Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Forum Expert
Nov 17, 2019
*Please read the entire post before voting, as I will be going over supporting arguments*

We will be talking about the rule:

The use of autoclickers, macros, mapping your click button to your mouse wheel, dragclicking, using multiple mice, or using a mouse that registers double clicks is not allowed. Also modifying your mouse's click function in any way via software or hardware is considered cheating and will result in a cheating ban.
1.3 - Clicking Methods​

What is debounce / double-clicking?

Double-clicking is a method of clicking a mouse that registers multiple inputs per one physical input on a mouse. For example, when you click once, two clicks register in-game rather than one. This is WITHOUT the use of ANY software or macros. How exactly does a double click work? A computer mouse registers a click usually by physical contact. It sends an electrical signal to your computer to register the click. When you click your mouse a certain way though, you can cause a "bouncing effect" where the mouse switches will register more than one electrical signal for a split second after you click your mouse. Some companies have gotten around this phenomenon by implementing a system called the "debounce delay" which will filter out the extra electrical signals. You can change how strict the filter is by modifying the debounce time. The higher it is set to, the more strict the filter.

Players are able to achieve higher CPS through double clicks when they lower the debounce time - reducing the filter's strictness.

The issue

Cubecraft has banned both double-clicking, and debounce modifying. This rule wasn't always around, until ~2 years ago when a player who goes by the name of STASI was suddenly banned for a month because they used "illegal modifications" by changing their debounce time.

Originally, this rule made sense, as Cubecraft had to consider other devices playing on the network (this was before input-based matchmaking), and they didn't want to allow PC players the advantage of using a special mouse feature - which mobile and console players cannot use. Now though, Cubecraft has input-based matchmaking. Players with a computer mouse go against other players with computer mice.

Most argue that "Changing your debounce is essentially using software to achieve higher CPS". This is true that you must use software to change debounce time, but you aren't using "cheating software" that is deliberately designed to exploit. The debounce slider is a feature in ALL SOFTWARE for gaming mice, made BY the company of the gaming mouse - not some third-party hacking client.

I would also like to take a moment to stop and really think about what debounce modifying really is. It is a FILTER to PREVENT clicks from occurring - not a slider to give you MORE clicks. Having your debounce slider at a high-strict setting is more of a handicap rather than a "normal occurrence". The filter itself is stopping legitimate electrical signals from being processed. It is NOT giving you MORE or LESS clicks. (This is not to be confused with a macro, which is software that multiplies a click after the signal is sent).

This argument is slightly weaker than the others, but I would still like to mention it. Nobody in the PvP/scrim community follows the debounce rule. Even new players that join Cubecraft for the first time will most likely have their debounce filter on a low setting. This happened recently with a YouTuber by the name of MontclairBear (147k subs) who uploaded a Cubecraft video for the first time a few days ago. The entire video is about him tellybridging/godbridging on Java 1.18 (godbridging requires a clicking method called dragclicking, which is only possible via a low-passive debounce filter). Unfortunately, I heard he is now banned from Java Cubecraft. Why did he use a low-passive debounce filter in his video in the first place? Because apart from Cubecraft, almost no other big PvP server restricts you from lowering your debounce. Hypixel for example allows debounce modification. Cubecraft is one of the only big PvP servers that prohibit low/passive debounce filtering.

Along with the last paragraph, reporting for double-clicking is practically impossible. Unless you have video evidence of the player's debounce slider at a low setting, there is not going to be enough proof to get someone punished. Players can simply argue that they were jitterclicking, or using another clicking method to achieve their CPS. For this reason too, almost everyone in the PvP community doubles.

Another argument I want to bring is that of "using hardware to give yourself an unfair advantage". If this really means what I think, then this can be generalized to "players are not allowed to use gaming mice on Cubecraft". The double-click phenomenon happens with every gaming mouse switch, this is not something that is only built into highly rare and expensive mice.

