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This discussion focuses on SkyWars, try to stay on topic!


Release Manager/Team Ops 🏳️‍🌈
Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
Jul 23, 2015
me not 12 years old and i want to bully all those tryhards at forums because i cant handle them in game
This thread is to kindly understand and listen to peoples opinions. If you're not going to be nice about it, don't say anything at all. And if you're here to bully people, I will simply remove you from our forums.

@Siza Thanks for your suggestions :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2015
This thread is to kindly understand and listen to peoples opinions. If you're not going to be nice about it, don't say anything at all. And if you're here to bully people, I will simply remove you from our forums.

@Siza Thanks for your suggestions :D
i was being sarcastic

please rate my suggestion of the best skywars mode where everything is allowed 1-10 only 10 allowed


Honor and Glory!
Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
May 6, 2018
España, Andalucia


Modify starter islands chests loot a little.

Right now, you can get:

A) Balanced armor/sword. Full armor, with a sharp 2 iron sword or diamond sword without enchant/low level enchant
B) OP armor/Bad sword. Diamond armor with enchants and sharpness 2 iron sword/diamond sword without enchant
C) OP sword/Bad armor. Sharpness 4 diamond sword without full armor: helmet+chestplate or helmet+leggings+boots.
My suggestion here: add a chestplate (iron at least) to the OP sword/bad armor combo, or remove this combination and allow players to get sharp 4 sword only at pre-mid chests.
Why? Without chestplate or with only 2 pieces of armor you can get killed instantly.

Gold swords (5.25 damage points) should be removed. Completely underpowered for this game selection. Even with knockback 1

-Keep golden apples rate. This is how it should be.

4. [1.8/OP/SOLO] BOWS
Remove power 1 bows and bows without enchant. Keep power 2 and punch 1 with a few uses. Add power 3?

-Modify TNT map -OP chests- to allow players to build a tnt cannon with starter chests.
Right now, you have to be very lucky to get everything for that.


A) No chestplate combination (check 1.C in this post) -> you can't survive a tnt cannon
B) No bucket and no pickaxe (Yes, this combination is pretty common -tested in op 1.8 solo-), you need to craft a wooden pickaxe, after that, a stone pickaxe, get the iron block and craft a bucket. And surprise, when you finish doing this, at least 1 player is in your island, and/or the main island was already looted.

Add some TNT to mid island chests?. Op and... normal maybe?



-Add an anvil to the Pokemon map.
-Add anvil and enchanting table to Drought.

-Modify tnt paths in Beach map. A lot of players get lagbacks/"mini" lagbacks in the pressure plates. Pvp in the main island is extremely difficult too with that structure.

Modify castle map a little. PVP is extremely difficult here. Only a 2x3 zone in the starter islands and that's all. Starter islands castles were built with wood, stone, slabs, fences, etc, so players can get glitched here too after building a bridge (stairs type), and you need pickaxe and axe to scape.



4. [1.8/SOLO&TEAM]
Canyon map doesn't have any potion in the brewing stand. Alien map (team), neither.

Modify Sundae map? Running in that big circle for minutes is horrible


Remove or modify the autobalance. If someone is trolling or is afk and that player choose a team but nobody joins him, the game is not going to start. Never.
Current result: players leave. I saw this innumerable times


I don't know if this is possible, but don't send non-ranked players to 40 players map at night time (<700 players in the network for example).
Impossible to fill, and since stone players can't choose maps, sometimes the automatic selection send them to maps like Candy or Trees.
Example: at night time you can see 10 players trying to play team skywars, but all of them are stone rank and were sent to "Candy". The game never starts. Ranked players can't play a 16 players map neither, because stone players are being sent to a bigger map and not a 16 players map like "Fruit or Toxic"


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2013
Rice University
As a few people have mentioned, it would be fun if OP was more OP again. I like getting to play with a little bit of diversity, so its fun doing some games that are largely pvp related (normal or basic), but its also fun when the strategy is largely to use strategy itself. I can respect people that are crazy good fighters, but equally people that just really understand how to play the game. When it was really OP, you had to know how to safe bridge, how to epearl, how to shoot, how to hit, when to hit as opposed to shooting, when to shoot as opposed to hitting, how to sneak up on people, how to use anvils well, etc., not just how to fight with a sword. After all, a skywars game that solely comes to pvp is not Skyways, that is just survival games with chests. One of the aspects of skywars that has kept me playing for almost six years is the fact that you have to consider how to knock off other players, or conversely, not be knocked off, in order to truly be a good player. I am not claiming that it takes crazy skill to sit in a hut and shoot a punch 3 bow, but that it takes more strategy and skill when there are the items they had after the first big OP nerf (when the kb4 wood swords were taken out and replaced with, I think, kb 1 d sword, and punch 3 was made punch 2). I can understand not going back to the original op skywars, but it would be awesome if a bows and kb were a counter to people that can just fight but don't have a sense of strategy again. That is really what I'm asking, to make OP skywars the strategic game it used to be. I believe this can be accomplished by at least making punch 1 bows available that have more than 3 shots remaining. I recognize that some people will be against this as they don't like being shot off, but the name skywars inherently suggests that failing into the void is a central aspect of it; however, to try and make it where it is not solely camping and shooting, I think regular punch one bows and a slightly higher spawn rate of epearls would be satisfactory. This way, you can still be the pvp rush guy, you just have to learn how to epearl mid air after being hit (that's how we all used to do it, people can relearn), or you can be the guy that learns to utilize a bow in a sword fight to push people away and lure them towards the edge. Neither of these strategies would be unfair, but allowing one to become a real strategy again would be a fun change.

On a side note, it was also fun when they had kb in the regular enchanting table. It was never a given to get a sword with this enchant, but if you were able to collect supplies or kill enough people, it was a fair reward for your efforts. It prevented rushing from being the one superior strategy as there were two real courses of action, rushing mid/bases and working towards better gear. Both of these were fair and effective strategies that can not be said to be the superior to the other, it just depended on how people played them and how smart they were.

Ultimately, my request is simple. Whether it be one difficulty or overall, make the fact that we are fighting in the sky in skywars a larger consideration in people's tactics than it has currently regressed to.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2018
Extensive suggestion: What I like the most is that all players have different stuff. So you have to be lucky or have better things than your enemies. with the basic, normal and overpowered crate vote system, if you know what I mean. And what I might also like is that the kits are getting better again. For example, the good swordsman kit and that also applies to the iron golem kit. I hope you will benefit from this. : D
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Honor and Glory!
Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
May 6, 2018
España, Andalucia
quality of life features: more % of chestplate in chest

new kit: UHC kit ---> Nether wart, glass, blaze rod, potions support

kit rework: Spiderman: potion of jump I to II, Chicken: of 32 current eggs to 48, Archer: bow power 1, Enderman:less time to have ender pearl, Iron Golem: full iron!
Swordsman: iron sword, sharpness 2 (8,5)

additional chest loot: add again string in the chest to craft rods and bows, and add again mushroom soup

changes chest loot: returns to chest loot in 2016/2017, the actual chest loot are bad, the ideal would be to return to the ancient loot, where he played a lot of diamond armor, and return the use of the iron golem and swordsman kit!

map changes:

* TNT *: A map that was added in the last fill of maps and that the truth is not a big map, something is missing and has little work, it can improve
* Flowers *: a map that takes many years and has never received any change, is currently the least loved by the community because it is not a map that is currently well, change the islands (smaller) and make another medium
* Castle *: A map like flowers, no modification in many years and should put a semicenter with sport or even pokemon
*Nether* change the mechanics down to the middle, many people die trying to go to the middle
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