-passive debounce filter). Unfortunately, I heard he is now banned from Java Cubecraft. Why did he use a low-passive debounce filter in his video in the first place? Because apart from Cubecraft, almost no other big PvP server restricts you from lowering your debounce. Hypixel for example allows debounce modification. Cubecraft is one of the only big PvP servers that prohibit low/passive debounce filtering.

Along with the last paragraph, reporting for double-clicking is practically impossible. Unless you have video evidence of the player's debounce slider at a low setting, there is not going to be enough proof to get someone punished. Players can simply argue that they were jitterclicking, or using another clicking method to achieve their CPS. For this reason too, almost everyone in the PvP community doubles.

Another argument I want to bring is that of "using hardware to give yourself an unfair advantage". If this really means what I think, then this can be generalized to "players are not allowed to use gaming mice on Cubecraft". The double-click phenomenon happens with every gaming mouse switch, this is not something that is only built into highly rare and expensive mice.

For my final argument, I want to go over "double-clicking is abusing your mouse's hardware to give yourself an advantage". Ok. So how is this any different from jitterclicking? If we are talking about a normal computer mouse, anything but normal clicking is technically abusing a mouse. There really is no difference whether you are jittering 18 cps or double-clicking 20 cps. It is all abusing your mouse to achieve more clicks per second in a block video game.

The solution

If Cubecraft is really concerned about high CPS, they should take the initiative themselves to add a CPS cap, not force each player to change a setting on their mouse's official software to filter out more CPS just to play on one server.

Thank you for reading if you've made it this far. Please try to keep an open mind about what I've said, and react to this post. This is also a slightly-heated topic, so, please do not start anything unnecessary.

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Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
Thats not what I said.
I said double clicking could help Cubecraft, seeing as high cps clutches, bridging etc is all the hype currently.
It's not going to help anyone but the cheaters.
And if that is the only point that can be made I don't see why it should be added.

Not everyone can drag, not everyone uses dragging mice, not everyone can double click and not everyone has double clicking mice. No mice are advertised as double clicking mice or even drag clicking. Yes there is some mice that are better at double clicking and drag clicking, but all of them are community chosen, not company chosen best for drag and doubles.

What everyone can do, regardless of mouse, is not double click and not drag click.
Everyone can normal click, everyone can jitter click and everyone can butterfly click.

But to obtain double clicks, not everyone can do.
And that is the point of the rule. So that everyone can have a fair fight regardless of hardware.

Saying you are skillful at mariokart when you are only good on ONE map, is different from being skillful at the entire game or series of games. Similar to drag clicking, you can only be good at it on a specific mouse, whilst other mice will actually make you worse than a player while drag clicking. Similar to playing on different maps on Mariokart, if you are only good at one thing it's not as much as a skill as it is a knack
If you don't understand what I mean, Skill is based of performance, while a knack is based off of a "clever way of doing something"
Another example being is an In House(you go to the tournament) tournaments. All players are given the same PC, the same keyboard, the same mouse. All running the same program at the same time. If you are a really good player drag clicking, and the event host gave everyone a mouse that can not drag click, where does your so called "skill" go? It's not that you now suck, it's that you lost the only thing that made you somewhat decent at the game. A broken mouse switch which allowed you to drag click.
The fact is, it's not a skill nor is it legit or fair.

One more thing for the people saying "MontclairBear didn't know drag was cheating"

There is a server announcement that says drag clicking and doubles are banable, you are telling me in his entire session he never got the message once and never thought "Maybe I shouldn't upload this"
Last edited:


Apr 21, 2022
*Please read the entire post before voting, as I will be going over supporting arguments*

We will be talking about the rule:

The use of autoclickers, macros, mapping your click button to your mouse wheel, dragclicking, using multiple mice, or using a mouse that registers double clicks is not allowed. Also modifying your mouse's click function in any way via software or hardware is considered cheating and will result in a cheating ban.
1.3 - Clicking Methods​

What is debounce / double-clicking?

