Holy ProfP what great work you have created! Thank you once again and I can finally see some new cubetubers to watch and support :)For a while there has been a Youtubers list but I've only really seen Java players on it. Bedrock has a flourishing and growing community of content creators that make really great content on YouTube and many that also stream regularly. So.... I decided to make a list similar to the Java one but specifically for Bedrock CubeTubers.
I've just ordered the list by number of subscribers and I've limited it to those with 100 subs (Update: Now 50) or more just to keep it easy to collect the data. Subs numbers are only correct as of the date of posting this and in the last few weeks of updating this list I've seen some YT'ers are growing really fast!!
Creator (Click to view) IGN Subscribers Rank Live Streams? Location VanHouten VanHoutenMC 67300 NO YES United States InsaneOrbitzz InsaneOrbitzz 23200 YES UK Team Termite RelatedNoobs 11400 YES Canada Flapping Hao flappinghao 9680 NO YES American Samoa AJBK AJBKisHOT 9060 NO NO Spain MeepIzBeast Meepizbeast 7430 NO YES United States SL4TES SL4TES7032 7070 NO YES ? GH05TM4R10 [NEW] GH05TM4R10 5330 NO YES ? FractalCake FractalCake 3430 NO NO ? Wetz [NEW] WetzkieMC 3390 NO NO Philippines MinecraftPR0 MinecraftPR0 3360 NO NO ? Swiftz [HOT] PhilSwift76 3060 NO YES United States WaspBrain WaspBrain 2640 NO YES UK Chief Aaron FPSaltyRaccoon 2150 NO YES United States KITTY NATION420 KITTY NATION420 1930 NO NO United States Flironic [HOT] Flironic3813 1750 NO NO United States Yelsan1 [HOT] Yelsan1 1610 NO YES Belgium Deadbushofficial [HOTTEST] Smoothlight6786 1540 NO YES United States FXVoidz FXVoidz 1350 NO YES United States? NXRN NxrnYT 1320 NO YES United States NoahS4226 [NEW] NoahS4226 1230 NO NO ? WolfPlayz WolfPlayz8723 1200 NO YES Belgium Connor Bryan Connorbryan14 1190 NO NO Germany SlinkyGnu05604 SlinkyGnu05604 1080 NO YES United States TroppyCut luis gregory 1000 NO NO UK ElGera16 ElGera16 898 NO NO Mexico QuietMuerte [HOT] QuietMuerte 886 NO YES United States H4T MC H4T MC YouTube 875 NO YES New Zealand Qzeex [NEW] Qzeex 862 NO YES Ireland Transparental Trqnsparent 724 NO YES United States ProfParzival ProfParzival 700 NO YES England DarkStray realjaycg 657 YES United States Click Greatness [NEW] Click Greatness 638 NO NO Canada STASI minecraft STASI 612 NO YES United States? SoundToTheThirdPower GUSDUCK911 610 NO NO United States FarisQ ArmedSuperBoy 581 NO YES ? Nightmare9945 Nightmare9945 576 NO NO ? DashingPrune DashingPrune67 455 NO YES ? xclutchingg xclutchingg 440 NO NO ? That1Turtle2 [HOT] That1Turtle2 431 NO YES ? MELIODAS9463 [NEW] MELIODAS9463808 431 NO NO ? BROSLAIDA BROSLAIDA 418 NO NO Spain Behumble56 Behumble56 383 NO YES United States cor4l cor9i cor4lcor9i 378 NO NO ? Opeiko Gamer OpeikoGamer 370 NO NO Norway Biggest Noob 7 BiggestNoob7 355 NO India deadlay craft deadlaycraft 348 NO YES UK LukeOnIsland [NEW] LukeOnIsland 324 NO NO United States NotSnowing YT NotSnowingYT 316 NO ?? Indonesia SALTY_shadow saltyshadows794 303 NO UK Thatfreepig [HOT] Thatfreepig 295 NO NO ? Professor X [HOT] ProfessorX1880 293 NO NO ? IgnBlair IgnBlair 292 NO YES UK Ender Might EnderMight6615 284 NO YES ? Kibro NightlyOsprey40 282 NO YES UK KnighterTheAmaz [NEW] KnighterTheAmaz 278 NO NO ? Brozzki Brozzzki 277 NO NO United States CubeCraft Academy goodyannathan 274 NO ? LuluDad [HOT] LuluDad19Gaming 264 NO YES United States Fermiin18 Fermiin18 260 NO NO Spain GHSpaghetti BlackieCrew 256 NO NO ? EggNauts TdashJ 254 NO NO ? formulahoney343 formulahoney343 246 NO NO United States Poki Trash Pineapaplez 243 NO YES Canada AdamTheApple926 [HOT] adamtheapple 241 NO NO ? lights [NEW] [EXTRA HOT] lightschips 230 NO YES United States ToastedByTom ToastedByTom939 226 NO NO UK bowlrice bowlrice 225 NO NO United States Allawi 332 Allawi332 223 NO YES ? ItzYasaFi ItzYasaFi 205 NO YES ? Oshayab Oshayab 201 NO NO Mexico Tabby Cat Gaming Tabbycat2915 197 NO YES ? hxejtus hxejtus 194 NO NO ? Moist1527 Moist1527 192 NO NO UK Dexten [NEW] Dexten XD 192 NO YES Netherlands max NotCoolMax 184 NO NO UK Kr4ked Infius King 174 NO ? UAE EasyAZ xEasyAZx 172 NO NO United States CGR MASTER CGRMASTER 171 NO NO United States Geolaws [NEW] geolaws 170 NO YES United States DazzlingBozo DazzlingBozo 168 NO NO United States Artem Curious Artem Curious 152 NO NO Ukraine (Russian language) TTC_ MYLLEKE keanomylleYT490 151 NO NO Belgium CeleryAskin CeleryAskin 151 NO NO United States Hax35 Hax35 150 NO NO Australia TheEpic Vk vkonmcpro 146 NO YES UK haloe4ends BushyLyric6 143 NO YES ? Aqualic8644 [NEW] Aqualic8644 143 NO NO ? Gopnik ! [NEW] GopnikBndyMC 141 NO YES USA but Russia Nash The Basher [NEW] Nash The Basher 140 NO Djibouti SpurrowGaming Jack Spurrow G 138 NO NO South Africa EvilPraise YT PraiseMp7 133 NO NO ? Dark Vealk Dark Valek 131 NO NO Mexico EvilNexus Ebraheem YT 126 NO NO ? Spacey playz SpaceyWand 119 NO NO ? JuliusVdL juliusvdl 112 NO NO ? Jalababs Jalababs 97 NO YES UK wxzzrd wxzzrd 95 NO NO United States JANICORN [NEW] JANICORN2004 84 NO NO Mexico CubeCraft Speedrunner [NEW] Awabbatt47 81 NO NO Canada EthMC [NEW] coolface299 78 NO YES United States OG Sponge Sponge5831 72 NO NO ? Conea64 [NEW] Conea64 61 NO NO England Unbeatable85 [NEW] Fununbeatable85 59 NO NO ? Tek Tubien Tek Tubien 58 NO NO United States UBRE [NEW] UBRE 55 NO NO Mexico Matt B. [NEW] xcanadiaa 52 NO NO Canadiaa X :P Ez Pz [NEW] EzPz017 47 NO YES ?
Last Updated: 2020-06-01 01:24 GMT
[NEW] means recently added to the list.
[HOTTEST] designates the fastest growing CubeTuber (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point.
[HOT] designates fast growing CubeTubers (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. It's when I'm sorting the list I notice people have jumped quite a bit so add this moniker.
If you know of any YouTubers that I've missed please let me know and I'll update the list. Similarly, if you can help fill in the blanks or correct any of the fields, please let me know.
If you want to be added to the list (I can add anyone with 50 subscribers or more) please reply to the thread with your channel URL and your IGN. The list is designed for showcasing YouTubers that mostly create Cubecraft Bedrock related content. I've now automated subscriber numbers with the Youtube API so it's now easier and faster to keep the list up to date :-)
Hmm I wonder if I qualify for this anymore. I've taken a step back from only cube content and this list is for mainly Cubecraft creators if I'm right...For a while there has been a Youtubers list but I've only really seen Java players on it. Bedrock has a flourishing and growing community of content creators that make really great content on YouTube and many that also stream regularly. So.... I decided to make a list similar to the Java one but specifically for Bedrock CubeTubers.
I've just ordered the list by number of subscribers and I've limited it to those with 100 subs (Update: Now 50) or more just to keep it easy to collect the data. Subs numbers are only correct as of the date of posting this and in the last few weeks of updating this list I've seen some YT'ers are growing really fast!!
