It has 14 subscribers only. Here's the link. My username is in my signaturre.Lemme know your channel and I'll add it
It has 14 subscribers only. Here's the link. My username is in my signaturre.Lemme know your channel and I'll add it
Lets goo! I love that name so much betterI am no longer Team Termiterip
long live RelatedNoobs >:)
It required a special update just for that tbh - momentous occasion :-)I am no longer Team Termiterip
long live RelatedNoobs >:)
Wow, that's someone I'd not come across before... will add on next update soon- thxNew yt rank ig:
Ign: a F16 a
Not english utuber tho
Same xDWow, that's someone I'd not come across before... will add on next update soon- thx
IDKAN, add me or i will demote hazard on the sl4tes discord serverFor a while there has been a Youtubers list but I've only really seen Java players on it. Bedrock has a flourishing and growing community of content creators that make really great content on YouTube and many that also stream regularly. So.... I decided to make a list similar to the Java one but specifically for Bedrock CubeTubers.
I've just ordered the list by number of subscribers and I've limited it to those with 100 subs (Update: Now 50) or more just to keep it easy to collect the data. Subs numbers are only correct as of the date of posting this and in the last few weeks of updating this list I've seen some YT'ers are growing really fast!!
List gets updated approx once a month!!!
To be added we need the following:
Your Channel Name, Your IGN, Your Country, Do you stream: Yes / No?, Do you have YT Rank or ECO Rank: Yes / No
To be added, Your channel must not fall foul of Cubecraft Rules -
Creator (Click to view) IGN Subscribers Rank Live Streams? Location VanHouten VanHoutenMC 75300 NO YES United States InsaneOrbitzz InsaneOrbitzz 28100 NO YES UK RelatedNoobs [HOT] RelatedNoobs 13800 YES Canada SL4TES [HOT] SL4TES7032 11900 YES ? AJBK AJBKisHOT 10500 View attachment 201216 NO Spain Flapping Hao flappinghao 10100 NO YES American Samoa GH05TM4R10 GH05TM4R10 9310 YES ? MeepIzBeast Meepizbeast 8400 NO YES United States Swiftz [HOT] PhilSwift76 5200 YES United States Cra-ZGuy [NEW] [HOT] CraZGuy7 5050 YES ? Wetz WetzkieMC 4510 NO Philippines FractalCake FractalCake 4030 NO NO ? WaspBrain [HOT] WaspBrain 3360 NO YES UK MinecraftPR0 MinecraftPR0 3350 NO NO ? Flironic [HOT] Flironic3813 2960 NO NO United States Chief Aaron FPSaltyRaccoon 2410 NO YES United States KITTY NATION420 KITTY NATION420 2120 NO NO United States Yelsan1 Yelsan1 2030 NO YES Belgium FXVoidz FXVoidz 1490 NO YES United States? NXRN NxrnYT 1370 NO YES United States NoahS4226 NoahS4226 1250 NO NO ? QuietMuerte QuietMuerte 1190 NO YES United States WolfPlayz WolfPlayz8723 1170 NO YES Belgium Connor Bryan Connorbryan14 1160 NO NO Germany Qzeex Qzeex 1130 NO YES Ireland ElGera16 ElGera16 1100 NO NO Mexico SlinkyGnu05604 SlinkyGnu05604 1080 NO YES United States Thatfreepig [HOTTEST] Thatfreepig 1020 NO NO ? TroppyCut luis gregory 983 NO NO UK H4T MC H4T MC YouTube 876 NO YES New Zealand Transparental Trqnsparent 826 NO YES United States ProfParzival ProfParzival 793 NO YES England STASI minecraft STASI 754 NO YES United States? LukeOnIsland [HOT] LukeOnIsland 741 NO NO United States SoundToTheThirdPower GUSDUCK911 713 NO NO United States DarkStray realjaycg 707 NO YES United States ShowoffGaming [NEW] [HOT] SenorShowoff 654 NO YES United States Click Greatness Click Greatness 652 NO NO Canada That1Turtle2 That1Turtle2 646 NO YES ? Nightmare9945 Nightmare9945 628 NO NO ? FarisQ ArmedSuperBoy 588 NO YES ? xclutchingg xclutchingg 566 NO NO United States Professor X ProfessorX1880 556 NO NO ? Behumble56 Behumble56 513 NO YES United States SALTY_shadow [HOT] saltyshadows794 501 NO UK DashingPrune