Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Do you think that Tower Defence is balanced?

  • Yes completely

  • Yes but not through-out the whole game (Explain)

  • Sometimes (Explain)

  • 100% no! (Please explain your reasons)

Results are only viewable after voting.


Mar 24, 2020
What about making this fancy? Or make the original banner fancy? I would love to see that ^-^

About my vote (Yes but not through-out the whole game)
When double income mode is selected, I feel like the games can take way too long.
Defences are very powerful and both sides can't send enough mobs to destroy them.

I don't play nearly enough tower defence to suggest a change, but that's what bothers me the most.

Another issue is that 75% of my teammates don't understand how they send mobs, and therefor just spam towers everywhere, mostly in the middle of the grid.
Half of these players don't understand English so they don't understand things along the lines of "Could you sell your tower, it's placed wrong".
double income takes long? its usually the shortest mode for me


Mar 24, 2020
Nerf skeletons

Buff silverfish/creepers

Nerf archers

Make it so 3x3 can be only placed in 3x3 areas and that stuff

Nerf skeletons

Add tutorial

Nerf skeletons

Depends on how you play, rushing is easier when it’s selected but placing towers also is easier because of the amount of points everyone has
i just rush skeles and blazes and they lose

I think you said everything that every skilled TD player thinks when that happens, just because it is so true
im not even that skilled, i have been playing since it released, but im not that good

and i 100% agree

another thought is a solo mode, maybe less on the coins per mob kill, but add a solo mode. please.

I didn't read through all the other suggestions that were posted before my suggestions, so it might be possible that I 'steal' suggestions from someone else. If that happens, I'm sorry for that, but I won't delete them, because, after all, we all want a nice Tower Defense update, right?

There are a lot of unbalanced mobs. Some need to be buffed, some need to be nerfed. Here I will explain which mobs need to be buffed/nerfed. (Clarification: Buffing a mob means making a mob stronger, nerfing a mob means making a mob weaker.)
  • The Skeleton needs to be nerfed. The damage it deals to the towers and its speed is okay, but it has too much HP. Right now, when the enemy starts spamming skeletons at the start of the game, there's no way to stop them. Mages? They are invulnerable from level 4. Turrets or AoE potions? Forget about it. TNT and archer towers seem to be the only possible way to stop them. But TNT and archer towers are quite expensive, especially at the start of a game.
  • Buff Creepers. I remember that, when I first started to play the game (just after it was released on this server), creepers were the meta. They had a lot of HP and despite being slow, they could regenerate so their speed wouldn't really matter. But right now, I consider creepers the worst mobs of the game. They are very expensive (300 coins) which makes them pricey to buy at the start of a game. But at the middle/end of a game, they become useless because they don't deliver enough experience to upgrade your goldmines/troops (45-66 exp), and because they don't have enough HP to actually deal damage to the castle. Its speed is fine, but its HP should be buffed just a little and the damage it deals should be multiplied by 1,5. I mean, we're talking about creepers that explode everything that stands in their way, instead of cute little kittens that accidentally scratch you every now and then, right?
  • The Giant should also be buffed. It is extremely expensive and it should be the 'strongest troop', and yes, it has the most HP and deals the most damage, but if you have a decent defense (think about a lot of Sorcerers, some rows of Archers and TNT towers, etc.), this mob will never reach your castle, if not maxed out, which is almost impossible. The giant should be a little faster, it should not have more HP and it should not deal extra damage, but since it's very underpowered for such a high price, it should be buffed in some way. And I thought of a way on how to buff this huge zombie! Every tower should deal less damage to a Giant, so its HP wouldn't be affected, but it would be a lot stronger. The zombies it spawns after its death should also become stronger. Maybe you could add more HP and speed to the zombies so that they aren't completely useless. Conclusion: Endgames take too much time and Giants should be the deciders of the game, and currently, that's certainly not the case.
  • You should also buff the Silverfish. It currently is so weak that nobody uses it. It has no use other than being a small distraction in the beginning of the game. It does not give you a lot of experience (18-22 exp), it only has 180 HP (at level 1) and it deals only 1 damage (at level 1). It isn't fast, since its speed is 1.6, which is an average, normal speed when it comes to the speed of tower defense mobs. Although it is able to fly, this mob is just too weak. Either remove it or buff it, but please don't let it stay the same.

