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Do you think that Tower Defence is balanced?

  • Yes completely

  • Yes but not through-out the whole game (Explain)

  • Sometimes (Explain)

  • 100% no! (Please explain your reasons)

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Snivy Films

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
[Location Unknown]
I cannot stand arrogant people and noobs.

This is what I mean by arrogant people and noobs:
Players that never listen, never chat, and do wrong things like spam clicking (this weakens the damage of him and other people since attacking fast does that), placing towers in bad spots (Examples: placing towers crookedly, put big/small towers in the wrong places), and never upgrade their towers leaving a complete waste of time and spaces.

People that do the above are just people I would rather not have on my team, and when they do all what I said about arrogance and noobs, they ruin the team and we lose from basically a horrible defense and spam clicking, and guess what? I am very relieved when the arrogant player or noob leaves so then I can remove the unnecessary towers.
I think you said everything that every skilled TD player thinks when that happens, just because it is so true


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2017
Tower Defence is way too 'visual'

I usually have around 500 - 600 fps though during Armageddon (or when people spam slimes) my fps drops to 30 or lower

Stop complaining about it,I usually go 60-70 fps max(30 without optifine)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2017
Ridiculous comment, I'm 100% allowed to state what I think with the intention of improving the game

Then you must have an insane computer, which not a lot of people have.

I wasn't serious,I was just saying I usually have low Fps.Sorry

Edit: I just realized how difficult it is to know if someone is serious or is just joking on the internet
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Feb 7, 2019
Bit late on this suggestion, but I would love to see what opinions y'all have on this.
Currently pigmen rushing is an okay strat, not super great though. This mostly is due to the top path poison tower, it counters pigmen nicely. I feel like a change that could make pigmen more useful is by making the levels 3, 4 & 5 poison resistant. I would love to hear how others would feel about this change. If this seems too strong, it could always be on just the levels 4 and 5. Although I feel like level 3 being poison resistant would not be too harmful, seeing as they only have 297 health at level 3. They would still be easily killed, even without a poison. It would just make them a viable option for a rush, which would be nice, seeing as they are not very used currently.
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Novice Member
Jun 17, 2018
Personally speaking, I feel like Tower Defense could use a lot of adjustments.
For starters...

Completely agree. Wither skeleton rushes are far too inexpensive compared to their strength. Creepers are easily the worst troop in the game. They cost an absurd amount, go slower than most troops, have little health relative to their cost, and also don't give much xp. An entire wave of lvl 5 creepers, costing ~$7500, can be taken out by nearly one inferno, which is only $400. I'd say the first step in making them viable is giving them mage and inferno invulnerability, buffing their regeneration, then perhaps archer invincibility. That'd would certainly make things interesting, though it'd probably be better to update every tower to add more balance and find a different way to buff creepers other than archer invincibility. Silverfish and giant absolutely need upgrades as well. Giant is a laughing stock for its price, almost as bad as creeper. Perhaps inferno is just too OP (at least for its cost)?
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Mar 30, 2019
Mob upgrading should be nerfed and giants should be buffed a game mechanic that would make you have to place towers to grid would be amazing please do it and also what would be nice is a solo mode in tower defense where the income is doubled by default but no other changes otherwise
I wrote a entirely different thread on suggestions for this to see it go to https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/td-suggestions.217425/ some of the things there are a bit much but with a resource pack and some work I believe that you could pull it off

Snivy Films

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
[Location Unknown]
Ok I'm going to toss this in, I don't remember if I said it yet or not, but if I didn't I will say it now.

Edit Powerups, So we know when we pick up power ups it can give you the following, xxx Amount of Coins, xxx amount of exp, xx amount of troops sent for free, random troop unlocked for free, random tower upgraded for free, weapon upgrade for free, (edit) random AOE Potion and Gold Mine Upgrade free.
All of that sounds really good on paper, BUT in execution there is a few things, that makes it, very, very flawed.

1. There is absolutely no sense of scaling of these xx amount of troops sent for free, there has been times where someone or myself can pickup a power up, and it would be like 9 troops for free, and sometimes it would be a lvl 4 or lvl 5 slime, which sounds alright at the end of the game, BUT no, it is usually at the beginning of the game, and that getting troops sent for free late game almost always been something like, I dunno, lvl 5 Zombies, that just get destroyed instantly.

Here is a way to fix it, depending on what is the income and game mode should have a sense of scaling, because getting something like 9 troops for free which is extremely weak at the end of the game, and getting something strong at the beginning of the game. It isn't exactly fair, and almost near impossible to counter without full team attention to destroy that major threat.

2. The Next Thing is the xxx amount of coins and exp gotten for picking them up. Im not going to say it is a bad amount for the beginning of the game, but I am going to say it is horrible at the end of the game area, there has been times at the end of the game where I would get 1 exp from the powerup (true stories, I have more than one instance of that happening).

A fix to that is where as such as suggested with the same the troops sent for free, we need a better scaling for exp and coins from power ups, because even if the amount I got from those 2 power ups not in the single or double digits, it still mostly wouldn't make a different, as with Max Goldmine (which is almost always obtained at the ending of the game) with 100 Coins Per Second or 200 Coin Per Second for Normal/Quickstart and Double Income respectively, which renders the coin ammount obtained worthless in a mere few seconds.

3. Unlocking Troops for free. I got nothing much to talk about on this one, as it is really cool to get troops for free of charge of exp, but there is one small thing that can break this entirely, So we know how if we accidentally unlocked a troop we can refund the exp right, yeah that also applies to if you get a free troop unlock, which means if you get a more expensive troop unlock in the early game, well congrats you got free exp if you sold them fast enough

A quick fix for this is that make it impossible to sell the free troop unlocks from the power up, simple, quick, effective.

With that all said, please rework the power ups, please, thanks.

(also please nerf wither skeletons, serious, they are the equivalent of early game Slimes, also when are we going to get this update for TD, this post has been open for 5 months just about)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2017
3. Unlocking Troops for free. I got nothing much to talk about on this one, as it is really cool to get troops for free of charge of exp, but there is one small thing that can break this entirely, So we know how if we accidentally unlocked a troop we can refund the exp right, yeah that also applies to if you get a free troop unlock, which means if you get a more expensive troop unlock in the early game, well congrats you got free exp if you sold them fast enough

Thanks for the trick ;)

Snivy Films

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
[Location Unknown]
I got more things to mention, We all know that the Inferno AOE Potion is wicked over powered, and in call for a nerf, which I agree with, but just dont nerf it into the same state that is the Zeus AOE Potion.
(Perfect Segway) The Zeus AOE Potion, is kinda, very horrible, To put this into prospective, yesterday I got one from a powerup, and I slammed it down onto a full wave of lvl 5 slimes, and it did absolutely nothing, as there should be bolts that come down from the clouds, but none did, It is, really weak, and need for a slight buff
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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2015
Please make it so that when you go to place a tower on an outside block-

It automatically centers the tower to where it should be, to avoid placement errors.
It will be a good help, Good idea !
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