Double-clicking is a method of clicking a mouse that registers multiple inputs per one physical input on a mouse. For example, when you click once, two clicks register in-game rather than one. This is WITHOUT the use of ANY software or macros. How exactly does a double click work? A computer mouse registers a click usually by physical contact. It sends an electrical signal to your computer to register the click. When you click your mouse a certain way though, you can cause a "bouncing effect" where the mouse switches will register more than one electrical signal for a split second after you click your mouse. Some companies have gotten around this phenomenon by implementing a system called the "debounce delay" which will filter out the extra electrical signals. You can change how strict the filter is by modifying the debounce time. The higher it is set to, the more strict the filter.

Players are able to achieve higher CPS through double clicks when they lower the debounce time - reducing the filter's strictness.

The issue

Cubecraft has banned both double-clicking, and debounce modifying. This rule wasn't always around, until ~2 years ago when a player who goes by the name of STASI was suddenly banned for a month because they used "illegal modifications" by changing their debounce time.

Originally, this rule made sense, as Cubecraft had to consider other devices playing on the network (this was before input-based matchmaking), and they didn't want to allow PC players the advantage of using a special mouse feature - which mobile and console players cannot use. Now though, Cubecraft has input-based matchmaking. Players with a computer mouse go against other players with computer mice.

Most argue that "Changing your debounce is essentially using software to achieve higher CPS". This is true that you must use software to change debounce time, but you aren't using "cheating software" that is deliberately designed to exploit. The debounce slider is a feature in ALL SOFTWARE for gaming mice, made BY the company of the gaming mouse - not some third-party hacking client.

I would also like to take a moment to stop and really think about what debounce modifying really is. It is a FILTER to PREVENT clicks from occurring - not a slider to give you MORE clicks. Having your debounce slider at a high-strict setting is more of a handicap rather than a "normal occurrence". The filter itself is stopping legitimate electrical signals from being processed. It is NOT giving you MORE or LESS clicks. (This is not to be confused with a macro, which is software that multiplies a click after the signal is sent).

This argument is slightly weaker than the others, but I would still like to mention it. Nobody in the PvP/scrim community follows the debounce rule. Even new players that join Cubecraft for the first time will most likely have their debounce filter on a low setting. This happened recently with a YouTuber by the name of MontclairBear (147k subs) who uploaded a Cubecraft video for the first time a few days ago. The entire video is about him tellybridging/godbridging on Java 1.18 (godbridging requires a clicking method called dragclicking, which is only possible via a low-passive debounce filter). Unfortunately, I heard he is now banned from Java Cubecraft. Why did he use a low-passive debounce filter in his video in the first place? Because apart from Cubecraft, almost no other big PvP server restricts you from lowering your debounce. Hypixel for example allows debounce modification. Cubecraft is one of the only big PvP servers that prohibit low/passive debounce filtering.

Along with the last paragraph, reporting for double-clicking is practically impossible. Unless you have video evidence of the player's debounce slider at a low setting, there is not going to be enough proof to get someone punished. Players can simply argue that they were jitterclicking, or using another clicking method to achieve their CPS. For this reason too, almost everyone in the PvP community doubles.

Another argument I want to bring is that of "using hardware to give yourself an unfair advantage". If this really means what I think, then this can be generalized to "players are not allowed to use gaming mice on Cubecraft". The double-click phenomenon happens with every gaming mouse switch, this is not something that is only built into highly rare and expensive mice.

For my final argument, I want to go over "double-clicking is abusing your mouse's hardware to give yourself an advantage". Ok. So how is this any different from jitterclicking? If we are talking about a normal computer mouse, anything but normal clicking is technically abusing a mouse. There really is no difference whether you are jittering 18 cps or double-clicking 20 cps. It is all abusing your mouse to achieve more clicks per second in a block video game.