For my final argument, I want to go over "double-clicking is abusing your mouse's hardware to give yourself an advantage". Ok. So how is this any different from jitterclicking? If we are talking about a normal computer mouse, anything but normal clicking is technically abusing a mouse. There really is no difference whether you are jittering 18 cps or double-clicking 20 cps. It is all abusing your mouse to achieve more clicks per second in a block video game.

The solution

If Cubecraft is really concerned about high CPS, they should take the initiative themselves to add a CPS cap, not force each player to change a setting on their mouse's official software to filter out more CPS just to play on one server.

Thank you for reading if you've made it this far. Please try to keep an open mind about what I've said, and react to this post. This is also a slightly-heated topic, so, please do not start anything unnecessary.



May 1, 2021
You have good points but I feel like making pc players even more op is kinda bad for Cubecraft as a whole

Edit: YES I know there is a queue system but still when has that really stopped you from getting a mobile player in your games
Last edited:


Novice Member
Jun 5, 2020
*Please read the entire post before voting, as I will be going over supporting arguments*

We will be talking about the rule:

The use of autoclickers, macros, mapping your click button to your mouse wheel, dragclicking, using multiple mice, or using a mouse that registers double clicks is not allowed. Also modifying your mouse's click function in any way via software or hardware is considered cheating and will result in a cheating ban.
1.3 - Clicking Methods​

What is debounce / double-clicking?

Double-clicking is a method of clicking a mouse that registers multiple inputs per one physical input on a mouse. For example, when you click once, two clicks register in-game rather than one. This is WITHOUT the use of ANY software or macros. How exactly does a double click work? A computer mouse registers a click usually by physical contact. It sends an electrical signal to your computer to register the click. When you click your mouse a certain way though, you can cause a "bouncing effect" where the mouse switches will register more than one electrical signal for a split second after you click your mouse. Some companies have gotten around this phenomenon by implementing a system called the "debounce delay" which will filter out the extra electrical signals. You can change how strict the filter is by modifying the debounce time. The higher it is set to, the more strict the filter.

Players are able to achieve higher CPS through double clicks when they lower the debounce time - reducing the filter's strictness.

The issue

Cubecraft has banned both double-clicking, and debounce modifying. This rule wasn't always around, until ~2 years ago when a player who goes by the name of STASI was suddenly banned for a month because they used "illegal modifications" by changing their debounce time.

Originally, this rule made sense, as Cubecraft had to consider other devices playing on the network (this was before input-based matchmaking), and they didn't want to allow PC players the advantage of using a special mouse feature - which mobile and console players cannot use. Now though, Cubecraft has input-based matchmaking. Players with a computer mouse go against other players with computer mice.

Most argue that "Changing your debounce is essentially using software to achieve higher CPS". This is true that you must use software to change debounce time, but you aren't using "cheating software" that is deliberately designed to exploit. The debounce slider is a feature in ALL SOFTWARE for gaming mice, made BY the company of the gaming mouse - not some third-party hacking client.

I would also like to take a moment to stop and really think about what debounce modifying really is. It is a FILTER to PREVENT clicks from occurring - not a slider to give you MORE clicks. Having your debounce slider at a high-strict setting is more of a handicap rather than a "normal occurrence". The filter itself is stopping legitimate electrical signals from being processed. It is NOT giving you MORE or LESS clicks. (This is not to be confused with a macro, which is software that multiplies a click after the signal is sent).

This argument is slightly weaker than the others, but I would still like to mention it. Nobody in the PvP/scrim community follows the debounce rule. Even new players that join Cubecraft for the first time will most likely have their debounce filter on a low setting. This happened recently with a YouTuber by the name of MontclairBear (147k subs) who uploaded a Cubecraft video for the first time a few days ago. The entire video is about him tellybridging/godbridging on Java 1.18 (godbridging requires a clicking method called dragclicking, which is only possible via a low-passive debounce filter). Unfortunately, I heard he is now banned from Java Cubecraft. Why did he use a low-passive debounce filter in his video in the first place? Because apart from Cubecraft, almost no other big PvP server restricts you from lowering your debounce. Hypixel for example allows debounce modification. Cubecraft is one of the only big PvP servers that prohibit low/passive debounce filtering.

