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Do you think that Tower Defence is balanced?

  • Yes completely

  • Yes but not through-out the whole game (Explain)

  • Sometimes (Explain)

  • 100% no! (Please explain your reasons)

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Novice Member
Dec 20, 2018
Tower defence should add new creatures
+ Wither.
And the towers could be upgraded to Level 6
Wither is already a thing, it’s an Armageddon.

Also, if you want new troops, you should probably give a more specific insight, with concrete examples such as what mob, cost and xp, upgrades, tower resistance if any etc. That way, you can get some feedback on the matter and work on it from there.
Vague suggestions are rarely helpful or can lead to something successful.


Forum Expert
Sep 17, 2017
More troops
More towers
Made usefull the sword and the bow when the game is ending
new systems
Some balances like:
Buff gigants
Nerf speed AoE
Balance prices


Feb 7, 2019
So I am going to start by mentioning my original post: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/tower-defence-needs-your-suggestions.216380/#post-1041518
In this post I provided a lot of ideas for changes, but didn't really mention any numbers. But after some talking with my friends, we came up with some balancing changes: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WPMTH3iLl5vIYZLbqLt22TARQpabBtkzXD0xFBU5tGo/edit#gid=0
In this spreadsheet, I post the current stats of troops, and on the bottom section, I provide my actual suggestions.
A summary of my changes include the following:
  • Lava Potion Price Increase
    • The goal of this is to prevent players who lava pot all the troops that are sent by the enemy team, therefore stealing all troop kills from their team. Lava Potions are also just way too cheap compared to the other potions and among the most useful. Making the lava potion slightly more expensive would also act as an unintentional creeper buff
  • Skeleton Price and Experience Gain Increase
    • I made skeletons go up in price by about 900 coins (level 4) and and by about 1000 coins (level 5) for a full wave to help counter players who rush level 4 skeletons. Making them slightly more expensive will make them a harder option for rushing and will give the enemy team time to actually earn some coins to defend it. Currently it feels like it takes a lot more to defend skeles than they cost. Hopefully this change would help balance that.
  • Giant Exp Earned and Health Increase
    • Giant buff is something that is much needed. They are an extremely under-powered troop and are very weak offensively. I believe my changes on the health might be a bit much, but it is what I felt would be needed to make them decent. Nevertheless, a health buff is what would be necessary to make them strong once again.
  • Blaze Experience Earned Increase
    • I gave blaze a slight buff on experience as they get higher level because in the original stats, the experience they generated had a pretty big cut-off, so I just slightly buffed the higher levels.
  • Zombie Pigmen Experience Earned Increase
    • Zombie Pigmen had a similar situation to blaze, so I figured a slight exp buff wouldn't hurt.
  • Creeper Coin Cost and Experience Cost Reduction
    • Creepers were an extremely under-powered troop and I couldn't think of any way that I could make them an effective pushing troop. After noticing this, I came to the realization that, most people farm EXP with zombies, then spiders, then witches sometimes to upgrade it quickly. Witches already have a use, that being that they heal troops. My thought process to decreasing creeper costs is that it could be turned in to a troop to help with farming up EXP. It would gain slightly more EXP than witches, at a similar cost.
  • Slight increase on coin price for witches after level one, and some slight experience earned buffs on 4&5. Currently I feel like witches are a bit too cheap given how useful they are. I think a slight cost increase would help balance them further.

Going back to my original post, I also suggested some other things, but I can't really give exact statistics on those.
  • Archer Towers should either have a damage nerf, or a lower explosion radius
  • Bottom path artillery TNT should be triggered by skeletons
  • Bottom path Necromancer Tower should provide a slowness affect when mobs go over the snow path.
  • Silverfish Level 4+ (endermites) should have some sort of fire resistance
  • Horde should have a higher entity cap to make it so players can push with Horde troops easier. Currently it is very easy to send enough troops so that Horde stops sending.

I would love to hear some feedback on what yall think of my balancing changes. Thanks. Please make sure to check out my actual balancing changes on the Google Sheet.

Snivy Films

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
[Location Unknown]
I made skeletons go up in price by about 900 coins (level 4) and and by about 1000 coins (level 5) for a full wave to help counter players who rush level 4 skeletons. Making them slightly more expensive will make them a harder option for rushing and will give the enemy team time to actually earn some coins to defend it. Currently it feels like it takes a lot more to defend skeles than they cost. Hopefully this change would help balance that.
Sounds good, but I feel like the price of lvl 4 and lvl 5 skeles should go up a lot, and bring down the health of the skeles, not by a lot but do bring it down.

Another small fun fact is that a lvl 2 Slime has the same health as a lvl 1 Giant (from spawn to the last smallest slime death)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2016
I think it is a problem that most people do not understand the game.
A new, shor and clear tutorial would be great!