The solution

If Cubecraft is really concerned about high CPS, they should take the initiative themselves to add a CPS cap, not force each player to change a setting on their mouse's official software to filter out more CPS just to play on one server.

Thank you for reading if you've made it this far. Please try to keep an open mind about what I've said, and react to this post. This is also a slightly-heated topic, so, please do not start anything unnecessary.

In my opinion duople clicking is a skill u cant just simple learn how to duople in one day it needs alot of practicing and banning someone for his skills is not fair


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
In my opinion duople clicking is a skill u cant just simple learn how to duople in one day it needs alot of practicing and banning someone for his skills is not fair
This is not true in the slightest lol. Before I got my Bloody A70, I had no experience with a mouse that can double click in game (I could slam my finger and get a double on other mice but not white butterflying). I got my A70 straight out the box, before even downloading the software or practicing any technique and I clicked 22 CPS. Double clicking doesn't take skill lol


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
In my opinion duople clicking is a skill u cant just simple learn how to duople in one day it needs alot of practicing and banning someone for his skills is not fair
it's not a skill.

Just because you learn something doesn't make it a skill.

Skill by definition is “The ability to do something well”
Double clicking requires to use specific mice and/or specific settings to achieve high CPS, the high cps is the skill in this case.

Unlike learning to ride a bike, which is a skill, you would be able to ride any bike and keep your balance on them.

Or in this case, unlike jitterclicking, which is a skill, you would be able to achieve the same/similar CPS on any mouse.


Novice Member
Jun 12, 2020
North Carolina, United States of America
I’d like to start my reply off with the reasons I'm “necroposting” on this thread and if mods see this at least read it before removing it:

The thread has gotten 10 reactions in the last 2 hours, 6 positive, one neutral, and 3 negative. Another reason I am necroposting is the fact that the thread very well should be forwarded (42 agrees and 16 likes so 56 positive reactions (25 agrees for forward))but it was not (and for a not even legitimate reason.)Technically speaking I shouldn’t be breaking a rule posting this because it should be forwarded anyways and forwarded thread replies do not count as necroposting even after the 3 week deadline.
Now onto my opinion.

I personally believe double clicking/double clicks (dc) should be allowed.

First off device based match making is now a thing, meaning pc players tend (not all the time but tend) to get paired with other PC players, meaning double clicking isnt too much of an advantage if you can or cant do it, (if you’re good at butterfly it can bring you from 16 to 25) and overall that isn’t too much of a difference with skilled players, who are all on pc. Another thing to add to device based match making is something relating mobile. Mobile players who get paired up against controler players (once again the match making isnt perfectly consistent and I assume that is part of the reason and argument against dc) especially have a strange advantage. For low end devices such as a switch lite, the CPS cap is about 8. If you are decent enough on pocket, you can also click 8 but on mobile you have the ability to click anywhere on the screen to hit and place blocks. The double click rule is a handicap for pc against their advantage, shouldn’t mobile have a handicap against their advantage of not having to aim a crosshair. Pc players have to change a slider every time they get on from a different server to accustom to this dumb rule because of the “advantage”. Think about how dumb it would be to have to change a setting built for that platform (just like a MOUSE is built for keyboard/mouse) ever time you log on because of a dumb rule nobody else has.

Second point. Many mice are built with the ability to dc. The debounce on my mouse is set to 10ms (default and also max) but still dc’s once in a while. I use the Roccat Kone Pro, which isnt a super cheap mice. Technically speaking because of this rule im not allowed to use my gaming mouse on cube AT ALL because it randomly dc‘s when I’m just trying to optimally butterfly click in a comfortable way. I do my best not to dc but I really can‘t help it in some cases (it only brings my CPS from like 13 to 15 but by complete accident I’m technically cheating.) I just dont think its fair that I have to deal with trying to click in a strange way to not cheating when it’s just part of my mouse.