DashingPrune67 499 NO YES Canada Circuit [NEW] FPSaltyRaccoon 477 NO YES United States Cursedpug89 [NEW] Cursedpug89 457 NO YES ? MELIODAS9463 MELIODAS9463808 454 NO NO ? Konify [NEW] BlankN2445 444 NO NO ? LuluDad LuluDad19Gaming 435 NO YES United States Opeiko Gamer OpeikoGamer 434 NO NO Norway Jaydendog77 [NEW] Jaydendog77 430 NO YES Canada Biggest Noob 7 BiggestNoob7 418 NO NO India cor4l cor9i cor4lcor9i 413 NO NO ? BROSLAIDA BROSLAIDA 410 NO NO Spain lights lightschips 407 NO YES United States deadlay craft deadlaycraft 396 NO YES UK ToastedByTom ToastedByTom939 385 NO NO UK AdamTheApple926 adamtheapple 375 NO NO ? OneShot [NEW] OneShotAtLif 366 NO YES ? IgnBlair IgnBlair 360 NO YES UK KnighterTheAmaz KnighterTheAmaz 357 NO NO ? GHSpaghetti BlackieCrew 344 NO NO ? NotSnowing YT NotSnowingYT 339 NO ?? Indonesia Aqualic8644 [HOT] Aqualic8644 333 NO NO ? EggNauts TdashJ 317 NO NO ? Kibro NightlyOsprey40 315 NO YES UK Ender Might EnderMight6615 314 NO YES ? Brozzki Brozzzki 311 NO NO United States Tabby Cat Gaming Tabbycat2915 304 NO YES ? formulahoney343 formulahoney343 298 NO NO United States CubeCraft Academy goodyannathan 294 NO ? w7b9 [NEW] w7b9 282 NO YES United States Poki Trash Pineapaplez 280 NO YES Canada Fermiin18 Fermiin18 257 NO NO Spain Dexten Dexten XD 251 NO YES Netherlands Geolaws geolaws 248 NO YES United States Artefact09 [NEW] [HOT] Artefact09 247 NO YES ? bowlrice bowlrice 234 NO NO United States Oshayab Oshayab 230 NO NO Mexico Gopnik ! GopnikBndyMC 225 NO YES USA but Russia Artem Curious Artem Curious 225 NO NO Ukraine (Russian language) hxejtus hxejtus 217 NO NO ? EasyAZ xEasyAZx 213 NO NO United States Allawi 332 Allawi332 209 NO YES ? Hazard / YellowDragonPlays [NEW] HazardTheAD 206 NO YES United Kingdom ItzYasaFi ItzYasaFi 197 NO YES ? Moist1527 Moist1527 191 NO NO UK SupDawgItShu [NEW] ImNotShu 191 NO NO United States Vovkov [NEW] EpicxDlol 188 NO YES United States Vovkov [NEW] EpicxDlol 188 NO YES United States Kr4ked Infius King 184 NO ? UAE Nash The Basher Nash The Basher 183 NO NO Djibouti max NotCoolMax 182 NO NO UK JustASteveGut [NEW] JustASteveGut 173 NO NO ? TheEpic Vk vkonmcpro 173 NO YES UK DazzlingBozo DazzlingBozo 167 NO NO United States CGR MASTER CGRMASTER 166 NO NO United States haloe4ends BushyLyric6 162 NO YES ? JANICORN JANICORN2004 160 NO NO Mexico TSOLO88 [NEW] TSOLO88 155 NO NO ? TTC_ MYLLEKE keanomylleYT490 154 NO NO Belgium CeleryAskin CeleryAskin 146 NO NO United States Dark Vealk Dark Valek 143 NO NO Mexico SpurrowGaming Jack Spurrow G 138 NO NO South Africa sajanator3 [NEW] sajanator 136 NO NO ? Hax35 Hax35 134 NO NO Australia Spacey playz SpaceyWand 131 NO NO ? EvilPraise YT PraiseMp7 129 NO NO ? EthMC coolface299 124 NO YES United States EvilNexus Ebraheem YT 120 NO NO ? JuliusVdL juliusvdl 111 NO NO ? Ez Pz EzPz017 111 NO YES ? ATxM26 [NEW] ATOM26YT 105 NO NO ? AdamZombie1437 [NEW] AdamZombie1437 105 NO NO ? CubeCraft Speedrunner Awabbatt47 101 NO NO Canada Tree 123 [NEW] Tree123456794 101 NO NO United States Conea64 Conea64 97 NO NO England wxzzrd wxzzrd 94 NO NO United States ShunnedKnight75 [NEW] ShunnedKnight75 93 NO YES India ImPatsman [NEW] ImPatsman 93 NO NO ? Jalababs Jalababs 91 NO YES UK Cute Russ Gaming [NEW] VPepe08 91 NO YES ? Tek Tubien Tek Tubien 86 NO NO United States HTMXander [NEW] HTMXander 75 NO NO ? OG Sponge Sponge5831 72 NO NO ? Unbeatable85 Fununbeatable85 65 NO NO ? UBRE UBRE 65 NO NO Mexico Westsi [NEW] Jam887493 63 NO NO United Kingdom Matt B. xcanadiaa 57 NO NO Canadiaa X :P Adrielswets [NEW] Adrielswets 56 NO NO ? Chubsy 4T1 [NEW] Chubsy 4T1 54 NO NO ? Cubecraft Controller Gang [NEW] Tree123456794 51 NO NO United States
Last Updated: 2021-09-20 21:19 GMT
[NEW] means recently added to the list.