Creator (Click to view) IGN Subscribers Rank Live Streams? Location VanHouten VanHoutenMC 67300 NO YES United States InsaneOrbitzz InsaneOrbitzz 23200 YES UK Team Termite RelatedNoobs 11400 YES Canada Flapping Hao flappinghao 9680 NO YES American Samoa AJBK AJBKisHOT 9060 NO NO Spain MeepIzBeast Meepizbeast 7430 NO YES United States SL4TES SL4TES7032 7070 NO YES ? GH05TM4R10 [NEW] GH05TM4R10 5330 NO YES ? FractalCake FractalCake 3430 NO NO ? Wetz [NEW] WetzkieMC 3390 NO NO Philippines MinecraftPR0 MinecraftPR0 3360 NO NO ? Swiftz [HOT] PhilSwift76 3060 NO YES United States WaspBrain WaspBrain 2640 NO YES UK Chief Aaron FPSaltyRaccoon 2150 NO YES United States KITTY NATION420 KITTY NATION420 1930 NO NO United States Flironic [HOT] Flironic3813 1750 NO NO United States Yelsan1 [HOT] Yelsan1 1610 NO YES Belgium Deadbushofficial [HOTTEST] Smoothlight6786 1540 NO YES United States FXVoidz FXVoidz 1350 NO YES United States? NXRN NxrnYT 1320 NO YES United States NoahS4226 [NEW] NoahS4226 1230 NO NO ? WolfPlayz WolfPlayz8723 1200 NO YES Belgium Connor Bryan Connorbryan14 1190 NO NO Germany SlinkyGnu05604 SlinkyGnu05604 1080 NO YES United States TroppyCut luis gregory 1000 NO NO UK ElGera16 ElGera16 898 NO NO Mexico QuietMuerte [HOT] QuietMuerte 886 NO YES United States H4T MC H4T MC YouTube 875 NO YES New Zealand Qzeex [NEW] Qzeex 862 NO YES Ireland Transparental Trqnsparent 724 NO YES United States ProfParzival ProfParzival 700 NO YES England DarkStray realjaycg 657 YES United States Click Greatness [NEW] Click Greatness 638 NO NO Canada STASI minecraft STASI 612 NO YES United States? SoundToTheThirdPower GUSDUCK911 610 NO NO United States FarisQ ArmedSuperBoy 581 NO YES ? Nightmare9945 Nightmare9945 576 NO NO ? DashingPrune DashingPrune67 455 NO YES ? xclutchingg xclutchingg 440 NO NO ? That1Turtle2 [HOT] That1Turtle2 431 NO YES ? MELIODAS9463 [NEW] MELIODAS9463808 431 NO NO ? BROSLAIDA BROSLAIDA 418 NO NO Spain Behumble56 Behumble56 383 NO YES United States cor4l cor9i cor4lcor9i 378 NO NO ? Opeiko Gamer OpeikoGamer 370 NO NO Norway Biggest Noob 7 BiggestNoob7 355 NO India deadlay craft deadlaycraft 348 NO YES UK LukeOnIsland [NEW] LukeOnIsland 324 NO NO United States NotSnowing YT NotSnowingYT 316 NO ?? Indonesia SALTY_shadow saltyshadows794 303 NO UK Thatfreepig [HOT] Thatfreepig 295 NO NO ? Professor X [HOT] ProfessorX1880 293 NO NO ? IgnBlair IgnBlair 292 NO YES UK Ender Might EnderMight6615 284 NO YES ? Kibro NightlyOsprey40 282 NO YES UK KnighterTheAmaz [NEW] KnighterTheAmaz 278 NO NO ? Brozzki Brozzzki 277 NO NO United States CubeCraft Academy goodyannathan 274 NO ? LuluDad [HOT] LuluDad19Gaming 264 NO YES United States Fermiin18 Fermiin18 260 NO NO Spain GHSpaghetti BlackieCrew 256 NO NO ? EggNauts TdashJ 254 NO NO ? formulahoney343 formulahoney343 246 NO NO United States Poki Trash Pineapaplez 243 NO YES Canada AdamTheApple926 [HOT] adamtheapple 241 NO NO ? lights [NEW] [EXTRA HOT] lightschips 230 NO YES United States ToastedByTom ToastedByTom939 226 NO NO UK bowlrice bowlrice 225 NO NO United States Allawi 332 Allawi332 223 NO YES ? ItzYasaFi ItzYasaFi 205 NO YES ? Oshayab Oshayab 201 NO NO Mexico Tabby Cat Gaming Tabbycat2915 197 NO YES ? hxejtus hxejtus 194 NO NO ? Moist1527 Moist1527 192 NO NO UK Dexten [NEW] Dexten XD 192 NO YES Netherlands max NotCoolMax 184 NO NO UK Kr4ked Infius King 174 NO ? UAE EasyAZ xEasyAZx 172 NO NO United States CGR MASTER CGRMASTER 171 NO NO United States Geolaws [NEW] geolaws 170 NO YES United States DazzlingBozo DazzlingBozo 168 NO NO United States Artem Curious Artem Curious 152 NO NO Ukraine (Russian language) TTC_ MYLLEKE keanomylleYT490 151 NO NO Belgium CeleryAskin CeleryAskin 151 NO NO United States Hax35 Hax35 150 NO NO Australia TheEpic Vk vkonmcpro 146 NO YES UK haloe4ends BushyLyric6 143 NO YES ? Aqualic8644 [NEW] Aqualic8644 143 NO NO ? Gopnik ! [NEW] GopnikBndyMC 141 NO YES USA but Russia Nash The Basher [NEW] Nash The Basher 140 NO Djibouti SpurrowGaming Jack Spurrow G 138 NO NO South Africa EvilPraise YT PraiseMp7 133 NO NO ? Dark Vealk Dark Valek 131 NO NO Mexico EvilNexus Ebraheem YT 126 NO NO ? Spacey playz SpaceyWand 119 NO NO ? JuliusVdL juliusvdl 112 NO NO ? Jalababs Jalababs 97 NO YES UK wxzzrd wxzzrd 95 NO NO United States JANICORN [NEW] JANICORN2004 84 NO NO Mexico CubeCraft Speedrunner [NEW] Awabbatt47 81 NO NO Canada EthMC [NEW] coolface299 78 NO YES United States OG Sponge Sponge5831 72 NO NO ? Conea64 [NEW] Conea64 61 NO NO England Unbeatable85 [NEW] Fununbeatable85 59 NO NO ? Tek Tubien Tek Tubien 58 NO NO United States UBRE [NEW] UBRE 55 NO NO Mexico Matt B. [NEW] xcanadiaa 52 NO NO Canadiaa X :P Ez Pz [NEW] EzPz017 47 NO YES ?
Last Updated: 2020-06-01 01:24 GMT
[NEW] means recently added to the list.
[HOTTEST] designates the fastest growing CubeTuber (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point.
[HOT] designates fast growing CubeTubers (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. It's when I'm sorting the list I notice people have jumped quite a bit so add this moniker.
If you know of any YouTubers that I've missed please let me know and I'll update the list. Similarly, if you can help fill in the blanks or correct any of the fields, please let me know.
If you want to be added to the list (I can add anyone with 50 subscribers or more) please reply to the thread with your channel URL and your IGN. The list is designed for showcasing YouTubers that mostly create Cubecraft Bedrock related content. I've now automated subscriber numbers with the Youtube API so it's now easier and faster to keep the list up to date :-)
You've still got a massive amount of Cube related content on your channel.. so I'd say you still definitely qualifyHmm I wonder if I qualify for this anymore. I've taken a step back from only cube content and this list is for mainly Cubecraft creators if I'm right...
hey can I be on the list?For a while there has been a Youtubers list but I've only really seen Java players on it. Bedrock has a flourishing and growing community of content creators that make really great content on YouTube and many that also stream regularly. So.... I decided to make a list similar to the Java one but specifically for Bedrock CubeTubers.
I've just ordered the list by number of subscribers and I've limited it to those with 100 subs (Update: Now 50) or more just to keep it easy to collect the data. Subs numbers are only correct as of the date of posting this and in the last few weeks of updating this list I've seen some YT'ers are growing really fast!!
Creator (Click to view) IGN Subscribers Rank Live Streams? Location VanHouten VanHoutenMC 67300 NO YES United States InsaneOrbitzz InsaneOrbitzz 23200 YES UK Team Termite RelatedNoobs 11400 YES Canada Flapping Hao flappinghao 9680 NO YES American Samoa AJBK AJBKisHOT 9060 NO NO Spain MeepIzBeast Meepizbeast 7430 NO YES United States SL4TES SL4TES7032 7070 NO YES ? GH05TM4R10 [NEW] GH05TM4R10 5330 NO YES ? FractalCake FractalCake 3430 NO NO ? Wetz [NEW] WetzkieMC 3390 NO NO Philippines MinecraftPR0 MinecraftPR0 3360 NO NO ? Swiftz [HOT] PhilSwift76 3060 NO YES United States WaspBrain WaspBrain 2640 NO YES UK Chief Aaron FPSaltyRaccoon 2150 NO YES United States KITTY NATION420 KITTY NATION420 1930 NO NO United States Flironic [HOT] Flironic3813 1750 NO NO United States Yelsan1 [HOT] Yelsan1 1610 NO YES Belgium Deadbushofficial [HOTTEST] Smoothlight6786 1540 NO YES United States FXVoidz FXVoidz 1350 NO YES United States? NXRN NxrnYT 1320 NO YES United States NoahS4226 [NEW] NoahS4226 1230 NO NO ? WolfPlayz WolfPlayz8723 1200 NO YES Belgium Connor Bryan Connorbryan14 1190 NO NO Germany SlinkyGnu05604 SlinkyGnu05604 1080 NO YES United States TroppyCut luis gregory 1000 NO NO UK ElGera16 ElGera16 898 NO NO Mexico QuietMuerte [HOT] QuietMuerte 886 NO YES United States H4T MC H4T MC YouTube 875 NO YES New Zealand Qzeex [NEW] Qzeex 862 NO YES Ireland Transparental Trqnsparent 724 NO YES United States ProfParzival ProfParzival 700 NO YES England DarkStray realjaycg 657 YES United States Click Greatness [NEW] Click Greatness 638 NO NO Canada STASI minecraft STASI 612 NO YES United States? SoundToTheThirdPower GUSDUCK911 610 NO NO United States FarisQ ArmedSuperBoy 581 NO YES ? Nightmare9945 Nightmare9945 576 NO NO ? DashingPrune DashingPrune67 455 NO YES ? xclutchingg xclutchingg 440 NO NO ? That1Turtle2 [HOT] That1Turtle2 431 NO YES ? MELIODAS9463 [NEW] MELIODAS9463808 431 NO NO ? BROSLAIDA BROSLAIDA 418 NO NO Spain Behumble56 Behumble56 383 NO YES United States cor4l cor9i cor4lcor9i 378 NO NO ? Opeiko Gamer OpeikoGamer 370 NO NO Norway Biggest Noob 7 BiggestNoob7 355 NO India deadlay craft deadlaycraft 348 NO YES UK LukeOnIsland [NEW] LukeOnIsland 324 NO NO United States NotSnowing YT NotSnowingYT 316 NO ?? Indonesia SALTY_shadow saltyshadows794 303 NO UK Thatfreepig [HOT] Thatfreepig 295 NO NO ? Professor X [HOT] ProfessorX1880 293 NO NO ? IgnBlair IgnBlair 292 NO YES UK Ender Might EnderMight6615 284 NO YES ? Kibro NightlyOsprey40 282 NO YES UK KnighterTheAmaz [NEW] KnighterTheAmaz 278 NO NO ? Brozzki Brozzzki 277 NO NO United States CubeCraft Academy goodyannathan 274 NO ? LuluDad [HOT] LuluDad19Gaming 264 NO YES United States Fermiin18 Fermiin18 260 NO NO Spain GHSpaghetti BlackieCrew 256 NO NO ? EggNauts TdashJ 254 NO NO ? formulahoney343 formulahoney343 246 NO NO United States Poki Trash Pineapaplez 243 NO YES Canada AdamTheApple926 [HOT] adamtheapple 241 NO NO ? lights [NEW] [EXTRA HOT] lightschips 230 NO YES United States ToastedByTom ToastedByTom939 226 NO NO UK bowlrice bowlrice 225 NO NO United States Allawi 332 Allawi332 223 NO YES ? ItzYasaFi ItzYasaFi 205 NO YES ? Oshayab Oshayab 201 NO NO Mexico Tabby Cat Gaming Tabbycat2915 197 NO YES ? hxejtus hxejtus 194 NO NO ? Moist1527 Moist1527 192 NO NO UK Dexten [NEW] Dexten XD 192 NO YES Netherlands max NotCoolMax 184 NO NO UK Kr4ked Infius King 174 NO ? UAE EasyAZ xEasyAZx 172 NO NO United States CGR MASTER CGRMASTER 171 NO NO United States Geolaws [NEW] geolaws 170 NO YES United States DazzlingBozo DazzlingBozo 168 NO NO United States Artem Curious Artem Curious 152 NO NO Ukraine (Russian language) TTC_ MYLLEKE keanomylleYT490 151 NO NO Belgium CeleryAskin CeleryAskin 151 NO NO United States Hax35 Hax35 150 NO NO Australia TheEpic Vk vkonmcpro 146 NO YES UK haloe4ends BushyLyric6 143 NO YES ? Aqualic8644 [NEW] Aqualic8644 143 NO NO ? Gopnik ! [NEW] GopnikBndyMC 141 NO YES USA but Russia Nash The Basher [NEW] Nash The Basher 140 NO Djibouti SpurrowGaming Jack Spurrow G 138 NO NO South Africa EvilPraise YT PraiseMp7 133 NO NO ? Dark Vealk Dark Valek 131 NO NO Mexico EvilNexus Ebraheem YT 126 NO NO ? Spacey playz SpaceyWand 119 NO NO ? JuliusVdL juliusvdl 112 NO NO ? Jalababs Jalababs 97 NO YES UK wxzzrd wxzzrd 95 NO NO United States JANICORN [NEW] JANICORN2004 84 NO NO Mexico CubeCraft Speedrunner [NEW] Awabbatt47 81 NO NO Canada EthMC [NEW] coolface299 78 NO YES United States OG Sponge Sponge5831 72 NO NO ? Conea64 [NEW] Conea64 61 NO NO England Unbeatable85 [NEW] Fununbeatable85 59 NO NO ? Tek Tubien Tek Tubien 58 NO NO United States UBRE [NEW] UBRE 55 NO NO Mexico Matt B. [NEW] xcanadiaa 52 NO NO Canadiaa X :P Ez Pz [NEW] EzPz017 47 NO YES ?