Along with the last paragraph, reporting for double-clicking is practically impossible. Unless you have video evidence of the player's debounce slider at a low setting, there is not going to be enough proof to get someone punished. Players can simply argue that they were jitterclicking, or using another clicking method to achieve their CPS. For this reason too, almost everyone in the PvP community doubles.

Another argument I want to bring is that of "using hardware to give yourself an unfair advantage". If this really means what I think, then this can be generalized to "players are not allowed to use gaming mice on Cubecraft". The double-click phenomenon happens with every gaming mouse switch, this is not something that is only built into highly rare and expensive mice.

For my final argument, I want to go over "double-clicking is abusing your mouse's hardware to give yourself an advantage". Ok. So how is this any different from jitterclicking? If we are talking about a normal computer mouse, anything but normal clicking is technically abusing a mouse. There really is no difference whether you are jittering 18 cps or double-clicking 20 cps. It is all abusing your mouse to achieve more clicks per second in a block video game.

The solution

If Cubecraft is really concerned about high CPS, they should take the initiative themselves to add a CPS cap, not force each player to change a setting on their mouse's official software to filter out more CPS just to play on one server.

Thank you for reading if you've made it this far. Please try to keep an open mind about what I've said, and react to this post. This is also a slightly-heated topic, so, please do not start anything unnecessary.



Mar 21, 2022
very good statment i agree double clicking should not be banned but i know were cc is coming from because i get 20-25 cps double clicking and 15-18 not double clicking so it might be that cc sees it as an auto clicker. (sry for my spelling)
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May 24, 2021
*Please read the entire post before voting, as I will be going over supporting arguments*

We will be talking about the rule:

The use of autoclickers, macros, mapping your click button to your mouse wheel, dragclicking, using multiple mice, or using a mouse that registers double clicks is not allowed. Also modifying your mouse's click function in any way via software or hardware is considered cheating and will result in a cheating ban.
1.3 - Clicking Methods​

What is debounce / double-clicking?

Double-clicking is a method of clicking a mouse that registers multiple inputs per one physical input on a mouse. For example, when you click once, two clicks register in-game rather than one. This is WITHOUT the use of ANY software or macros. How exactly does a double click work? A computer mouse registers a click usually by physical contact. It sends an electrical signal to your computer to register the click. When you click your mouse a certain way though, you can cause a "bouncing effect" where the mouse switches will register more than one electrical signal for a split second after you click your mouse. Some companies have gotten around this phenomenon by implementing a system called the "debounce delay" which will filter out the extra electrical signals. You can change how strict the filter is by modifying the debounce time. The higher it is set to, the more strict the filter.

Players are able to achieve higher CPS through double clicks when they lower the debounce time - reducing the filter's strictness.

The issue

Cubecraft has banned both double-clicking, and debounce modifying. This rule wasn't always around, until ~2 years ago when a player who goes by the name of STASI was suddenly banned for a month because they used "illegal modifications" by changing their debounce time.

Originally, this rule made sense, as Cubecraft had to consider other devices playing on the network (this was before input-based matchmaking), and they didn't want to allow PC players the advantage of using a special mouse feature - which mobile and console players cannot use. Now though, Cubecraft has input-based matchmaking. Players with a computer mouse go against other players with computer mice.

Most argue that "Changing your debounce is essentially using software to achieve higher CPS". This is true that you must use software to change debounce time, but you aren't using "cheating software" that is deliberately designed to exploit. The debounce slider is a feature in ALL SOFTWARE for gaming mice, made BY the company of the gaming mouse - not some third-party hacking client.

