Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2016
I definitely agree with parts of your argument (Just not the 1.8 deal, because people were whining all over the place, and it's not the fault of the owners hackers came back).


I absolutely agree that some of the staff need to take some more responsibility. It's not like we can freely do anything; a new player who reports 10+ people and complains he isn't getting answered to ABSOLUTELY has a right to say something! It's met by the same comments of the same people who just say "Apply for staff and help CC dig itself out of the hole it's buried itself in". I'm sure he would, but GUESS WHAT? He won't be accepted because he's new. Now, it's a good measure to only have experienced members have such authority, BUT, instead of giving excuses, APOLOGIZE AND MAN UP. Stop giving the same old generic excuse for why you can't do what he asked for, because he's fulfilled his part of the deal by taking his time to report some nasty scum, now do your half of the deal. Say sorry and take 30 minutes to help him. Because if I was him and got ignored the same way everyone else goes by the staff, I sure as hell won't be coming back.

Yes you're a volunteer, yes you're busy, yes you have a life. But you VOLUNTEERED. You willingly stepped up and said, "Hey, I want to devote some of my time to help this server." SO DO IT. I don't volunteer to help feed starving children but just sit idly by. We understand you're busy. But stop making excuses, because they really aren't valid anymore. I'm willing to say some members haven't touched a report in a year. You honestly don't deserve your title.

Yes, we can be patient. But there's a point where just saying "I'm busy" is just disrespectful now. You can't expect the community to be satisfied with the same idiotic answer anymore. Just take some responsibility and admit we have a good reason to interject.

So own it. Pull it together, please. It's ridiculous.
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Forum Expert
Oct 21, 2014
"Staff have lives outside of CCG"
Oldest phrase in the staff book. And that's not really an excuse as to why some staff are absent for months, and upon arrival decide to do nothing.
"Staff are working hard on a new anti-cheat plugins/Staff are working hard on etc etc"
I agree some work their butt off to make this server awesome and playable, but in the end there's no point to it because the people who actually do things are like 3 in every 10 staff members. And as for things that have been broken ever since I can remember (Like Creative, Parkour, SkyBlock, some other games), are never touched upon, till the community shakes the Earth. In that case, a false hope is given in order to delay another teaser for the fix that will never come. You know, because EggWars and SkyWars, games which need balancing themselves, are top #1 priority.
"Older reports are given priority"
An excuse to not finish the new ones. And if the new ones were constantly finished and replied to, there would be no older reports. Yes, reports are a pain in the every part of your body, but if every staff member did their fair amount of reports, some staff members wouldn't be stressed out doing almost all of them because others just feel the need to not do any. An anti-cheat will also be a benefit to all of us, a plugin which will come out in the far future.

My questions that will probably never get answered:
When will the community decide if it's actually a bug or a feature, and when will they consider fixing them? I mean there are so many bugs that aren't fixed that make it hard to identify which are features and which are bugs.
I understand that it's not "CubeCraft Creative", but when will Creative actually be considered to be released? I also understand that release dates only give false hope (we've gotten plenty anyway), but why not talk about updates or sneak peeks, besides the fact a lot of projects are often delayed?
Will this thread be locked/deleted? Just want to know so I can take screenshots.
Will my post, or any other posts, be deleted for stating the obvious?
When will staff actually take into consideration community suggestions? Yes, most are usually obvious, but there are some good ones that will never get attention because who knows at this point.

I know CubeCraft actually has potential. When its player count was at about 4k players daily, it was so fun spending time with anyone, and anywhere in CCG. I just feel like we should know if that fun CubeCraft will ever return.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2014
They are still testing it. It's not meant to be doing any job yet.

Well until it does work, I think Staff should pay more attention to banning hackers through reports we players make. Just as Staff get tired answering reports, we get tired as well doing reports and seeing hackers in almost every game we play.

Maybe when people started requesting it, the developers started developing it?

Assuming that's correct. If you were an owner, and you noticed a lot of players leaving the server because of an update they don't like, and you decided to bring back an update which they enjoyed, would you not inform everybody about it so more people don't leave? Logical thinking says so. We all requested 1.8 back, through forums and in-game; correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think any Staff replied to us saying we'll be taking your suggestions about bringing 1.8 back into consideration, but they rather replied stating that the server won't be downgraded to 1.8 again (2 of the thread links you sent say so.) What I believe is Staff just ignored everyone complaining about 1.9 until we eventually got used to it.

