Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Do you think that Tower Defence is balanced?

  • Yes completely

  • Yes but not through-out the whole game (Explain)

  • Sometimes (Explain)

  • 100% no! (Please explain your reasons)

Results are only viewable after voting.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2017
The Netherlands
I have issue with all of these statements.
1. Ranked players are to be trusted. Why would a ranked player pay money if just to abuse it and get it removed, or even be banned? It would be rare if not never seen for a ranked player to abuse, even more so considering they aren't just little kids, as they would likely not have parental permission. Also it is pretty obvious when they are trolling
2. Why would anyone have a strategy to waste tiles by placing towers on multiple squares? In my opinion any person trying to do this is trolling, as it benefits nobody. And as for glitches, I doubt there will be any, even if there are, they will be bugtested to a maximum, and then after it is released to the public, people will be quick to report any bugs.
3. I somewhat agree with your explanation, however I feel like what you are describing is teamwork, and that is what tower defence is about. It could make for more interesting strategies for those who don't have too many points when they got into tower defence, and anyway most people will get it pretty quickly as people want things for themselves.
trust me, i've seen quite a few ranks who broke rules "because we can". im not saying all of them are like this, but you cant give ranks full power of a game like that. what if they want friends only? they could just kick you from the game. some people do use placing 5x5 towers on 3x3 spots as strategy (even tho i think this is awful and really annoying, still report worthy). when it comes to forcing towers on a different spot, it actually can break strategies of people who want to place them in a specific way. for example a combination of zues on the back and archer in the front, but because of the specific placement the game forces, there might be a completely different tower and maybe even placed by another troll. the problem with point 3 is that buying stuff will become POINTless (yes that was a pun, sorry x3).


Sep 9, 2020

Hey everyone!

It's about time that Tower Defence started to get an update. As most of you may know, Tower Defence does not need a lot of content added to make an update great. For this next Tower Defence update, our aim is for re-balancing towers, mobs and adding Quality of Life to the game. If you have suggestions for any of the following topics, reply to the thread:
  • Re-balancing/changing towers.
  • Re-balancing/changing mobs.
  • Quality of life features (Things that make the game easily and nicer to play).
  • Other general improvements.
  • Features which are desperately needed (Things to avoid the game from being ruined).
  • Map layout/design improvements.

So what are you waiting for? Suggest your heart out in the comments below, as we want to read your suggestions. Please note that we might not be able to reply to all of them. Suggestions need to be reasonable, possible and fair for all players of Tower Defence, and must keep the game balanced. Suggestions such as "Make the giant cost 1000 coins", is an example of a bad, unbalanced and unreasonable suggestion. If someone makes a suggestion that you're not in agreement with, reply to them and talk it out, don't argue, this thread is for suggestions and discussions.

If you have voted on the poll on this thread, please don't forget to explain why you voted that option. There's no reason to vote "100% no!" and not explain to us why the game is like that. If you want Tower Defence to be great, communicate your opinions and suggestions with us! :D (If you vote and don't explain, there's a chance your vote won't count).

Thanks for reading! :)
Everyone from the CubeCraft Team.

I'll give some suggestions

here's what needs to be buffed since it is never used

-poison towers
-turret towers
-giants (slimes are better and cheaper)

I never see these troops, they need a buff so people will use them.

Here's what needs a nerf.
-skeletons (lvl 4 is too op)
-pigmen (pigmen are way too cheap)
-necromancer tower

these rule the meta


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2017
The Netherlands
I'll give some suggestions

here's what needs to be buffed since it is never used

-poison towers
-turret towers
-giants (slimes are better and cheaper)

I never see these troops, they need a buff so people will use them.