I would also like to take a moment to stop and really think about what debounce modifying really is. It is a FILTER to PREVENT clicks from occurring - not a slider to give you MORE clicks. Having your debounce slider at a high-strict setting is more of a handicap rather than a "normal occurrence". The filter itself is stopping legitimate electrical signals from being processed. It is NOT giving you MORE or LESS clicks. (This is not to be confused with a macro, which is software that multiplies a click after the signal is sent).

This argument is slightly weaker than the others, but I would still like to mention it. Nobody in the PvP/scrim community follows the debounce rule. Even new players that join Cubecraft for the first time will most likely have their debounce filter on a low setting. This happened recently with a YouTuber by the name of MontclairBear (147k subs) who uploaded a Cubecraft video for the first time a few days ago. The entire video is about him tellybridging/godbridging on Java 1.18 (godbridging requires a clicking method called dragclicking, which is only possible via a low-passive debounce filter). Unfortunately, I heard he is now banned from Java Cubecraft. Why did he use a low-passive debounce filter in his video in the first place? Because apart from Cubecraft, almost no other big PvP server restricts you from lowering your debounce. Hypixel for example allows debounce modification. Cubecraft is one of the only big PvP servers that prohibit low/passive debounce filtering.

Along with the last paragraph, reporting for double-clicking is practically impossible. Unless you have video evidence of the player's debounce slider at a low setting, there is not going to be enough proof to get someone punished. Players can simply argue that they were jitterclicking, or using another clicking method to achieve their CPS. For this reason too, almost everyone in the PvP community doubles.

Another argument I want to bring is that of "using hardware to give yourself an unfair advantage". If this really means what I think, then this can be generalized to "players are not allowed to use gaming mice on Cubecraft". The double-click phenomenon happens with every gaming mouse switch, this is not something that is only built into highly rare and expensive mice.

For my final argument, I want to go over "double-clicking is abusing your mouse's hardware to give yourself an advantage". Ok. So how is this any different from jitterclicking? If we are talking about a normal computer mouse, anything but normal clicking is technically abusing a mouse. There really is no difference whether you are jittering 18 cps or double-clicking 20 cps. It is all abusing your mouse to achieve more clicks per second in a block video game.

The solution

If Cubecraft is really concerned about high CPS, they should take the initiative themselves to add a CPS cap, not force each player to change a setting on their mouse's official software to filter out more CPS just to play on one server.

Thank you for reading if you've made it this far. Please try to keep an open mind about what I've said, and react to this post. This is also a slightly-heated topic, so, please do not start anything unnecessary.

Ok so alot of the comp / scrim community doesn't double in fact it is banned in both circut and ccscrims the biggest scrim discords


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
Cubecraft has banned both double-clicking, and debounce modifying. This rule wasn't always around, until ~2 years ago when a player who goes by the name of STASI was suddenly banned for a month because they used "illegal modifications" by changing their debounce time.
The rule was in place WAY before Stasi was ever banned, and the rules even said back then, before any rule change, “or using software to gain an advantage” was banable
This does not specifically state Double Clicking, but to change your Debounce(software) to gain an advantage(higher cps) would be banable.
In addition to the previous rule, it included auto clickers(software) and Macros(software) which would result in an advantage(higher cps).

The new rule just specifically states that double clicking in general is now banable (WHICH IT SHOULD BE)
Abusing your mouse and clicking it in SPECIFIC ways is what causes double clicks, not the mouse itself. Normal clicking(without lifting your finger off the button, just release the pressure) does not double click, even on “double clicking mice”.
Butterfly clicking is an abusive way of clicking, so is Drag Clicking. Both of which use doubles to achieve inhuman amounts of CPS, other ways to achieve that CPS require Macros and Autoclickers, but as stated above those are both Software Advantages and would be banable.

SOFTWARE for gaming mice, made BY the company of the gaming mouse - not some third-party hacking client.
My macro was made by the gaming company.
Can I use those?