[HOTTEST] designates the fastest-growing CubeTuber (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. [HOT] designates fast-growing CubeTubers (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. It's when I'm sorting the list I notice people have jumped quite a bit so add this moniker.
If you know of any YouTubers that I've missed please let me know and I'll update the list. Similarly, if you can help fill in the blanks or correct any of the fields, please let me know.
If you want to be added to the list (I can add anyone with 50 subscribers or more) please reply to the thread with your channel URL and your IGN. The list is designed for showcasing YouTubers that mostly create CubeCraft Bedrock related content. I've now automated subscriber numbers with the Youtube API so it's now easier and faster to keep the list up to date :-)
uhhh not sure how to ask to be added but pls add me lol?For a while there has been a Youtubers list but I've only really seen Java players on it. Bedrock has a flourishing and growing community of content creators that make really great content on YouTube and many that also stream regularly. So.... I decided to make a list similar to the Java one but specifically for Bedrock CubeTubers.
I've just ordered the list by number of subscribers and I've limited it to those with 100 subs (Update: Now 50) or more just to keep it easy to collect the data. Subs numbers are only correct as of the date of posting this and in the last few weeks of updating this list I've seen some YT'ers are growing really fast!!
List gets updated approx once a month!!!
To be added we need the following:
Your Channel Name, Your IGN, Your Country, Do you stream: Yes / No?, Do you have YT Rank or ECO Rank: Yes / No
To be added, Your channel must not fall foul of Cubecraft Rules -
Creator (Click to view) IGN Subscribers Rank Live Streams? Location VanHouten VanHoutenMC 75300 NO YES United States InsaneOrbitzz InsaneOrbitzz 28100 NO YES UK RelatedNoobs [HOT] RelatedNoobs 13800 YES Canada SL4TES [HOT] SL4TES7032 11900 YES ? AJBK AJBKisHOT 10500 View attachment 201216 NO Spain Flapping Hao flappinghao 10100 NO YES American Samoa GH05TM4R10 GH05TM4R10 9310 YES ? MeepIzBeast Meepizbeast 8400 NO YES United States Swiftz [HOT] PhilSwift76 5200 YES United States Cra-ZGuy [NEW] [HOT] CraZGuy7 5050 YES ? Wetz WetzkieMC 4510 NO Philippines FractalCake FractalCake 4030 NO NO ? WaspBrain [HOT] WaspBrain 3360 NO YES UK MinecraftPR0 MinecraftPR0 3350 NO NO ? Flironic [HOT] Flironic3813 2960 NO NO United States Chief Aaron FPSaltyRaccoon 2410 NO YES United States KITTY NATION420 KITTY NATION420 2120 NO NO United States Yelsan1 Yelsan1 2030 NO YES Belgium FXVoidz FXVoidz 1490 NO YES United States? NXRN NxrnYT 1370 NO YES United States NoahS4226 NoahS4226 1250 NO NO ? QuietMuerte QuietMuerte 1190 NO YES United States WolfPlayz WolfPlayz8723 1170 NO YES Belgium Connor Bryan Connorbryan14 1160 NO NO Germany Qzeex Qzeex 1130 NO YES Ireland ElGera16 ElGera16 1100 NO NO Mexico SlinkyGnu05604 SlinkyGnu05604 1080 NO YES United States Thatfreepig [HOTTEST] Thatfreepig 1020 NO NO ? TroppyCut luis gregory 983 NO NO UK H4T MC H4T MC YouTube 876 NO YES New Zealand Transparental Trqnsparent 826 NO YES United States ProfParzival ProfParzival 793 NO YES England STASI minecraft STASI 754 NO YES United States? LukeOnIsland [HOT] LukeOnIsland 741 NO NO United States SoundToTheThirdPower GUSDUCK911 713 NO NO United States DarkStray realjaycg 707 NO YES United States ShowoffGaming [NEW] [HOT] SenorShowoff 654 NO YES United States Click Greatness Click Greatness 652 NO NO Canada That1Turtle2 That1Turtle2 646 NO YES ? Nightmare9945 Nightmare9945 628 NO NO ? FarisQ ArmedSuperBoy 588 NO YES ? xclutchingg xclutchingg 566 NO NO United States Professor X ProfessorX1880 556 NO NO ? Behumble56 Behumble56 513 NO YES United States SALTY_shadow [HOT] saltyshadows794 501 NO UK DashingPrune DashingPrune67 499 NO YES Canada Circuit [NEW] FPSaltyRaccoon 477 NO YES United States Cursedpug89 [NEW] Cursedpug89 457 NO YES ? MELIODAS9463 MELIODAS9463808 454 NO NO ? Konify [NEW] BlankN2445 444 NO NO ? LuluDad LuluDad19Gaming 435 NO YES United States Opeiko Gamer OpeikoGamer 434 NO NO Norway Jaydendog77 [NEW] Jaydendog77 430 NO YES Canada Biggest Noob 7 BiggestNoob7 418 NO NO India cor4l cor9i cor4lcor9i 413 NO NO ? BROSLAIDA BROSLAIDA 410 NO NO Spain lights lightschips 407 NO YES United States deadlay craft deadlaycraft 396 NO YES UK ToastedByTom ToastedByTom939 385 NO NO UK AdamTheApple926 adamtheapple 375 NO NO ? OneShot [NEW] OneShotAtLif 366 NO YES ? IgnBlair IgnBlair 360 NO YES UK KnighterTheAmaz KnighterTheAmaz 357 NO NO ? GHSpaghetti BlackieCrew 344 NO NO ? NotSnowing YT NotSnowingYT 339 NO ?? Indonesia Aqualic8644 [HOT] Aqualic8644 333 NO NO ? EggNauts TdashJ 317 NO NO ? Kibro NightlyOsprey40 315 NO YES UK Ender Might EnderMight6615 314 NO YES ? Brozzki Brozzzki 311 NO NO United States Tabby Cat Gaming Tabbycat2915 304 NO YES ? formulahoney343 formulahoney343 298 NO NO United States CubeCraft Academy goodyannathan 294 NO ? w7b9 [NEW] w7b9 282 NO YES United States Poki Trash Pineapaplez 280 NO YES Canada Fermiin18 Fermiin18 257 NO NO Spain Dexten Dexten XD 251 NO YES Netherlands Geolaws geolaws 248 NO YES United States Artefact09 [NEW] [HOT] Artefact09 247 NO YES ? bowlrice bowlrice 234 NO NO United States Oshayab Oshayab 230 NO NO Mexico Gopnik ! GopnikBndyMC 225 NO YES USA but Russia Artem Curious Artem Curious 225 NO NO Ukraine (Russian language) hxejtus hxejtus 217 NO NO ? EasyAZ xEasyAZx 213 NO NO United States Allawi 332 Allawi332 209 NO YES ? Hazard / YellowDragonPlays [NEW] HazardTheAD 206 NO YES United Kingdom ItzYasaFi ItzYasaFi 197 NO YES ? Moist1527 Moist1527 191 NO NO UK SupDawgItShu [NEW] ImNotShu 191 NO NO United States Vovkov [NEW] EpicxDlol 188 NO YES United States Vovkov [NEW] EpicxDlol 188 NO YES United States Kr4ked Infius King 184 NO ? UAE Nash The Basher Nash The Basher 183 NO NO Djibouti max NotCoolMax 182 NO NO UK JustASteveGut [NEW] JustASteveGut 173 NO NO ? TheEpic Vk vkonmcpro 173 NO YES UK DazzlingBozo DazzlingBozo 167 NO NO United States CGR MASTER CGRMASTER 