It was opened at around the time of June/July 2016. Cubecraft is only accepting the best of the best so that is why:

Were promoted to helper since then. (Some have now been promoted to Moderator). That is 14 staff members in a period of 4/5 months, and not a year and a month or two ago.

Applying for Staff was originally allowed in August 2015. Applications were opened and closed depending on whether or not more Staff were needed. A lot of players have been recruited since then. Some of the players whom you tagged are already Mods now, which means they can do reports, but I'm not sure if they do or not.

Atleast they removed it eventually. You can't really complain about that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I can't, but at the same time I felt as if were my thread was completely neglected, and useless, as evidenced by the fact that no Admins whom I tagged replied to me, when I'm sure some of them did see it, but they don't seem to reply to any sort of suggestions that criticize the server in a way or another.

"but what happens instead is more and more Eggwars maps"
Also, they do prioritise things, the dev team has several groups. Some developers work on the Anti-Cheat, some work on Freebuild, and some work on other things which need to be done! Currently the priority is Freebuild and not games such as Hide and Seek / Parkour so they are working on Freebuild ATM, again proving my point that they do prioritise things :).

How are they prioritizing things when you just said they're divided into groups, some of which have different tasks than the others?
Well, I feel your pain as I was once member... And I know sometimes it feels as if we aren't trying. We are. We're working VERY hard, and we all want the best for the community. I really don't know how it is to do reports, but I do have it in my mind that when the time comes if it does, that I will do reports to the best of my abilities. Now, there are days that staff have that they just feel like they want to hang out with people and play and not be set on only being a staff member (Doing reports and such) Of course I have those days, everyone does. I apologize that you guys feel the way you do, but once again we have volunteered to do this job. We try, and no, it is not our #1. I can tell you for a fact that school is way more important to me... That does not mean staff isn't important to us aswell. You never know how a staff member is doing in life with money, school, family, etc. Be considerate.

How it looks like now, most Staff seem to be hanging out with people all the time :p Everyone keeps saying Staff volunteered. You volunteered, you know whether you can handle being Staff or no, you know whether or not you will be having enough time. If you don't think you have enough time, you shouldn't really apply (I've already said that a lot but oh well) I was once a Mod on a survival server. Sometimes, players would report us for being inactive or not helpful, which I didn't disagree with, but I understood that as Staff it is our duty to help and have time for players, otherwise we should resign from our positions, or not apply for it in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2014
Will this thread be locked/deleted? Just want to know so I can take screenshots.

We both know what happens next: Thread will either be locked, deleted, or rejected by Staff until we're fed up and the thread starts collecting dust, like most other suggestions already. Apparently, criticizing the server or suggesting things trying to make the server a better place is a practice that's forbidden by Staff. I think taking down the Suggestions section would be a good option (Oh wait, I'm suggesting something else again.)

Deleted member 100818

And I must say that I agree with the fact that staff (I'm talking about the developers/admins) are "busy" with freebuild/parkour/ultra hardcore but they are too lazy to work on it, if the whole community is saying "we wand freebuild!" than they will give you a false hope with the promise that freebuild would be released this summer, now we all know that was a unfunny joke or I might say a promise which I thought was too much for the staff team to make true, and I was looking at how sad everyone was with the fact that the update hasn't been released while I had my pokerface on and I was saying "you should've listen to me but you didn't" and then I'm only talking about the things which are "in maintenance" but it would take months even years to make those updates true.

And I said it twice but to say it real short: I've seen staff members who are doing nothing at reports which are SrMods or Mods and then a mod is saying "I'm working so much at reports" That might be true but that's ONE staff member, while the other members are doing nothing st the moment. Snd ofcourse, staff has their own lifes but I can call 3/5 staff members whp are litterly doing NOTHING at reports. I joined the forums and I tought "are they even mod/SrMod?" so if you make a timetable for the reports like this mod page 6 that mod page 4 than it must be greater (just an idea)
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Forum Expert
Jul 24, 2015
a place where everything you touch turns to gold.
"Staff members are prioritizing older reports"
There SHOULDN'T be ANY old report. They should just do it on time, so they don't create a domino of reports.
Also, I feel like they are going for a quantity of staff members instead of good QUALITY staff members.
CubeCraft is doing some good things, but also some really wrong things lately...


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
So many people are saying that I should apply for helper, but rn, I don't feel like kissing staff their ass and copy and paste the same messages with answers that doesn't help anyone. But guys, so many people, including me, have tried to say to staff that they're doing things wrong, but they won't listen. It doesn't care how many times we've to say it, some will NEVER learn it. I don't think i'll ever be helper (not that I care about it xD) because i'm defending the members instead of staff.
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Forum Expert
Oct 9, 2015
the Netherlands
Thank you.