Again that’s not how I think, I think in the most realistic way, the people without gaming mice. The people who just buy a mouse and use it the correct way(majoriry of players)

They can’t change the debounce slider unless they downloaded a third party software(which now under your terms is cheating) to gain a CPS advantage
It is NOT giving you MORE or LESS clicks. (This is not to be confused with a macro, which is software that multiplies a click after the signal is sent).
Double-clicking is a method of clicking a mouse that registers multiple inputs per one physical input on a mouse.
Kind of contradicts what you said previously but okay.

My macro when I press it too, sends multiple electrical signals from my mouse(because my mouse has a computer chip in it, and does not require a program to run macros, just to turn them on/off)
But it isn’t cheating now.

Also CPS = Clicks Per Second.
If I click once I get 1 cps
If I click once and get 3double clicks I am still clicking 1cps, not 4….

It is cheating either way.

And for me, I can’t change debounce time. How can I double click? Please tell.
Along with the last paragraph, reporting for double-clicking is practically impossible. Unless you have video evidence of the player's debounce slider at a low setting, there is not going to be enough proof to get someone punished. Players can simply argue that they were jitterclicking, or using another clicking method to achieve their CPS. For this reason too, almost everyone in the PvP community doubles.
double clicking itself is bannable. Not changing your debounce time

Now if this was Hive it would make sense, as they require you to play on a minimum 20ms debounce.
But this is cubecraft, all doubles are banable, which are really easy to spot
I explain it well in this video with hit sounds ^

If Cubecraft is really concerned about high CPS, they should take the initiative themselves to add a CPS cap,
I only agree with this out of everything. Because that is the only thing that makes sense
But like he mentioned, they'll only be going against other PC players, who are capable of getting double clicks as well. It balances out IMO.
Incorrect, IBMM does not work all the time
(And that is intentional)

Also not everyone can double click, that is a false narrative. Most people normal click(not lifting a finger off the mouse AKA not MEAT slapping your mouse)
very good statment i agree double clicking should not be banned but i know were cc is coming from because i get 20-25 cps double clicking and 15-18 not double clicking so it might be that cc sees it as an auto clicker. (sry for my spelling)
You are double clicking even with 15-18cps go to arealmecps test and look at the graph 😁

“You can just buy a double clicking mouse to double click. Because everyone is on PC and can double click too”

Yea and everyone of those players have a PC, so we can all install autoclcikers and hacked clients too. And they are free! And I don’t have to spend money on that unlike a mouse! This should not be banable to use mods for killaura!

Please use valid logic for this


Forum Expert
Nov 17, 2019
Butterfly clicking is an abusive way of clicking, so is Drag Clicking. Both of which use doubles to achieve inhuman amounts of CPS, other ways to achieve that CPS require Macros and Autoclickers, but as stated above those are both Software Advantages and would be banable.
So this basically only leaves normal clicking and jitterclicking. If you normal click you get ~6 cps, which is far too low for any decent PvPer. I know you personally jitter 16-18 cps I believe? How is that not different from abusing a mouse? Like I had said in the post, "If we are talking about a normal computer mouse, anything but normal clicking is technically abusing a mouse." For jitterclicking, you are basically abusing muscle spasms or whatever to achieve higher cps. In the same way that not all people can double click, not everyone can forcibly have a seizure on their mouse and achieve a consistent 18 cps. A normal mouse was probably only designed to register about 6 cps anyways right? Who would've thought a block game would inspire players to destroy their mouse.

My macro was made by the gaming company.
Can I use those?
I already spoke about this in the post. Low debounce is not to be confused with macros. (I also know you said this isn't how you think but I just want to input this again)

Low debounce means all the electrical signals are registered, whereas macros multiply the signals after they are registered.

Kind of contradicts what you said previously but okay.

I think you are taking this slightly out of context.

Here I was talking about double clicking -> "Double-clicking is a method of clicking a mouse that registers multiple inputs per one physical input on a mouse."

Here I was talking about debounce modifying -> "It is NOT giving you MORE or LESS clicks."