Here's what needs a nerf.
-skeletons (lvl 4 is too op)
-pigmen (pigmen are way too cheap)
-necromancer tower

these rule the meta
turret is actually quite popular, some people dislike it because of the price tho. i'd say it should be slightly cheaper


Dedicated Member
Aug 23, 2016
The Shattered Plains
Copy and pasted my comment from another thread for visibility, in case Cubecraft's team still intends to do something with this gamemode.
  • New troops and towers. This game desperately needs some new content.

  • Prestige towers. Most people that play this game seriously pretty much have all their towers unlocked. Give us something new to do with those towers. Maybe we need [amount] of archer kills to be able to prestige our archer tower. This would add an extra little bonus to the tower. Think damage, extra gold for kills, cost reduce, eg. Give a couple tiers. If people can grind for a reason, they keep playing and keep a game active.

    - Before anyone says that this would give another team an unfair advantages: the game already does this. You can play against a team that bought all towers to max, while your team hasn't.

  • Optimization. Performance is an issue for the majority of players. Especially when both teams are sending slimes it gets bad fast.

  • Quality of life changes/updates. I won't go into the specifics. This subforum has been hammering down on these much needed changes for ages now.

  • Scale powerups with the game. Getting 23 coins at the end of the game... is useless. Or you pick up a powerup a minute into the game and it sends a very strong attack, which is difficult for the other team to deal with. It's nothing but dumb luck. It should be a welcome bonus, but not anything game changing.

  • Solo mode.

  • And don't be afraid to update this specific gamemode to the latest Minecraft version only.

  • If the gameplay doesn't drastically change with different mobs and towers some maps should be removed or changed. Some are way too big, which makes it nearly impossible to reach the castle when 2 decent teams are playing.

Some quick brainstorming:
  • New category of mobs: defenders. Instead of sending mobs to the other team, you could spawn a couple knights (or mobs) on your own lane. These also could be split up in different categories. One would attack everything that spawns, another would focus on holding the line (freeze the mobs), another one could buff or heal. And that's just with thinking about it for half a minutes.

  • How about some extra gameplay features. Maybe add a mine to all the maps (placed directly between both teams). Every now and then a message will pop up that some gold has spawn. The team that first finds that gold within the mine will all receive a money bonus. Just anything to give the players something to do in between sending mobs and waiting.

  • Team generators. Add a gold multiplier generator to the castle (or any other place on the map). It won't spawn any items, but a team can dump both gold and xp into the generator and for every unlocked tier you would receive a % extra gold for all actions.

  • Ranks/level ups. A lot of times you find yourself playing with new players or seemingly inexperienced players. It could be useful to give people with certain amount of wins a prefix. Not obnoxiously big or noticable, but in a way new players can understand that they are getting advice from someone that knows what they are doing.



Sep 10, 2020
I dont fully agree with this, If you have a coordinated team they can give all the xp to one user and send a really OP mob at the beginning with no chance of counter.

I would say have this ability unlock 5 minutes before armageddon as most sides are mostly established at that time
that sounds reasonable


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2017
The Netherlands
I dont fully agree with this, If you have a coordinated team they can give all the xp to one user and send a really OP mob at the beginning with no chance of counter.

I would say have this ability unlock 5 minutes before armageddon as most sides are mostly established at that time
exactly, most people should have at least slime lvl4 and max mine (double income) at this point, so its not too insane to be able to share