Last Updated: 2020-06-01 01:24 GMT
[NEW] means recently added to the list.
[HOTTEST] designates the fastest growing CubeTuber (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point.
[HOT] designates fast growing CubeTubers (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. It's when I'm sorting the list I notice people have jumped quite a bit so add this moniker.
If you know of any YouTubers that I've missed please let me know and I'll update the list. Similarly, if you can help fill in the blanks or correct any of the fields, please let me know.
If you want to be added to the list (I can add anyone with 50 subscribers or more) please reply to the thread with your channel URL and your IGN. The list is designed for showcasing YouTubers that mostly create Cubecraft Bedrock related content. I've now automated subscriber numbers with the Youtube API so it's now easier and faster to keep the list up to date :-)
bro this guy was suppose to add me to the list two weeks ago he always says he will but never doesFor a while there has been a Youtubers list but I've only really seen Java players on it. Bedrock has a flourishing and growing community of content creators that make really great content on YouTube and many that also stream regularly. So.... I decided to make a list similar to the Java one but specifically for Bedrock CubeTubers.
I've just ordered the list by number of subscribers and I've limited it to those with 100 subs (Update: Now 50) or more just to keep it easy to collect the data. Subs numbers are only correct as of the date of posting this and in the last few weeks of updating this list I've seen some YT'ers are growing really fast!!
Creator (Click to view) IGN Subscribers Rank Live Streams? Location VanHouten VanHoutenMC 67300 NO YES United States InsaneOrbitzz InsaneOrbitzz 23200 YES UK Team Termite RelatedNoobs 11400 YES Canada Flapping Hao flappinghao 9680 NO YES American Samoa AJBK AJBKisHOT 9060 NO NO Spain MeepIzBeast Meepizbeast 7430 NO YES United States SL4TES SL4TES7032 7070 NO YES ? GH05TM4R10 [NEW] GH05TM4R10 5330 NO YES ? FractalCake FractalCake 3430 NO NO ? Wetz [NEW] WetzkieMC 3390 NO NO Philippines MinecraftPR0 MinecraftPR0 3360 NO NO ? Swiftz [HOT] PhilSwift76 3060 NO YES United States WaspBrain WaspBrain 2640 NO YES UK Chief Aaron FPSaltyRaccoon 2150 NO YES United States KITTY NATION420 KITTY NATION420 1930 NO NO United States Flironic [HOT] Flironic3813 1750 NO NO United States Yelsan1 [HOT] Yelsan1 1610 NO YES Belgium Deadbushofficial [HOTTEST] Smoothlight6786 1540 NO YES United States FXVoidz FXVoidz 1350 NO YES United States? NXRN NxrnYT 1320 NO YES United States NoahS4226 [NEW] NoahS4226 1230 NO NO ? WolfPlayz WolfPlayz8723 1200 NO YES Belgium Connor Bryan Connorbryan14 1190 NO NO Germany SlinkyGnu05604 SlinkyGnu05604 1080 NO YES United States TroppyCut luis gregory 1000 NO NO UK ElGera16 ElGera16 898 NO NO Mexico QuietMuerte [HOT] QuietMuerte 886 NO YES United States H4T MC H4T MC YouTube 875 NO YES New Zealand Qzeex [NEW] Qzeex 862 NO YES Ireland Transparental Trqnsparent 724 NO YES United States ProfParzival ProfParzival 700 NO YES England DarkStray realjaycg 657 YES United States Click Greatness [NEW] Click Greatness 638 NO NO Canada STASI minecraft STASI 612 NO YES United States? SoundToTheThirdPower GUSDUCK911 610 NO NO United States FarisQ ArmedSuperBoy 581 NO YES ? Nightmare9945 Nightmare9945 576 NO NO ? DashingPrune DashingPrune67 455 NO YES ? xclutchingg xclutchingg 440 NO NO ? That1Turtle2 [HOT] That1Turtle2 431 NO YES ? MELIODAS9463 [NEW] MELIODAS9463808 431 NO NO ? BROSLAIDA BROSLAIDA 418 NO NO Spain Behumble56 Behumble56 383 NO YES United States cor4l cor9i cor4lcor9i 378 NO NO ? Opeiko Gamer OpeikoGamer 370 NO NO Norway Biggest Noob 7 BiggestNoob7 355 NO India deadlay craft deadlaycraft 348 NO YES UK LukeOnIsland [NEW] LukeOnIsland 324 NO NO United States NotSnowing YT NotSnowingYT 316 NO ?? Indonesia SALTY_shadow saltyshadows794 303 NO UK Thatfreepig [HOT] Thatfreepig 295 NO NO ? Professor X [HOT] ProfessorX1880 293 NO NO ? IgnBlair IgnBlair 292 NO YES UK Ender Might EnderMight6615 284 NO YES ? Kibro NightlyOsprey40 282 NO YES UK KnighterTheAmaz [NEW] KnighterTheAmaz 278 NO NO ? Brozzki Brozzzki 277 NO NO United States CubeCraft Academy goodyannathan 274 NO ? LuluDad [HOT] LuluDad19Gaming 264 NO YES United States Fermiin18 Fermiin18 260 NO NO Spain GHSpaghetti BlackieCrew 256 NO NO ? EggNauts TdashJ 254 NO NO ? formulahoney343 formulahoney343 246 NO NO United States Poki Trash Pineapaplez 243 NO YES Canada AdamTheApple926 [HOT] adamtheapple 241 NO NO ? lights [NEW] [EXTRA HOT] lightschips 230 NO YES United States ToastedByTom ToastedByTom939 226 NO NO UK bowlrice bowlrice 225 NO NO United States Allawi 332 Allawi332 223 NO YES ? ItzYasaFi ItzYasaFi 205 NO YES ? Oshayab Oshayab 201 NO NO Mexico Tabby Cat Gaming Tabbycat2915 197 NO YES ? hxejtus hxejtus 194 NO NO ? Moist1527 Moist1527 192 NO NO UK Dexten [NEW] Dexten XD 192 NO YES Netherlands max NotCoolMax 184 NO NO UK Kr4ked Infius King 174 NO ? UAE EasyAZ xEasyAZx 172 NO NO United States CGR MASTER CGRMASTER 171 NO NO United States Geolaws [NEW] geolaws 170 NO YES United States DazzlingBozo DazzlingBozo 168 NO NO United States Artem Curious Artem Curious 152 NO NO Ukraine (Russian language) TTC_ MYLLEKE keanomylleYT490 151 NO NO Belgium CeleryAskin CeleryAskin 151 NO NO United States Hax35 Hax35 150 NO NO Australia TheEpic Vk vkonmcpro 146 NO YES UK haloe4ends BushyLyric6 143 NO YES ? Aqualic8644 [NEW] Aqualic8644 143 NO NO ? Gopnik ! [NEW] GopnikBndyMC 141 NO YES USA but Russia Nash The Basher [NEW] Nash The Basher 140 NO Djibouti SpurrowGaming Jack Spurrow G 138 NO NO South Africa EvilPraise YT PraiseMp7 133 NO NO ? Dark Vealk Dark Valek 131 NO NO Mexico EvilNexus Ebraheem YT 126 NO NO ? Spacey playz SpaceyWand 119 NO NO ? JuliusVdL juliusvdl 112 NO NO ? Jalababs Jalababs 97 NO YES UK wxzzrd wxzzrd 95 NO NO United States JANICORN [NEW] JANICORN2004 84 NO NO Mexico CubeCraft Speedrunner [NEW] Awabbatt47 81 NO NO Canada EthMC [NEW] coolface299 78 NO YES United States OG Sponge Sponge5831 72 NO NO ? Conea64 [NEW] Conea64 61 NO NO England Unbeatable85 [NEW] Fununbeatable85 59 NO NO ? Tek Tubien Tek Tubien 58 NO NO United States UBRE [NEW] UBRE 55 NO NO Mexico Matt B. [NEW] xcanadiaa 52 NO NO Canadiaa X :P Ez Pz [NEW] EzPz017 47 NO YES ?
Last Updated: 2020-06-01 01:24 GMT
[NEW] means recently added to the list.
[HOTTEST] designates the fastest growing CubeTuber (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point.
[HOT] designates fast growing CubeTubers (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. It's when I'm sorting the list I notice people have jumped quite a bit so add this moniker.
If you know of any YouTubers that I've missed please let me know and I'll update the list. Similarly, if you can help fill in the blanks or correct any of the fields, please let me know.
If you want to be added to the list (I can add anyone with 50 subscribers or more) please reply to the thread with your channel URL and your IGN. The list is designed for showcasing YouTubers that mostly create Cubecraft Bedrock related content. I've now automated subscriber numbers with the Youtube API so it's now easier and faster to keep the list up to date :-)
For a while there has been a Youtubers list but I've only really seen Java players on it. Bedrock has a flourishing and growing community of content creators that make really great content on YouTube and many that also stream regularly. So.... I decided to make a list similar to the Java one but specifically for Bedrock CubeTubers.
I've just ordered the list by number of subscribers and I've limited it to those with 100 subs (Update: Now 50) or more just to keep it easy to collect the data. Subs numbers are only correct as of the date of posting this and in the last few weeks of updating this list I've seen some YT'ers are growing really fast!!
