Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016

These towers confuse their opponents into doing anything but destroy the base, like going the other way or defeating other troops.

What can it do??

Just as the description says. The tower shoots a ray that will confuse the target. At level 1 and 2, it will make them turn back, giving your team more time to kill it. However, when they return, they will not be affected by the tower. At level 3 and 4, the target will be hypnotized to attack its partners. It will step out of line and attack a mob for 5% HP per hit. Ground mobs cannot hit flying mobs and flying mobs can't hit ground mobs. (Ex. Zombie can't hit Endermite and vise versa) The effects on the mob will last only for 5 seconds but those 5 seconds will be pretty useful.

Who and how can it hit?

The effects of the tower are very strong but 1 tower can only be controlling 2 mobs at once. The beam is a direct hit on the mob and has no other area of effect. This tower cannot hit Cave Spiders, Zombie Pigmen, and both Kinds of Slimes. This tower can be used on giants so if you have some of these towers on the board it could make for a comeback!!

The Price??
Ignore what you see below. Well let's face it. A tower that can be a total game changer and even have mobs fighting other mobs like they're level 1 computers is just plain OP. The Price tag will be a hefty one. 1800 coins for a tower. It may be a lot but for a compact tower that will bring victory is what everyone wants (Except like, well people who don't play this game (WELL THEY SHOULD)). So the way the towers are, should make the game of Tower Defense a extra way to put people on their toes.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
Also something I forgot is that Tier 2 and Tier 4 towers are 7 seconds of the effect and not 5


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
And one last question, is there a prize (besides getting you tower in the game) given to the winner. If so, what? (Also make any changes to the price if its to low or high) cya ;)


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Hi there

Here is my design:

Its a ghast tower

It shoots fire charges (Max 1 a sec)
It gives 15 damage to flying mobs and 7 to normal
And no damage to nether mobs (also no damage to the blaze although it is a flying mob)

Here are some screen shots:



Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2015
Behind you :)
Tower Name: Dragon Shrine (If the name has to include the word ''Tower'' then just name it the Enderdragon Tower :p )

What does this Tower do?

This 5x5 tower is a back-up for when you are about to lose and your castle has a tiny bit of health left. Let's say your castle is being attacked and has like 100 HP left, then this tower will spawn an Enderdragon that deals lots of damadge to the opposing mobs. This Dragon will take atleast 25% of the mob's health away and not more then 40% I'd say. Every level it goes up it will spawn 2 more Enderman together with the dragon. Lvl 1 = Enderdragon + 1 Enderman. Lvl 2 = Enderdragon + 3 Endermands. And at lvl 3 there will be 5 Endermans spawning with the Dragon. But of course 2 of these Towers would be OP since they can together take away 50 - 80% of the mob's health away, so whenever someone builds a second Dragon Shrine there will be NO DAMADGE INCREASE, together these Dragons will do 25 - 40% damadge as usual. Maybe this Tower can be in the lobby together with a warning to NOT build 2 Dragon Shrines.

What mobs can this Tower hit?

It's pretty obvious the castle will most likely just be taken out by a Giant or Blazes. That's why this Dragon Shrine detects NO OTHER MOB except the Giant and Blazes. The Enderdragon will be able to charge against both Blazes and Giants. Endermen's on the other side can only attack Giants. (Because the Giant has more HP). These Endermans will do the same damadge as mobs from the Sorcerer Tower.

How much will this Tower cost?
Let's be honest here, this Tower can make the difference between Victory and Defeat. It also can take out 25% of the Giant's health what is pretty OP. That's why I think 1400 coins should be worth for this Tower.

Screenshots: (Ignore the 2 other Tower you see in the 4th screenshot)

Good luck to everyone :)
thats to big for the contest joput@


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2013
I dunno, why you ask?
Meet my Tower:
2016-05-27_22.51.45.png 2016-05-27_22.51.51.png 2016-05-27_22.51.55.png 2016-05-27_22.52.02.png 2016-05-27_22.52.08.png 2016-05-27_22.52.19.png 2016-05-27_22.52.26.png
What's different of it from the other towers: I've not seen any towers of the game that include beacons or 1.9 related blocks. Also, this tower isn't offensive, it's more supportive and makes the unstoppable... Stoppable. (Giants)
What does it target: Since it doesn't attack, no one, but it can bring the mobs' demises faster with this tower. Also, it can make a Giant beatable. (Cuz they're so OP)

Not enough angles? Tell me, and I'll give out MOAR.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
=======================================================================================================The Chorus Tower

Effect: Shoots a Shulker Bullet that does 5/100'th of a mob's health and can either:
Teleport it back by 2 blocks (3 if T2, 4 if T3, 5 if T4).
Stop it from moving but gives it resistance for 2 seconds (3 if T2, 3 if T3 (only 2 seconds of resistance), 4 if T4 (3 seconds of resistance)).
Launch it into the air where it has the same properties as flying mobs but takes 1.25x more damage for 3 seconds (1.375x more for 3 seconds if T2, 1.5x more for 3 seconds if T3, 1.625x more for 4 seconds if T4).
Suggested Lobby Price:
1250 Coins
Suggested IG Price: 1000 Coins; T2 = 500, T3 = 750, T4 = 1000


Thanks for reading! :D


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
Angel Tower
Cost- 1200 coins (If you want a tower that has to be bought with points first, make it 650 points.)