Nov 17, 2019
As an active player of Tower Defense with over 1600 wins and 16 days of in game playtime, I've been able to notice a lot of positive and negative issues that happen. Personally, I think the game is already very well made, surely ahead of it's time, but there are still issues that you can see happening from time to time. The first issue that is a big one for me is miss-placing towers; whether a player is new or someone wants to troll, the act of miss-placing towers can vigorously change the outcome of a game. The saying "you can't have a good offense without a good defense" is literal to this game. I have seen and been on teams where one player manages to cover over 80% of tower placing spots all by placing one tower in the middle of four. If that player does not leave the game, no one besides them can do anything about the problem. My suggestion to fix this is to create a system where no matter what block you place the tower on, it will automatically place in the correct spot of said area. While the idea of not allowing out of place towers is frowned upon in the experience player's mind, doing such a task would make the game better. Personally I enjoy creating unique defenses around placing certain towers out of place, but I am willing to sacrifice my desires in order to make Tower Defense flawless.
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Apr 25, 2020
Fix the powerups and I'm not kidding sometimes people get wither skeletons lvl 5 in their powerups at the start of the game (~1 minute) and its just not fun to see RNG give one team a big favor while the other team gets 205 coins and 67 xp or something like that when they get a powerup.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2017
The Netherlands
Fix the powerups and I'm not kidding sometimes people get wither skeletons lvl 5 in their powerups at the start of the game (~1 minute) and its just not fun to see RNG give one team a big favor while the other team gets 205 coins and 67 xp or something like that when they get a powerup.
sometimes even slime lvl5, which also gives a massive exp boost to the person who got the power up in first place


Sep 9, 2020
Some more suggestions:
use coins to get perks. Like +5% tower damage or +5% mob health. They can be upgraded 5 times to get to +25% at max.

Also make powerups scale.

also, force people to place the tower in the middle of the tower plot, where it's supposed to go. new players always place towers that cover 2 spots. It's dumb.

turret is actually quite popular, some people dislike it because of the price tho. i'd say it should be slightly cheaper
Make it cheaper then. I placed it there because Necro Shulkers do the same job for half the price.


Sep 9, 2020
sometimes even slime lvl5, which also gives a massive exp boost to the person who got the power up in first place
you can tell theres a problem when the 2nd strongest unit is better than the strongest one :/
whatever happened to when defeating a giant was a real challenge? When sending one was a real accomlishment?
Buff the giant. 50% more health and 20% more cost. It needs it.


Dedicated Member
Aug 23, 2016
The Shattered Plains
I'm once again suggestion a solo mode. Just in case there ever is the intention to do something with this game. The game is incredibly frustrating to play with inexperienced teams. Nothing in the game is setup in a way that teamplay is actually encouraged. And if you want to be toxic and teamgrief this is the mode where you need to be.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2017
The Netherlands
I'm once again suggestion a solo mode. Just in case there ever is the intention to do something with this game. The game is incredibly frustrating to play with inexperienced teams. Nothing in the game is setup in a way that teamplay is actually encouraged. And if you want to be toxic and teamgrief this is the mode where you need to be.
personally not too much of a fan of 1v1, but its true that you basically cant win against experienced players. the call in the official cubecraft discord from last friday did bring up a lot of good feedback about griefing and stuff tho!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2017
The Netherlands
I'm starting to dislike the CubeCraft developers because when will they just update Tower Defense already? There was literally a tower vote YEARS ago and the winning tower never got added. What is wrong with these developers?
you're most likely not in the cubecraft discord, are you? if not, heres a link https://discord.gg/cubecraft
there is the channel #Tower-Defence, a while ago there was a meeting about feedback from different players, where a lot of things have been thrown onto the table to make the game better.
when it comes to updating the game, TD is one of, if not the hardest game to update. one small change can change everything, thats why they need to be careful with it. not only that, the developers are busy with all kinds of stuff.
i'd highly recommend to check the tower defence channel in discord and read trough the pinned messages, theres a lot of useful information!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2020
the Woodland Mansion
you're most likely not in the cubecraft discord, are you? if not, heres a link https://discord.gg/cubecraft
there is the channel #Tower-Defence, a while ago there was a meeting about feedback from different players, where a lot of things have been thrown onto the table to make the game better.
when it comes to updating the game, TD is one of, if not the hardest game to update. one small change can change everything, thats why they need to be careful with it. not only that, the developers are busy with all kinds of stuff.
i'd highly recommend to check the tower defence channel in discord and read trough the pinned messages, theres a lot of useful information!
I am actually in the discord, but yeah I’ll take a look at the useful information!
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