Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Nov 8, 2019
BWBJustin -> BokuWaBoingo / Justin

I accidentally got interested into JoJo's Bizarre Adventure around a year ago, and realized how the series was actually good. I came across episode 53, and decided that my old name (JPDooDoo, a name I came up when I was 10, including my initials and "doodoo") wasn't the best. And that BokuWaBoingo (I'm Boingo in Romaji) was better. Now, this was good on paper, but fit to be a problem for me when people read donations. (especially with Twitch streamer Juniper) It just sounded very wrong. I decided to change my name to something different. "What if I shorten the name to initials and put my IRL name?" That is when it hit me. It was a better name! And I stuck with it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2020
CubeCraft Universe
Mine was created by accident. I first had another username which started with "Shogun", a high military title used in Japan a long time ago. My friends misread the name actually and said shotgun, this became kind of a joke and eventually I changed my name to Shotgun!

[Deleted Member 14534]

Novice Member
Jan 2, 2021
So basically I didn't have a microsoft account and you know how when you type on a tablet/phone there is like a bar at the top? well, I kept pressing it and then I got Supervisordofree. When I was getting a Minecraft java edition account the word visor wasn't allowed. (I'm not sure if its allowed here neither lol so i crossed it just in case) So I shorten it to Superdofree. For my gamertag I just thought Chaubooy was funny lol


Dedicated Member
May 6, 2019
London, UK
UBRE is an already dead dog's nick.
(no idea why were we calling it "breast" but I loved the dog).

Also, it's short for being invited to parties (even though I don't get invited to many) and @ProfParzival told me it was a misspelling of "UBER" which according to him means "better".

It has nothing to see with my IRL name thought :y.
denoting an outstanding or supreme example of a particular kind of person or thing.
  1. "he was an uber-fan of his favourite team"
    • to a great or extreme degree.
      "an uber-cool bar"


Dedicated Member
May 6, 2019
London, UK
Awesome reading about how everyone chose or arrived at their igns. For me, I had a different one until I got to level 17 then for some strange reason rather than just changing it I started again with a new one.

Story behind name.. I only play in VR, I'm a big VR enthusiast (as well as a VR app/game developer) and loved the Ready Player One book and the Spielberg movie (well the book was much better but hey).

The main character goes by the avatar name of Parzival but unfortunately that was already taken so I needed a prefix. Dr and Doc and most of everything else I could think of was taken but prof wasn't so I chose that. I didn't want numbers in the name as I knew that it's easier for party invs etc.

TBH I don't really like the name as much now (and have a waaaay better alt name that I use a bit).


Nov 18, 2020
I was playing Just Dance and wanted to change my profile's name. My childhood nickname is Mon, so I chose TheMon and Bon to rhyme with it.
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Deleted member 578858

I’ve always been a curious person and I’ve seen so many cool usernames here. So I’m wondering how did you found your username? Does it have a special meaning? 🦋

My story is pretty boring. As you can guess, I love sunsets. Every sunset has something magical. And the username “sunset” was already taken so I added an extra s and t. 🌅

Please, share your stories with me! 💜
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Mar 17, 2021
I’ve always been a curious person and I’ve seen so many cool usernames here. So I’m wondering how did you found your username? Does it have a special meaning? 🦋

My story is pretty boring. As you can guess, I love sunsets. Every sunset has something magical. And the username “sunset” was already taken so I added an extra s and t. 🌅

Please, share your stories with me! 💜
Lmao my ones random
There's this YouTuber named bitzel that I liked so I copied the theme of z. I realized that most people don't use z so I thought I was gonna get a quick and easy username. I was wrong. Anyways I was thinking of a word with z and I thought of zebra and so it became zeo then bitzel has the bitz and it became zeobitz. Fun fact: my old ign used to be CrazyKitty222 because at that time my skin was a cat and crazykitty and crazykitty 22 and 2 were taken soo


Novice Member
Feb 8, 2021
I’ve always been a curious person and I’ve seen so many cool usernames here. So I’m wondering how did you found your username? Does it have a special meaning? 🦋

My story is pretty boring. As you can guess, I love sunsets. Every sunset has something magical. And the username “sunset” was already taken so I added an extra s and t. 🌅

Please, share your stories with me! 💜
At first I couldn't think of a username so I thought of characters I like and so I chose Meliodas who is the main character from an anime I used to like called 'Seven deadly sins' ;D


Jun 13, 2021
AlExpler and AlExpediente

Actually... I don't remember everything. All I know, that AlExpediente is two connected words from Spanish?... Yeah...
And AlExpler is a name with "Al" at the beginning, of course, and adapted "Explorer" to my previous nickname
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