166 NO NO United States haloe4ends BushyLyric6 162 NO YES ? JANICORN JANICORN2004 160 NO NO Mexico TSOLO88 [NEW] TSOLO88 155 NO NO ? TTC_ MYLLEKE keanomylleYT490 154 NO NO Belgium CeleryAskin CeleryAskin 146 NO NO United States Dark Vealk Dark Valek 143 NO NO Mexico SpurrowGaming Jack Spurrow G 138 NO NO South Africa sajanator3 [NEW] sajanator 136 NO NO ? Hax35 Hax35 134 NO NO Australia Spacey playz SpaceyWand 131 NO NO ? EvilPraise YT PraiseMp7 129 NO NO ? EthMC coolface299 124 NO YES United States EvilNexus Ebraheem YT 120 NO NO ? JuliusVdL juliusvdl 111 NO NO ? Ez Pz EzPz017 111 NO YES ? ATxM26 [NEW] ATOM26YT 105 NO NO ? AdamZombie1437 [NEW] AdamZombie1437 105 NO NO ? CubeCraft Speedrunner Awabbatt47 101 NO NO Canada Tree 123 [NEW] Tree123456794 101 NO NO United States Conea64 Conea64 97 NO NO England wxzzrd wxzzrd 94 NO NO United States ShunnedKnight75 [NEW] ShunnedKnight75 93 NO YES India ImPatsman [NEW] ImPatsman 93 NO NO ? Jalababs Jalababs 91 NO YES UK Cute Russ Gaming [NEW] VPepe08 91 NO YES ? Tek Tubien Tek Tubien 86 NO NO United States HTMXander [NEW] HTMXander 75 NO NO ? OG Sponge Sponge5831 72 NO NO ? Unbeatable85 Fununbeatable85 65 NO NO ? UBRE UBRE 65 NO NO Mexico Westsi [NEW] Jam887493 63 NO NO United Kingdom Matt B. xcanadiaa 57 NO NO Canadiaa X :P Adrielswets [NEW] Adrielswets 56 NO NO ? Chubsy 4T1 [NEW] Chubsy 4T1 54 NO NO ? Cubecraft Controller Gang [NEW] Tree123456794 51 NO NO United States
Last Updated: 2021-09-20 21:19 GMT
[NEW] means recently added to the list.
[HOTTEST] designates the fastest-growing CubeTuber (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. [HOT] designates fast-growing CubeTubers (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. It's when I'm sorting the list I notice people have jumped quite a bit so add this moniker.
If you know of any YouTubers that I've missed please let me know and I'll update the list. Similarly, if you can help fill in the blanks or correct any of the fields, please let me know.
If you want to be added to the list (I can add anyone with 50 subscribers or more) please reply to the thread with your channel URL and your IGN. The list is designed for showcasing YouTubers that mostly create CubeCraft Bedrock related content. I've now automated subscriber numbers with the Youtube API so it's now easier and faster to keep the list up to date :-)
Hey its not updatedFor a while there has been a Youtubers list but I've only really seen Java players on it. Bedrock has a flourishing and growing community of content creators that make really great content on YouTube and many that also stream regularly. So.... I decided to make a list similar to the Java one but specifically for Bedrock CubeTubers.
I've just ordered the list by number of subscribers and I've limited it to those with 100 subs (Update: Now 50) or more just to keep it easy to collect the data. Subs numbers are only correct as of the date of posting this and in the last few weeks of updating this list I've seen some YT'ers are growing really fast!!
List gets updated approx once a month!!!