Some towers are fine (in my eyes), but some are a little unbalanced. Here I will mention what needs to be changed.
  • The first path of the Zeus tower needs to be buffed a little. I don't think anyone uses that path because the lightning bolts are just not strong enough. If you name a tower the 'Zeus tower' and make it pretty expensive (1000 coins), people expect it to do awesome things. And if you think of lightning you think about a strong bolt that kills everything on its way to the ground. But currently, the lightning bolts it produces just tickle the mobs they hit.
  • The Ice tower is a little underpowered in my eyes. I think it should slow down and stun the mobs more, because it should actually freeze the mobs. And the ice damage it deals at level 4 should also increase, because although the tower is cheap, it should be a lot stronger.
  • The Archer tower is too strong against every mob. Both of its paths need to be nerfed a little, because full waves of blazes, giants, any troop you could imagine, get taken down. It's just a matter of seconds, even in the endgame. In my opinion, its price is fine but it should be just a little bit weaker.

Other must-haves
  • Although I haven't read every suggestion here, I did read Story's suggestion about people placing towers in the wrong spots, and I personally think his suggestion must be added. It is so annoying that every time when you join a game, someone who doesn't understand the game or a troller is on your team and ruins your game by placing towers in the wrong spots. And in the worst case he or she can't speak English, so warning or correcting them is impossible. I know you can report people for this but preventing something is always better than letting others suffer because of these players. So please make players unable to place 3x3 towers in 5x5 spots.
  • I think we should be able to share experience with our teammates. I oftenly have tons of experience and don't know what to do with it, while others could use to in order to upgrade their mobs or purchase AoE potions. I think the 'old' sharing command (to share coins) should become /share coins {player} {amount} and the 'new' command (to share experience) should be /share experience {player} {amount}.
  • The armageddon modes should be more threatening. The lightning armageddon mode is just completely useless, because the wither mode also destroys towers with its skulls and it even deals damage to the castle. (And it is a great tank) The horde mode is also very weak because it doesn't spawn strong mobs; if you join a game with double income and the horde armageddon, you don't expect to get 2 level 3 Giants against you if the information states that the mode will spawn very strong mobs. So, maybe the horde could stay the same in the normal pricing modes (so without double income), but when double income gets selected, the mobs become stronger, so it would become a real threat to your castle. Conclusion: The wither mode is moderate, the lightning mode needs to be either replaced or buffed, and the horde mode should be buffed a little in the normal pricing games, and it should spawn stronger mobs in the games with double income selected.

I hope you'll do something with my suggestions!
i feel like creepers, silverfish, and giants are dumb and overshadowed by blazes and skeletons, blazes and skeletons, and blazes and skeletons (and slimes) respectively.

I know a lot of people suggested 1V1 Tower Defense, which I'm all for as well, don't get me wrong on that regard, but I would also like to see 2v2, and 4v4, sure some maps might need to be made to match 1V1 and 2V2s, but 4v4 maps I dont believe needs any changes at all, as there is more than 1 reference I can point to where 2 players on my team leave, So it becomes a 4V6 and we still win

only 4v6?
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Mar 30, 2020
I have a few suggestions in order to improve the game.

1. Maybe make a single player mode in which mobs get spawned automatically. The difficulty increases with the time.
2. It would be nice to get back the vote kick. A lot of people purposely place towers wrong and do not remove them, a vote kick would be nice to help balance the game and get rid of these trollers.
3. A new update for 1.15 (and later versions) including:

New towers:
- Bee tower (3x3). This will send Bee's to incoming mobs, level up means more damage
- Atlantistower (3x3): Throws tridents at the enemy, level up means more damage
- Which tower (5x5): lvl 1 & 2, throws potion of weakness at the enemy. lvl 3 - 4 path 1: Summons vex, attacking the enemy. lvl 3 - 5 path 2: Summons warriors protecting the base.