Maybe something to add like the 'achievements' in minecraft itselfs.
Something like this can be added to TD?
To give new players kind of 'instructions' ingame. Not in a tutorial.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2016
So I am going to start by mentioning my original post: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/tower-defence-needs-your-suggestions.216380/#post-1041518
In this post I provided a lot of ideas for changes, but didn't really mention any numbers. But after some talking with my friends, we came up with some balancing changes: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WPMTH3iLl5vIYZLbqLt22TARQpabBtkzXD0xFBU5tGo/edit#gid=0
In this spreadsheet, I post the current stats of troops, and on the bottom section, I provide my actual suggestions.
A summary of my changes include the following:
  • Lava Potion Price Increase
    • The goal of this is to prevent players who lava pot all the troops that are sent by the enemy team, therefore stealing all troop kills from their team. Lava Potions are also just way too cheap compared to the other potions and among the most useful. Making the lava potion slightly more expensive would also act as an unintentional creeper buff
  • Skeleton Price and Experience Gain Increase
    • I made skeletons go up in price by about 900 coins (level 4) and and by about 1000 coins (level 5) for a full wave to help counter players who rush level 4 skeletons. Making them slightly more expensive will make them a harder option for rushing and will give the enemy team time to actually earn some coins to defend it. Currently it feels like it takes a lot more to defend skeles than they cost. Hopefully this change would help balance that.
  • Giant Exp Earned and Health Increase
    • Giant buff is something that is much needed. They are an extremely under-powered troop and are very weak offensively. I believe my changes on the health might be a bit much, but it is what I felt would be needed to make them decent. Nevertheless, a health buff is what would be necessary to make them strong once again.
  • Blaze Experience Earned Increase
    • I gave blaze a slight buff on experience as they get higher level because in the original stats, the experience they generated had a pretty big cut-off, so I just slightly buffed the higher levels.
  • Zombie Pigmen Experience Earned Increase
    • Zombie Pigmen had a similar situation to blaze, so I figured a slight exp buff wouldn't hurt.
  • Creeper Coin Cost and Experience Cost Reduction
    • Creepers were an extremely under-powered troop and I couldn't think of any way that I could make them an effective pushing troop. After noticing this, I came to the realization that, most people farm EXP with zombies, then spiders, then witches sometimes to upgrade it quickly. Witches already have a use, that being that they heal troops. My thought process to decreasing creeper costs is that it could be turned in to a troop to help with farming up EXP. It would gain slightly more EXP than witches, at a similar cost.
  • Slight increase on coin price for witches after level one, and some slight experience earned buffs on 4&5. Currently I feel like witches are a bit too cheap given how useful they are. I think a slight cost increase would help balance them further.

Going back to my original post, I also suggested some other things, but I can't really give exact statistics on those.
  • Archer Towers should either have a damage nerf, or a lower explosion radius
  • Bottom path artillery TNT should be triggered by skeletons
  • Bottom path Necromancer Tower should provide a slowness affect when mobs go over the snow path.
  • Silverfish Level 4+ (endermites) should have some sort of fire resistance
  • Horde should have a higher entity cap to make it so players can push with Horde troops easier. Currently it is very easy to send enough troops so that Horde stops sending.

I would love to hear some feedback on what yall think of my balancing changes. Thanks. Please make sure to check out my actual balancing changes on the Google Sheet.

Hi papa :) I finally got around to reading it, it all sounds good bit unsure about the lava pot tho I'm just thinking about the early witch with pigs.. as long as the exp price stays the same I think maybe it would work but they can't be to expensive as u still need to kill the pigs if u have a worse then useless team , hpw much was u thinking ? my main focus is them just fixing the headache it causes us XD I would also like the ability to upgrade people towers if they don't have that upgrade that is my second pet hate after the tower misplacement.


Feb 7, 2019
Hi papa :) I finally got around to reading it, it all sounds good bit unsure about the lava pot tho I'm just thinking about the early witch with pigs.. as long as the exp price stays the same I think maybe it would work but they can't be to expensive as u still need to kill the pigs if u have a worse then useless team , hpw much was u thinking ? my main focus is them just fixing the headache it causes us XD I would also like the ability to upgrade people towers if they don't have that upgrade that is my second pet hate after the tower misplacement.