3rd point. I feel like useless bans are being handed out. Dc is strictly a pc thing but anyone can accuse and report you of it. A friend of mine was reported and accused of dc on freaking SWITCH LITE. If you freaking figure out how to double click on a freaking switch which caps at 8cps anyways then Congrats. I was accused of double clicking in the same game for placing a downstack and a few blocks while falling. I placed about 12 blocks in a 1.5 seconds time span. That means theoretically I COULD have been clicking about 8. I was clicking about 13 at the time as far as I know and I think I was reported for it as well as my friend on a switch lite. Imagine a player on a switch lite got banned for dc and wasn’t able to write a proper appeal or it was denied for some reason. I used to play on controller (switch) and got hackusated a few times for auto clicking. My friend was recently banned for double clicking (or at least I believe that is what he was banned for) and now has to wait 30 day (he‘s not gonna even try to appeal I don’t think) because of some rule nobody knows about until they get banned for it or see someone else get banned for it. I have never been banned and my first warning will probably be this post for ”necroposting“ or whatever on an active post reaction wise. I just think its dumb that people have to deal with this because they’re trying to get a few extra CPS in a fairly legitimate way.

Anyways thats my opinion bye 🗿

Edit: after this post the thread finally got forwarded so I’m not gonna get warned for necroposting :D


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2022
Stardew Valley
Honestly, being on a device where I can’t get great cps isn’t going to give me more problems with pvp if double clicking is allowed. I’m not clicking faster than my opponents in the first place and if @RadiumWave sometimes double cliks on me on accident then I’m not expecting a huge challenge if a lot of players begin to do that too
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Novice Member
Jun 12, 2020
North Carolina, United States of America
I’m not clicking faster than my opponents in the first place and if @RadiumWave sometimes double cliks on me on accident then I’m not expecting a huge challenge if a lot of players begin to do that too
Thank’s for helping convey another point of the fact that pc players already have an advantage and a little bit of a better advantage won’t affect lower CPS players too much anyways, it just means that pc matches will be sweatier.
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Jun 21, 2022
Just add a cps cap and take make dc and modifying denounce allowed please. Drag clicking and double clicking are skills that have to be learned, not automatically available like macros or hacked clients. The argument against dcing and modifying denounce is that it is hacking like a macro. It is absolutely similar, but use common sense y’all. It’s not hacking or an unfair advantage. I could argue that pe players have a disadvantage because they are unable to Jumpbridge but they also have an “unfair” advantage because they can aim to the side on a 1 wide bridge and still click forward, sending you straight off the edge. It’s silly to nitpick over every little difference between platforms. Each platform has its inherent advantages, cc shouldn’t single out keyboard and mouse players. Just my thoughts, hope cc can reach a compromise with the players.


Novice Member
Jun 7, 2021
We have noticed this thread has been shared on Discord servers linked to the OP. Since this "artificially" increases the number of reactions, this suggestion will not be forwarded with 25 agrees.
I will not lock the thread, as I consider it unfair to the community, but it will be evaluated based on opinions and not on a number of agrees.
Goofy ahhh response. Also change it back applying to bedrock only. Corrupt staff out here changing it to "All networks" in order get java people to vote against the post. Not cool.


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
Goofy ahhh response. Also change it back applying to bedrock only. Corrupt staff out here changing it to "All networks" in order get java people to vote against the post. Not cool.
It's a global rule, not specific to bedrock. All rules apply to all networks, every player should have the right to vote on something.