They are still testing it. It's not meant to be doing any job yet.

Maybe when people started requesting it, the developers started developing it?

It was opened at around the time of June/July 2016. Cubecraft is only accepting the best of the best so that is why:

Were promoted to helper since then. (Some have now been promoted to Moderator). That is 14 staff members in a period of 4/5 months, and not a year and a month or two ago.

Atleast they removed it eventually. You can't really complain about that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"but what happens instead is more and more Eggwars maps"
Also, they do prioritise things, the dev team has several groups. Some developers work on the Anti-Cheat, some work on Freebuild, and some work on other things which need to be done! Currently the priority is Freebuild and not games such as Hide and Seek / Parkour so they are working on Freebuild ATM, again proving my point that they do prioritise things :).
And I? :(
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Well until it does work, I think Staff should pay more attention to banning hackers through reports we players make. Just as Staff get tired answering reports, we get tired as well doing reports and seeing hackers in almost every game we play.

They are...
Every time I build up the ammount of reports I make to a number over 10 I make a conversation with JesperGeakko to answer those reports and he has done over 150 (Out of 200) of the reports I have made.
As I said in my previous reply, they are recruiting more and more staff to join the team to help with reports. If a staff member is innactive, it may be for a small period of time to when he can't get online too much. Why remove their moderator position if they have already been trusted with the permissions of a moderator? What would be the point?

Zelreedy said:
Assuming that's correct. If you were an owner, and you noticed a lot of players leaving the server because of an update they don't like, and you decided to bring back an update which they enjoyed, would you not inform everybody about it so more people don't leave? Logical thinking says so. We all requested 1.8 back, through forums and in-game; correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think any Staff replied to us saying we'll be taking your suggestions about bringing 1.8 back into consideration, but they rather replied stating that the server won't be downgraded to 1.8 again (2 of the thread links you sent say so.) What I believe is Staff just ignored everyone complaining about 1.9 until we eventually got used to it.

Actually most staff just thought that. It has been stated by moderators various times that they don't really know what is going on with the development of the server and I don't think they actually knew that 1.8 was in development.

Zelreedy said:
Applying for Staff was originally allowed in August 2015. Applications were opened and closed depending on whether or not more Staff were needed. A lot of players have been recruited since then. Some of the players whom you tagged are already Mods now, which means they can do reports, but I'm not sure if they do or not.

False. Applications were closed until the Summer of 2016 and since then, there has been 15 new moderators/helpers.

Zelreedy said:
I can't, but at the same time I felt as if were my thread was completely neglected, and useless, as evidenced by the fact that no Admins whom I tagged replied to me, when I'm sure some of them did see it, but they don't seem to reply to any sort of suggestions that criticize the server in a way or another.

I just noticed that thread was made in 2015. I wouldn't blame Cubecraft now, for what they did back then. They made a lot of mistakes back then such as putting Freebuild into maintenance.

Zelreedy said:
How are they prioritizing things when you just said they're divided into groups, some of which have different tasks than the others?
Developers are working on freebuild but are doing little/no work on Hide and Seek ATM. They are making sure Freebuild comes out first as that is the priority.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2016
Houston, Texas
To ALL of you agreeing with this post, please note:

1. Many staff members have REAL jobs outside of CubeCraft or are going to school full time. The hard work they put into the server and forums is 100% VOLUNTARY, so excuse them for not treating it like their career 24/7.

2. Stop saying they need to be more responsible! There are MANY new staff members who go the extra mile for you and I, and many old staff members who are still sticking around to make sure we have a good time!

3. There's going to be a MASSIVE update coming soon, and that's holding everyone's top priority spot. Builders have no part in the anti-cheat, so stop complaining that new maps are coming out because they literally have nothing to do with each other.

4. Anyone accusing the staff of anything other than working hard needs to take a step back, and gain some perspective! They are here for YOU. They listen to YOUR suggestions, and just because there's no instant gratification like you expect of them doesn't mean they aren't trying. It's time to be grateful that CubeCraft is what it is, whether it's lacking in some departments or not. If it weren't for our awesome staff, there would be no server, and there would be no playing. You'd be stuck on servers that were much more interested in your money than your satisfaction.

Tl;dr Stop being spoiled brats and talking down about the staff. They DO work very hard, and they do it for YOU, not themselves. They get nothing out of this but the pride of creating a wonderful server for us all, so appreciate that, and be patient, or gtfo.