To be added we need the following:
Your Channel Name, Your IGN, Your Country, Do you stream: Yes / No?, Do you have YT Rank or ECO Rank: Yes / No
To be added, Your channel must not fall foul of Cubecraft Rules -
Creator (Click to view) IGN Subscribers Rank Live Streams? Location VanHouten VanHoutenMC 75300 NO YES United States InsaneOrbitzz InsaneOrbitzz 28100 NO YES UK RelatedNoobs [HOT] RelatedNoobs 13800 YES Canada SL4TES [HOT] SL4TES7032 11900 YES ? AJBK AJBKisHOT 10500 View attachment 201216 NO Spain Flapping Hao flappinghao 10100 NO YES American Samoa GH05TM4R10 GH05TM4R10 9310 YES ? MeepIzBeast Meepizbeast 8400 NO YES United States Swiftz [HOT] PhilSwift76 5200 YES United States Cra-ZGuy [NEW] [HOT] CraZGuy7 5050 YES ? Wetz WetzkieMC 4510 NO Philippines FractalCake FractalCake 4030 NO NO ? WaspBrain [HOT] WaspBrain 3360 NO YES UK MinecraftPR0 MinecraftPR0 3350 NO NO ? Flironic [HOT] Flironic3813 2960 NO NO United States Chief Aaron FPSaltyRaccoon 2410 NO YES United States KITTY NATION420 KITTY NATION420 2120 NO NO United States Yelsan1 Yelsan1 2030 NO YES Belgium FXVoidz FXVoidz 1490 NO YES United States? NXRN NxrnYT 1370 NO YES United States NoahS4226 NoahS4226 1250 NO NO ? QuietMuerte QuietMuerte 1190 NO YES United States WolfPlayz WolfPlayz8723 1170 NO YES Belgium Connor Bryan Connorbryan14 1160 NO NO Germany Qzeex Qzeex 1130 NO YES Ireland ElGera16 ElGera16 1100 NO NO Mexico SlinkyGnu05604 SlinkyGnu05604 1080 NO YES United States Thatfreepig [HOTTEST] Thatfreepig 1020 NO NO ? TroppyCut luis gregory 983 NO NO UK H4T MC H4T MC YouTube 876 NO YES New Zealand Transparental Trqnsparent 826 NO YES United States ProfParzival ProfParzival 793 NO YES England STASI minecraft STASI 754 NO YES United States? LukeOnIsland [HOT] LukeOnIsland 741 NO NO United States SoundToTheThirdPower GUSDUCK911 713 NO NO United States DarkStray realjaycg 707 NO YES United States ShowoffGaming [NEW] [HOT] SenorShowoff 654 NO YES United States Click Greatness Click Greatness 652 NO NO Canada That1Turtle2 That1Turtle2 646 NO YES ? Nightmare9945 Nightmare9945 628 NO NO ? FarisQ ArmedSuperBoy 588 NO YES ? xclutchingg xclutchingg 566 NO NO United States Professor X ProfessorX1880 556 NO NO ? Behumble56 Behumble56 513 NO YES United States SALTY_shadow [HOT] saltyshadows794 501 NO UK DashingPrune DashingPrune67 499 NO YES Canada Circuit [NEW] FPSaltyRaccoon 477 NO YES United States Cursedpug89 [NEW] Cursedpug89 457 NO YES ? MELIODAS9463 MELIODAS9463808 454 NO NO ? Konify [NEW] BlankN2445 444 NO NO ? LuluDad LuluDad19Gaming 435 NO YES United States Opeiko Gamer OpeikoGamer 434 NO NO Norway Jaydendog77 [NEW] Jaydendog77 430 NO YES Canada Biggest Noob 7 BiggestNoob7 418 NO NO India cor4l cor9i cor4lcor9i 413 NO NO ? BROSLAIDA BROSLAIDA 410 NO NO Spain lights lightschips 407 NO YES United States deadlay craft deadlaycraft 396 NO YES UK ToastedByTom ToastedByTom939 385 NO NO UK AdamTheApple926 adamtheapple 375 NO NO ? OneShot [NEW] OneShotAtLif 366 NO YES ? IgnBlair IgnBlair 360 NO YES UK KnighterTheAmaz KnighterTheAmaz 357 NO NO ? GHSpaghetti BlackieCrew 344 NO NO ? NotSnowing YT NotSnowingYT 339 NO ?? Indonesia Aqualic8644 [HOT] Aqualic8644 333 NO NO ? EggNauts TdashJ 317 NO NO ? Kibro NightlyOsprey40 315 NO YES UK Ender Might EnderMight6615 314 NO YES ? Brozzki Brozzzki 311 NO NO United States Tabby Cat Gaming Tabbycat2915 304 NO YES ? formulahoney343 formulahoney343 298 NO NO United States CubeCraft Academy goodyannathan 294 NO ? w7b9 [NEW] w7b9 282 NO YES United States Poki Trash Pineapaplez 280 NO YES Canada Fermiin18 Fermiin18 257 NO NO Spain Dexten Dexten XD 251 NO YES Netherlands Geolaws