Once again, the debounce slider is not giving you more or less CPS, it is simply how strict the filter will get rid of the electrical signals that "bounce".

My macro when I press it too, sends multiple electrical signals from my mouse(because my mouse has a computer chip in it, and does not require a program to run macros, just to turn them on/off)
But it isn’t cheating now.
"because my mouse has a computer chip in it" - isn't this an example of a hardware advantage? Rather than putting the registered clicks through software to multiply them, you are multiplying them as you click your mouse?

double clicking itself is bannable. Not changing your debounce time

1.3 - Clicking Methods

The use of autoclickers, macros, mapping your click button to your mouse wheel, dragclicking, using multiple mice, or using a mouse that registers double clicks is not allowed. Also modifying your mouse's click function in any way via software or hardware is considered cheating and will result in a cheating ban.
Yea and everyone of those players have a PC, so we can all install autoclcikers and hacked clients too. And they are free! And I don’t have to spend money on that unlike a mouse! This should not be banable to use mods for killaura!

Please use valid logic for this

I already spoke about this in the post actually. "The double-click phenomenon happens with every gaming mouse switch, this is not something that is only built into highly rare and expensive mice."

It happens with EVERY gaming mouse switch. Meaning this feature comes with the mouse when you buy it, whereas you need to go online and download the third-party hacking software.

So preventing double-clicking is preventing a legitimate side-feature of a product you bought but...

A hacked client's only purpose and goal are to exploit.


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
So this basically only leaves normal clicking and jitterclicking. If you normal click you get ~6 cps, which is far too low for any decent PvPer. I know you personally jitter 16-18 cps I believe? How is that not different from abusing a mouse?
You are using a mouse in a way that it is not meant to be clicked. Rated clicks are rated in a way a normal person would use the mouse. Not slapping a finger from 2 inches away back onto the button. Even if it is a double clicking mouse. And if they were to test it it would be tested a lot likr a jitter cause robot arm go brrrrr and count like bobkabonka.

1.3 - Clicking Methods

The use of autoclickers, macros, mapping your click button to your mouse wheel, dragclicking, using multiple mice, or using a mouse that registers double clicks is not allowed. Also modifying your mouse's click function in any way via software or hardware is considered cheating and will result in a cheating ban.
Okay lets use your same quote with an added highlights

1.3 - Clicking Methods​

The use of autoclickers, macros, mapping your click button to your mouse wheel, dragclicking, using multiple mice, or using a mouse that registers double clicks is not allowed. Also modifying your mouse's click function in any way via software or hardware is considered cheating and will result in a cheating ban.

In the blue just the sentence before.
It happens with EVERY gaming mouse switch. Meaning this feature comes with the mouse when you buy it, whereas you need to go online and download the third-party hacking software.
It’s not a feature nor is it normal. It only happens when the mice are abused in the right way. Normal clicking does not have this occurrence happen.
So preventing double-clicking is preventing a legitimate side-feature of a product you bought but...
it’s not legitimate. You can not decide how much you double click. You can only increase the chances of it happening by buying certain mice.

I will now increase my chances of winning by adding killaura to my client :x
A hacked client's only purpose and goal are to exploit.
slapping your mouse like a wet rag slapping itself across the table is the same thing. If your mouse doubles when you butterfly click just simply normal click the correct way. Or jitter, both are ways that have no to a very low chance of doubles.

Double clicking is intentional mouse abuse. Hacking is intentional abuse against the AC, both are cheats


Moderation Manager
Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
Oct 13, 2016
We have noticed this thread has been shared on Discord servers linked to the OP. Since this "artificially" increases the number of reactions, this suggestion will not be forwarded with 25 agrees.
I will not lock the thread, as I consider it unfair to the community, but it will be evaluated based on opinions and not on a number of agrees.