Forum Expert
Jul 6, 2016
In a chicken coop
To ALL of you agreeing with this post, please note:

1. Many staff members have REAL jobs outside of CubeCraft or are going to school full time. The hard work they put into the server and forums is 100% VOLUNTARY, so excuse them for not treating it like their career 24/7.

2. Stop saying they need to be more responsible! There are MANY new staff members who go the extra mile for you and I, and many old staff members who are still sticking around to make sure we have a good time!

3. There's going to be a MASSIVE update coming soon, and that's holding everyone's top priority spot. Builders have no part in the anti-cheat, so stop complaining that new maps are coming out because they literally have nothing to do with each other.

4. Anyone accusing the staff of anything other than working hard needs to take a step back, and gain some perspective! They are here for YOU. They listen to YOUR suggestions, and just because there's no instant gratification like you expect of them doesn't mean they aren't trying. It's time to be grateful that CubeCraft is what it is, whether it's lacking in some departments or not. If it weren't for our awesome staff, there would be no server, and there would be no playing. You'd be stuck on servers that were much more interested in your money than your satisfaction.

Tl;dr Stop being spoiled brats and talking down about the staff. They DO work very hard, and they do it for YOU, not themselves. They get nothing out of this but the pride of creating a wonderful server for us all, so appreciate that, and be patient, or gtfo.


Yeah aren't just stinking robots that are on 24/7.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2014
They are...
Every time I build up the ammount of reports I make to a number over 10 I make a conversation with JesperGeakko to answer those reports and he has done over 150 (Out of 200) of the reports I have made.
As I said in my previous reply, they are recruiting more and more staff to join the team to help with reports. If a staff member is innactive, it may be for a small period of time to when he can't get online too much. Why remove their moderator position if they have already been trusted with the permissions of a moderator? What would be the point?

That, in my opinion, is because you messaged him. However, try making as many reports as you usually do and leave them until they're replied to. Hit me back with your updates! That's my latest report, and to date I still got no reply on it: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/report-84-thecrazyspekk.152613/
That player is still hacking peacefully in Team Skywars without receiving any punishment.

I never directly suggested removing any Staff Member. Again, not all Staff members can become inactive altogether, can they? Assuming 4,5, or even 10 Staff are inactive, how about the rest who have time to do reports but refuse to?

Actually most staff just thought that. It has been stated by moderators various times that they don't really know what is going on with the development of the server and I don't think they actually knew that 1.8 was in development.

Why weren't we at least told or given hope about the return of 1.8? Why weren't all those threads replied upon by Admins or Owners, even if their reply was rejecting the idea of bringing back 1.8.

False. Applications were closed until the Summer of 2016 and since then, there has been 15 new moderators/helpers.

False? :p The first group of Helpers were recruited around September-November 2015, and I do know some of them who are full time Mods now. Again, supposing some players have been recruited since Summer, why aren't some of them doing the reports either?

I just noticed that thread was made in 2015. I wouldn't blame Cubecraft now, for what they did back then. They made a lot of mistakes back then such as putting Freebuild into maintenance.

But would you blame them back when the thread was just released? By your reply, you're saying that what CCG did ignoring my thread was wrong, but you can't blame them now because it's already in the past. You can't just come back a year from now and say I can't blame Cubecraft for what they did a year ago (Which is at the moment). This is totally irrelevant.

Developers are working on freebuild but are doing little/no work on Hide and Seek ATM. They are making sure Freebuild comes out first as that is the priority.

Some bugs should have once been a priority, but they were never taken care of. The "SEARCHING FOR GAMES" issue has been there for as far as I can recall being on the server, which was from December 2013. Also, the voting in games problem, when 5 players can vote for Overpowered gamemode and 1 can vote for Normal, and the game ends up being Normal. I wouldn't believe that such bugs were never a priority to the server, since fixing bugs is just as important as other updates.

To ALL of you agreeing with this post, please note:

1. Many staff members have REAL jobs outside of CubeCraft or are going to school full time. The hard work they put into the server and forums is 100% VOLUNTARY, so excuse them for not treating it like their career 24/7.

Do you want my opinion regarding this? Staff do work hard, but that's because very few of them do their jobs. If all Staff were active and spent as little as an hour or half on the server, I don't think things would be as hard.

3. There's going to be a MASSIVE update coming soon, and that's holding everyone's top priority spot. Builders have no part in the anti-cheat, so stop complaining that new maps are coming out because they literally have nothing to do with each other.