What does this tower do?
This tower shoots orbs of light that do high damage at mobs, but only some mobs: Giants, Slimes, Magma Cubes, Blazes, and Endermites. Whenever this tower kills a mob, 5 health is restored to the castle, at Tier 2, 10 health, Tier 3, 15 health, and Tier 4, 20 health. If you want, you can change the health restored.

Tier 1-


Tier 1 Info- Range is 8 blocks, rate is 6 seconds, and it restores 5 health to castle.

Tier 2-


Tier 2 Info- Range is 10 blocks, rate is 10 seconds, and it restores 10 health to castle.

Tier 3-


Tier 3 Info- Range is 12 blocks, rate is 14 seconds, and it restores 15 health to castle.

Tier 4-


Tier 4 Info- Range is 14 blocks, rate is 18 seconds, and it restores 20 health to castle.

Also, maybe the damage could increase by every tier? Hope you liked it. Feel free to change the stats or the looks a little. The towers have all the same stuff on every side.


  • 2016-05-28_09.59.09.png
    292.3 KB · Views: 234


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
Angel Tower
Cost- 1200 coins (If you want a tower that has to be bought with points first, make it 650 points.)

What does this tower do?
This tower shoots orbs of light that do high damage at mobs, but only some mobs: Giants, Slimes, Magma Cubes, Blazes, and Endermites. Whenever this tower kills a mob, 5 health is restored to the castle, at Tier 2, 10 health, Tier 3, 15 health, and Tier 4, 20 health. If you want, you can change the health restored.

Tier 1-

View attachment 88779
Tier 1 Info- Range is 8 blocks, rate is 6 seconds, and it restores 5 health to castle.

Tier 2-

View attachment 88780
Tier 2 Info- Range is 10 blocks, rate is 10 seconds, and it restores 10 health to castle.

Tier 3-

View attachment 88782
Tier 3 Info- Range is 12 blocks, rate is 14 seconds, and it restores 15 health to castle.

Tier 4-

View attachment 88783
Tier 4 Info- Range is 14 blocks, rate is 18 seconds, and it restores 20 health to castle.

Also, maybe the damage could increase by every tier? Hope you liked it. Feel free to change the stats or the looks a little. The towers have all the same stuff on every side.

The second tier picture is missing end rods at top, sorry.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2016
Angel Tower
Cost- 1200 coins (If you want a tower that has to be bought with points first, make it 650 points.)

What does this tower do?
This tower shoots orbs of light that do high damage at mobs, but only some mobs: Giants, Slimes, Magma Cubes, Blazes, and Endermites. Whenever this tower kills a mob, 5 health is restored to the castle, at Tier 2, 10 health, Tier 3, 15 health, and Tier 4, 20 health. If you want, you can change the health restored.

Tier 1-

View attachment 88779
Tier 1 Info- Range is 8 blocks, rate is 6 seconds, and it restores 5 health to castle.

Tier 2-

View attachment 88780
Tier 2 Info- Range is 10 blocks, rate is 10 seconds, and it restores 10 health to castle.

Tier 3-

View attachment 88782
Tier 3 Info- Range is 12 blocks, rate is 14 seconds, and it restores 15 health to castle.

Tier 4-

View attachment 88783
Tier 4 Info- Range is 14 blocks, rate is 18 seconds, and it restores 20 health to castle.

Also, maybe the damage could increase by every tier? Hope you liked it. Feel free to change the stats or the looks a little. The towers have all the same stuff on every side.
Tier 3 and 4 are 5x5 because of the end rods on the sides. Just saying


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2016
My tower is the Ender Tower. Basically, it has a chance to teleport a mob to a random area on your team's pathway. 2016-05-28_10.55.30.png 2016-05-28_10.55.42.png 2016-05-28_10.55.08.png 2016-05-28_10.55.42.png 2016-05-28_11.11.54.png
Second tower; 1600 coins, 60% chance of teleport, does 6 damage. Third tower; 2000 coins, 90% chance of teleport, 10 damage.

skeletronprime V

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
Secret Headquarters outside Cubecraft
Basic facts
Name: Divine Tower

Detailed facts: This tower attacks all units but only attacks one at a time, it only in smallest way resembles the leach tower because it charges up. This tower focuses on an enemy than depending on the health charges up and teleports the mob back to the spawners side to attack the castle. It most likely should cost 1000 coins and 300+for each upgrade. (each upgrade shortens charge time)
Tier 1: 300 and under hp= 4.0 sec Tier2: 3 sec Tier 3: 2.0 sec Tier 4: 1.5 sec
Tier 1: 600hp-300hp= 8 sec Tier 2: 6 sec Tier 3: 5 sec Tier 4: 3.5 sec
Tier 1 1500hp-600hp= 15 sec Tier 2: 12 sec Tier 3: 9 sec Tier 4: 8 sec

skeletronprime V

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
Secret Headquarters outside Cubecraft
My tower is the Ender Tower. Basically, it has a chance to teleport a mob to a random area on your team's pathway. View attachment 88817 View attachment 88818 View attachment 88819 View attachment 88820 View attachment 88821 View attachment 88817 View attachment 88818 View attachment 88819 View attachment 88820 View attachment 88821 Second tower; 1600 coins, 60% chance of teleport, does 6 damage. Third tower; 2000 coins, 90% chance of teleport, 10 damage.View attachment 88817 View attachment 88818 View attachment 88817 View attachment 88819
Yeah but what good is it if it teleports it right to your castle -_- ever think of that
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