New mobs:
- pillagers: expensive mobs. really quick and they do a lot of damage to the base when they reach it. (cannot be killed by: Zeus, Which)
- Drowned: cheap mobs. (Cannot be killed by: Ice tower, mage tower, Atlantis tower)


Apr 25, 2020
I think 1v1 tower defence would be really good, and should defeinetly be added. it should be the same maps,and same voting,with all same prices
so basicly normal teams tower defence but on your own.personnaly i love when my team leaves i really like playing alone especially in tower defence


Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Mar 18, 2020

Hey everyone!

It's about time that Tower Defence started to get an update. As most of you may know, Tower Defence does not need a lot of content added to make an update great. For this next Tower Defence update, our aim is for re-balancing towers, mobs and adding Quality of Life to the game. If you have suggestions for any of the following topics, reply to the thread:
  • Re-balancing/changing towers.
  • Re-balancing/changing mobs.
  • Quality of life features (Things that make the game easily and nicer to play).
  • Other general improvements.
  • Features which are desperately needed (Things to avoid the game from being ruined).
  • Map layout/design improvements.

So what are you waiting for? Suggest your heart out in the comments below, as we want to read your suggestions. Please note that we might not be able to reply to all of them. Suggestions need to be reasonable, possible and fair for all players of Tower Defence, and must keep the game balanced. Suggestions such as "Make the giant cost 1000 coins", is an example of a bad, unbalanced and unreasonable suggestion. If someone makes a suggestion that you're not in agreement with, reply to them and talk it out, don't argue, this thread is for suggestions and discussions.

If you have voted on the poll on this thread, please don't forget to explain why you voted that option. There's no reason to vote "100% no!" and not explain to us why the game is like that. If you want Tower Defence to be great, communicate your opinions and suggestions with us! :D (If you vote and don't explain, there's a chance your vote won't count).

Thanks for reading! :)
Everyone from the CubeCraft Team.

It has been a long time since a tower has been added,so why not add one or two more?
I am a TD FAN and I would love to see a new tower in game!
My tower ideas are: Think of an Artillery Tower but It explodes enemies at the sky (like blazes.)
A tower that blows the enemies back 6 blocks(like a fan but in a tower shape :D)and the cooldown is around 10 secs.
As I said before I know there is some TD fans that wanted some new towers, so I came up with this idea!
It would be pretty cool if you make this in game!
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Mar 21, 2020
Pls add a video tutorial,the old tutorial was boring and hard to understand at first,a video tutorial could make it less boring and(if it's good) more understandable.

The tutorial could be link to a book in the tower defense NPC menu.

I'm very happy to see threads like this from staff asking for feedback or suggestions.

I dont think anyone cares that your first


Mar 21, 2020
It has been a long time since a tower has been added,so why not add one or two more?
I am a TD FAN and I would love to see a new tower in game!
My tower ideas are: Think of an Artillery Tower but It explodes enemies at the sky (like blazes.)
A tower that blows the enemies back 6 blocks(like a fan but in a tower shape :D)and the cooldown is around 10 secs.
As I said before I know there is some TD fans that wanted some new towers, so I came up with this idea!
It would be pretty cool if you make this in game!
Great idea in my opinion :D
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Apr 25, 2020
It has been a long time since a tower has been added,so why not add one or two more?
I am a TD FAN and I would love to see a new tower in game!
My tower ideas are: Think of an Artillery Tower but It explodes enemies at the sky (like blazes.)
A tower that blows the enemies back 6 blocks(like a fan but in a tower shape :D)and the cooldown is around 10 secs.
As I said before I know there is some TD fans that wanted some new towers, so I came up with this idea!
It would be pretty cool if you make this in game!
Well, adding more towers means more purchases for towers and a lot of players don't have a lot of points that they need to spend not just on tower defence but on other minigames as well. So yes, the idea is good but players might get annoyed.


Dedicated Member
Oct 1, 2016
The Unknown
Make it so 5x5 towers can't be placed on multiple 3x3 spots and 3x3 towers can't be placed on 5x5 spots.
And I thought it would be cool if ther's an option to automaticly send troops after the cooldown. This can speed the game up. So you won't have the problem that your enemys don't send troops constantly or forget to send troops if they're defending their castle against an upcomming wave. This option could be enabled and disabled in your settings in game.