May 19, 2021
We have noticed this thread has been shared on Discord servers linked to the OP. Since this "artificially" increases the number of reactions, this suggestion will not be forwarded with 25 agrees.
I will not lock the thread, as I consider it unfair to the community, but it will be evaluated based on opinions and not on a number of agrees.
Hello, how is advertising a post "artificially increasing the numbers," No one botted/forced anyone to agree with the post, everyone who did agree with the post did it out of their own free will. I do understand that sharing this thread with a community of pc players does increase the odds of agreeing. But these servers contain mobiles/console players as well.


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands
A lot has been said already, and I can’t really say much on this topic as I don’t have experience with any clicking methods in any way, but I would just like to share something that happened to me in the past.

A couple years ago, I hadn’t really invested in a proper setup and I used a regular office mouse to play games. But after it being used continuously, the mouse broke and unintentionally started registering double clicks. I couldn’t do much about this, seeing as this was quite a while back and I wasn’t able to invest in a proper mouse. You don’t need a gaming mouse to (unintentionally) use double clicks.

On the other hand, playing with a broken mouse is rather odd and many will want to replace it as soon as possible. Not everyone has a proper “gaming” mouse, let alone with extra functions. I’m not sure if this is caused by the mouse itself or some third-party software, but either way I think it’s still rather unfair, even considering my previous example.


Jul 25, 2021
*Please read the entire post before voting, as I will be going over supporting arguments*

We will be talking about the rule:

The use of autoclickers, macros, mapping your click button to your mouse wheel, dragclicking, using multiple mice, or using a mouse that registers double clicks is not allowed. Also modifying your mouse's click function in any way via software or hardware is considered cheating and will result in a cheating ban.
1.3 - Clicking Methods​

What is debounce / double-clicking?

Double-clicking is a method of clicking a mouse that registers multiple inputs per one physical input on a mouse. For example, when you click once, two clicks register in-game rather than one. This is WITHOUT the use of ANY software or macros. How exactly does a double click work? A computer mouse registers a click usually by physical contact. It sends an electrical signal to your computer to register the click. When you click your mouse a certain way though, you can cause a "bouncing effect" where the mouse switches will register more than one electrical signal for a split second after you click your mouse. Some companies have gotten around this phenomenon by implementing a system called the "debounce delay" which will filter out the extra electrical signals. You can change how strict the filter is by modifying the debounce time. The higher it is set to, the more strict the filter.

Players are able to achieve higher CPS through double clicks when they lower the debounce time - reducing the filter's strictness.

The issue

Cubecraft has banned both double-clicking, and debounce modifying. This rule wasn't always around, until ~2 years ago when a player who goes by the name of STASI was suddenly banned for a month because they used "illegal modifications" by changing their debounce time.

Originally, this rule made sense, as Cubecraft had to consider other devices playing on the network (this was before input-based matchmaking), and they didn't want to allow PC players the advantage of using a special mouse feature - which mobile and console players cannot use. Now though, Cubecraft has input-based matchmaking. Players with a computer mouse go against other players with computer mice.

Most argue that "Changing your debounce is essentially using software to achieve higher CPS". This is true that you must use software to change debounce time, but you aren't using "cheating software" that is deliberately designed to exploit. The debounce slider is a feature in ALL SOFTWARE for gaming mice, made BY the company of the gaming mouse - not some third-party hacking client.

I would also like to take a moment to stop and really think about what debounce modifying really is. It is a FILTER to PREVENT clicks from occurring - not a slider to give you MORE clicks. Having your debounce slider at a high-strict setting is more of a handicap rather than a "normal occurrence". The filter itself is stopping legitimate electrical signals from being processed. It is NOT giving you MORE or LESS clicks. (This is not to be confused with a macro, which is software that multiplies a click after the signal is sent).