Calling the staff team "ahh"(bypass of another word) because they are genuinely making it an open post for ALL PLAYERS for a rule that will affect ALL PLAYERS on BOTH NETWORKS is not right.
I make fun of the staff team not when they are doing the right thing but when they genuinely do something wrong... and even then I don't use vulgar language towards them
Just add a cps cap and take make dc and modifying denounce allowed please. Drag clicking and double clicking are skills that have to be learned, not automatically available like macros or hacked clients. The argument against dcing and modifying denounce is that it is hacking like a macro. It is absolutely similar, but use common sense y’all. It’s not hacking or an unfair advantage. I could argue that pe players have a disadvantage because they are unable to Jumpbridge but they also have an “unfair” advantage because they can aim to the side on a 1 wide bridge and still click forward, sending you straight off the edge. It’s silly to nitpick over every little difference between platforms. Each platform has its inherent advantages, cc shouldn’t single out keyboard and mouse players. Just my thoughts, hope cc can reach a compromise with the players.
If I played Baseball, when I take steroids it's not because like I ONLY DO IT because it enhances my skill, everyone can do it, it's not the same as using a robotic arm to swing for me gosh bro.

If I played Minecraft, when I double click it's not because like I ONLY DO IT because it enhances my skill, everyone can do it, it's not the same as using auto clickers to swing for me gosh bro.

Besides, people can only do it AFTER buying a mouse that IS ABLE to double click, not every mouse can double click out of the box, fun fact, not all mice are broken, another fact about double clicking, is that you have to ABUSE the mouse(abuse a substance in the case of baseball) to be able to double click, sure everyone COULD do it after wearing out the recommended clicks(on average).

At the point of it being "Buy a Model O" or "Buy the Bloody A70" just completely changes everything, because my Rival 650 can just as easily make Macro's and Autoclickers, my mouse that I had to specifically buy(just like yours) came with software to set up macros. If you are allowed to modify your debounce in a software youth mouse manufacture provided, why can't i use a macro my mouse manufacture provide?
Honestly, being on a device where I can’t get great cps isn’t going to give me more problems with pvp if double clicking is allowed. I’m not clicking faster than my opponents in the first place and if @RadiumWave sometimes double cliks on me on accident then I’m not expecting a huge challenge if a lot of players begin to do that too
Double clicking on accident isn't as much banable on cubecraft currently as it is purposely double clicking, just double clicking 1-2 times in a single video doesn't mean you are going to get banned. But if you are repetitively doing it you would get banned.
The thread has gotten 10 reactions in the last 2 hours, 6 positive, one neutral, and 3 negative. Another reason I am necroposting is the fact that the thread very well should be forwarded (42 agrees and 16 likes so 56 positive reactions (25 agrees for forward))but it was not (and for a not even legitimate reason.)Technically speaking I shouldn’t be breaking a rule posting this because it should be forwarded anyways and forwarded thread replies do not count as necroposting even after the 3 week deadline.
Now onto my opinion.
(Because of relatednoobs video *COUGH COUGH*)
First off device based match making is now a thing,
Which doesn't work 60% of the time.....
Second point. Many mice are built with the ability to dc.
Link me to the site of a mouse that claims their mouse double clicks please and TY(fun fact none do LMAO)
3rd point. I feel like useless bans are being handed out. Dc is strictly a pc thing but anyone can accuse and report you of it. A friend of mine was reported and accused of dc on freaking SWITCH LITE.
You can double click a lot more than just on a PC AHAHAHAHA.
You can actually drag on xbox/PS and switch

making a video rn
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2022
Stardew Valley
Double clicking on accident isn't as much banable on cubecraft currently as it is purposely double clicking, just double clicking 1-2 times in a single video doesn't mean you are going to get banned. But if you are repetitively doing it you would get banned.
Then why did WaspBrain get banned? Also, you were absolutely toxic to two players in a duos game who may have double clicked once that game but were certainly not abusing it.
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meshachhelaena wrote on Reesle's profile.
How long you played CCG?
TheMrSpacee wrote on اناناس تايم's profile.
Happy birthday!
TheMrSpacee wrote on GladiusYugen's profile.
Happy birthday!
TheMrSpacee wrote on Conea64's profile.
Happy birthday!
Reesle wrote on meshachhelaena's profile.
Welcome to the Official Cubecraft Forums! You’re cool for joining! 😎
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