Novice Member
Dec 25, 2016
Moon (´◑ω◐`)
In my opinion Tower Defence is really difficult for new players.
They don't know how to play it, how to place towers properly etc.
Sometimes you play with a team full of 'noobs' while the enemy team is totally advanced.

+ Maybe there can be a lil nerf for the skeletons? There are a lot people that are pushing skeletons in the first minutes of the match.. You can't even have fun playing it because the game ends in first 3-8 minutes..


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
Alfred, New York.
Remove the path block, remove skeletons, stagger tower placements by 1 block in the y direction so its impossible to misplace, remove desert nature barren and hillside (or fix them)...You know, nothing major, just stuff that I have been asking for for almost 5 years now...


Dedicated Member
Aug 23, 2016
The Shattered Plains
- Gating tower paths behind unlockable upgrades is a fun idea on its own, but if you don't allow teammates (in this team game) to be able to upgrade them it's nothing short of annoying.
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Snivy Films

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2016
[Location Unknown]
If this game gets ported to bedrock perhaps there should be mobs that move underground as well?
Ok honestly, regardless if this gets ported over to Bedrock or not, having underground mobs sounds really good, maybe silverfish (as they are pretty much very useless as of time of making this post).

If underground mobs happen, here is some suggestions that I have.
Underground mobs pros:
Cannot be attacked by player weapons
Some sword and bow abilities
Unable to be targeted by the following towers:
Archer Tower
Necromancer Tower lvl 1, lvl 2, and lvl 3 shulker path
Turret Tower
Zeus Tower
Sorcerer Tower
Mage Tower
Leech Tower (Partly)
Poison Tower
Underground mobs cons:
Ice Tower
Artillery Tower
Leech Tower (Partly)
Quake Tower
Low Health
Some sword and bow abilities

Im going to explain my reasoning for what I listed above.

Cannot be attacked by player weapons, for pretty obvious reasons, if mobs are underground, it is pretty hard to wack them with a weapon.

Some sword and bow abilities that won't have an effect is also pretty obvious, something like the shulker bullets from the bow or spikes and fire from the sword won't work, as (how I see it) is that shulker bullets don't go into the ground, and that spikes are embedded into the ground, which can be valtz around as it is just bumping into a not sharp part of the spike, and there isn't a lot of oxygen in the ground, so fire doesn't really work. On the flip side the Freeze and Quake on the sword works really well, and applies damage, and the same thing with the bazooka for the bow, but for the sniper I think it can go into the ground a bit doing damage if it hits a mob.

Most of the towers that won't do anything should mostly be obvious, arrows aren't really effective for mining for stuff. Iron Golems and shulker bullets from the necromancer can't do much, but if it is the snow man path, it can slow down and damage underground mobs due to the freezing nature. Sorcerer and Mage towers aren't viable in my opinion, as lightning from Zeus shouldn't be effective on the underground stuff, and the animals from the sorcerer towers have the same reason from necromancer iron golem deal. As I said before with the flame ability, mage towers can't ignite mobs underground due to the lack of air. The last thing is Leech Tower, but as I said, only partly, I dont believe the laser to charge up the tower can lock on, but when it sends the giant laser down the map should do damage against underground mobs. Artillery Towers uses explosives to do damage, which I believe should do damage against the ground troops, as it should "destroy" the ground (it doesn't actually destroy the ground on the map). Quake towers uses earth quakes to apply damage and stun, should be pretty obvious why it should do damage. Ice tower should not only slow down underground mobs, but also applies damage, regardless if it is lvl 4 or not (lvl 4 does damage).

The last thing I want to talk about is potions (AKA pots). Both of the offensive pots (regen and speed) should still work, and half of the defensive pots should work, as the slowness one should be obvious, its the same as Ice Tower, but doesn't apply damage, and lava pots replaces the ground to lava for a bit of time. Meteor pots should slightly work, with reduced damage but not completely immune, and for Zeus pots just doesn't work because lightning stops when it hits ground.

That should be all, sorry for the wall of text, but this should give my complete opinion on underground mobs. Just a thought though, of course feel free to provide your opinion about what I said, if you agree or not, and if you dont, I would love to hear why (if you aren't rude about it)
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