Creator (Click to view) IGN Subscribers Rank Live Streams? Location VanHouten VanHoutenMC 67300 NO YES United States InsaneOrbitzz InsaneOrbitzz 23200 YES UK Team Termite RelatedNoobs 11400 YES Canada Flapping Hao flappinghao 9680 NO YES American Samoa AJBK AJBKisHOT 9060 NO NO Spain MeepIzBeast Meepizbeast 7430 NO YES United States SL4TES SL4TES7032 7070 NO YES ? GH05TM4R10 [NEW] GH05TM4R10 5330 NO YES ? FractalCake FractalCake 3430 NO NO ? Wetz [NEW] WetzkieMC 3390 NO NO Philippines MinecraftPR0 MinecraftPR0 3360 NO NO ? Swiftz [HOT] PhilSwift76 3060 NO YES United States WaspBrain WaspBrain 2640 NO YES UK Chief Aaron FPSaltyRaccoon 2150 NO YES United States KITTY NATION420 KITTY NATION420 1930 NO NO United States Flironic [HOT] Flironic3813 1750 NO NO United States Yelsan1 [HOT] Yelsan1 1610 NO YES Belgium Deadbushofficial [HOTTEST] Smoothlight6786 1540 NO YES United States FXVoidz FXVoidz 1350 NO YES United States? NXRN NxrnYT 1320 NO YES United States NoahS4226 [NEW] NoahS4226 1230 NO NO ? WolfPlayz WolfPlayz8723 1200 NO YES Belgium Connor Bryan Connorbryan14 1190 NO NO Germany SlinkyGnu05604 SlinkyGnu05604 1080 NO YES United States TroppyCut luis gregory 1000 NO NO UK ElGera16 ElGera16 898 NO NO Mexico QuietMuerte [HOT] QuietMuerte 886 NO YES United States H4T MC H4T MC YouTube 875 NO YES New Zealand Qzeex [NEW] Qzeex 862 NO YES Ireland Transparental Trqnsparent 724 NO YES United States ProfParzival ProfParzival 700 NO YES England DarkStray realjaycg 657 YES United States Click Greatness [NEW] Click Greatness 638 NO NO Canada STASI minecraft STASI 612 NO YES United States? SoundToTheThirdPower GUSDUCK911 610 NO NO United States FarisQ ArmedSuperBoy 581 NO YES ? Nightmare9945 Nightmare9945 576 NO NO ? DashingPrune DashingPrune67 455 NO YES ? xclutchingg xclutchingg 440 NO NO ? That1Turtle2 [HOT] That1Turtle2 431 NO YES ? MELIODAS9463 [NEW] MELIODAS9463808 431 NO NO ? BROSLAIDA BROSLAIDA 418 NO NO Spain Behumble56 Behumble56 383 NO YES United States cor4l cor9i cor4lcor9i 378 NO NO ? Opeiko Gamer OpeikoGamer 370 NO NO Norway Biggest Noob 7 BiggestNoob7 355 NO India deadlay craft deadlaycraft 348 NO YES UK LukeOnIsland [NEW] LukeOnIsland 324 NO NO United States NotSnowing YT NotSnowingYT 316 NO ?? Indonesia SALTY_shadow saltyshadows794 303 NO UK Thatfreepig [HOT] Thatfreepig 295 NO NO ? Professor X [HOT] ProfessorX1880 293 NO NO ? IgnBlair IgnBlair 292 NO YES UK Ender Might EnderMight6615 284 NO YES ? Kibro NightlyOsprey40 282 NO YES UK KnighterTheAmaz [NEW] KnighterTheAmaz 278 NO NO ? Brozzki Brozzzki 277 NO NO United States CubeCraft Academy goodyannathan 274 NO ? LuluDad [HOT] LuluDad19Gaming 264 NO YES United States Fermiin18 Fermiin18 260 NO NO Spain GHSpaghetti BlackieCrew 256 NO NO ? EggNauts TdashJ 254 NO NO ? formulahoney343 formulahoney343 246 NO NO United States Poki Trash Pineapaplez 243 NO YES Canada AdamTheApple926 [HOT] adamtheapple 241 NO NO ? lights [NEW] [EXTRA HOT] lightschips 230 NO YES United States ToastedByTom ToastedByTom939 226 NO NO UK bowlrice bowlrice 225 NO NO United States Allawi 332 Allawi332 223 NO YES ? ItzYasaFi ItzYasaFi 205 NO YES ? Oshayab Oshayab 201 NO NO Mexico Tabby Cat Gaming Tabbycat2915 197 NO YES ? hxejtus hxejtus 194 NO NO ? Moist1527 Moist1527 192 NO NO UK Dexten [NEW] Dexten XD 192 NO YES Netherlands max NotCoolMax 184 NO NO UK Kr4ked Infius King 174 NO ? UAE EasyAZ xEasyAZx 172 NO NO United States CGR MASTER CGRMASTER 171 NO NO United States Geolaws [NEW] geolaws 170 NO YES United States DazzlingBozo DazzlingBozo 168 NO NO United States Artem Curious Artem Curious 152 NO NO Ukraine (Russian language) TTC_ MYLLEKE keanomylleYT490 151 NO NO Belgium CeleryAskin CeleryAskin 151 NO NO United States Hax35 Hax35 150 NO NO Australia TheEpic Vk vkonmcpro 146 NO YES UK haloe4ends BushyLyric6 143 NO YES ? Aqualic8644 [NEW] Aqualic8644 143 NO NO ? Gopnik ! [NEW] GopnikBndyMC 141 NO YES USA but Russia Nash The Basher [NEW] Nash The Basher 140 NO Djibouti SpurrowGaming Jack Spurrow G 138 NO NO South Africa EvilPraise YT PraiseMp7 133 NO NO ? Dark Vealk Dark Valek 131 NO NO Mexico EvilNexus Ebraheem YT 126 NO NO ? Spacey playz SpaceyWand 119 NO NO ? JuliusVdL juliusvdl 112 NO NO ? Jalababs Jalababs 97 NO YES UK wxzzrd wxzzrd 95 NO NO United States JANICORN [NEW] JANICORN2004 84 NO NO Mexico CubeCraft Speedrunner [NEW] Awabbatt47 81 NO NO Canada EthMC [NEW] coolface299 78 NO YES United States OG Sponge Sponge5831 72 NO NO ? Conea64 [NEW] Conea64 61 NO NO England Unbeatable85 [NEW] Fununbeatable85 59 NO NO ? Tek Tubien Tek Tubien 58 NO NO United States UBRE [NEW] UBRE 55 NO NO Mexico Matt B. [NEW] xcanadiaa 52 NO NO Canadiaa X :P Ez Pz [NEW] EzPz017 47 NO YES ?
Last Updated: 2020-06-01 01:24 GMT
[NEW] means recently added to the list.
[HOTTEST] designates the fastest growing CubeTuber (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point.
[HOT] designates fast growing CubeTubers (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. It's when I'm sorting the list I notice people have jumped quite a bit so add this moniker.
If you know of any YouTubers that I've missed please let me know and I'll update the list. Similarly, if you can help fill in the blanks or correct any of the fields, please let me know.
If you want to be added to the list (I can add anyone with 50 subscribers or more) please reply to the thread with your channel URL and your IGN. The list is designed for showcasing YouTubers that mostly create Cubecraft Bedrock related content. I've now automated subscriber numbers with the Youtube API so it's now easier and faster to keep the list up to date :-)
This had so much potential until u just stopped updating itFor a while there has been a Youtubers list but I've only really seen Java players on it. Bedrock has a flourishing and growing community of content creators that make really great content on YouTube and many that also stream regularly. So.... I decided to make a list similar to the Java one but specifically for Bedrock CubeTubers.
I've just ordered the list by number of subscribers and I've limited it to those with 100 subs (Update: Now 50) or more just to keep it easy to collect the data. Subs numbers are only correct as of the date of posting this and in the last few weeks of updating this list I've seen some YT'ers are growing really fast!!
Creator (Click to view) IGN Subscribers Rank Live Streams? Location VanHouten VanHoutenMC 67300 NO YES United States InsaneOrbitzz InsaneOrbitzz 23200 YES UK Team Termite RelatedNoobs 11400 YES Canada Flapping Hao flappinghao 9680 NO YES American Samoa AJBK AJBKisHOT 9060 NO NO Spain MeepIzBeast Meepizbeast 7430 NO YES United States SL4TES SL4TES7032 7070 NO YES ? GH05TM4R10 [NEW] GH05TM4R10 5330 NO YES ? FractalCake FractalCake 3430 NO NO ? Wetz [NEW] WetzkieMC 3390 NO NO Philippines MinecraftPR0 MinecraftPR0 3360 NO NO ? Swiftz [HOT] PhilSwift76 3060 NO YES United States WaspBrain WaspBrain 2640 NO YES UK Chief Aaron FPSaltyRaccoon 2150 NO YES United States KITTY NATION420 KITTY NATION420 1930 NO NO United States Flironic [HOT] Flironic3813 1750 NO NO United States Yelsan1 [HOT] Yelsan1 1610 NO YES Belgium Deadbushofficial [HOTTEST] Smoothlight6786 1540 NO YES United States FXVoidz FXVoidz 1350 NO YES United States? NXRN NxrnYT 1320 NO YES United States NoahS4226 [NEW] NoahS4226 1230 NO NO ? WolfPlayz WolfPlayz8723 1200 NO YES Belgium Connor Bryan Connorbryan14 1190 NO NO Germany SlinkyGnu05604 SlinkyGnu05604 1080 NO YES United States TroppyCut luis gregory 1000 NO NO UK ElGera16 ElGera16 898 NO NO Mexico QuietMuerte [HOT] QuietMuerte 886 NO YES United States H4T MC H4T MC YouTube 875 NO YES New Zealand Qzeex [NEW] Qzeex 862 NO YES Ireland Transparental Trqnsparent 724 NO YES United States ProfParzival ProfParzival 700 NO YES England DarkStray realjaycg 657 YES United States Click Greatness [NEW] Click Greatness 638 NO NO Canada STASI minecraft STASI 612 NO YES United States? SoundToTheThirdPower GUSDUCK911 610 NO NO United States FarisQ ArmedSuperBoy 581 NO YES ? Nightmare9945 Nightmare9945 576 NO NO ? DashingPrune DashingPrune67 455 NO YES ? xclutchingg xclutchingg 440 NO NO ? That1Turtle2 [HOT] That1Turtle2 431 NO YES ? MELIODAS9463 [NEW] MELIODAS9463808 431 NO NO ? BROSLAIDA BROSLAIDA 418 NO NO Spain Behumble56 Behumble56 383 NO YES United States cor4l cor9i cor4lcor9i 378 NO NO ? Opeiko Gamer OpeikoGamer 370 NO NO Norway Biggest Noob 7 BiggestNoob7 355 NO India deadlay craft deadlaycraft 348 NO YES UK LukeOnIsland [NEW] LukeOnIsland 324 NO NO United States NotSnowing YT NotSnowingYT 316 NO ?? Indonesia SALTY_shadow saltyshadows794 303 NO UK Thatfreepig [HOT] Thatfreepig 295 NO NO ? Professor X [HOT] ProfessorX1880 293 NO NO ? IgnBlair IgnBlair 292 NO YES UK Ender Might EnderMight6615 284 NO YES ? Kibro NightlyOsprey40 282 NO YES UK KnighterTheAmaz [NEW] KnighterTheAmaz 278 NO NO ? Brozzki Brozzzki 277 NO NO United States CubeCraft Academy goodyannathan 274 NO ? LuluDad [HOT] LuluDad19Gaming 264 NO YES United States Fermiin18 Fermiin18 260 NO NO Spain GHSpaghetti BlackieCrew 256 NO NO ? EggNauts TdashJ 254 NO NO ? formulahoney343 formulahoney343 246 NO NO United States Poki Trash Pineapaplez 243 NO YES Canada AdamTheApple926 [HOT] adamtheapple 241 NO NO ? lights [NEW] [EXTRA HOT] lightschips 230 NO YES United States ToastedByTom ToastedByTom939 226 NO NO UK bowlrice bowlrice 225 NO NO United States Allawi 332 Allawi332 223 NO YES ? ItzYasaFi ItzYasaFi 205 NO YES ? Oshayab Oshayab 201 NO NO Mexico Tabby Cat Gaming Tabbycat2915 197 NO YES ? hxejtus hxejtus 194 NO NO ? Moist1527 Moist1527 192 NO NO UK Dexten [NEW] Dexten XD 192 NO YES Netherlands max NotCoolMax 184 NO NO UK Kr4ked Infius King 174 NO ? UAE EasyAZ xEasyAZx 172 NO NO United States CGR MASTER CGRMASTER 171 NO NO United States Geolaws [NEW] geolaws 170 NO YES United States DazzlingBozo DazzlingBozo 168 NO NO United States Artem Curious Artem Curious 152 NO NO Ukraine (Russian language) TTC_ MYLLEKE keanomylleYT490 151 NO NO Belgium CeleryAskin CeleryAskin 151 NO NO United States Hax35 Hax35 150 NO NO Australia TheEpic Vk vkonmcpro 146 NO YES UK haloe4ends BushyLyric6 143 NO YES ? Aqualic8644 [NEW] Aqualic8644 143 NO NO ? Gopnik ! [NEW] GopnikBndyMC 141 NO YES USA but Russia Nash The Basher [NEW] Nash The Basher 140 NO Djibouti SpurrowGaming Jack Spurrow G 138 NO NO South Africa EvilPraise YT PraiseMp7 133 NO NO ? Dark Vealk Dark Valek 131 NO NO Mexico EvilNexus Ebraheem YT 126 NO NO ? Spacey playz SpaceyWand 119 NO NO ? JuliusVdL juliusvdl 112 NO NO ? Jalababs Jalababs 97 NO YES UK wxzzrd wxzzrd 95 NO NO United States JANICORN [NEW] JANICORN2004 84 NO NO Mexico CubeCraft Speedrunner [NEW] Awabbatt47 81 NO NO Canada EthMC [NEW] coolface299 78 NO YES United States OG Sponge Sponge5831 72 NO NO ? Conea64 [NEW] Conea64 61 NO NO England Unbeatable85 [NEW] Fununbeatable85 59 NO NO ? Tek Tubien Tek Tubien 58 NO NO United States UBRE [NEW] UBRE 55 NO NO Mexico Matt B. [NEW] xcanadiaa 52 NO NO Canadiaa X :P Ez Pz [NEW] EzPz017 47 NO YES ?