Let's see how soon that massive update will be :p I never said Builders are responsible for developing an anti-cheat system. As I repeat again, I'm talking about the whole server updates, not Builders' updates.

4. Anyone accusing the staff of anything other than working hard needs to take a step back, and gain some perspective! They are here for YOU. They listen to YOUR suggestions, and just because there's no instant gratification like you expect of them doesn't mean they aren't trying. It's time to be grateful that CubeCraft is what it is, whether it's lacking in some departments or not. If it weren't for our awesome staff, there would be no server, and there would be no playing. You'd be stuck on servers that were much more interested in your money than your satisfaction.

Tl;dr Stop being spoiled brats and talking down about the staff. They DO work very hard, and they do it for YOU, not themselves. They get nothing out of this but the pride of creating a wonderful server for us all, so appreciate that, and be patient, or gtfo.

Do you really think all Staff are working hard? I know some of them really are, but some others are not.

Let's keep this discussion formal buddy; there's no need for calling anyone who disagrees with you a brat, or saying gtfo. ;)


Forum Expert
Oct 21, 2014
1. Many staff members have REAL jobs outside of CubeCraft or are going to school full time. The hard work they put into the server and forums is 100% VOLUNTARY, so excuse them for not treating it like their career 24/7.
As far as I can tell and remember, a lot of staff that are in charge of banning/muting do not have jobs since they are in school. Besides, before becoming staff it's quite common sense to take into consideration that if you volunteer for staff, you have time to be staff. It's pointless to volunteer to be a mod when you know you will never get to reports.

2. Stop saying they need to be more responsible!
It's called constructive criticism.
There are MANY new staff members who go the extra mile for you and I, and many old staff members who are still sticking around to make sure we have a good time!
Not going to say names, but I know some staff members that don't do anything in CubeCraft. They rarely come online, and when they do, they don't come on to do reports.
There are MANY new staff members who go the extra mile for you and I
You would be right if by "MANY" you meant "a few".

There's going to be a MASSIVE update coming soon, and that's holding everyone's top priority spot.
You aren't staff so how would you know how "MASSIVE" the next update will be? I would actually like you to elaborate on that because it seems like you know more than practically all the community. Besides, as far as I was informed, SkyWars and EggWars are, and always will be top priority. So please, shed some light on what you know about this update, and how "soon" it will come.
Builders have no part in the anti-cheat, so stop complaining that new maps are coming out because they literally have nothing to do with each other.
Basically all I agree with.

Anyone accusing the staff of anything other than working hard needs to take a step back, and gain some perspective!
I don't know if you've read this whole thread, but the point of this thread is because nothing is being done. I'm not sure we're the ones that need to gain some perspective.
they are here for YOU. They listen to YOUR suggestions
What suggestions have been heard? And I don't mean like 1 or 2 examples, I'm talking about a significant amount of suggestions because the "suggestions" section is flooded with unheard suggestions. For example, I made a thread for EggWars and SkyWars Suggestions because staff didn't have the time to look through all the suggestions for those 2 games, so the purpose of the thread was to combine all of them together. So if staff doesn't have the time to review our suggestions, how are they implementing/listening to our suggestions? I also know that even some ideas from staff members themselves are usually neglected by higher staff.
just because there's no instant gratification like you expect of them doesn't mean they aren't trying. It's time to be grateful that CubeCraft is what it is, whether it's lacking in some departments or not. If it weren't for our awesome staff, there would be no server, and there would be no playing. You'd be stuck on servers that were much more interested in your money than your satisfaction.
Let's take into consideration what we're all saying before writing a complaint against another complaint...

Stop being spoiled brats and talking down about the staff. They DO work very hard, and they do it for YOU, not themselves
Again. it's called constructive criticism. If you can't handle criticism, and you think criticism is bad, I ask you this: how does a server develop without varying opinions? If you think that staff should do what they do without the community's voice, then that would make the server biased, narrow-minded, single-sided, and not fun to play by other people.
They get nothing out of this but the pride of creating a wonderful server for us all
Higher staff gets paid so, they actually get money out of this server. As for Mods/Helpers, they spend their free time supporting the server they like playing on.

gain some perspective!
appreciate that, and be patient, or gtfo.
You just contradicted yourself. You want us to appreciate the server blindly, or we can "gtfo". Yet we need to gain perspective..?

Lastly, as a suggestion from me to you: if you can't handle constructive, criticism, don't take your time to view these kind of threads.
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