Regarding your first comment, I think 1000 is an appropriate price for lava potions. Currently you have the issue that everything is lava potted. Even in the event that someone sends witches/pigmen, witches cost at least 1800 for a wave. 1000 for one potion is still a profit for the person throwing the potion. It is a bit of a nerf, but it's only balancing it with all of the other pots. It is by far the most used and versatile potion, but the cheapest one. If anything, I feel like at least 800 would be an appropriate price for it. As for picking the path for other players towers, I don't agree with it, too much trolling would come out of it. Although, I think there should be a default path picked, and if a tower isn't upgraded within a certain time frame, you can choose that default path if it is unlocked for you.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2016
A default path is better then no path picked so I'm okay with that as long as each tower path has a use for instance if it's an artillery and the default is mines then mines need to kill skeletons etc.... as right now the only use that has is to kill pigs really I get how the vote kick could be used as trolling but honestly no one has ever said to me don't upgrade my tower that I cant so I can get the coins omg you are trolling XD


Feb 7, 2019
A couple more suggestions I would like to add to this thread:

1. Having a numerical value on the castle health would be extremely helpful. This would mostly come in handy in situations where both teams damage each other, and and lose the same amount of health bars. Having a numerical value would show players how much damage they need to deal to prevent a draw. Another side thing this would help with is the achievement for winning a game with castle health under 10. This achievement is extremely difficult, and there is no way to know how close you are to 10 health except for eyeballing a boss bar. Having a numerical value can give players an opportunity to know how close they are to 10 or less health. I feel like this is a very minor change, but it would be extremely helpful.

2. Introducing the tutorial again would be very beneficial for new players coming in to the game. Currently it is impossible to complete the achievement for completing the tutorial, so for this reason alone, the achievement should either be removed, or tutorial should be added back. Personally speaking, I believe the tutorial should be added back seeing as Tower Defense is a game that you won't do well in if you go in without explanation. A lot of the players I go against have no idea how to build within a 3x3 or 5x5, upgrade towers, send troops, upgrade their gold mine, and the list goes on. Implementing the tutorial would fix all of this. @coralines made a nice suggestion for the implementation of the tutorial here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/tower-defence-needs-your-suggestions.216380/#post-1041500 and I highly suggest checking out her suggestions.

If there are any changes to the game that I could suggest, these two are among the highest priority in my opinion.

Snivy Films

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
[Location Unknown]
1. Having a numerical value on the castle health would be extremely helpful. This would mostly come in handy in situations where both teams damage each other, and and lose the same amount of health bars. Having a numerical value would show players how much damage they need to deal to prevent a draw. Another side thing this would help with is the achievement for winning a game with castle health under 10. This achievement is extremely difficult, and there is no way to know how close you are to 10 health except for eyeballing a boss bar. Having a numerical value can give players an opportunity to know how close they are to 10 or less health. I feel like this is a very minor change, but it would be extremely helpful.
It would be nice, as you can set this setting in game for the Mobs sent, so I bet it wouldn't be hard to implement


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2016
I'd say make more maps that change how the game works and presents new challenges. Bring back some old maps and revamp some current ones. That would make me happy besides reworking many other things people have said above! <3
^^^^^ yes please

Snivy Films

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
[Location Unknown]
Heres why,
There was one time I was playing TD, and I got a sent 2 mobs for free power up, I wasn't expecting much, just some leveled Zombies or Spiders, but no, One of the troops was a lvl 5 Magma Slime, and this is very early game (just getting to Gold Bar Gold Mine) and it just stomped the other team, just because there was no way to counter a lvl 5 Magma Slime almost right out of the gate


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2016
Quick disclamer: When I use the word "noob" or "noobs" I am talking about players that are not good or not experienced (I am not being rude I just do not know another word to use)

Bring back votekick, please. When I was playing TD when votekick was a thing, I never have seen anyone "abuse" the votekick command. Not even once or more.

I cannot stand arrogant people and noobs.

This is what I mean by arrogant people and noobs:
Players that never listen, never chat, and do wrong things like spam clicking (this weakens the damage of him and other people since attacking fast does that), placing towers in bad spots (Examples: placing towers crookedly, put big/small towers in the wrong places), and never upgrade their towers leaving a complete waste of time and spaces.

People that do the above are just people I would rather not have on my team, and when they do all what I said about arrogance and noobs, they ruin the team and we lose from basically a horrible defense and spam clicking, and guess what? I am very relieved when the arrogant player or noob leaves so then I can remove the unnecessary towers.

Disclamer: I am not the only one that goes through this, there are many other people that are experienced or good at the game that go through this. The pros and experienced would have to be stuck with the noobs and arrogant people that never listen.

Although I do criticize (constructive criticism, like what they could do better or some tips on what you should do) some noobs or inexperienced players and then and they actually listen, chat with me, and follow along with what I am saying. I tell them that some towers go here and there, these towers go good together and is powerful against this monster along with other combat skills and tips.

I would love tower defense a lot more if votekick returned. It would change everything for me at least in a positive way.
Something about me playing this game:

I feel way better playing with people that are "listening noobs that take advice/experienced/pro" players at this game. Although some of the actions I may not like they do about the game but most of the time, they find a solution or they sell it if requested.

Another suggestion disregarding noobs and arrogance is the giant. That thing used to have a lot of health and now is way weaker. For the cost, the giant is a big rip off now and is just really trash now.

Since this is technically a suggestion page, I hope this is not necroposting.
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