Last Updated: 2020-06-01 01:24 GMT
[NEW] means recently added to the list.
[HOTTEST] designates the fastest growing CubeTuber (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point.
[HOT] designates fast growing CubeTubers (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. It's when I'm sorting the list I notice people have jumped quite a bit so add this moniker.
If you know of any YouTubers that I've missed please let me know and I'll update the list. Similarly, if you can help fill in the blanks or correct any of the fields, please let me know.
If you want to be added to the list (I can add anyone with 50 subscribers or more) please reply to the thread with your channel URL and your IGN. The list is designed for showcasing YouTubers that mostly create Cubecraft Bedrock related content. I've now automated subscriber numbers with the Youtube API so it's now easier and faster to keep the list up to date :-)
Swiftz and SL4TES have YT rank now, I think QuietMuerte quit, and I would like to be added.For a while there has been a Youtubers list but I've only really seen Java players on it. Bedrock has a flourishing and growing community of content creators that make really great content on YouTube and many that also stream regularly. So.... I decided to make a list similar to the Java one but specifically for Bedrock CubeTubers.
I've just ordered the list by number of subscribers and I've limited it to those with 100 subs (Update: Now 50) or more just to keep it easy to collect the data. Subs numbers are only correct as of the date of posting this and in the last few weeks of updating this list I've seen some YT'ers are growing really fast!!
Creator (Click to view) IGN Subscribers Rank Live Streams? Location VanHouten VanHoutenMC 67300 NO YES United States InsaneOrbitzz InsaneOrbitzz 23200 YES UK Team Termite RelatedNoobs 11400 YES Canada Flapping Hao flappinghao 9680 NO YES American Samoa AJBK AJBKisHOT 9060 NO NO Spain MeepIzBeast Meepizbeast 7430 NO YES United States SL4TES SL4TES7032 7070 NO YES ? GH05TM4R10 [NEW] GH05TM4R10 5330 NO YES ? FractalCake FractalCake 3430 NO NO ? Wetz [NEW] WetzkieMC 3390 NO NO Philippines MinecraftPR0 MinecraftPR0 3360 NO NO ? Swiftz [HOT] PhilSwift76 3060 NO YES United States WaspBrain WaspBrain 2640 NO YES UK Chief Aaron FPSaltyRaccoon 2150 NO YES United States KITTY NATION420 KITTY NATION420 1930 NO NO United States Flironic [HOT] Flironic3813 1750 NO NO United States Yelsan1 [HOT] Yelsan1 1610 NO YES Belgium Deadbushofficial [HOTTEST] Smoothlight6786 1540 NO YES United States FXVoidz FXVoidz 1350 NO YES United States? NXRN NxrnYT 1320 NO YES United States NoahS4226 [NEW] NoahS4226 1230 NO NO ? WolfPlayz WolfPlayz8723 1200 NO YES Belgium Connor Bryan Connorbryan14 1190 NO NO Germany SlinkyGnu05604 SlinkyGnu05604 1080 NO YES United States TroppyCut luis gregory 1000 NO NO UK ElGera16 ElGera16 898 NO NO Mexico QuietMuerte [HOT] QuietMuerte 886 NO YES United States H4T MC H4T MC YouTube 875 NO YES New Zealand Qzeex [NEW] Qzeex 862 NO YES Ireland Transparental Trqnsparent 724 NO YES United States ProfParzival ProfParzival 700 NO YES England DarkStray realjaycg 657 YES United States Click Greatness [NEW] Click Greatness 638 NO NO Canada STASI minecraft STASI 612 NO YES United States? SoundToTheThirdPower GUSDUCK911 610 NO NO United States FarisQ ArmedSuperBoy 581 NO YES ? Nightmare9945 Nightmare9945 576 NO NO ? DashingPrune DashingPrune67 455 NO YES ? xclutchingg xclutchingg 440 NO NO ? That1Turtle2 [HOT] That1Turtle2 431 NO YES ? MELIODAS9463 [NEW] MELIODAS9463808 431 NO NO ? BROSLAIDA BROSLAIDA 418 NO NO Spain Behumble56 Behumble56 383 NO YES United States cor4l cor9i cor4lcor9i 378 NO NO ? Opeiko Gamer OpeikoGamer 370 NO NO Norway Biggest Noob 7 BiggestNoob7 355 NO India deadlay craft deadlaycraft 348 NO YES UK LukeOnIsland [NEW] LukeOnIsland 324 NO NO United States NotSnowing YT NotSnowingYT 316 NO ?? Indonesia SALTY_shadow saltyshadows794 303 NO UK Thatfreepig [HOT] Thatfreepig 295 NO NO ? Professor X [HOT] ProfessorX1880 293 NO NO ? IgnBlair IgnBlair 292 NO YES UK Ender Might EnderMight6615 284 NO YES ? Kibro NightlyOsprey40 282 NO YES UK KnighterTheAmaz [NEW] KnighterTheAmaz 278 NO NO ? Brozzki Brozzzki 277 NO NO United States CubeCraft Academy goodyannathan 274 NO ? LuluDad [HOT] LuluDad19Gaming 264 NO YES United States Fermiin18 Fermiin18 260 NO NO Spain GHSpaghetti BlackieCrew 256 NO NO ? EggNauts TdashJ 254 NO NO ? formulahoney343 formulahoney343 246 NO NO United States Poki Trash Pineapaplez 243 NO YES Canada AdamTheApple926 [HOT] adamtheapple 241 NO NO ? lights [NEW] [EXTRA HOT] lightschips 230 NO YES United States ToastedByTom ToastedByTom939 226 NO NO UK bowlrice bowlrice 225 NO NO United States Allawi 332 Allawi332 223 NO YES ? ItzYasaFi ItzYasaFi 205 NO YES ? Oshayab Oshayab 201 NO NO Mexico Tabby Cat Gaming Tabbycat2915 197 NO YES ? hxejtus hxejtus 194 NO NO ? Moist1527 Moist1527 192 NO NO UK Dexten [NEW] Dexten XD 192 NO YES Netherlands max NotCoolMax 184 NO NO UK Kr4ked Infius King 174 NO ? UAE EasyAZ xEasyAZx 172 NO NO United States CGR MASTER CGRMASTER 171 NO NO United States Geolaws [NEW] geolaws 170 NO YES United States DazzlingBozo DazzlingBozo 168 NO NO United States Artem Curious Artem Curious 152 NO NO Ukraine (Russian language) TTC_ MYLLEKE keanomylleYT490 151 NO NO Belgium CeleryAskin CeleryAskin 151 NO NO United States Hax35 Hax35 150 NO NO Australia TheEpic Vk vkonmcpro 146 NO YES UK haloe4ends BushyLyric6 143 NO YES ? Aqualic8644 [NEW] Aqualic8644 143 NO NO ? Gopnik ! [NEW] GopnikBndyMC 141 NO YES USA but Russia Nash The Basher [NEW] Nash The Basher 140 NO Djibouti SpurrowGaming Jack Spurrow G 138 NO NO South Africa EvilPraise YT PraiseMp7 133 NO NO ? Dark Vealk Dark Valek 131 NO NO Mexico EvilNexus Ebraheem YT 126 NO NO ? Spacey playz SpaceyWand 119 NO NO ? JuliusVdL juliusvdl 112 NO NO ? Jalababs Jalababs 97 NO YES UK wxzzrd wxzzrd 95 NO NO United States JANICORN [NEW] JANICORN2004 84 NO NO Mexico CubeCraft Speedrunner [NEW] Awabbatt47 81 NO NO Canada EthMC [NEW] coolface299 78 NO YES United States OG Sponge Sponge5831 72 NO NO ? Conea64 [NEW] Conea64 61 NO NO England Unbeatable85 [NEW] Fununbeatable85 59 NO NO ? Tek Tubien Tek Tubien 58 NO NO United States UBRE [NEW] UBRE 55 NO NO Mexico Matt B. [NEW] xcanadiaa 52 NO NO Canadiaa X :P Ez Pz [NEW] EzPz017 47 NO YES ?
Last Updated: 2020-06-01 01:24 GMT
[NEW] means recently added to the list.
[HOTTEST] designates the fastest growing CubeTuber (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point.
[HOT] designates fast growing CubeTubers (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. It's when I'm sorting the list I notice people have jumped quite a bit so add this moniker.
If you know of any YouTubers that I've missed please let me know and I'll update the list. Similarly, if you can help fill in the blanks or correct any of the fields, please let me know.