geolaws 248 NO YES United States Artefact09 [NEW] [HOT] Artefact09 247 NO YES ? bowlrice bowlrice 234 NO NO United States Oshayab Oshayab 230 NO NO Mexico Gopnik ! GopnikBndyMC 225 NO YES USA but Russia Artem Curious Artem Curious 225 NO NO Ukraine (Russian language) hxejtus hxejtus 217 NO NO ? EasyAZ xEasyAZx 213 NO NO United States Allawi 332 Allawi332 209 NO YES ? Hazard / YellowDragonPlays [NEW] HazardTheAD 206 NO YES United Kingdom ItzYasaFi ItzYasaFi 197 NO YES ? Moist1527 Moist1527 191 NO NO UK SupDawgItShu [NEW] ImNotShu 191 NO NO United States Vovkov [NEW] EpicxDlol 188 NO YES United States Vovkov [NEW] EpicxDlol 188 NO YES United States Kr4ked Infius King 184 NO ? UAE Nash The Basher Nash The Basher 183 NO NO Djibouti max NotCoolMax 182 NO NO UK JustASteveGut [NEW] JustASteveGut 173 NO NO ? TheEpic Vk vkonmcpro 173 NO YES UK DazzlingBozo DazzlingBozo 167 NO NO United States CGR MASTER CGRMASTER 166 NO NO United States haloe4ends BushyLyric6 162 NO YES ? JANICORN JANICORN2004 160 NO NO Mexico TSOLO88 [NEW] TSOLO88 155 NO NO ? TTC_ MYLLEKE keanomylleYT490 154 NO NO Belgium CeleryAskin CeleryAskin 146 NO NO United States Dark Vealk Dark Valek 143 NO NO Mexico SpurrowGaming Jack Spurrow G 138 NO NO South Africa sajanator3 [NEW] sajanator 136 NO NO ? Hax35 Hax35 134 NO NO Australia Spacey playz SpaceyWand 131 NO NO ? EvilPraise YT PraiseMp7 129 NO NO ? EthMC coolface299 124 NO YES United States EvilNexus Ebraheem YT 120 NO NO ? JuliusVdL juliusvdl 111 NO NO ? Ez Pz EzPz017 111 NO YES ? ATxM26 [NEW] ATOM26YT 105 NO NO ? AdamZombie1437 [NEW] AdamZombie1437 105 NO NO ? CubeCraft Speedrunner Awabbatt47 101 NO NO Canada Tree 123 [NEW] Tree123456794 101 NO NO United States Conea64 Conea64 97 NO NO England wxzzrd wxzzrd 94 NO NO United States ShunnedKnight75 [NEW] ShunnedKnight75 93 NO YES India ImPatsman [NEW] ImPatsman 93 NO NO ? Jalababs Jalababs 91 NO YES UK Cute Russ Gaming [NEW] VPepe08 91 NO YES ? Tek Tubien Tek Tubien 86 NO NO United States HTMXander [NEW] HTMXander 75 NO NO ? OG Sponge Sponge5831 72 NO NO ? Unbeatable85 Fununbeatable85 65 NO NO ? UBRE UBRE 65 NO NO Mexico Westsi [NEW] Jam887493 63 NO NO United Kingdom Matt B. xcanadiaa 57 NO NO Canadiaa X :P Adrielswets [NEW] Adrielswets 56 NO NO ? Chubsy 4T1 [NEW] Chubsy 4T1 54 NO NO ? Cubecraft Controller Gang [NEW] Tree123456794 51 NO NO United States
Last Updated: 2021-09-20 21:19 GMT
[NEW] means recently added to the list.
[HOTTEST] designates the fastest-growing CubeTuber (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. [HOT] designates fast-growing CubeTubers (excluding just #shorts growth). It's kinda just selected by hand right now.. maybe we could work it out automatically at some point. It's when I'm sorting the list I notice people have jumped quite a bit so add this moniker.
If you know of any YouTubers that I've missed please let me know and I'll update the list. Similarly, if you can help fill in the blanks or correct any of the fields, please let me know.
If you want to be added to the list (I can add anyone with 50 subscribers or more) please reply to the thread with your channel URL and your IGN. The list is designed for showcasing YouTubers that mostly create CubeCraft Bedrock related content. I've now automated subscriber numbers with the Youtube API so it's now easier and faster to keep the list up to date :-;
um, hi, I’m YoHo888. I just submitted the form, but I accidentally picked the wrong country (I picked Afghanistan). Can u change that for me before u update the list? Change it to unknown, thank you.It required a special update just for that tbh - momentous occasion :-)