This argument is slightly weaker than the others, but I would still like to mention it. Nobody in the PvP/scrim community follows the debounce rule. Even new players that join Cubecraft for the first time will most likely have their debounce filter on a low setting. This happened recently with a YouTuber by the name of MontclairBear (147k subs) who uploaded a Cubecraft video for the first time a few days ago. The entire video is about him tellybridging/godbridging on Java 1.18 (godbridging requires a clicking method called dragclicking, which is only possible via a low-passive debounce filter). Unfortunately, I heard he is now banned from Java Cubecraft. Why did he use a low-passive debounce filter in his video in the first place? Because apart from Cubecraft, almost no other big PvP server restricts you from lowering your debounce. Hypixel for example allows debounce modification. Cubecraft is one of the only big PvP servers that prohibit low/passive debounce filtering.

Along with the last paragraph, reporting for double-clicking is practically impossible. Unless you have video evidence of the player's debounce slider at a low setting, there is not going to be enough proof to get someone punished. Players can simply argue that they were jitterclicking, or using another clicking method to achieve their CPS. For this reason too, almost everyone in the PvP community doubles.

Another argument I want to bring is that of "using hardware to give yourself an unfair advantage". If this really means what I think, then this can be generalized to "players are not allowed to use gaming mice on Cubecraft". The double-click phenomenon happens with every gaming mouse switch, this is not something that is only built into highly rare and expensive mice.

For my final argument, I want to go over "double-clicking is abusing your mouse's hardware to give yourself an advantage". Ok. So how is this any different from jitterclicking? If we are talking about a normal computer mouse, anything but normal clicking is technically abusing a mouse. There really is no difference whether you are jittering 18 cps or double-clicking 20 cps. It is all abusing your mouse to achieve more clicks per second in a block video game.

The solution

If Cubecraft is really concerned about high CPS, they should take the initiative themselves to add a CPS cap, not force each player to change a setting on their mouse's official software to filter out more CPS just to play on one server.

Thank you for reading if you've made it this far. Please try to keep an open mind about what I've said, and react to this post. This is also a slightly-heated topic, so, please do not start anything unnecessary.

One of the main arguments against double clicking is that only certain mice can do it but the people that say that are 99% pimped out with some really expensive Logitech mouse when glorious is cheaper Lmao!


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
Coming back from the dead just to say how completely ridiculous this is.
Allowing double clicking and de bounce modifiers does not balance the game at all for PC players, rather makes it based on what hardware you have.

Someone with a mouse that cannot double click has no chance against someone with a mouse that can do so, you have to remember that double clicking is not an intended feature of a mouse rather a result of hardware abuse.

At this point you might aswell allow fire key which allows double clicks to happen on all computer mice. Heck why don't we just allow macros in general so everyone with whatever hardware can acheive high CPS...See how completely ridiculous this is?

The rule as it stands is perfectly fine. Implementing this would just make the game less fun for anyone, just because there is input based matchmaking does not mean it will always put you with players of the same hardware, as cubecraft need to sometimes sacrifice this rule to be able to fill games.

Completely ridiculous to even suggest this.


Quality Assurance
Team CubeCraft
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Oct 17, 2016
We have noticed this thread has been shared on Discord servers linked to the OP. Since this "artificially" increases the number of reactions, this suggestion will not be forwarded with 25 agrees.
I will not lock the thread, as I consider it unfair to the community, but it will be evaluated based on opinions and not on a number of agrees.
Does this not happen with most suggestions? They're all spammed in every single discord people are in
Besides, everyone that agrees is a real player


Forum Expert
Nov 17, 2019
We have noticed this thread has been shared on Discord servers linked to the OP. Since this "artificially" increases the number of reactions, this suggestion will not be forwarded with 25 agrees.
I will not lock the thread, as I consider it unfair to the community, but it will be evaluated based on opinions and not on a number of agrees.
Yes, I shared it among discords, but I never forcibly said “agree with this suggestion”. I left it up to the readers to decide whether they wanted to vote agree or disagree on this suggestion. (In no discord or other place did I say “AGREE WITH THIS SUGGESTION”). I don’t see how advertising a post is considered unfair.

Proof I never forced people to vote yes:
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