If you want to be added to the list (I can add anyone with 50 subscribers or more) please reply to the thread with your channel URL and your IGN. The list is designed for showcasing YouTubers that mostly create Cubecraft Bedrock related content. I've now automated subscriber numbers with the Youtube API so it's now easier and faster to keep the list up to date :-)
Creator (Click to view) | IGN | Subscribers | Rank | Live Streams? | Location |
VanHouten | VanHoutenMC | 67300 | NO | YES | United States |
InsaneOrbitzz | InsaneOrbitzz | 23200 | ![]() | YES | UK |
Team Termite | RelatedNoobs | 11400 | ![]() | YES | Canada |
Flapping Hao | flappinghao | 9680 | NO | YES | American Samoa |
AJBK | AJBKisHOT | 9060 | NO | NO | Spain |
MeepIzBeast | Meepizbeast | 7430 | NO | YES | United States |
SL4TES | SL4TES7032 | 7070 | NO | YES | ? |
GH05TM4R10 [NEW] | GH05TM4R10 | 5330 | NO | YES | ? |
FractalCake | FractalCake | 3430 | NO | NO | ? |
Wetz [NEW] | WetzkieMC | 3390 | NO | NO | Philippines |
MinecraftPR0 | MinecraftPR0 | 3360 | NO | NO | ? |
Swiftz [HOT] | PhilSwift76 | 3060 | NO | YES | United States |
WaspBrain | WaspBrain | 2640 | NO | YES | UK |
Chief Aaron | FPSaltyRaccoon | 2150 | NO | YES | United States |
KITTY NATION420 | KITTY NATION420 | 1930 | NO | NO | United States |
Flironic [HOT] | Flironic3813 | 1750 | NO | NO | United States |
Yelsan1 [HOT] | Yelsan1 | 1610 | NO | YES | Belgium |
Deadbushofficial [HOTTEST] | Smoothlight6786 | 1540 | NO | YES | United States |
FXVoidz | FXVoidz | 1350 | NO | YES | United States? |
NXRN | NxrnYT | 1320 | NO | YES | United States |
NoahS4226 [NEW] | NoahS4226 | 1230 | NO | NO | ? |
WolfPlayz | WolfPlayz8723 | 1200 | NO | YES | Belgium |
Connor Bryan | Connorbryan14 | 1190 | NO | NO | Germany |
SlinkyGnu05604 | SlinkyGnu05604 | 1080 | NO | YES | United States |
TroppyCut | luis gregory | 1000 | NO | NO | UK |
ElGera16 | ElGera16 | 898 | NO | NO | Mexico |
QuietMuerte [HOT] | QuietMuerte | 886 | NO | YES | United States |
H4T MC | H4T MC YouTube | 875 | NO | YES | New Zealand |
Qzeex [NEW] | Qzeex | 862 | NO | YES | Ireland |
Transparental | Trqnsparent | 724 | NO | YES | United States |
ProfParzival | ProfParzival | 700 | NO | YES | England |
DarkStray | realjaycg | 657 | ![]() | YES | United States |
Click Greatness [NEW] | Click Greatness | 638 | NO | NO | Canada |
STASI minecraft | STASI | 612 | NO | YES | United States? |
SoundToTheThirdPower | GUSDUCK911 | 610 | NO | NO | United States |
FarisQ | ArmedSuperBoy | 581 | NO | YES | ? |
Nightmare9945 | Nightmare9945 | 576 | NO | NO | ? |
DashingPrune | DashingPrune67 | 455 | NO | YES | ? |
xclutchingg | xclutchingg | 440 | NO | NO | ? |
That1Turtle2 [HOT] | That1Turtle2 | 431 | NO | YES | ? |
MELIODAS9463 [NEW] | MELIODAS9463808 | 431 | NO | NO | ? |
BROSLAIDA | BROSLAIDA | 418 | NO | NO | Spain |
Behumble56 | Behumble56 | 383 | NO | YES | United States |
cor4l cor9i | cor4lcor9i | 378 | NO | NO | ? |
Opeiko Gamer | OpeikoGamer | 370 | NO | NO | Norway |
Biggest Noob 7 | BiggestNoob7 | 355 | ![]() | NO | India |
deadlay craft | deadlaycraft | 348 | NO | YES | UK |
LukeOnIsland [NEW] | LukeOnIsland | 324 | NO | NO | United States |
NotSnowing YT | NotSnowingYT | 316 | NO | ?? | Indonesia |
SALTY_shadow | saltyshadows794 | 303 | ![]() | NO | UK |
Thatfreepig [HOT] | Thatfreepig | 295 | NO | NO | ? |
Professor X [HOT] | ProfessorX1880 | 293 | NO | NO | ? |
IgnBlair | IgnBlair | 292 | NO | YES | UK |
Ender Might | EnderMight6615 | 284 | NO | YES | ? |
Kibro | NightlyOsprey40 | 282 | NO | YES | UK |
KnighterTheAmaz [NEW] | KnighterTheAmaz | 278 | NO | NO | ? |
Brozzki | Brozzzki | 277 | NO | NO | United States |
CubeCraft Academy | goodyannathan | 274 | ![]() | NO | ? |
LuluDad [HOT] | LuluDad19Gaming | 264 | NO | YES | United States |
Fermiin18 | Fermiin18 | 260 | NO | NO | Spain |
GHSpaghetti | BlackieCrew | 256 | NO | NO | ? |
EggNauts | TdashJ | 254 | NO | NO | ? |
formulahoney343 | formulahoney343 | 246 | NO | NO | United States |
Poki Trash | Pineapaplez | 243 | NO | YES | Canada |
AdamTheApple926 [HOT] | adamtheapple | 241 | NO | NO | ? |
lights [NEW] [EXTRA HOT] | lightschips | 230 | NO | YES | United States |
ToastedByTom | ToastedByTom939 | 226 | NO | NO | UK |
bowlrice | bowlrice | 225 | NO | NO | United States |
Allawi 332 | Allawi332 | 223 | NO | YES | ? |
ItzYasaFi | ItzYasaFi | 205 | NO | YES | ? |
Oshayab | Oshayab | 201 | NO | NO | Mexico |
Tabby Cat Gaming | Tabbycat2915 | 197 | NO | YES | ? |
hxejtus | hxejtus | 194 | NO | NO | ? |
Moist1527 | Moist1527 | 192 | NO | NO | UK |
Dexten [NEW] | Dexten XD | 192 | NO | YES | Netherlands |
max | NotCoolMax | 184 | NO | NO | UK |
Kr4ked | Infius King | 174 | NO | ? | UAE |
EasyAZ | xEasyAZx | 172 | NO | NO | United States |
CGR MASTER | CGRMASTER | 171 | NO | NO | United States |
Geolaws [NEW] | geolaws | 170 | NO | YES | United States |
DazzlingBozo | DazzlingBozo | 168 | NO | NO | United States |
Artem Curious | Artem Curious | 152 | NO | NO | Ukraine (Russian language) |
TTC_ MYLLEKE | keanomylleYT490 | 151 | NO | NO | Belgium |
CeleryAskin | CeleryAskin | 151 | NO | NO | United States |
Hax35 | Hax35 | 150 | NO | NO | Australia |
TheEpic Vk | vkonmcpro | 146 | NO | YES | UK |
haloe4ends | BushyLyric6 | 143 | NO | YES | ? |
Aqualic8644 [NEW] | Aqualic8644 | 143 | NO | NO | ? |
Gopnik ! [NEW] | GopnikBndyMC | 141 | NO | YES | USA but Russia |
Nash The Basher [NEW] | Nash The Basher | 140 | ![]() | NO | Djibouti |
SpurrowGaming | Jack Spurrow G | 138 | NO | NO | South Africa |
EvilPraise YT | PraiseMp7 | 133 | NO | NO | ? |
Dark Vealk | Dark Valek | 131 | NO | NO | Mexico |
EvilNexus | Ebraheem YT | 126 | NO | NO | ? |
Spacey playz | SpaceyWand | 119 | NO | NO | ? |
JuliusVdL | juliusvdl | 112 | NO | NO | ? |
Jalababs | Jalababs | 97 | NO | YES | UK |
wxzzrd | wxzzrd | 95 | NO | NO | United States |
JANICORN [NEW] | JANICORN2004 | 84 | NO | NO | Mexico |
CubeCraft Speedrunner [NEW] | Awabbatt47 | 81 | NO | NO | Canada |
EthMC [NEW] | coolface299 | 78 | NO | YES | United States |
OG Sponge | Sponge5831 | 72 | NO | NO | ? |
Conea64 [NEW] | Conea64 | 61 | NO | NO | England |
Unbeatable85 [NEW] | Fununbeatable85 | 59 | NO | NO | ? |
Tek Tubien | Tek Tubien | 58 | NO | NO | United States |
UBRE [NEW] | UBRE | 55 | NO | NO | Mexico |
Matt B. [NEW] | xcanadiaa | 52 | NO | NO | Canadiaa X :P |
Ez Pz [NEW] | EzPz017 | 47 | NO | YES | ? |
Had to add myself on there for no reason xdFor a while there has been a Youtubers list but I've only really seen Java players on it. Bedrock has a flourishing and growing community of content creators that make really great content on YouTube and many that also stream regularly. So.... I decided to make a list similar to the Java one but specifically for Bedrock CubeTubers.
I've just ordered the list by number of subscribers and I've limited it to those with 100 subs (Update: Now 50) or more just to keep it easy to collect the data. Subs numbers are only correct as of the date of posting this and in the last few weeks of updating this list I've seen some YT'ers are growing really fast!!
Creator (Click to view) IGN Subscribers Rank Live Streams? Location VanHouten VanHoutenMC 75600 NO YES United States InsaneOrbitzz InsaneOrbitzz 26100 YES UK Team Termite RelatedNoobs 12800 YES Canada Flapping Hao flappinghao 10200 NO YES American Samoa SL4TES [HOT] SL4TES7032 10100 YES ? AJBK AJBKisHOT 9960 View attachment 197873 NO Spain MeepIzBeast Meepizbeast 8060 NO YES United States GH05TM4R10 GH05TM4R10 7980 YES ? Swiftz [HOTTEST] PhilSwift76 4390 YES United States Wetz WetzkieMC 4100 NO Philippines FractalCake FractalCake 3850 NO NO ? MinecraftPR0 MinecraftPR0 3390 NO NO ? WaspBrain WaspBrain 3040 NO YES UK Flironic [HOT] Flironic3813 2530 NO NO United States Chief Aaron FPSaltyRaccoon 2360 NO YES United States KITTY NATION420 KITTY NATION420 2030 NO NO United States Yelsan1 Yelsan1 1960 NO YES Belgium FXVoidz FXVoidz 1460 NO YES United States? NXRN NxrnYT 1350 NO YES United States NoahS4226 NoahS4226 1240 NO NO ? WolfPlayz WolfPlayz8723 1180 NO YES Belgium Connor Bryan Connorbryan14 1170 NO NO Germany QuietMuerte QuietMuerte 1140 NO YES United States SlinkyGnu05604 SlinkyGnu05604 1060 NO YES United States Qzeex [HOT] Qzeex 1060 NO YES Ireland ElGera16 ElGera16 1010 NO NO Mexico TroppyCut luis gregory 996 NO NO UK H4T MC H4T MC YouTube 880 NO YES New Zealand Transparental Trqnsparent 786 NO YES United States ProfParzival ProfParzival 762 NO YES England STASI minecraft STASI 711 NO YES United States? Thatfreepig [HOT] Thatfreepig 705 NO NO ? DarkStray realjaycg 683 NO YES United States SoundToTheThirdPower GUSDUCK911 678 NO NO United States Click Greatness Click Greatness 645 NO NO Canada Nightmare9945 Nightmare9945 608 NO NO ? LukeOnIsland [HOT] LukeOnIsland 603 NO NO United States FarisQ ArmedSuperBoy 587 NO YES ? That1Turtle2 [HOT] That1Turtle2 552 NO YES ? Professor X [HOT] ProfessorX1880 522 NO NO ? xclutchingg xclutchingg 518 NO NO ? DashingPrune DashingPrune67 482 NO YES ? MELIODAS9463 MELIODAS9463808 451 NO NO ? Behumble56 Behumble56 445 NO YES United States BROSLAIDA BROSLAIDA 413 NO NO Spain cor4l cor9i cor4lcor9i 407 NO NO ? SALTY_shadow saltyshadows794 393 NO UK Opeiko Gamer OpeikoGamer 389 NO NO Norway Biggest Noob 7 BiggestNoob7 383 NO India LuluDad [HOT] LuluDad19Gaming 380 NO YES United States lights [HOT] lightschips 363 NO YES United States deadlay craft deadlaycraft 359 NO YES UK KnighterTheAmaz KnighterTheAmaz 351 NO NO ? AdamTheApple926 adamtheapple 351 NO NO ? ToastedByTom [HOT] ToastedByTom939 350 NO NO UK IgnBlair IgnBlair 334 NO YES UK NotSnowing YT NotSnowingYT 333 NO ?? Indonesia Brozzki Brozzzki 320 NO NO United States GHSpaghetti BlackieCrew 310 NO NO ? formulahoney343 formulahoney343 304 NO NO United States Ender Might EnderMight6615 303 NO YES ? Kibro NightlyOsprey40 297 NO YES UK Tabby Cat Gaming Tabbycat2915 291 NO YES ? CubeCraft Academy goodyannathan 287 NO ? EggNauts TdashJ 285 NO NO ? Poki Trash Pineapaplez 264 NO YES Canada Fermiin18 Fermiin18 259 NO NO Spain Aqualic8644 [HOT] Aqualic8644 253 NO NO ? w7b9 [NEW] w7b99911 241 NO YES United States bowlrice bowlrice 233 NO NO United States Dexten Dexten XD 227 NO YES Netherlands Oshayab Oshayab 224 NO NO Mexico Geolaws geolaws 218 NO YES United States Gopnik ! [HOT] GopnikBndyMC 215 NO YES USA but Russia Allawi 332 Allawi332 212 NO YES ? hxejtus hxejtus 206 NO NO ? ItzYasaFi ItzYasaFi 198 NO YES ? Moist1527 Moist1527 191 NO NO UK Hazard HazardTheAD 188 NO YES UK EasyAZ xEasyAZx 185 NO NO United States max NotCoolMax 183 NO NO UK Kr4ked Infius King 183 NO ? UAE Artem Curious Artem Curious 181 NO NO Ukraine (Russian language) CGR MASTER CGRMASTER 170 NO NO United States Nash The Basher Nash The Basher 170 NO Djibouti JustASteveGut [NEW] JustASteveGut 165 NO NO ? DazzlingBozo DazzlingBozo 164 NO NO United States TheEpic Vk vkonmcpro 161 NO YES UK haloe4ends BushyLyric6 161 NO YES ? Artefact09 [NEW] Artefact09 158 NO YES ? TTC_ MYLLEKE keanomylleYT490 148 NO NO Belgium CeleryAskin CeleryAskin 148 NO NO United States SupDawgItShu [NEW] [HOT] ImNotShu 148 NO NO United States SpurrowGaming Jack Spurrow G 140 NO NO South Africa Hax35 Hax35 138 NO NO Australia Dark Vealk Dark Valek 135 NO NO Mexico EvilPraise YT PraiseMp7 131 NO NO ? JANICORN JANICORN2004 131 NO NO Mexico Spacey playz SpaceyWand 124 NO NO ? Vovkov [NEW] EpicxDlol 124 NO YES United States EvilNexus Ebraheem YT 121 NO NO ? JuliusVdL juliusvdl 113 NO NO ? EthMC coolface299 111 NO YES United States Ez Pz EzPz017 111 NO YES ? ATxM26 [NEW] ATOM26YT 106 NO NO ? CubeCraft Speedrunner Awabbatt47 101 NO NO Canada wxzzrd wxzzrd 95 NO NO United States Jalababs Jalababs 92 NO YES UK sajanator3 [NEW] sajanator 87 NO NO ? Tree 123 [NEW] Tree123456794 86 NO NO United States Tek Tubien Tek Tubien 79 NO NO United States OG Sponge Sponge5831 73 NO NO ? Conea64 Conea64 73 NO NO England Unbeatable85 Fununbeatable85 64 NO NO ? UBRE UBRE 62 NO NO Mexico Westsi [NEW] Jam887493 58 NO NO United Kingdom Matt B. xcanadiaa 53 NO NO Canadiaa X :P Adrielswets [NEW] Adrielswets 44 NO NO ? Cubecraft Controller Gang [NEW] Tree123456794 40 NO NO United States HTMXander [NEW] HTMXander 38 NO NO ?
Last Updated: 2021-08-07 02:33 GMT
[NEW] means recently added to the list.
[HOTTEST] designates the fastest-growing CubeTuber (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. [HOT] designates fast-growing CubeTubers (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. It's when I'm sorting the list I notice people have jumped quite a bit so add this moniker.
If you know of any YouTubers that I've missed please let me know and I'll update the list. Similarly, if you can help fill in the blanks or correct any of the fields, please let me know.
If you want to be added to the list (I can add anyone with 50 subscribers or more) please reply to the thread with your channel URL and your IGN. The list is designed for showcasing YouTubers that mostly create Cubecraft Bedrock related content. I've now automated subscriber numbers with the Youtube API so it's now easier and faster to keep the list up to date :-)
can i be on it :O?For a while there has been a Youtubers list but I've only really seen Java players on it. Bedrock has a flourishing and growing community of content creators that make really great content on YouTube and many that also stream regularly. So.... I decided to make a list similar to the Java one but specifically for Bedrock CubeTubers.
I've just ordered the list by number of subscribers and I've limited it to those with 100 subs (Update: Now 50) or more just to keep it easy to collect the data. Subs numbers are only correct as of the date of posting this and in the last few weeks of updating this list I've seen some YT'ers are growing really fast!!
Creator (Click to view) IGN Subscribers Rank Live Streams? Location VanHouten VanHoutenMC 75600 NO YES United States InsaneOrbitzz InsaneOrbitzz 26100 YES UK Team Termite RelatedNoobs 12800 YES Canada Flapping Hao flappinghao 10200 NO YES American Samoa SL4TES [HOT] SL4TES7032 10100 YES ? AJBK AJBKisHOT 9960 View attachment 197873 NO Spain MeepIzBeast Meepizbeast 8060 NO YES United States GH05TM4R10 GH05TM4R10 7980 YES ? Swiftz [HOTTEST] PhilSwift76 4390 YES United States Wetz WetzkieMC 4100 NO Philippines FractalCake FractalCake 3850 NO NO ? MinecraftPR0 MinecraftPR0 3390 NO NO ? WaspBrain WaspBrain 3040 NO YES UK Flironic [HOT] Flironic3813 2530 NO NO United States Chief Aaron FPSaltyRaccoon 2360 NO YES United States KITTY NATION420 KITTY NATION420 2030 NO NO United States Yelsan1 Yelsan1 1960 NO YES Belgium FXVoidz FXVoidz 1460 NO YES United States? NXRN NxrnYT 1350 NO YES United States NoahS4226 NoahS4226 1240 NO NO ? WolfPlayz WolfPlayz8723 1180 NO YES Belgium Connor Bryan Connorbryan14 1170 NO NO Germany QuietMuerte QuietMuerte 1140 NO YES United States SlinkyGnu05604 SlinkyGnu05604 1060 NO YES United States Qzeex [HOT] Qzeex 1060 NO YES Ireland ElGera16 ElGera16 1010 NO NO Mexico TroppyCut luis gregory 996 NO NO UK H4T MC H4T MC YouTube 880 NO YES New Zealand Transparental Trqnsparent 786 NO YES United States ProfParzival ProfParzival 762 NO YES England STASI minecraft STASI 711 NO YES United States? Thatfreepig [HOT] Thatfreepig 705 NO NO ? DarkStray realjaycg 683 NO YES United States SoundToTheThirdPower GUSDUCK911 678 NO NO United States Click Greatness Click Greatness 645 NO NO Canada Nightmare9945 Nightmare9945 608 NO NO ? LukeOnIsland [HOT] LukeOnIsland 603 NO NO United States FarisQ ArmedSuperBoy 587 NO YES ? That1Turtle2 [HOT] That1Turtle2 552 NO YES ? Professor X [HOT] ProfessorX1880 522 NO NO ? xclutchingg xclutchingg 518 NO NO ? DashingPrune DashingPrune67 482 NO YES ? MELIODAS9463 MELIODAS9463808 451 NO NO ? Behumble56 Behumble56 445 NO YES United States BROSLAIDA BROSLAIDA 413 NO NO Spain cor4l cor9i cor4lcor9i 407 NO NO ? SALTY_shadow saltyshadows794 393 NO UK Opeiko Gamer OpeikoGamer 389 NO NO Norway Biggest Noob 7 BiggestNoob7 383 NO India LuluDad [HOT] LuluDad19Gaming 380 NO YES United States lights [HOT] lightschips 363 NO YES United States deadlay craft deadlaycraft 359 NO YES UK KnighterTheAmaz KnighterTheAmaz 351 NO NO ? AdamTheApple926 adamtheapple 351 NO NO ? ToastedByTom [HOT] ToastedByTom939 350 NO NO UK IgnBlair IgnBlair 334 NO YES UK NotSnowing YT NotSnowingYT 333 NO ?? Indonesia Brozzki Brozzzki 320 NO NO United States GHSpaghetti BlackieCrew 310 NO NO ? formulahoney343 formulahoney343 304 NO NO United States Ender Might EnderMight6615 303 NO YES ? Kibro NightlyOsprey40 297 NO YES UK Tabby Cat Gaming Tabbycat2915 291 NO YES ? CubeCraft Academy goodyannathan 287 NO ? EggNauts TdashJ 285 NO NO ? Poki Trash Pineapaplez 264 NO YES Canada Fermiin18 Fermiin18 259 NO NO Spain Aqualic8644 [HOT] Aqualic8644 253 NO NO ? w7b9 [NEW] w7b99911 241 NO YES United States bowlrice bowlrice 233 NO NO United States Dexten Dexten XD 227 NO YES Netherlands Oshayab Oshayab 224 NO NO Mexico Geolaws geolaws 218 NO YES United States Gopnik ! [HOT] GopnikBndyMC 215 NO YES USA but Russia Allawi 332 Allawi332 212 NO YES ? hxejtus hxejtus 206 NO NO ? ItzYasaFi ItzYasaFi 198 NO YES ? Moist1527 Moist1527 191 NO NO UK Hazard HazardTheAD 188 NO YES UK EasyAZ xEasyAZx 185 NO NO United States max NotCoolMax 183 NO NO UK Kr4ked Infius King 183 NO ? UAE Artem Curious Artem Curious 181 NO NO Ukraine (Russian language) CGR MASTER CGRMASTER 170 NO NO United States Nash The Basher Nash The Basher 170 NO Djibouti JustASteveGut [NEW] JustASteveGut 165 NO NO ? DazzlingBozo DazzlingBozo 164 NO NO United States TheEpic Vk vkonmcpro 161 NO YES UK haloe4ends BushyLyric6 161 NO YES ? Artefact09 [NEW] Artefact09 158 NO YES ? TTC_ MYLLEKE keanomylleYT490 148 NO NO Belgium CeleryAskin CeleryAskin 148 NO NO United States SupDawgItShu [NEW] [HOT] ImNotShu 148 NO NO United States SpurrowGaming Jack Spurrow G 140 NO NO South Africa Hax35 Hax35 138 NO NO Australia Dark Vealk Dark Valek 135 NO NO Mexico EvilPraise YT PraiseMp7 131 NO NO ? JANICORN JANICORN2004 131 NO NO Mexico Spacey playz SpaceyWand 124 NO NO ? Vovkov [NEW] EpicxDlol 124 NO YES United States EvilNexus Ebraheem YT 121 NO NO ? JuliusVdL juliusvdl 113 NO NO ? EthMC coolface299 111 NO YES United States Ez Pz EzPz017 111 NO YES ? ATxM26 [NEW] ATOM26YT 106 NO NO ? CubeCraft Speedrunner Awabbatt47 101 NO NO Canada wxzzrd wxzzrd 95 NO NO United States Jalababs Jalababs 92 NO YES UK sajanator3 [NEW] sajanator 87 NO NO ? Tree 123 [NEW] Tree123456794 86 NO NO United States Tek Tubien Tek Tubien 79 NO NO United States OG Sponge Sponge5831 73 NO NO ? Conea64 Conea64 73 NO NO England Unbeatable85 Fununbeatable85 64 NO NO ? UBRE UBRE 62 NO NO Mexico Westsi [NEW] Jam887493 58 NO NO United Kingdom Matt B. xcanadiaa 53 NO NO Canadiaa X :P Adrielswets [NEW] Adrielswets 44 NO NO ? Cubecraft Controller Gang [NEW] Tree123456794 40 NO NO United States HTMXander [NEW] HTMXander 38 NO NO ?
Last Updated: 2021-08-07 02:33 GMT
[NEW] means recently added to the list.
[HOTTEST] designates the fastest-growing CubeTuber (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. [HOT] designates fast-growing CubeTubers (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. It's when I'm sorting the list I notice people have jumped quite a bit so add this moniker.
If you know of any YouTubers that I've missed please let me know and I'll update the list. Similarly, if you can help fill in the blanks or correct any of the fields, please let me know.
If you want to be added to the list (I can add anyone with 50 subscribers or more) please reply to the thread with your channel URL and your IGN. The list is designed for showcasing YouTubers that mostly create Cubecraft Bedrock related content. I've now automated subscriber numbers with the Youtube API so it's now easier and faster to keep the list up to date :-)
Hi My channel is KonifyFor a while there has been a Youtubers list but I've only really seen Java players on it. Bedrock has a flourishing and growing community of content creators that make really great content on YouTube and many that also stream regularly. So.... I decided to make a list similar to the Java one but specifically for Bedrock CubeTubers.
I've just ordered the list by number of subscribers and I've limited it to those with 100 subs (Update: Now 50) or more just to keep it easy to collect the data. Subs numbers are only correct as of the date of posting this and in the last few weeks of updating this list I've seen some YT'ers are growing really fast!!
Creator (Click to view) IGN Subscribers Rank Live Streams? Location VanHouten VanHoutenMC 75600 NO YES United States InsaneOrbitzz InsaneOrbitzz 26100 YES UK Team Termite RelatedNoobs 12800 YES Canada Flapping Hao flappinghao 10200 NO YES American Samoa SL4TES [HOT] SL4TES7032 10100 YES ? AJBK AJBKisHOT 9960 View attachment 197873 NO Spain MeepIzBeast Meepizbeast 8060 NO YES United States GH05TM4R10 GH05TM4R10 7980 YES ? Swiftz [HOTTEST] PhilSwift76 4390 YES United States Wetz WetzkieMC 4100 NO Philippines FractalCake FractalCake 3850 NO NO ? MinecraftPR0 MinecraftPR0 3390 NO NO ? WaspBrain WaspBrain 3040 NO YES UK Flironic [HOT] Flironic3813 2530 NO NO United States Chief Aaron FPSaltyRaccoon 2360 NO YES United States KITTY NATION420 KITTY NATION420 2030 NO NO United States Yelsan1 Yelsan1 1960 NO YES Belgium FXVoidz FXVoidz 1460 NO YES United States? NXRN NxrnYT 1350 NO YES United States NoahS4226 NoahS4226 1240 NO NO ? WolfPlayz WolfPlayz8723 1180 NO YES Belgium Connor Bryan Connorbryan14 1170 NO NO Germany QuietMuerte QuietMuerte 1140 NO YES United States SlinkyGnu05604 SlinkyGnu05604 1060 NO YES United States Qzeex [HOT] Qzeex 1060 NO YES Ireland ElGera16 ElGera16 1010 NO NO Mexico TroppyCut luis gregory 996 NO NO UK H4T MC H4T MC YouTube 880 NO YES New Zealand Transparental Trqnsparent 786 NO YES United States ProfParzival ProfParzival 762 NO YES England STASI minecraft STASI 711 NO YES United States? Thatfreepig [HOT] Thatfreepig 705 NO NO ? DarkStray realjaycg 683 NO YES United States SoundToTheThirdPower GUSDUCK911 678 NO NO United States Click Greatness Click Greatness 645 NO NO Canada Nightmare9945 Nightmare9945 608 NO NO ? LukeOnIsland [HOT] LukeOnIsland 603 NO NO United States FarisQ ArmedSuperBoy 587 NO YES ? That1Turtle2 [HOT] That1Turtle2 552 NO YES ? Professor X [HOT] ProfessorX1880 522 NO NO ? xclutchingg xclutchingg 518 NO NO ? DashingPrune DashingPrune67 482 NO YES ? MELIODAS9463 MELIODAS9463808 451 NO NO ? Behumble56 Behumble56 445 NO YES United States BROSLAIDA BROSLAIDA 413 NO NO Spain cor4l cor9i cor4lcor9i 407 NO NO ? SALTY_shadow saltyshadows794 393 NO UK Opeiko Gamer OpeikoGamer 389 NO NO Norway Biggest Noob 7 BiggestNoob7 383 NO India LuluDad [HOT] LuluDad19Gaming 380 NO YES United States lights [HOT] lightschips 363 NO YES United States deadlay craft deadlaycraft 359 NO YES UK KnighterTheAmaz KnighterTheAmaz 351 NO NO ? AdamTheApple926 adamtheapple 351 NO NO ? ToastedByTom [HOT] ToastedByTom939 350 NO NO UK IgnBlair IgnBlair 334 NO YES UK NotSnowing YT NotSnowingYT 333 NO ?? Indonesia Brozzki Brozzzki 320 NO NO United States GHSpaghetti BlackieCrew 310 NO NO ? formulahoney343 formulahoney343 304 NO NO United States Ender Might EnderMight6615 303 NO YES ? Kibro NightlyOsprey40 297 NO YES UK Tabby Cat Gaming Tabbycat2915 291 NO YES ? CubeCraft Academy goodyannathan 287 NO ? EggNauts TdashJ 285 NO NO ? Poki Trash Pineapaplez 264 NO YES Canada Fermiin18 Fermiin18 259 NO NO Spain Aqualic8644 [HOT] Aqualic8644 253 NO NO ? w7b9 [NEW] w7b99911 241 NO YES United States bowlrice bowlrice 233 NO NO United States Dexten Dexten XD 227 NO YES Netherlands Oshayab Oshayab 224 NO NO Mexico Geolaws geolaws 218 NO YES United States Gopnik ! [HOT] GopnikBndyMC 215 NO YES USA but Russia Allawi 332 Allawi332 212 NO YES ? hxejtus hxejtus 206 NO NO ? ItzYasaFi ItzYasaFi 198 NO YES ? Moist1527 Moist1527 191 NO NO UK Hazard HazardTheAD 188 NO YES UK EasyAZ xEasyAZx 185 NO NO United States max NotCoolMax 183 NO NO UK Kr4ked Infius King 183 NO ? UAE Artem Curious Artem Curious 181 NO NO Ukraine (Russian language) CGR MASTER CGRMASTER 170 NO NO United States Nash The Basher Nash The Basher 170 NO Djibouti JustASteveGut [NEW] JustASteveGut 165 NO NO ? DazzlingBozo DazzlingBozo 164 NO NO United States TheEpic Vk vkonmcpro 161 NO YES UK haloe4ends BushyLyric6 161 NO YES ? Artefact09 [NEW] Artefact09 158 NO YES ? TTC_ MYLLEKE keanomylleYT490 148 NO NO Belgium CeleryAskin CeleryAskin 148 NO NO United States SupDawgItShu [NEW] [HOT] ImNotShu 148 NO NO United States SpurrowGaming Jack Spurrow G 140 NO NO South Africa Hax35 Hax35 138 NO NO Australia Dark Vealk Dark Valek 135 NO NO Mexico EvilPraise YT PraiseMp7 131 NO NO ? JANICORN JANICORN2004 131 NO NO Mexico Spacey playz SpaceyWand 124 NO NO ? Vovkov [NEW] EpicxDlol 124 NO YES United States EvilNexus Ebraheem YT 121 NO NO ? JuliusVdL juliusvdl 113 NO NO ? EthMC coolface299 111 NO YES United States Ez Pz EzPz017 111 NO YES ? ATxM26 [NEW] ATOM26YT 106 NO NO ? CubeCraft Speedrunner Awabbatt47 101 NO NO Canada wxzzrd wxzzrd 95 NO NO United States Jalababs Jalababs 92 NO YES UK sajanator3 [NEW] sajanator 87 NO NO ? Tree 123 [NEW] Tree123456794 86 NO NO United States Tek Tubien Tek Tubien 79 NO NO United States OG Sponge Sponge5831 73 NO NO ? Conea64 Conea64 73 NO NO England Unbeatable85 Fununbeatable85 64 NO NO ? UBRE UBRE 62 NO NO Mexico Westsi [NEW] Jam887493 58 NO NO United Kingdom Matt B. xcanadiaa 53 NO NO Canadiaa X :P Adrielswets [NEW] Adrielswets 44 NO NO ? Cubecraft Controller Gang [NEW] Tree123456794 40 NO NO United States HTMXander [NEW] HTMXander 38 NO NO ?
Last Updated: 2021-08-07 02:33 GMT
[NEW] means recently added to the list.
[HOTTEST] designates the fastest-growing CubeTuber (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. [HOT] designates fast-growing CubeTubers (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. It's when I'm sorting the list I notice people have jumped quite a bit so add this moniker.
If you know of any YouTubers that I've missed please let me know and I'll update the list. Similarly, if you can help fill in the blanks or correct any of the fields, please let me know.
If you want to be added to the list (I can add anyone with 50 subscribers or more) please reply to the thread with your channel URL and your IGN. The list is designed for showcasing YouTubers that mostly create Cubecraft Bedrock related content. I've now automated subscriber numbers with the Youtube API so it's now easier and faster to keep the list up to date :-)